Music Is Therapeutic for Chiropractic and Other Health Offices

guitar players playing good vibes goal driven to create musicGood Morning Doctors and Health Professionals!

Sending this out early in the morning…

No nuts and bolts this morning, just some music.

Some good vibes.

Music is therapeutic – for the body, the mind, and the soul. It improves patient outcomes as well as employee performance. And, customers like it and can be more agreeable to what you advise.

I did the research! (Some of it is below.)

But never mind the research, just listen to music that you like, and that your team and a patients enjoy.

Here is a video (just listen, no need to watch, but great to watch all the same) with musicians from around the world -performing Ripple, lyrics by Robert Hunter and music by Jerry Garcia.

And have a good vibe groovin’ week!


Music Video Ripple, Playing for Change.

“Music can heal the wounds that medicine cannot touch.”

–Debasish Mrihda


For follow-up research:

Music to Encourage Buying Products & More: Best is ambient, classical, not popular as this can be distracting. Also, faster tempo music customers lingered less and moved faster.

Music has been found to have a positive impact on employee performance in certain situations. However, it’s important to note that the effects of music can vary depending on individual preferences and the specific work environment.

Here are some studies that explore the relationship between music and employee performance:

  • A study published in the Journal of Applied Ergonomics in 2015 found that background music had a positive impact on the quality of work and efficiency of employees in a data entry task. The researchers concluded that music could help improve performance by enhancing mood and reducing stress.

  • In 2012, a study published in the Journal of Consumer Research examined the effects of background music on creative problem-solving. The results showed that moderate levels of ambient noise, such as music, can enhance creative performance compared to both low and high levels of noise.

  • Another study published in the Journal of Music Therapy in 2014 investigated the effects of music listening on productivity and mood in a workplace setting. The findings revealed that employees who listened to music while working reported higher productivity and positive mood compared to those who did not listen to music.

  • A study published in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology in 2019 examined the effects of different types of music on cognitive performance and mood in a complex task. The results showed that participants performed better and reported higher positive affect when listening to music they personally enjoyed.

Does music help us work better? It depends

“Listening to music has a positive impact on our health, by helping us recover faster when we experience stress and through the reduction of stress hormone cortisol, to help us achieve a calm state or homeostasis.” – Alex Doman

Music can improve health.

Research from the Royal Society noted that “group singing can improve physical and mental health, as well as promote social bonding.” An older paper by researchers from the University of California suggests that participating in choral singing “is associated with strong increases of Immunoglobulin A,” also referred to as immunoenhancement. They tested cortisol and immunoglobulin levels in saliva before and after singing in a choir, and found that performance singing “leads adaptively to levels of positive feelings and satisfaction.” The Healing Power of Singing – The New York Times (

The Healing Power of Music

Music therapy is increasingly used to help patients cope with stress and promote healing. Richard Schiffman

April 8, 2021
New York Times

Call Your Mom: The most important person in your practice

mom, mother, daughter, hugging, petty, michel, goal, driven, love“Call your mom!”

When we dropped off our son at college as a freshman that late summer day years ago, I told him: “Call your mom!”

And he did, but not often enough.

The fact that moms are extraordinary is an understatement. They are not ordinary people.

Motherhood just isn’t giving birth or the nine months before — if that wasn’t miraculous enough. It isn’t just the diaper months, the nursing, the crying, or the “terrible twos.” It goes on through all the stages of their child’s life – preteen angst at discovering their identity, infatuation break-ups, finding their social tribe, and all the challenges growing up leads us through.

Mother is always there.

And motherhood never ends. As long as she lives, our mothers are there throughout our lives.

Motherhood is a magical cape that certain women wear, your mom, for instance, that at one time protected you and at another helped you fly. Often without your gratitude.

Yea, dads are around too, often in the background. But moms are the first line of comfort and care, someone who loves you more than themselves.

And if moms are so vital in our lives, they are too in our practices.

Always show special gratitude to the mothers in your office.

