Where Are All Your Patients?

Where Are All  Your Chiropractic Patients?

What would your daily volume of visits be like if ½ of all the NPs you have ever seen still came in to see you once every month? Or even every other month.

Let’s take a look: say you have been in business for 10 years. Each month during these years you averaged just 10 new patients per month. (Pretty low, I know.) That would total 10 x 12 months = 120 new patients per year and in ten years that would be 1,200 new patients.  If half of them saw you every two months, that would be 600 patient visits every two months, or 300 visits per month.

How would that be? Pretty nice, right? And do you think they would refer more family and friends if they saw you more regularly?

Aside from whether you recommend wellness care or not, it would make sense to retain your patients on some kind of schedule simply as a sound marketing strategy. From an economical point of view, both in terms of time and expense, it is much more cost effective to take care of existing patients than to promote for and process new patients.

Some Chiropractic offices we work with have a visit average, or a retention rate of 20. (This is calculated by dividing office visits by actual new patients.) And for some, the Patient Visit average is 50 – or more. This means that the patients come in an average of 50 times.  Very few of their patients drop out of care.

How can your office achieve a visit average of 50 or more?

We will go over at least 8 practice procedures to help your office increase its patient retention on our next webinar this Thursday, August 23 at 12:30.  (Office managers, marketing coordinators, and doctors should attend.) Go here to register: Register Now

Here is the first tip: Patients come to you for only two reasons – results and good feelings.

You have to deliver the results equal to or better than their expectations. (Frankly, compared to the medical and pharmaceutical alternatives, you have an unfair advantage!) But even if you miss here and there, what is amazing is that they will stick with you if you – and your office team – make them feel good!  I will go over examples of this in the webinar.

As an example in the world of management consulting, I was asked once to help one seminar company, years ago, provide private consultations to their clients. The seminar speaker was busy and asked me to help. He was very popular and charismatic. I agreed and saw about four of his clients.  I gave each what I considered to be relevant and practical advice for their unique situations. But what struck me was that the majority of the doctors I saw had declining numbers: their practices were getting worse by objective measurement. However, they all loved the seminar speaker and his program!  I didn’t understand it at first until I realized that he made them feel good.

So, get results on your patients. But, at every patient encounter with every team member in your office, make sure the patient walks away feeling better than they did before the encounter.

I will explain more about this in the webinar but it is something you can work on now with your staff. When the patient calls, are the front desk staff truly interested, or are they too busy with their computers? On their 6th visit, is the doctor genuinely interested in the patient as a special person, or just as another “case” to see before lunch.

Review these “moments of truth” with your team. You can practice and roll play and even tape record different types of patient encounters.  You will be amazed at how, sometimes, you sound hurried, disinterested, or less than friendly.

We all get so busy that we can lose the moment – and just that one moment with that patient can make all the difference.  It has been called “Present Time Consciousness.”  But it is really just paying attention.

That moment you have with that patient is unique and you will never have it again.

Make the best of it.

July Webinars- Positive Job Reviews and Practical Chiropractic Patient Education

This month, we have 2 webinars designed to help you grow your practice and provide better service to your patients. These are in addition to our world class expert consulting and coaching, our free articles on our web site and those especially for our clients in our PM/A Members Library.

These are short discussions with plenty of slides and examples, along with follow up summaries.

Register now. Keep training!

  •  Office Management –  How to Do An Employee Job Review For Your Chiropractic Office So That Everyone Wins.
    Are these job reviews really necessary? Do employees get raises automatically every year? Employee reviews are often neglected, or are dreaded by both employee and doctor. This webinar covers the basic steps to make them effective and positive for all concerned.Thursday, July 12, 12:30pm   Registration
  • Marketing Management – Educating Your Chiropractic Patients – 6 Programs that Work.
    Does patient education work? How much of it just a sales pitch by companies to get you to buy their brochures and videos?  Even if it does work, what are some practical steps you can use in our office? We will discuss 6 simple programs that are working to help increase patient referrals and retention.
    Thursday, July 19th, 12:30pm  Registration

****To view the calendar and/or register  for our other webinars as an active PM/A client or guest, please go here: LINK 

Freedom Package Webinars for 2012


For 2012, we will be offering an ongoing program of training and support for chiropractic marketing managers, office managers, and chiropractic doctors as CEO’s.

We are calling this the Practice Freedom Package. Its purpose is to help free the office from financial concerns, day to day managements worries, and give it the freedom to follow its greater purposes.

Over the years we have observed that the key barriers to achieving practice success are organizational.  The barriers do not lie with chiropractic. It is not a matter of chiropractic failing the office, but the office failing chiropractic.

These failings occur as a practice grows beyond its ability to effectively manage itself.  The capacity restraint ultimately stems from the doctor who is too busy doctoring to run her growing business.

This package of webinars and services is designed to help the doctor and the office overcome these organizational limits.   More information about how and why this program works can be found on by following the link below.


Chiropractic Practice Marketing Webinar

When. The 3rd Thursday of each month at 12:30 Central Time.

Description. You will learn principles and accompanying action steps which will help you generate new patients from other patients, from external sources, as well as reactivate former patients and better retain the ones you have.

Each webinar will cover at least 4 practical marketing procedures that are effective in generating more patients.

Who should attend. Designed particularly for chiropractic marketing coordinators and managers, doctors and office managers.

Chiropractic Practice Management  Webinar

When. The 2nd Thursday of each month, 12:30 Central Time.

Description. You will learn fundamental principles of management with specific applications to managing a chiropractic practice and business.

Each webinar will cover at least 3 practical action steps to improve individual and group performance, efficiency, and productivity. Also, tips on working with your doctor and how to provide more support for her or him as a doctor and as the CEO.

Who should attend. Designed for office managers, practice managers, and doctor owners

♦  Executive Management Webinar
The Doctor as a CEO

When. Starting in February, the 4th Thursday of every other month, 12:30 Central Time.

Description. Using actual case studies for examples, we will see what worked and what didn’t for doctors and their teams.  We will uncover the basic principles of effective leadership and management in case and see how to translate this to your business.

This is training on how to be a prosperous CEO.

Who should attend. This is only for doctors who own their own business.

Discussion Group/Share Session

After the presentation is over, we will open up the group for those who want to stay to ask questions and also to offer their experiences and advice to share with others.

This is often the most popular part of the program as other professionals really want to hear your stories and ideas. So, hang around and share and get to know your fellow teammates from other areas of the country. (Must be ready to contribute and share a successful procedure.)

Follow Up Materials

After the presentation is over, you will receive an email with a link to a private vault of marketing materials referred to in the most recent webinar.  There will also be a short summary of our discussion. Additionally, attendees will have access to our private Practice Marketing and Management Library of information and customizable tools for practice building which you can use in your practice.

Calendar of Classes [Link]

More information about how and why the Chiropractic Practice Freedom Package (Lots more info here, though not complete.) . Link