How Do You Start Your Day in Your Chiropractic Healthcare Practice?

bright yellow sunrise with a green grassy field

Morning Case Management Meetings

Does your day get off on the right foot, each and every day?

Are you and your team fully prepared when the patients start coming through the door?

Importance of Discipline

Arriving early and conducting Case Management meetings demonstrates discipline, which is crucial for business success. As Jim Collins states, “Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice and discipline”.

Starting your day in a chiropractic healthcare practice with a morning case management meeting can significantly improve patient care, increase efficiency, and foster team cohesion. Here’s a summary of how to implement this practice:

Morning Case Management Meeting

The meeting should be brief, lasting about 10 minutes, and involve the entire team. Key components include:

1. Assign a Case Manager: Usually the Front Desk Coordinator, responsible for organizing and leading the meeting.

2. Review Appointments: Distribute the day’s appointment sheet to all team members.

3. Discuss Patient Goals: Go through selected patients, addressing:

– New injuries or concerns
– Scheduled progress exams or x-rays
– Patients transitioning to maintenance/wellness care
– Upcoming events like Patient Appreciation Day

4. Optional Office Review: Briefly discuss monthly numbers, marketing plans, and set goals.

5. Team Check-in: Ensure everyone is prepared for the day and maintain a positive atmosphere.

Benefits of Morning Meetings

– Enhances patient care quality
– Increases patient volume and referrals
– Improves organization and communication
– Sets a positive tone for the day

By implementing this morning routine, chiropractic practices can ensure they’re prepared to provide world-class care and maintain a goal-driven approach to their practice.

Stay Goal Driven


To read the full article and download the Sample Checklist go [HERE]

The Patient Handoff

doctor and two women introductions.

Improving your patient’s experience.

There are subtle and brief moments in your practice when you and your team can earn or lose your patient’s trust. It can make the difference between your patient agreeing to your care program or finding a reason to delay the decision.

Excuses can be easy to dream up. There are hundreds of reasons why someone can’t, or won’t, agree to a care plan or follow through with their care. But the reasons presented may not be the actual ones.

Surveys show that customers cease their relationship with a business when they experience an attitude of indifference on the part of the employee or business. People hate to be ignored.

You know this, so you ensure you and your team communicate well with patients at the front desk and during the report of findings and case presentation. These are obvious communication events.

But just as important, but not always as obvious, is the communication that occurs when the patient is transferred from one staff member to another.

This is called the Patient Handoff.

For example, the doctor has spent time reviewing the exam and imaging findings with the patient and correlated them with their history. The doctor explains the health issues and the care plan to the patient. The patient nods in agreement. With other patients now waiting to be seen and the doctor feeling rushed, the doctor may leave the patient and ask another staff member to schedule the patient for care and to work out their finances.
It would take another 3-5 minutes for the doctor to introduce the patient to another staff member and relay the key information to them in front of the patient. It would be minutes well spent.

“Hi Betty (Patient Accounts Specialist). This is Sam. He works out at the same gym as I do over at Acme Fitness. He wants to keep up with his workouts so I have worked up a treatment plan to help him recover from low back injuries. I’ve included the info in the back (hands written report to Betty). Could you schedule him for his appointments and discuss his payment options?”

“Sam, any questions or comments?”


“Ok, great. I look forward to working with you here at the clinic and also at the gym. See you soon.”

After the report of findings is a handoff event that can be too easily cut short or skipped altogether. Another handoff I have often witnessed omitted entirely is introducing the new patient to their therapy and rehab services.

We are all in a hurry, but these patient care transition points hugely impact how your patient experiences you and your clinic.

In sum, patient handoffs help with the following:

  1. The continuity of care ensures that the patient receives consistent and appropriate care throughout their treatment plan.
  2. Minimizing misunderstandings or errors in their care.
  3. Improving your patient’s satisfaction and trust in you and your clinic.

Take time to do thorough patient handoffs, and you will see retention improve, referrals increase, and happier patients.

Working towards a healthier future,


In Praise of Geekiness

Are you a chiropractic geek?

Are you a health geek?

Here is Merriam Webster: Geek: “…a person with a high level of knowledge or skill in a field…” “an enthusiast or expert especially in a technological field… [The word geek has] seen increasing use with positive connotations, showing membership in a specialized group (film geek, beer geek) rather than social awkwardness.”

I like the word geek because it indicates someone who specializes in a field and is so engaged that they are not especially concerned with keeping up with what is accepted conventionally. In other words, they are a bit of a rebel.

Steve Jobs, for example, was a geek. A core value of Apple was a “power to the people” idea, that anyone could have a personal computer, not just the big corporations.

Wouldn’t Clarence Gonstead have been a geek? It would be difficult to find many chiropractors who were, or are, as engaged in chiropractic as he was or worked as hard.

I remember years ago when talking with a chiropractor over lunch and all he could talk about was the X,Y,Z axis, something about Euclidean geometry, and bilateral symmetrical function. I was trying to keep up! But there he was, in practice for over twenty years, talking excitedly about the last few patients he had seen. He was a chiropractic geek, for sure.

He also had a million-dollar practice with a very strong practice manager.

Great athletes are geeks in their field, studying and training harder than most. Same with musicians or chefs.

But it is easy to get distracted from your game. Collections, bills, staffing, procedures, marketing, insurance, taxes, and everything that goes along with running a business can cut into your productivity and dilute your concentration on your services.

Don’t let it.

Only the offices that give the highest quality services and deliver the best outcomes will survive, let alone thrive. Organize your administration such that it does not dampen your eagerness to engage with each patient, and continue to study and enhance every detail of your clinical skill.

And as a plug, this is why I wrote the Goal Driven Business – to help doctors be doctors, unfettered by administration, and free to express their skills and interests in their profession.

Organize your office so that you can focus on the science, art, and philosophy of your profession. Do so that you can look at chiropractic and its results newly each day, as if you just discovered its powerful potential to help people become healthier. Go deep on every level and rediscover your profession again, for the first time.

Be a geek.

Goal Driven to seize the future,


Are You Ready For Flu Season?

Are ready for flu season?

Big Pharma is.

If you haven’t seen the ads yet, you will soon. And so will your patients and potential patients.

It’s just business. “The global influenza vaccine market size was valued at USD 7.02 billion in 2021. The market is projected to grow from USD 7.54 billion in 2022 to USD 13.58 billion by 2029.” (Market Research Report, Fortune Business Insights, Sept 2022)

So, what does this have to do with practice and business development?

Your Unique Selling Proposition

In a practical sense, you are the uncola of the cola healthcare world.

