Patient Retention in Chiropractic and Delivering Happiness

In our webinar on chiropractic patient retention, we reviewed some basic procedures that can be used to decrease patient drop outs.

More significantly, we looked at a new paradigm for patient retention that many businesses are using successfully.

If your visit average is less than 60, then you can benefit from the material we covered.

The webinar also included a short presentation on an effective patient recall system used many years by Linda Skiles, former Chiropractic Assistant of the year in WI. The forms discussed in the webinar are located on our PM&A members site.

We discussed why patients drop out of care – the basic reasons, and ten strategies you can put into place to improve your visit average .

One of the last strategies examined a company called Zappos. This is an online shoe selling company that began in 1999 and ten years later was selling a billion dollars worth of shoes.  We looked at a couple of key features on how it did this.

Under the strategy of “Take Care of Each Other”, we reviewed their ten core principles.  According to the founder and CEO ,Tony Hsieh, employees are hired in part based upon these core values. He discusses this in his book, Delivering Happiness.

These are the ten core values that Zappos employees live by:

  1. Deliver WOW Through Service
  2. Embrace and Drive Change
  3. Create Fun and A Little Weirdness
  4. Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded
  5. Pursue Growth and Learning
  6. Build Open and Honest Relationships With Communication
  7. Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit
  8. Do More With Less
  9. Be Passionate and Determined
  10. Be Humble

What are the core values of your office? Have you defined them? Should you? Does each team member live by them?

Below are two links to two short videos that illustrate how Zappos applies these core values. The first is a music video put together by Zappos and their employees. Just fun – and maybe even inspirational.

Then, watch as Rachel Ray anonymously calls in to place an order on Zappos and see how she is treated.

Zappos illustrates the strategy we call: “Taking Care of Each Other” and “Creating a Community.”  Both of these are effective strategies that can help increase patient retention.

You can use these videos at a staff training meeting and discuss how it could apply to your team.

If you are an active client, you can also watch the webinar on our members site.

Your patients may come to you for health and relief, but they stay because of friendship and how you make them feel as people. By hiring the right team members and helping each other stay true to patient centered core values as exemplified by Zappos, your patients will want to come back and see you again and again.

If you are having trouble viewing the video above, please click this link:

If you are having trouble viewing the video above, please click this link:

Chiropractic Patient Service

Remember Me?

I’m the fellow, who goes into a restaurant,
sits down patiently and waits while the
waitresses do everything but take my order.

I’m the fellow who goes into a department
Store and stands quietly while the sales
Clerks finish their little chit-chat.

I’m the man who drives into a petrol
Station and never blows his horn, but waits
Patiently while the attendant finishes
Reading his comic book.

Yes, you might say I’m a good guy.

But do you know who else I am?

I’m the fellow who never comes back, and
It amuses me to see you spending
Thousands of dollars every year to get me
Back when I was there in the first place…
And all you had to do was show me a little courtesy.

~Author unknown

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