This Sunday, May 8, is Mother’s Day. Do something special for all the mothers in your practice. Not as a gimmick but as a sincere act of gratitude and respect. Some offices give a flower to every mother that comes in on Friday or the days before. You can always provide some organic chocolates, a scented soap, or tea.

Yes, there is a marketing aspect to this, but excellent customer service is marketing. In most cases, women see doctors more than men, and mothers are often more dominant in determining and advocating for better health in families. (1,2) They are probably your better patients, and your better referral sources as well.

What if you don’t know if they have children? Well, first of all, you should. You are creating relationships with your patients. But if you don’t know, you can always politely ask them – and you will get to know them even better and strengthen your relationship.

For those who are not mothers, give them a flower to give to their mother. Then, have them post the photo on social media, and you can reward them with something.

So, Call Your Mother, and do something special for all the mothers in your life.



Make each day an Ode to Joy!

“Music is … a higher revelation than all Wisdom & Philosophy”
― Ludwig van Beethoven

Takes 5 minutes. This is an inspirational musical event. The link is below.

It is worthy of the best humans have to offer – and akin to what you provide innately to your patients – as doctors, providers, and support professionals.

Match this with all you do in April and you’ll have a great month!



For more information on how to create a more profitable business that is more fun than what you are doing now, please purchase and then use the book, The Goal Driven Business.

Have You Helped A Child Today?

It’s a beautiful fall day here in Southeastern Wisconsin. Clear blue skies, the leaves are changing, and the temps are comfortably cool.

I wanted to take a few minutes of your time to introduce myself and let you know about an upcoming opportunity for you to make a difference in a child’s life both locally and globally.

My name is Linda Skiles, some of you already know me and some may not. I have been involved in chiropractic for the past 34 years in some way or another and a patient for most of my life. I began as a chiropractic assistant, graduating to an office manager, and now serve as the client services coordinator for Petty, Michel, and Associates, working with offices across the nation to promote PMA’s 3 Goals(sm)of methodology:

  • Greater Profit
  • Better Service
  • Higher Purpose

I am passionate about chiropractic and passionate about making our world a better place. Each and every day, I strive to find a way to live with a Higher Purpose. With that said, I’d like to invite you to help support my most recent mission.

Ed Petty and Dave Michel along with the Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin(CSW) have graciously given me the opportunity to collaborate with Wisconsin United for Freedom and Chiro Kid’s Day to host a “Kid’s Korner” at the CSW’s Fall Summit, October 18th-20th at the Wilderness Canyon Lodge Convention Center in the Wisconsin Dells.

The whole idea was born when I made the commitment to sell 600+ ornaments for the Khutsala Artisans of Project Canaan. A large task but achievable with your help.

Project Canaan is Heart for Africa’s 2,500-acre large-scale land development project being used to bring HOPE to the tiny Kingdom of Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) by focusing on four key areas: Hunger, Orphans, Poverty, and Education. It will provide training and employment, while supporting orphans and vulnerable children on the property and across the nation.

In 2013 my twenty-nine year old son, searching for a higher purpose in life, found Project Canaan and served as a volunteer missionary for one year as the bulldozer operator. I had the opportunity to visit while he was there and joined the Swazis in making jewelry. I continue to support their efforts through selling their beautiful beaded ornaments. 60% of the sales support the Khutsala Artisans’ daily living needs and 40% is donated to a local charity of my choice. Proceeds from the sales at the CSW Fall Summit will go to Oklahaven Children’s Chiropractic Center in Oklahoma City, OK.

In addition, I recently published my third book entitled, Nettie’s Fountain Pen – Another’s Days Writings. $5.00 from the sale of each of these books will go to Chiro Kid’s Day and Wisconsin United for Freedom.

Promoting the wellness of our children locally and globally is the theme of our booth. We will have informational material and resources available that focuses on the health of our children here in the US. I hope you will stop by, see what we all have to offer, and support our efforts.

Our children are our future! Can you help a child today?