You are health doctors – not disease doctors or drug doctors. However you want to frame it, you can define what you do as different than the pharmaceutical alternatives in such a way that you stand out from the crowd.

Remember, it is not necessarily what you do that counts. It’s what you stand for.

You stand for natural health. As Simon Sinek reminds us, “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.”

Better Service and Better Health

In my book, the Goal Driven Business, I reference how consumers want more information about their services and products. Especially in this age of abundant and ready information. Patient education is not a chore, it is a service that, if it is well presented, patients appreciate.

But even more, you know about the immune system and what improves it. But natural approaches to boosting the immune system are not emphasized by the medical “information” that is promoted and posted. But you know better: adjustments, exercise, vitamin D, C, and all the rest. Acupuncture too!

It does take a little more time to educate your patients and community. But think of it as a clinical service that makes you unique and special. Think of it also as a marketing expense.

Pride and Purpose

There might be another reason to educate your community on natural approaches to viruses, one that is more personal.

You might feel that your patients and neighbors are being misled and that vital information is being kept from them. You may want to right this wrong!

And lest anyone tries to reframe you as unscientific, the leading cause of death is errors in medicine.(2)

So… the Flu Season is on its way. Go for it!

Enter the race and position yourself and your team as the good guys, the Natural Health Clinic that gets results. And by the way, don’t overlook that you all need to practice what you preach!

There is a very large portion of the population that is seeking a more natural lifestyle. Google search terms show strong interest in natural remedies. You will appeal to them — they are just looking for a health-oriented team to help them maintain and improve their healthy lifestyle.

Seize Your Future,


Links to the above references and others on the blog, here:

Learn how to create a Goal Driven practice that is more profitable and fun – get The Goal Driven Business

Health Screenings in 2022

This past weekend, outside our local grocery store, the Village (what they call a suburban town out here) closed off the main street and had an art fair. So I took a few minutes to look around before I headed home with my organic veggies!

There were maybe 30-40 10×10 tents with various artists displaying their works. The day was hot, and I was in a hurry. Suddenly, I stopped when I saw an old familiar sight, one that I hadn’t seen for a few years. There it was-a chiropractic health screening booth.

That’s right… s c r e e n I n g s!

The signs said, “Spinal Health Screening” with the name of the corporate chiropractic company which now has offices in a few states in the Midwest and in WA, according to their website.

Now, for the most part, I like screenings and, if done right, recommend them. I would not be overstating the fact that we have personally participated in hundreds of screenings in hundreds of venues over the years. (I still have a couple of PVC Posture Analyzers in my garage.) We have personally trained well over 50 “Screening Technicians” and hundreds more in seminars and via our marketing manuals. We used screenings when we opened up our 24 offices here in Wisconsin.

Now that people are less in fear of being murdered by one another for carrying the COVID, outdoor events are resurfacing.

Here is a short list of benefits of screenings:

  1. Generate new patients.
  2. Reactivate former patients.
  3. Create new external referrals sources
  4. Create goodwill and good publicity. (We won an award for our booth at a county fair once which was pictured in the local paper.)
  5. Meet people in your community.

Here are 5 essential ingredients to help you achieve these benefits:

  1. Friendly. Whoever is in the booth should be friendly, casual, and having fun. Therefore,
  2. Short shifts. It should not be an endurance contest—a few hours at most. Get in, greet people, talk with them, screen the interested few, and get out.
  3. Training and positive experience. If you have a non-doctor in the booth, for Pete’s sake, train them. Ideally, they could be a staff member who already knows the excellent outcomes you produce and can easily recommend you.
  4. Be interested in people. Are they in pain? Have they seen a chiropractor, acupuncturist, P.T., M.D. for their issue? Where do they work? What do they think of the Milwaukee Brewers Baseball club’s chances this season?
  5. Unserious. As B.J. Palmer said in Rule #9, “Don’t take yourself too damn seriously.” (to get a copy of Rule #9)

Get out there with your people… they need you!


PS BY the way, just curious… please reply if you would like a short webinar on what we have seen works best for screenings.

Which is Better for You: Direct Marketing or Indirect Marketing?

Last week I sent an email with a link to Ode to Joy.

Ode to Joy is from Beethoven’s 4th movement of his 9th symphony, considered one of the top three symphonies ever created.

It was a short 5-minute rendition. It is beautiful and evocative – listen to it again. (Link below.) Plus, its performance was a masterpiece.

But it was actually an ad.

It was a brilliant advertisement for a Spanish Bank. It was promoting Sabadell Bank’s 130th year anniversary in 2012. According to one website, it has had 90 million views since 2012, while another posted in 2015 has received over 18 million views.

That is a lot of exposure. But does it generate new business?

This type of advertising is called brand marketing, or what I call indirect marketing. It is the opposite of direct marketing. Direct marketing, also called direct response marketing, tries to generate an immediate response. Knowing the differences will help you manage your marketing and make it more effective for your particular situation.

Direct Marketing

The goal of direct response marketing is to generate qualified prospects that respond to an offer. When you receive a card in the mail that promotes a free dinner about retirement funds, the company that sent you that mailer hopes you reply and attend the dinner and accompanying talk. At the dinner, a speaker gives a presentation with the hope of scheduling you for a private consultation later that week. When you see an ad on Facebook for a free manual, the advertisers intend that you respond and order their manual. The distinguishing characteristic of direct marketing is numbers – you can quantify the results of your marketing efforts.

Indirect Marketing

The goal for indirect, or brand marketing, is for the name of your business to be well known and well thought of. When you volunteer at the local food bank, co-sponsor a kid’s little league team, or simply provide excellent customer service, these are all examples of indirect marketing. The results of indirect marketing are difficult to identify immediately.

Until you are in Stage 4 in the growth of your business (about 75% or more full capacity), most of your marketing efforts should be direct marketing. Indirect marketing supports direct marketing, but even if your entire town knew about your business and thought highly of it, there is no guarantee that anyone would come to see you as a customer.

Handing out your business card to someone would be an example of indirect, personal brand building. However, handing out your business card with a handwritten note on the back that said something like “N/C screening in May for Joe M. Dr. EP” might be an example of a direct response marketing.

Marketing Mix – Direct, Indirect, and Internal, External

Another factor to consider in managing your marketing is how much should be directed externally – to non-patients and customers and how much should be directed internally to your existing and former patients and customers.

It has been my experience that too few practices are industrious enough with marketing to and communicating with their existing and former patients.

Below is a chart that gives approximate percentages of how to balance your direct and indirect marketing for your practice. I have divided the development of a business arbitrarily into 5 Stages. Figure each Stage to be about 20% your full capacity.

Telling your story and the successes of your services should never end, regardless of how successful you are. Change your marketing strategies depending at what Stage of development your business is in — but keep marketing.

Carpe Posterum (Seize the Future),


Ode To Joy

Key Updates and Workarounds For the New ICD-10 Codes That Impact Your Office.

icd-10, key updates for 2022Dear Chiropractors and Staff:

Are you having issues with not getting reimbursed due to the new ICD-10 codes and the deleted low back code? Having difficulty getting reimbursed from Humana and BCBS due to precertification requirements and other crazy denial codes?

Please read below where I provide you three key updates to the ICD-10 Codes and some workarounds that are of interest to your revenue cycle.

UPDATES: ICD-10 code Changes relevant to chiropractic

1. Deleted code: M54.5 low back pain.

2. NEW codes to replace the above deleted code include:
• M54.50 Low back pain, unspecified
• M54.51 Vertebrogenic low back pain
• M54.59 Other low back pain

3. Other Chiropractic-Relevant New codes added:
• M45.A0: Non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis of unspecified sites in spine
• M45.A1 : Non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis of occipito-atlanto-axial region
• M45.A2 : Non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis of cervical region
• M45.A3 : Non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis of cervicothoracic region
• M45.A4 : Non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis of thoracic region
• M45.A5 : Non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis of thoracolumbar region
• M45.A6 : Non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis of lumbar region
• M45.A7 : Non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis of lumbosacral region
• M45.A8 : Non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis of sacral and sacrococcygeal region
• M45.AB : Non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis of multiple sites in spine

NEW Cough codes:
• R05.1:Acute cough
• R05.2: Subacute cough
• R05.3: Chronic cough
• R05.4: Cough syncope
• R05.8: Other specified cough
• R05.9: Cough, unspecified

If you have claims to send (hopefully only a few) with DOS prior to October 1, with low back pain diagnoses, what should you do to ensure they do not reject by the clearinghouse and payer for adjudication? Your clearinghouse should, by now, be updated to include accepting claims with the old M54.5 code IF the DOS is prior to 10/1/2021. The commercial payer claims adjudication systems should also be updated now to accept claims prior to 10/1/2021 DOS if you billed with the old M54.5 code. Please make sure to get any outstanding claims with DOS prior to 10/1 submitted as soon as possible, if you have not already. If you only have a few claims going to commercial, you also have the option of sending these on paper instead of through your clearinghouse. Do not do both.

State Medicaid programs and Medicare will still require the use of the M99 codes for billing, so continue using those codes for these claims.

HUMANA is requiring pre-authorizations on all chiropractic therapy codes. The latest news is that starting in January, there will now be three entities that will be doing the pre-authorizations. a. Optum, b. Humana itself, or c. A new vendor, Cohere Health. Humana has advised us that the entity will be selected based on the patient’s policy.

When you verify a patient’s benefits you will need to make sure to ask:
if preauthorization on your therapy/rehab codes is required on the member’s policy,
which entity will be preauthorizing/reviewing,
and the process to follow when requesting services requiring preauthorization.

Not getting paid by BCBS, with crazy denial codes? No one at BCBS to help? You’re not alone. Offices across the country are experiencing this. So what can you do at this point? First, do a claims audit on your BCBS claims. Do you have the GP modifier attached? Is preauthorization on therapies required on the patient’s plan using AIM Specialty Health?

Your other option is to ask the patient to call into BCBS and advise that claims are being denied even though they have been billed out correctly. We do have scripting available to help your patients with the communication. Click here and request more information.

Questions? We’re here to help!

Lisa Barnett
PH: 920-459-8500

“Increasing your collections through better billing and documentation”

What Do You Think of When The Phone Rings?

This New Year has reminded us of a powerful fundamental principle in practice management and marketing.

It started with an office out West. 2020 was a bad year for them. There was COVID, of course, but there had also been repeated staff turnover and other issues. A once busy office in an upscale mall, it had seen better days. The doctor, staff, and I just could not find a way to get the office going like it once was. New patients had decreased to a trickle. We tried one thing and then another – nothing worked. With little fanfare, sometime in late fall, the lead doctor finally resolved a long-term personal challenge that had been haunting him for years. Not much seem to change in the office, but when I got the numbers for January and plotted them, they were literally off the chart. Somehow, doing nothing really that different, the office saw its highest number of new patients since it began, over 20 years ago.

Just last week, we had another reminder. Over in another part of the country, an office had been struggling with some recent procedural changes, and December and January (last month) saw its lowest new patient numbers in years. Ordinarily a high volume two doctor office, the first week of February wasn’t looking any better. We got together on a conference call to sort things out. Then, the team got together for a comprehensive meeting with doctors and staff and worked out confusions and log jams, focused on the mission and its WHY. Just a few days ago, the second week of February, they reported their highest number of new patients in months.

What does this tell us?

A few years back I wrote an article that I think explains this phenomenon.

== == == == == == == == ==

What Do You Think About
When the Phone Rings?

You are sitting there, trying to finish your notes. You hear your phone ring. You are a bit behind. Maybe slightly irritated by an arbitrary denial of an insurance company and you haven’t yet planned out tonight’s evening with the family, spouse, or friend.

The phone rings again.

What are your thoughts? What are your feelings?

Do you kinda wish it wouldn’t ring? Is it a bit of an interruption? Do-you-just-want-to-answer- the – dang-phone-to-stop-the-ringing-so-you-can-get-back-to-your-work?

Essentially, your thought is “Stop.” It is: “Don’t call me.” “Phone, don’t ring, don’t interrupt me!” I am sure this has happened to you – even if ever so slightly or subconsciously.

Now, imagine if your front desk has these thoughts when the phone rings?

To some degree, even the most devoted and hard-working staff can reactively feel put upon by phone calls. Or, in fact, by walk-ins. Or, in fact, by any patient encounter. I have seen this happen on the front desk when the doctor was busy with patients. But remember, this can happen with even the most ethical team member, including you! I have seen doctors do this often. (Extreme examples: “Oh, only two patients coming in on Saturday, go ahead reschedule them. It is MY office, and I can do what I want.”)

Our thoughts can and do determine our behavior and affect how we treat others. Our environment mirrors our thoughts.

Going back to your front desk, realize that the staff on the front desk have tremendous control over the office, nearly as much as the doctor does. The front desk can be a magnet for your patients and attract or repel them.

When the phone rings, you want your front desk, and all staff, including yourself, thinking “YES.” “Call me. Phone – ring now!” “I can hardly wait to talk to this person and see how they are. I am interested in them and how they are doing. I want to help get them to come in for care — and their family too.” “They must be really really cool and nice if they are calling us.” “I WANT to know more about them.” “I am grateful for their call and appreciate the effort they made in calling us.”