If you are unable to attend the CSW Fall Summit but would like to purchase ornaments or books, please email me at


Linda Skiles

Follow my Journey at Project Canaan  – Oct 17th 2013 – Nov 1st, 2013
Oklahaven Children’s Chiropractic Center
Heart for Africa – Project Canaan
Wisconsin United for Freedom
Chiro Kid’s Day
Children’s Health Defense

Oklahaven “Have A Heart” – February 7-14th

Oklahaven, a non-profit children’s chiropractic center has been dedicated to making sick children well using natural, drug-free chiropractic care since 1962. To help fund their efforts the Annual Have A Heart Campaign is held in conjunction with Valentine’s Day each year.

It’s not too early to start planing your own “Have A Heart” Campaign for your office bringing a global awareness of the power of chiropractic for the children in your own community while helping out a greater cause!

If you’d like to participate, a complete marketing kit is available directly through Oklahaven simplifying the event preparation for your marketing coordinator.

Click here for a pamphlet with more details or visit the Oklahaven “Have A Heart” web-page.

Sign up for “Have-A-Heart” 2018 at


Oklahaven “Have A Heart” – 2017

Oklahaven, a non-profit children’s chiropractic center has been dedicated to making sick children well using natural, drug-free chiropractic care for over 55 years.    To help fund their efforts the Annual Have A Heart Campaign is held in conjunction with Valentine’s Day each year.

It’s not too early to start planing your own “Have A Heart” Campaign for your office bringing a global awareness of the power of chiropractic for the children in your own community while helping out a greater cause!

If you’d like to participate, a complete marketing kit is available directly through Oklahaven simplifying the event preparation for your marketing coordinator.

Click here for a pamphlet with more details or visit the Oklahaven “Have A Heart” web-page.

Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin Fall Summit in Review

Team PM&A (Petty, Michel and Associates) recently attended the Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin Fall Summit at the Kalahari in Wisconsin Dells.


Phyllis, Barbara, Lisa, Ed, Dave, Linda and Dana

We are pleased to announce the winner of our succulent dish (door prize): Dr. Chelsea Poland.  She is following in her father’s footsteps and she practices in Wausau.  Congratulations Dr. Chelsea!


Linda and Dr. Chelsea Poland

The weekend was filled with meeting and greeting chiropractors and their staff.  It was fun to see so many of our clients, some of whom I had not yet had a face to a name, meet new docs and their teams, and reconnect with old friends and colleagues to share hugs and spread the love of our profession.

A doctor once told me that no other practice(experience) will ever be the same as my first.  I’ve found this to be very true.  We hang on to those memories of that first practice.  This weekend I was able to reconnect with the first associate Dr. Culp(my first practice) brought into his office, circa 1987.  We reminisced of the “old days” and  brought each other up to date on our journeys over the past 3 decades.


Dr. Jon Wall and Linda

All in all, it was wonderful to see everyone again and share the weekend with you!

Extreme Chiropractic Practice DevelopMENT! California Jam®, 2016

Go Cal Jam

I am standing on a beach by the partially ice-covered Lake Michigan, sometimes referred to as part of  the “Third Coast.”   It is a good day!

Once a year I send out a promotion for the wildest and most unique chiropractic seminar I have seen in 30 years.

“Out-of-the-box” is a cliché that doesn’t really do Cal Jam justice.  Like extreme sports, Cal Jam pushes the boundaries of what is customary and conventional.

But isn’t that chiropractic?  Isn’t that you?

Chiropractic is unique (and wild) because it has purpose and soul.

Purpose and Soul, plus plenty of… Rock and Roll.

At Cal Jam!

Hope to see you there!

Date: March 18-20, 2016

Link to site: California Jam:

“Ichi-go Ichi-e:” The Springtime Secret to Improving Your Chiropractic Practice

The best chiropractic businesses excel at the basics.  Too often we can take the fundamentals of practice excellence for granted and go off to chase the “shiny” things, forsaking the powerful potentials right in front of us.

So here is an organic reminder that you, and all of us, can immediately put to use to help us keep growing and groovin’.

Most of us enjoy spring…flowers blooming, birds singing. It is new. It is creative. It is a beginning.

Life goes in cycles – everything has a beginning, a progression, and an ending. Some cycles are longer – every twelve months the tulips come through the winter mud. Some are shorter – each day the sun comes up and we have a new cup of coffee. But nature endures through cycles.

Unfortunately, we don’t always follow nature in our offices.

If you are like most of us, you don’t really start your day.  It sort of happens and you just go along.  You walk into the office a see what the appointment book offers you. Based upon the urgencies of the morning, you make your way through to the afternoon until you can leave to go home in the evening.  But do you really end your day or does it linger with you as you go home, or even stay with you till the next morning?

Most of us are stuck in the blur of stretched out cycles that are blended one moment to the next so that there is never any real beginning or never any real ending. One phone call in the middle of a busy afternoon is very similar to the one you had in the morning…everyday for the last three years.  This adjustment to this patient is just too similar to the one you gave…3,000 times before. One moment blurs to the next.

Jim Parker, of Parker Seminars, used to talk about “PTC”, Present Time Consciousness, as a key element to practice success.  A practice can suffer because, over time, our consciousness gets stuck in past moments, strung out so that we have less consciousness in the here and now. When you greet your patient, you are not as “here” or as conscious in the present as you might have been the first month you were in practice, or the first week you were on the job.  And your patients know it, at least on a subliminal level. They can have a sense that you are disinterested in them and so end up leaving and looking for a doctor who is.

Each encounter with each patient should be new. It should be its own cycle. Each phone call, each adjustment should be unique, separate, as if it has never happened before.

The Japanese have a name for this: “Ichi-go Ichi-e.” Roughly, It means “one time, one meeting” — that this one time will never happen again. It is its own time. It is special.

What would happen to your practice if each day – today – was brand new?  Like spring. If this week was the first week you were finally able to see patients after years of preparation?

First of all, you wouldn’t be bored. You wouldn’t be burned out, worried, or angry. Why? Because you are just starting and you have a chance to create the practice anyway you want.

So, what causes us to lose our “PTC” and fall into doldrums? How can we stay in the “now” and be creative each moment we are with our patients, each other, and our loved ones outside of practice?

First, watch out for the backlogs. They are energy dumps. Try to complete your work when you are doing it. Patient notes, insurance reports, filing…try to get it all done as soon as possible. You see, when you start to put your consciousness into a cycle you don’t really get all of it back until you complete that cycle. So, every pile of paperwork and partially completed job that is lying around the office will gradually draw your attention into the past.

Spend a weekend applying the 4 D’s:  With each task: Get it DONE, or DELEGATE it, or DUMP it in the trash can. Not all jobs can be completed now, and so some can be DELAYED with a time noted to complete it.

Here are some other steps to make each moment new:

  1. Early to Rise. Begin your day a little earlier… with a walk or a book, some music, meditation or prayer.
  2. Morning Group Planning. Begin your day in the office with a case management meeting, reviewing who is coming in, what special actions need to be coordinated. Maybe add a joke to keep things from getting serious.
  3. End Each Encounter. After each patient contact, end the meeting in your mind.
  4. Interest. With each new patient contact, genuinely find something interesting and new about them – their appearance, their week, something about their story.
  5. Business Coach. Meet with your business coach and review your business and make plans for the next month.
  6. Get Away. Get away on a vacation with your spouse, or a sabbatical and seminar for yourself. ( I’m heading out to Cal Jam this week. Hope to see you there!)
  7. Un-Serious. Do things in your office that are different, fresh, and new. One office has a “fruity Friday” and offers fruit to the patients.   Avoid the deadly disease of “seriousness.” Tell a joke, be silly.
  8. The Four D’s (again): Do it, Dump it, Delegate it, Delay it. Avoid backlogs.

Some of this takes discipline and creating rituals to help ensure these actions take place

But you are part of nature and spring is already in your heart. You just have to let it out, like a song that is ready to be sung or a jig ready to be danced. You already have the creative spark of newness inside you.

So just breathe.. and let your spring happen today and each day.   And help others to do the same.