These are good thoughts. These are positive thoughts that can help bring in more patients.

You can practice this with your staff at a team meeting.

For example, someone acts as the prospective patient calling. The person acting as the front desk assistant should answer the phone with the attitude of really not wanting to talk to the person. Act it up. This can be funny. Try it a few times.

Then, do the same rehearsal with the front desk assistant positively anticipating the phone call, wanting the phone to ring, and then eagerly answering and talking to the prospective patient.

Keep the role-playing brief. You can and should do it again. It should be fun and act as a reminder to one and all that we should want to meet new people, talk to existing patients, and look forward to phone calls. We can always dismiss the occasional telemarketer or wrong number.
This can also be rehearsed in other types of patient encounters, from taking the new patient back to the exam room, sitting down to do a financial consultation, or checking a patient out and collecting their payments.

And speaking of how our environment does mirror us, here is a little trick you can use. Get a real mirror, about 4 inches by 4 inches, and put it at the front desk counter so that the team member can see it. You can write something on it like: “Are My Teeth Showing?” “Am I Smiling?” And staff, you can also put one of these in your doctor’s office on any day that he is feeling grumpy. It applies to us all.

So, the next time the phone rings, smile. Be interested and curious in who is taking the time to call. Make your thoughts happy so they help create an office that is brilliant, colorful, and full of happy patients.


Yearly Goals…Be a Homesteader

Practice and Business Goals Petty Michel

Sometime back in the late 1800’s, my great great grandfather homesteaded land in Oregon. The way I understand it, he found a plot of land he liked in the southern part of the state. This was his goal. He and his wife then settled on it.

You too can be a homesteader.

You have a chance to stake out your own plot in 2019. You can define where you want to be in the future… and then work it so that it is yours. And if you don’t, well, you will still be somewhere, just not where you want to be.

Life is this river and it just keeps rolling, and we are on it. We are not leaves floating rudderless. We have some choice about where we want to be 12 months from now. We can set a course and navigate and sail or row or jump out and paddle ourselves to where we want to be.

This is why we set goals and a course of action. We don’t want to wind up broken and dead on the rocks, or stuck idle in a rancid stinky lagoon that goes nowhere!

But when you do set goals for your business, or even for your career, they are often too lop-sided. They are not holistic. You might say that they are symptomatic. We may only shoot for the amount of money we want to make. This isn’t bad, it just isn’t enough. It is too superficial.

If you want to make more money, you have to see more people. If you want to see more people, you have to take better care of them. To do so, you have to improve your services. To do this, you have to improve your expertise and the expertise of others who see your patients. Lastly, you can’t be an old grouch, unhappy with a poorly managed personal life.

You are in the business of improvement! To improve people, you also have to improve your business. To improve your business, you have to improve the professional skill of each member of the business. Lastly, each member of the team has to work on self-improvement.

Make these into your goals.

DRIVE each other to achieve these goals.


IF this is done, how could you – or anyone lose? Everyone wins.

So, to keep it simple, see the attached worksheet. Set your goals for each area, and every three months, ESCAPE to a place where there is no interruption, your “laboratory,” to confront how you did and make any necessary adjustments to your plans and continue your journey to your yearly goals.

Yearly Goals Worksheet — Link

Set aside 2 or more hours at the beginning of the year and the beginning of each new quarter (3-month period) to review your past and set new goals.

To do this, you must get away. Turn off the phones and remove ALL distractions. You are going to your Goals Laboratory and humbly review the past and boldly make new plans for the future.

You will fall off the rails, so every three months, you will have already scheduled time to review your failings and triumphs and reset. You can now get back on track and re-plan and go forward to the next three-month marker.

Use the worksheet to help you have a Goal Driven year.

Good travels and Bon Voyage.

— Ed

Yearly Goals Worksheet

Special Offer from Phyllis for Parker Dallas 2018

Petty, Michel and Associates has always been a long time promoter of the Parker Seminars.  Many of their systems and beliefs coincide closely with the 3 Goals methodology and are very beneficial for building a strong chiropractic team.

Phyllis Frase-Charrette has been a long time Parker Team Speaker as well as consultant for PM&A. She has an early Bird Special that expires July 31st! Register your CA’s now for Parker Dallas Seminar and have them attend Phyllis’s session. You won’t be disappointed!

Visit Dallas Parker Seminar 2018 Special for more information.

Download the Parker Dallas 2018 Flier for more information or visit Parker Seminar Dallas web-site

Phyllis To Speak at Parker Seminars – Las Vegas

Phyllis has been on the Parker Seminar speaker circuit since before starting with PMA.  She presents a powerful presentation to motivate and inspire doctors and staff alike.

Coming to you from Las Vegas Nevada, February 23-25, 2017, Phyllis will be joining other colleagues in the chiropractic profession to bring a well rounded presentation of new patient procedures, billing and coding, obtaining referrals, handling objections, creating great patient experiences, and much more specifically designed for your Chiropractic Assistants.

Don’t miss out on this amazing lineup of CA Speakers:

  • Kathy Mills Change, MCS-P
  • Phyllis Frase Charrette
  • Becky Walter
  • Heidi Farrell
  • Holly Jensen
  • Brandi MacDonald

For more information or to register visit

or download the flier here: Parker Seminar Flier

Your Most Important Set of Chiropractic Office Procedures

An Introduction to the Practice Development Process of Continuous Improvement

A key difference between a successful and profitable chiropractic business and a roller coaster type practice can be traced back to procedures and systems.

Many practice problems occur because procedures are not established, consistently followed, and regularly improved.   This has been the secret to franchising. Starbucks may offer new products and services now and then, but for the most part, they follow their checklists and manuals of successful procedures.  The local New Age coffee shop down on the corner with the unemployed guitar player usually lasts for about a year before the owner’s savings and inspiration dry up, along with the last cup of coffee.

chiropractic practice playbook

Of all the categories of systems in your office, what would you say would be the most important?

☐Patient Accounts (Billing/Collections) Systems
☐Marketing Systems
☐Front Desk Systems
☐Therapy and Clinical Support Systems
☐ Doctor Systems
☐ Business Systems (Payroll, Financial Planning, Taxes,)
☐ Leadership
☐Office, Practice Management Systems

My guess is that you usually keep most billing procedures in place as… obviously, you need to be paid.  And, you will usually keep most front desk procedures in place. These deal with patients and patients are obviously in the office, or not. And you, of course, follow your clinical procedures.

Your marketing procedures come and go, at least they do in most offices. They are just not consistent. This is why I put together the Marketing Manager System in 2000. The biggest error in most offices with their marketing is that it simply isn’t done consistently.

But the most important category of systems is not so obvious. These are the management procedures and systems.  Why are these most important? Because they keep all the other procedures in place and are continually being improved upon.

Why do you think CEO’s are paid so much money? Because they are in charge of the management of a business and are able to increase its bottom line by the millions.  They have procedures that they follow and insist that others do as well. These procedures all add up to systems.

Over the years, Petty Michel and Associates has been very successful at increasing the revenues of practices. One of the reasons is that we implement what we call the Practice Development Process. It is a monthly system of management that gradually works to objectively improve the business, repetitively over and over.  It integrates into your current systems and does not take that much extra time.  But in the end, it saves you a great deal of time, extra work, and lost revenue.

To learn more about the 3Goals Practice Development Process: 3Goals PDP

The Most Cost Effective Tool You Have to Build Your Chiropractic Practice and Help Your Patients – and you probably are barely using it!

what if I told you copy

 Forget about the roller tables, stretching bands, balance boards, traction devises, taping, decompression, protein powder, vibrating platforms, laser, lipo body sculpting, ultrasound, stim, tens, supplements, orthotics, etc.

Any or all of these may or may not be appropriate for your practice, but they should not be your first choice in providing a modality or ancillary service to your patients.

Think about this: what could you do for your patients, in addition to your adjustments, that would help them improve their health the most?


The more the patient knows about how chiropractic works – and how your services help them – the more motivated they will be in following through with their health care plan.

People don’t know about subluxations just like they really didn’t know about asbestos or cigarettes. It was a while ago but advertising was rampant on television and in print promoting cigarettes. MD’s were often used to legitimize the use of cigarettes.

Today, your patients are also being inundated with propaganda about food, drugs, and basic lifestyle choices that are not healthy, let alone not true. They are told that drugs are safe solutions for headaches, back pain, and other ailments when in many cases they are found to be poisonous. (Vioxx, Accutane, Cylert, Darvon & Darvocet, for example.) Nearly all the food they eat has various toxins, from aspartame in diet food to herbicides that linger (glyphosate, used in “Roundup” and sprayed on your kid’s schools playgrounds).

Educated patients are better equipped to keep to their treatment program and continue improving their health. Isn’t this what you want?

This is your #1 ancillary service.

#1 Marketing Tool
Educated patients are more motivated to refer those they know to you and to help you set up external events. They can become your ambassadors, field representatives and sales force. They know that someone with headaches, low back pain, or other odd symptoms may be helped by chiropractic and your services. They may be able to refer them directly, or you can help them by providing special workshops, special events, and opportunities for external programs at their place of work.

#1 Team Management Tool
All of this also applies to each of your team members as well.

We are all “numbed down” by a conventional lifestyle and a culture that is greatly manufactured by just a few large industries such as Big Pharma and Big Food that use media and government to achieve its ends.

And, frankly, we tend to take what we do for granted. Imagine a patient who had a headache for years and after your care is now pain free and can get a full night’s sleep and her relationships with her family have improved., etc.  Amazing, right?  But for us, pretty routine. We can end up being more concerned about billing her secondary or supplement insurance or keeping her scheduling than in just celebrating with her.

Almost anything you know about health care will be “new news” to your patients and probably many of your staff. Plus, we all tend to forget what we once knew.

What is the big difference with you from when you started chiropractic college and after you graduated (Besides debt) . THE difference was and is that you were motivated. And you were motivated because… you were educated and even more, you were enlightened. You were able to see things in people’s health conditions that you never saw before. And with all this understanding, you were now more motivated.

But in time, awareness can dim and so can motivation. New patients start dropping off, treatment plans get shorter, and the quality of staff performance erodes. The solution is to keep educating patients and team members so that they stay awake and motivated.

In other words, WAKE THE FLOCK UP!

Patient and staff education provide the best ROI of any activity you have. Modalities and extra services have many overlooked costs such as staff time to account and bill for the therapies, extra staff to apply the services, someone to take inventory of the products and to sell them, etc. Patient education is pretty much a no cost proposition. How much does a care class cost? Watching “Doctored” or “Food Inc. ” or “Bought” with your staff and then discussing it afterwards (that is very important), it is much cheaper than flying to Las Vegas.

And if you do it often and effectively, you will be able to afford that next seminar in Hawaii.

As the doctor, you are the CEO, the Chief Evangelizing Officer. I first heard this term from Guy Kawasaki, who was called this when he worked for Apple when the Macintosh was first launched in the early 80’s. Macintosh was trying to win over users from IBM computers to the Apple Macintosh.

You are creating converts to a chiropractic and natural health lifestyle.

Remember that education, both staff, patients, and your own education as well should cover not only what your services do, and how they do it, but WHY you provide these services. In fact, your emotional connection to the reason you do your services communicates the strongest.

1. First, keep yourself aware and amazed at the innate healing power of the body and the great affects your services provide. Provide an hour or two of study for yourself each week. Just like you work IN your office, you have to work ON your office – and that includes yourself.

2.  Let yourself get emotional about what the FLOCK is going on!  Don’t be “correct”, well heeled and a good little domesticated “provider.” It is natural that you become somewhat “riled up” about the injustice that your patients and their family and friends experience in receiving “health care” or at the misinformation “fed” to people about healthy living.

3. Educate your team. Watch a movie with them and then have a discussion period afterwards. (The discussion is very important as it helps get everyone engaged in the process.)

4. Staff Meetings. Go over a case history or two.

5. Patient Care Class. There are many different names for this, but all patients get better, faster, and stay healthier longer if they know more about chiropractic and health. Make it a part of their treatment plan and bribe them with food!

6. Start a Lending Library and position your office as an educational facility.  Even  if you lose a few books or DVD’s each month, it is worth it as your patients will see that you are serious about health and health education. Give each staff member a bonus for a book report presentation at a staff meeting.

There are many ways to educate yourself, your team, and your patients.  Done right, education turns into enlightenment and this will produce a greater return than many other activities you do.

# # #

Join us at EPOC for Dr. Billy DeMoss!

Download the flier Billy D Poster-Aug 2014

Epicenter of Chiropractic “EPOC” of Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin


DeMoss profile


Monday, August. 25, Grand Geneva Resort, Lake Geneva, WI 8 pm

You don’t want to miss this event: Get motivated, inspired, and educated. Bring your entire team!