Carpe Diem and Happy Spring!


Join us at EPOC for Dr. Billy DeMoss!

Download the flier Billy D Poster-Aug 2014

Epicenter of Chiropractic “EPOC” of Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin


DeMoss profile


Monday, August. 25, Grand Geneva Resort, Lake Geneva, WI 8 pm

You don’t want to miss this event: Get motivated, inspired, and educated. Bring your entire team!

Billy DeMoss is a chiropractor in the Los Angeles area who founded the largest rock health festival in America called CalJam which is held yearly in Costa Mesa, CA. He also regularly hosts speakers at his busy chiropractic office sponsored by the Dead Chiropractic Society (DC/S), a group he also started.

Billy is an educator and a ferocious advocate for health. Learn more about him at these sites:

Monday, August. 25 at the Grand Geneva in Lake Geneva.

There is limited seating so please RSVP soon. Refreshments served.
Let us know if you will be there and you will be entered in a drawing for a DC/S t-shirt* (two will be drawn.)

Please let us know if you plan to come by RSVP’ing to
Make checks out to “EPOC” and pay at the door.
Doctor $100/ea   Staff $50/ea check

Questions: Call or email Linda. (262) 749-0221

*this offer is not associated with EPOC.  Please RSVP to to participate. Include full names of all participants. 

Download the flier now Billy D Poster-Aug 2014

Disruptive Technologies: Why Cal Jam Is the Future – and You are Too

Petty Michel Following the Force to Cal Jam

 Next week, a few thousand chiropractic professionals will attend a chiropractic seminar called Cal Jam sponsored by the Dead Chiropractic Society.  (Some of us from PM&A will be attending as well as a number of the offices with whom we work.)

Cal Jam is what could be called a disruptive event.

I take this from a term used in technology called “disruptive technology” or “disruptive innovation.” It refers to a product or discovery that forever changes the future. It creates a true paradigm shift. For example, the automobile, telephone, and of course, the Internet. We see this happening with FaceBook and soon, perhaps with Bitcoin, drone home deliveries, and other culture shifting technologies.

Cal Jam is a seminar that is unlike all past seminars I have attended or know about.  It is, in itself, a paradigm shift.  I have been traveling off to chiropractic seminars for few years now. The first one I attended was back in 84 or 85 when Dr. Parker (Dr. James Parker) had it in Reno one year. Had the chance to talk to him then up in his suite.  Since then, I have been to maybe a 100 or more over the years. Cal Jam is dif-er-ent.

Petty Michel & Associates is not really a seminar company, but we encourage them. Seminars can be useful for teaching, motivating, selling, and networking, but we find that the real work begins and ends in the office, where you work on the office. Like the old phrase: “Education Begins at Home.”

But Cal Jam is unique.

  • As a whole, Cal Jam is not about itself.  There may be speakers or vendors that have invested a great deal and need to promote themselves, but the theme is not about Cal Jam or any one management company or product.  It is really about the bigger issues of Chiropractic and Health.  So, there is kind of a lack of self-importance which is very refreshing.  It genuinely puts chiropractic and the health of your family, friends and community first.
  • Cal Jam starts with chiropractic and then takes off to vital issues affecting health.  It takes on critical – and controversial — health subjects that go way beyond the conventional and challenges you to learn how they affect your patients and what you can do about these issues.
  • Principles and history. It has presenters that deeply discuss chiropractic principles and history, the foundation for your profession which is often overlooked and, in our years of on-site work,  a major reason for many floundering practices.
  • Totally classy. In fact, the digs are luxurious. The venue is in a modern performing arts center that is nothing short of first class.
  • All done by just one practicing Doc. It is championed by just one person, Billy DeMoss (supported by Mary Jane), a practicing chiropractor who lives and works in an office just like all the tens of thousands of other chiropractors. Chiropractors like you. He is not school president, he is not a practice management seminar speaker, and he is not selling supplements or equipment.  So, in many ways, he is just like you.
  • Purpose. Except for this: he is authentically driven by a greater purpose to promote chiropractic and good health to such an extent that is is creating this thing called Cal Jam.  And by his actions, he sets an example for you. You have to ask yourself: “Besides growing my own business, what could I also be doing to significantly help others?”
  • Rock and Roll.  Lastly, I have never attended a rock concert that was also a seminar.  This is my 4th Cal Jam. It is fun!