Billy DeMoss is a chiropractor in the Los Angeles area who founded the largest rock health festival in America called CalJam which is held yearly in Costa Mesa, CA. He also regularly hosts speakers at his busy chiropractic office sponsored by the Dead Chiropractic Society (DC/S), a group he also started.

Billy is an educator and a ferocious advocate for health. Learn more about him at these sites:

Monday, August. 25 at the Grand Geneva in Lake Geneva.

There is limited seating so please RSVP soon. Refreshments served.
Let us know if you will be there and you will be entered in a drawing for a DC/S t-shirt* (two will be drawn.)

Please let us know if you plan to come by RSVP’ing to
Make checks out to “EPOC” and pay at the door.
Doctor $100/ea   Staff $50/ea check

Questions: Call or email Linda. (262) 749-0221

*this offer is not associated with EPOC.  Please RSVP to to participate. Include full names of all participants. 

Download the flier now Billy D Poster-Aug 2014

Sage on the Stage or Guide from the Side: Chiropractic Seminars vs. Coaching – Which is Better?

They both can be expensive, so what service gives the greatest “bang for the buck?”

I go to seminars. I like them. In fact, I hope to see some of you at the WAVE, sponsored by Life West  in San Francisco this weekend (8/1/2014).   (If you are going please contact me by calling the office number below and it will forward to my phone. It would be great to say “hi” in person!)

Seminars provide a good opportunity to get away. B.J. Palmer talks about this, of course, in his Rule Number #9. (1)

Also, by disengaging from your work, you can better re-engage in it when you get back. The science of this is discussed in a book called: The Power of Full Engagement.

Plus, networking. Nothing like meeting new people and hearing how and what they are doing and trading fish stories – even if they are often embellished.  (“Don’t tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don’t tell them where they know the fish.” Attributed to Mark Twain.)

And, they can be entertaining.

Plus, you can learn things. Learning new things that work and unlearning things that don’t work is probably the MOST important skill you can have. And it is getting more important every day. Our world is changing SO fast that in order to keep up, you have to really spend time and money learning.

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” ― Alvin Toffler

However, there are drawbacks.

Seminars: the Sage on the Stage

First, there is the expense of the seminar.  Actually, by comparison, most chiropractic seminars are dirt cheap compared to other seminars that run into the thousands. The expense is in the travel. The hidden expenses add up considerably, especially if you take your staff, which you should now and then.

Then, there is the actual content – the information being imparted.  Much of it is motivational and that is nice.  However, the seminar speaker does not know you. He hasn’t been to your office, your home, talked with your staff or know your family. He hasn’t read your town’s newspaper or seen your patients.  He doesn’t know your situation.  He teaches you a procedure that sounds good in theory and may have even worked in his office 15 years ago, for a while.  He may be entertaining, or coercive.  But, often only 10% of what is taught at a seminar is applicable to you and your office.  And of that, very little gets implemented, and in two months, less than 5% of the seminar may be in operation at your office.   The following is an example that shows how much useful information gets reduced down to actual implementation in most offices.

Actual Value of Seminar (approximate percentages)

  • Motivational (can sometimes be excellent, but is very temporary.)
  • Percent of information verifiably valid:  70%
  • Percent of information comprehensible, heard, or understood: Of the 70%, one half is comprehended, heard, or understood, leaving 35%)
  • Percent of information applicable to your particular city, staff, patient base, your style and personality, etc.: Of that 35%, perhaps 15% isn’t applicable, leaving you with 20%.
  • Percent of information that can be implemented in your office: Of the remaining 20%, perhaps only half can get applied, leaving 10%.
  • Percent of information that gets applied:  In two weeks time, only 5% gets applied.
  • Percent of information that stays in application: After two months, only 1-5% percent of the original information is still applied.
  • If you had spent $2,000 on a seminar program, using the rough example above, you would have wasted all but 5%, or $1,900.

This example is a little harsh, I‘ll admit, but I wanted to make a point. But you know what? Even this small percent may still be worth attending the seminar.

Coaching – The Guide from the Side

Our company grew because doctors did not or could not adequately apply what they heard at the seminars.  Starting out many years ago, I remember seeing doctor’s shelves full of binders, VHS cassettes, and manuals that were barely touched since they were brought home from the seminar.

So, back in the late 1980’s, we came up with our niche and our identity, encapsulated in our tag line:

When Seminars Aren’t Enough sm

Good coaching, helps you and helps your team discover what systems work best for you, and then helps you make them better – over and over until your TEAM becomes expert.

A good coach, like a competent doctor, has the experience to quickly identify what needs to be worked on that can bring about the quickest improvements.  This is what we do.  We have become skilled at spotting the key leverage points (3) in an office and have developed new and effective methods to make the changes necessary for faster improvements.

But, we do this as your guide. We don’t impose a particular patient system into your office.  You are unique and what works for a doctor in Nebraska may not work for the same one in San Diego.  We help you discover what works best for you and help your team get better at supporting you.

A good coach trains, advises, nudges, listens, counsels, teaches, and when possible, even does some of the work.  And is this effective? You sure as hell bet it is! We have been doing this for nearly 30 years and those doctors that have worked with us know this to be true.

But the real reason for coaching is economics: bottom line, baby! Return on Invest. ROI.  Studies show a pay back of 5 to 7 times on your investment. We have certainly seen this occur. (3)

Like chiropractic, good care doesn’t cost, IT PAYS. Health IS wealth.  The same applies to education – and in particular – coaching. It doesn’t cost – it pays.

Seminars? Yes. Coaching? Hell yes!  But books and webinars and mentors as well.  A weekend of reading a book is a great investment.

In the end, you have to constantly study and learn to stay in the game. Success is, now more than ever, dependent upon constant never ending improvement.  You have to do this just to keep up, let alone to get ahead.

And if you don’t – well, your community and patients will be seeking a healthcare office that is.

(1)    Rule #9:  Every man owes it to himself, his people and his service to go away about every so often. The more detail he has, the oftener he should go. The more worries, the more he needs to go. The bigger his work, the longer his vacation should be. – B.J. Palmer

(2)    Leverage Points , also: Eli Goldratt, The Goal


  • Research conducted by MetrixGlobal on coaching at a Fortune 500 company showed that coaching produced a 529% return on investment and significant intangible benefits to the business. Including the financial benefits from employee retention boosted the overall ROI to 788%.
  • A landmark study commissioned by Right Management Consultants found a return-on-investment of dollars spent on executive coaching of nearly 600%. Executives engaged in coaching reported increases in productivity, improvement in relationships with direct reports and colleagues and greater job satisfaction.
  • According to a study by the Manchester Consulting Group, organizational benefits from executive coaching include:

Improved Relationships 77%
Improved Teamwork 67%
Improved Job Satisfaction 61%
Improved Productivity 53%

  • An International Personnel Management Association survey found that productivity increased by 88 percent when coaching was combined with training (compared to a 22 percent increase with training alone).
  • Studies completed by the American Society for Training and Development showed a ROI of 5 times the cost of coaching.