It is not too late to hop on a plane and attend Cal Jam. The seminar is modestly priced. Go to Cal Jam.

But if you can’t, you can apply its spirit – the spirit of honestly helping others improve their health.  And being disruptive.  This may go beyond your comfort zone, but it will be worth it.  It is no news that chiropractic is, and always has been, a disruptive health system. Imagine, adjusting someone rather than having them receive back surgery! Back surgery brings in a lot of money to hospitals yet at least one study cited estimates as much as 90% are unnecessary. I am you as doctors see this first hand. But chiropractic has frightened and upset the medical monopoly for years, as evidenced in the 1988 Wilk vs AMA case.

Be just a bit disruptive. Have fun and be friendly and don’t take yourself too seriously. But be something new and fresh in your office and in your town. Get people off the couch, off their drugs, get them adjusted, educated and moving. This is what people, more and more, know they need.  For that IS the spirit of chiropractic, in my opinion.

And if you want, turn up the jute box – or Internet radio. Get your patients dancing to some rock and roll music*… and you can have the spirit of Cal Jam every day.

*“Just let me hear some of that rock and roll music, anyway you choose it,
It’s got a back beat, you can’t lose it, Any old time you use it.”
(Chuck Berry)

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Pilot of the Wheelchair: The Girl and Her Passenger

This short story may not seem at first to pertain to your chiropractic office, but it does.

In the hot afternoon Sunday traffic, in the right lane waiting to turn right, our lane had stop moving.

Crossing the busy six lane intersection heading toward us was a man in a motorized wheelchair.  His face was full but motionless and looked worn. I couldn’t be sure, but he had that straight-ahead look of someone who was blind. He was maybe upper thirties or mid forties with short hair, perhaps a wounded veteran who paid no mind to the antsy cars that waited for him and his wheelchair.

Sitting on his lap was a thin little girl. Maybe eight years old.  She was curled up, cuddled with one of her shoulders against one of his. As they were crossing the last three lanes, she stretched out her arm with an open hand as if to say “halt, please let us cross.”

She had the look of a girl who had not had an easy life but was happy to be with this person whose immobile legs she rested on.

Once they made it to the other side our lane started to move. The pair moved closer as I moved forward. It appeared as if she was acting as the man’s eyes and told him when to go. I had the sense that he was a family member, perhaps her father, by the bond they seemed to share.

As I passed them in my nice air conditioned car, I looked closely at the girl and waved to her and smiled. She looked at me directly as I drove by. She gave me a wave and beamed a big smile as if to say “Thanks. We just made it across a busy road and me and my pa are having a Sunday outing.”

In my mind, her face reminded me of pictures of Anne Frank, the girl in Amsterdam that kept a diary before being taken by the Nazis to her death in 1945.

I would have liked to stop and help her in some way. Or say “hi” to the man in the wheelchair who looked so stoic. Maybe there was something I could do for them.

But the fact is – they did something for me.

They set an example – of courage, caring and love. They had heart: For each other, for their goals, and seemingly for their adventure.

Not everything can be put into a mission statement or measured by statistics.  No “boot camp” can teach this, and even if all your policies and procedures were followed perfectly, you could still miss it.


One office I know has so MUCH heart the whole town loves the office and the office loves the town. The fact that there is a 2-3 week waiting list of new patients is the biggest challenge the office has.

By training and professional experience, I have a bias towards procedures, organizational structure and production.  No doubt, without these, offices would experience anarchy or insolvency. But I have also learned that heart is more important.

We can all become discouraged at times. Emotions and confusions can affect your patients as they do you and this can put a barrier around our capacity to care.  This may be affecting you or your office now.

But this is only temporary and not the real you.