  “Many of the world’s most admired corporations, from GE to Goldman Sachs, invest in coaching. Annual spending on coaching in the United States in estimated at roughly $1 billion.”   Harvard Business Review

  “Coaches are not for the meek. They’re for people who value unambiguous feedback. All coaches have one thing in common. It’s that they are ruthlessly results-oriented.”          Fast Company Magazine

  “Business coaching is attracting America’s top CEO’s because, put simply, business coaching works. In fact, when asked for a conservative estimate of monetary payoff from the coaching they got….managers described an average return of more than $100,000 or about six times what coaching had cost their companies.”                                   Fortune Magazine

   “[A Coach] is part advisor, part sounding board, part cheerleader, part manager and part strategist.”    The Business Journal

   “Between 25 percent and 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies use executive coaches.”      The Hay Group International

  “Once used to bolster troubled staffers, coaching now is part of the standard leadership development training for elite executives and talented up-and-comers at IBM, Motorola, J.P. Morgan, Chase, and Hewlett Packard. These companies are discreetly giving their best prospects what star athletes have long had: a trusted adviser to help reach their goals.”           

  “In a 2004 survey by Right Management consultants, 86% of companies said they used coaching to sharpen skills of individuals who have been identified as future organizational leaders.”         Harvard Management Update

  “A coach may be the guardian angel you need to rev up your career.”          Money Magazine

Pilot of the Wheelchair: The Girl and Her Passenger

This short story may not seem at first to pertain to your chiropractic office, but it does.

In the hot afternoon Sunday traffic, in the right lane waiting to turn right, our lane had stop moving.

Crossing the busy six lane intersection heading toward us was a man in a motorized wheelchair.  His face was full but motionless and looked worn. I couldn’t be sure, but he had that straight-ahead look of someone who was blind. He was maybe upper thirties or mid forties with short hair, perhaps a wounded veteran who paid no mind to the antsy cars that waited for him and his wheelchair.

Sitting on his lap was a thin little girl. Maybe eight years old.  She was curled up, cuddled with one of her shoulders against one of his. As they were crossing the last three lanes, she stretched out her arm with an open hand as if to say “halt, please let us cross.”

She had the look of a girl who had not had an easy life but was happy to be with this person whose immobile legs she rested on.

Once they made it to the other side our lane started to move. The pair moved closer as I moved forward. It appeared as if she was acting as the man’s eyes and told him when to go. I had the sense that he was a family member, perhaps her father, by the bond they seemed to share.

As I passed them in my nice air conditioned car, I looked closely at the girl and waved to her and smiled. She looked at me directly as I drove by. She gave me a wave and beamed a big smile as if to say “Thanks. We just made it across a busy road and me and my pa are having a Sunday outing.”

In my mind, her face reminded me of pictures of Anne Frank, the girl in Amsterdam that kept a diary before being taken by the Nazis to her death in 1945.

I would have liked to stop and help her in some way. Or say “hi” to the man in the wheelchair who looked so stoic. Maybe there was something I could do for them.

But the fact is – they did something for me.

They set an example – of courage, caring and love. They had heart: For each other, for their goals, and seemingly for their adventure.

Not everything can be put into a mission statement or measured by statistics.  No “boot camp” can teach this, and even if all your policies and procedures were followed perfectly, you could still miss it.


One office I know has so MUCH heart the whole town loves the office and the office loves the town. The fact that there is a 2-3 week waiting list of new patients is the biggest challenge the office has.

By training and professional experience, I have a bias towards procedures, organizational structure and production.  No doubt, without these, offices would experience anarchy or insolvency. But I have also learned that heart is more important.

We can all become discouraged at times. Emotions and confusions can affect your patients as they do you and this can put a barrier around our capacity to care.  This may be affecting you or your office now.

But this is only temporary and not the real you.

This is what the little girl gave me. Her wave to me was a “thank you for stopping to let us cross the road”, but also, “we are all in this together.”

That is the lesson I am left with.

There is heroism all around us. Simple and quiet examples of selfless caring and love pass us by daily if we were to notice.  People want to help others and want help as well. Why? Because we are all in this together. Because we care. Because we have heart.

Training on procedures such as the report of findings is fine, but your patients aren’t adversaries and neither is your community. They want to get better and they want to help others to get better.   Really care for them, really love them, be honest with them, and have the courage to always do this, and they will never leave you.

Whatever your office mission statement says, if you have one, it should say what is in your heart. And if you follow that, I am sure you can successfully pilot your team on its adventure.

#  #  #

Ed Petty

Faster To Tomorrow

Road to Your Chiropractic Goals in 2013

It comes at you fast. 

The New Year. Like a fast train, you know it’s coming, and suddenly, it is already whizzing past you.

Actually, each year it comes by faster.  You may not have yet fully had a chance to finish all of last year’s work, or set your chiropractic goals for the New Year.  But nothing slows down the advance of this New Year – and before you know it, it will be spring.

And come summer and fall, what will you have changed in your practice? Probably not as much you would have hoped for.  Why? Because change is coming at you so fast it’s almost too much to keep up.

And it’s not just you that is experiencing change – our whole world is changing. Faster and faster.  The political noise and tumult we hear constantly are just the symptoms of the conventions of the old grating up against the realities of the new.

Ray Kurzweil, whose predictions have been mostly correct over the last 20 years or so, predicts that by 2045 we will have computers that will be able to teach themselves so fast that the speed in which they learn will reach infinity.  This is a very rough description of the Singularity he describes in his book. (The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology)

           “An analysis of the history of technology shows that technological change is exponential…  There’s even exponential growth in the rate of exponential growth…  The twenty-first century will see almost a thousand times greater technological change than its predecessor…”     – Ray KurzweilSingularity

In other words, change is changing exponentially.

This New Year of change is faster than ever before.  But if we move way out beyond all the hue and cry of chiropractic philosophy, “evidence based” chiropractic, “injectables”, politics in and out of the profession, the rah-rah and rock and roll, there is a quiet universe waiting of healing and success which we may only get glimpses of.