This is what the little girl gave me. Her wave to me was a “thank you for stopping to let us cross the road”, but also, “we are all in this together.”

That is the lesson I am left with.

There is heroism all around us. Simple and quiet examples of selfless caring and love pass us by daily if we were to notice.  People want to help others and want help as well. Why? Because we are all in this together. Because we care. Because we have heart.

Training on procedures such as the report of findings is fine, but your patients aren’t adversaries and neither is your community. They want to get better and they want to help others to get better.   Really care for them, really love them, be honest with them, and have the courage to always do this, and they will never leave you.

Whatever your office mission statement says, if you have one, it should say what is in your heart. And if you follow that, I am sure you can successfully pilot your team on its adventure.

#  #  #

Ed Petty

Be Creative: You Are An Artist in Your Chiropractic Office

As a marketing tip, be creative.

More than ever, genuine creativity stands out and is necessary as your community gets more and more bombarded with ever increasing amounts of data, connections and general “noise.”

But the fact is, aside from marketing, no matter what role you may have in your office, you are an artist. You are not working on an assembly line.

Each day you create many things that were not there before.

Although you follow routine procedures as a chiropractor or team member, you are not a robot.  You add your special ingredients to each outcome you help bring about.

Each day — today in fact — you will create many useful outcomes for people. Depending on your role in the office, it could be adjusted patients, collected receivables, or scheduled patients.

Think of the outcomes you bring about as works of art. They are your creations. They are unique.


Two Outcomes

There are two basic outcomes that you create. Your first outcome is obvious — it is defined by your role in the office: adjusted patients, collected receivables, scheduled patients that keep their appointments.

The other outcome that you may not spend much time on — none of us do — is working ON ourselves and ON our office. The second outcome is producing that which is producing your outcomes.

A farmer can’t have apples without an orchard.  A football team can’t win unless it has the right players in the right positions.  A runner can’t win races unless she works on her form and trains.

It’s the oldest story in the book:  the goose that laid the golden eggs.  You need a golden goose to get your golden eggs.  If you “cook your goose,” or at least don’t take care of it, you won’t have golden eggs.

Taking care of your goose that lays the golden eggs is your second outcome you need to work on each week.


Takes Time and Continuous Improvement
If the road to your goals seems too long or the travel too tough, keep in mind that it takes time to grow an orchard or to build a winning team. (This is also covered in #6 of Stephenson’s 33 Principles of Chiropractic.)

And it takes a continuous process of improvement working ON your job skills and ON the development of your team and team functions.  If you are a professional musician, you spend time playing music in the orchestra. But you also spend time improving your own music and helping to improve the music of the orchestra.

All artists make mistakes.  That is how you and your team learn. It is part of the improvement process.

But it is art. You are creating something that wasn’t there before.

There is a thrill to be had at the end of each day if you demonstrated the best of your craft – and your team did as well.

In our networked economy, authenticity is more valuable than ever before and is what distinguishes you from all the rest.

Just keep in mind that you have two outcomes, it takes time and requires a process of continuous improvement.  Then, enjoy creatively making each day your new work of art

JUST RELEASED: New Chiropractic Music Video – “Munson Style”

Just released: A new professionally recorded music video by Dr. Cindy Munson, a chiropractor in Plymouth, Wisconsin.   It features her staff, family, and some of her patients.

The more times you watch it the more little clever trivia you can find. The scenes were well thought out.

What is remarkable about this office, which is actually demonstrated by this video, is the exceptional leadership provided by Dr. Munson.  With her great staff, she has created a true chiropractic “Dream Team” – a group of professionals working together for the betterment of their patients and their community.

Feel free to let Dr. Cindy know how you liked the video or any thoughts or questions you may have.

We are proud to say that we have worked with Dr. Cindy and her team for many years.

6 Reasons Why CalJam is Important for Chiropractic


1. It is fun and promotes that chiropractic is and should be fun.

2. It’s founder and promoter is in practice, adjusting people of all ages, just like you.

3. It focuses on the purpose of chiropractic and the chiropractic lifestyle.

4. It defines and promotes the unique role chiropractic has in the market place – as a HEALTH profession that works, is not owned or used by pharmaceutical companies or other corporate monopolies, is vitalistic while also being scientific.