In my opinion (IMHO) … it is a world which you, the chiropractor, have always been in. It is not a matter of reaching your goal as a healer. You are already there. Science in fact is catching up to what  D.D. Palmer talked about as the 19th Century rolled naively into the 20th.  Bruce Lipton, a professor in biology who once taught medical students at a medical school here in Wisconsin, after his research and similar epiphany, now teaches chiropractors at a chiropractic college.  He gave a wonderful presentation at Life West Presentation in San Francisco in 2012. I was there and heard him. (Spontaneous Evolution by Bruce Lipton)

Bruce Lipton

Bruce Lipton with Ed Petty
Ed Petty and Bruce Lipton

But the truth is, you, as a chiropractor, are already there. You have already ridden the wave and, to some degree, are on the other side of the Singularly.  You may not  fully realize this, the full power and truth of your profession, and I certainly don’t pretend to.  Well, maybe you do since you are reading this, but probably most doc’s don’t fully appreciate what they have with chiropractic.   But the Innate power defined and used by chiropractors is there. How else do you think it has been able to survive and persist over these 120 years through the teeth of vested interests and vicious and covert attacks – that still persist? (see Doctored, the Movie.) It is certainly not because of the great skill and effectiveness of your national or state organizations (not to discount the good work they have done here and there.)

 And this brings me to the point of this article: you have got to upgrade the architecture and skills of the management of your office.  So, while the healing aspect of your profession is, and has been, way ahead of the times, in many cases your management is not.  Military control of your staff, robotic scripts, referral gimmicks and other relics from the 60’s and 80’s have no place in the future.  Dr. Noope left the building a long time ago.  (Who remembers him?)

For you to succeed, your management and marketing has to be way ahead of the curve. The world is changing so fast that if you are not keeping up, patients will look for chiropractic offices that are.  It is that simple: lead from the future, or perish as an amalgamation of P.T., massage, and G.N.C.

It is now 2013 and by now you may have, or should have set some chiropractic goals for 2013.   The challenge now is getting there. This is also our challenge as Petty Michel & Associates consultants and coaches as well.

This year, our goal is to get you to your goals FASTER.

Faster to the future and faster to your goals. It is a challenge, but we have been developing newer and faster approaches that can help you (and your team) get more done quicker.

We want to help you get to tomorrow’s goals – faster and once there, help you stay there and enjoy the ride.  “Get There Faster and Stay There Happier.”  Yep, them’s our goals!

As the world speeds up and changes faster each day, we can whine about how we are being left behind, stoically assert our principles and pretend everything is just the same, or embrace the changes and in fact drive them forward ourselves.

On February 1st we will be announcing new management technologies to get you to your goals  faster and funner.  Or Funnier.

In either case, please stay tuned.

There is nothing like a dream…


What will the New Year bring – for you, your family, and your business?

No one can know for sure.  But we do know this much – either you create it or someone will create it for you.

Your dreams count. They count more than anyone may have let you to believe.

All things are created twice. First you dream your dream, then you build it.

We’d like to help you build your dreams in 2013.  There is no getting around it – we are all in this together.

And, by the way, we want to thank you for your efforts in making this world a better place. We know how hard you work and the sacrifices you sometimes have to make. We also know that you aren’t always recognized for the good you do.

We know that the world will be a better place in 2013 because of your dreams and efforts.

So, here comes 2013. Let’s get busy – it will be a blast!

Freedom Package Webinars for 2012


For 2012, we will be offering an ongoing program of training and support for chiropractic marketing managers, office managers, and chiropractic doctors as CEO’s.

We are calling this the Practice Freedom Package. Its purpose is to help free the office from financial concerns, day to day managements worries, and give it the freedom to follow its greater purposes.

Over the years we have observed that the key barriers to achieving practice success are organizational.  The barriers do not lie with chiropractic. It is not a matter of chiropractic failing the office, but the office failing chiropractic.

These failings occur as a practice grows beyond its ability to effectively manage itself.  The capacity restraint ultimately stems from the doctor who is too busy doctoring to run her growing business.

This package of webinars and services is designed to help the doctor and the office overcome these organizational limits.   More information about how and why this program works can be found on by following the link below.


Chiropractic Practice Marketing Webinar

When. The 3rd Thursday of each month at 12:30 Central Time.

Description. You will learn principles and accompanying action steps which will help you generate new patients from other patients, from external sources, as well as reactivate former patients and better retain the ones you have.

Each webinar will cover at least 4 practical marketing procedures that are effective in generating more patients.

Who should attend. Designed particularly for chiropractic marketing coordinators and managers, doctors and office managers.

Chiropractic Practice Management  Webinar

When. The 2nd Thursday of each month, 12:30 Central Time.

Description. You will learn fundamental principles of management with specific applications to managing a chiropractic practice and business.

Each webinar will cover at least 3 practical action steps to improve individual and group performance, efficiency, and productivity. Also, tips on working with your doctor and how to provide more support for her or him as a doctor and as the CEO.

Who should attend. Designed for office managers, practice managers, and doctor owners

♦  Executive Management Webinar
The Doctor as a CEO

When. Starting in February, the 4th Thursday of every other month, 12:30 Central Time.

Description. Using actual case studies for examples, we will see what worked and what didn’t for doctors and their teams.  We will uncover the basic principles of effective leadership and management in case and see how to translate this to your business.

This is training on how to be a prosperous CEO.

Who should attend. This is only for doctors who own their own business.

Discussion Group/Share Session

After the presentation is over, we will open up the group for those who want to stay to ask questions and also to offer their experiences and advice to share with others.

This is often the most popular part of the program as other professionals really want to hear your stories and ideas. So, hang around and share and get to know your fellow teammates from other areas of the country. (Must be ready to contribute and share a successful procedure.)

Follow Up Materials

After the presentation is over, you will receive an email with a link to a private vault of marketing materials referred to in the most recent webinar.  There will also be a short summary of our discussion. Additionally, attendees will have access to our private Practice Marketing and Management Library of information and customizable tools for practice building which you can use in your practice.

Calendar of Classes [Link]

More information about how and why the Chiropractic Practice Freedom Package (Lots more info here, though not complete.) . Link

Chiropractic Patient Service

Remember Me?

I’m the fellow, who goes into a restaurant,
sits down patiently and waits while the
waitresses do everything but take my order.

I’m the fellow who goes into a department
Store and stands quietly while the sales
Clerks finish their little chit-chat.

I’m the man who drives into a petrol
Station and never blows his horn, but waits
Patiently while the attendant finishes
Reading his comic book.

Yes, you might say I’m a good guy.

But do you know who else I am?

I’m the fellow who never comes back, and
It amuses me to see you spending
Thousands of dollars every year to get me
Back when I was there in the first place…
And all you had to do was show me a little courtesy.

~Author unknown

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