5. It promotes the idea that helping people to get healthier does not have to be a grave, stuffy, or serious activity.

6. And just like Dr. Billy DeMoss demonstrates, we all can work on higher purposes – professionally and personally —  while at the same time adjust people daily (APD) and run a business.

There are other reasons, but the ones above should be included.  Please add others below.

I hope you an make it to CalJam this year.

Some of us from PM&A are going and if I see you, let me treat you to the nearest greenest, anti-inflamatory drink nearby, or a piece of buffalo jerky, whichever is handier.

And if you can’t make it, you can always follow Billy on YouTube.

And either way, in your own way, you can always follow your own higher purposes and keep jammin in your corner of the world.


Chiro-jamming in an office near you..

Ed, and all of us at PM&A


Dead Chiropractors Society

Monthly Goal Setting for the Chiropractic Team

Chiropractic Team Goal Setting

At the beginning of each month you want to see that your team sets new TEAM GOALS.  You can also set individual goals privately at a different time, but TEAM goals are most immediate and important.

Each goal setting session always begins with a REVIEW of the past month. This gives the opportunity for the group (or individual in individual goal setting) to explain how they did and how they did it. And it gives you the opportunity to listen and then give some feedback. The feedback could be praise, or otherwise.

After the review, set the goals.   Group goals should be simple, usually just Office Visits and New Patients, though Collections can also be included. IMPORTANT: Let the group set the goals. You should negotiate the goals, but it has to be theirs.  Once these goals are set, ask the group (or individual) how they/we plan to achieve these goals? Get at least 3 action steps.

The last goal should include a “greater purpose” goal or two. This could be a party at your house next Thursday night, Betty, the Front Desk Coordinator will give a book report on one of the books in the Lending Library at next month’s Team Goal Setting meeting, and a check to see who is going to volunteer for working at the food bank next Saturday evening.

Why? You should also spend some time discussing why you have these goals. This takes you back to your MISSION.  Numbers for numbers sake is a soulless and goalless pursuit.

 In sum:

  1. Review last month’s numbers. Were they up or down from the prior month?  Ask.
  2. Then, ask why? Get the team to figure it out. Let it be a brainstorming session if possible.
  3. Let them tell you and you listen and question as needed.
  4. Acknowledge. Praise or show disapproval, as appropriate.
  5. Then ask for action steps to achieve goals.
  6. Then, get a few “greater purpose” goals.
  7. Then, continue with the rest of the staff meeting, such as announcing upcoming events, miscellaneous, etc. Include some discussion about WHY these goals are important.
  8. Do the same for individual team member’s right after the Team Goal Setting, or soon after.

 For more information on how this procedure is done, refer to the webinar called the Fast Flow CEO.

Your Chiropractic Office Dream Team

No one succeeds by themselves.

Your success will be no better than the team you make to help you get there.

On Thursday, December 13, 12:30 C.T., we will be hosting a 55 minute webinar on how to make your own chiropractic dream team.

We will be interviewing – live – the doctor and staff of a true chiropractic dream team.

Find out what they do to achieve high numbers, profit, and fun.  You’ll hear from the doctor, the billing coordinator and office manager, the front desk coordinator, and maybe others.

Not only will you learn, but you will come away smiling – that’s how much fun they have!  But don’t be mistaken by their good spirits: they are all very productive and see lots of people every day.

We can learn from successes.

Register here:  How to Make Your Dream Team

PS This webinar is for your entire team! Come on over and join us!

PSS Oh, and there is no charge for this webinar. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


Life Chiropractic College West “Call Me Maybe” – Cover

This is a cover (copy) of a popular song from a young Canadian singer by students at Life Chiropractic College in California. It is a little rough, and judging from at least on of the comments, one person found it embarrassing.

I loved it.  Great spirit.

What do you think of it?

Add your comments below. I would be interested to read what you think.


