Five Patient Wants In Healthcare and Chiropractic

Based upon surveys, patients want the following from their doctors and health providers (References below):

  1. Quality of care: Patients prioritize high-quality care from their doctors and health providers. This includes accurate diagnoses, effective treatments, and positive outcomes.
  2. Communication: Patients value clear and effective communication with their doctors and health providers. They want their concerns to be heard, and they want to be well-informed about their treatment options.
  3. Empathy and compassion: Patients appreciate doctors and health providers who show empathy and compassion towards their needs and emotions. They want to feel understood and supported throughout their healthcare journey.
  4. Timeliness: Patients desire timely access to healthcare services, including appointments, test results, and treatment plans. They value minimal wait times and efficient care delivery.
  5. Patient-centered approach: Patients want their doctors and health providers to involve them in decision-making processes and consider their preferences and values. They appreciate personalized care that respects their individual needs.

What would happen to your chiropractic or healthcare practice if you and your team committed to a 12-month Patient Service Program to improve how your office meets these five Wants? You could give each category 20 points and have everyone give each one a grade from 1 to 20. The consensus might end up with a grade of 80 points, or 70, or 92 when all 5 are added together.

Then, over the next 12 months, everyone could work together each month on each category by refining the procedures and improving service skills. You could schedule in-office team training and individual training through seminars, webinars, and even books.

Guess what would happen to the patient referrals, patient retention, and goodwill as things improved? What would happen to staff morale as their competence increased each month and they saw that patients became happier by working on improving service?


Symptomatic management focuses, as it sometimes must, on the urgent necessitates that immediately increase income. But chasing symptoms, putting out one fire after another, is a trap we can all fall into. You stay busy. There are challenges that you overcome. So, it may seem that you are moving forward. But the months and then years go by, and you look around and are still doing what you were doing years ago. Nothing has changed.

Excellent management addresses urgent concerns but also carves out time to strengthen the skills and procedures of the service team. It builds for the future. And it does so by training, coaching, analyzing and steadily improving each of the 5 service categories, the 5 Wants. Over the long run, this gives patients what they want, and everyone wins.

Help your patients get what they want.

Carpe Futurum (Seize the Future!)

References: Patients’ preferences. PubMed , HCAHPS: Patients’ Perspectives of Care Survey


If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals,

there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my new book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business building methodology

The Goal Driven Business By Edward Petty

goal driven business buy now button

Guerrilla Marketing for Chiropractic and Health Offices

MARKETING is everything you do to promote your business, from the moment you conceive of it to the point at which customers buy your product or service and begin to patronize your business on a regular basis. The key words to remember are everything and regular basis. (Jay Levinson)

I remember when I bought the book Guerrilla Marketing by Jay Levinson.

I was familiar with the term Guerrilla Warfare, which was often used to describe the tactics used against the U.S. in the Vietnam War. The idea is that small groups of warriors (Guerra – war, illa – little) can oppose and successfully beat large groups of warriors.

When applied to marketing, especially chiropractic and health practices, the concept is that smaller and entrepreneurial businesses can use inexpensive tactics effectively to compete successfully in markets dominated by large corporations with big marketing budgets.

I embrace and enjoy the concept when used in healthcare marketing.

For example, showing up at a county fair and signing up 80 new patients that a hospital might have won over! For the WIN! (We’ve done that and more, by the way!!)

With a small budget, using Guerrilla Marketing, hundreds of inexpensive marketing approaches can work.

But Levinson makes a vital point in his book that I think is overlooked. And this results in poor marketing.

“Consistency equates with familiarity. Familiarity equates with confidence. And confidence equates with sales.

“Provided that your products or services are of sufficient quality, confidence in yourself and your offering will attract buyers more than any other attribute. More than quality. More than selection. More than price. More than service. Confidence will be your ally.

“And consistent marketing will breed confidence.”

Here is a secret to consistency: assign someone the responsibility of marketing coordinator. As a project manager, their goal is to ensure all the marketing procedures continue. That they are consistent.

This was a fundamental element to the Marketing Manager System I wrote in 2000.

I will be covering this, by the way, on our new Management, Marketing, and Leadership course starting next week. (We have a full class for now. Our next program begins in February 2024. Let us know if you want to be on the waiting list.)

But the details are also in my book, The Goal Driven Business.

Management is not as exciting as a new marketing method, or as thrilling as an energetic motivational seminar. But managing your marketing to continue consistently produces sustained results long after the “Killer Ad” wears out or the emotional high from last weekend’s seminar dims.

Here are 8 of the 10 marketing “truths” from Guerrilla marketing. Link to the full ten below.


From the book Guerrilla Marketing

1. The market is constantly changing. When you stop advertising, you miss evolving opportunities and stop being part of the process. You are not on the bus. You are not in the game.

2. People forget fast. Remember, they’re bombarded with tons of messages (an estimated 2700) daily.

3. Your competition isn’t quitting. People will spend money to make purchases, and if you don’t make them aware that you are selling something, they’ll spend their money elsewhere.

4. Marketing strengthens your identity. When you quit marketing, you shortchange your reputation, reliability, and the confidence people have in you. The bond of communication is too precious to break capriciously.

5. Marketing is essential to survival and growth. With very few exceptions, people won’t know you’re there if you don’t get the word out.

6. Marketing enables you to hold on to your old customers. Many enterprises survive on repeat and referral business. Old customers are the key to both. When old customers don’t hear from you or about you, they tend to forget you.

7. Marketing maintains morale. Your own morale is improved when you see your marketing at work, and especially when you see that it does, indeed, work. Your employees’ morale is similarly uplifted.

8. Marketing gives you an advantage over competitors who have ceased marketing.

Seize your goals by continuing marketing. Never stop.


Download the Ten Truths: Ten Truths Levinson Guerrilla Marketing


If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals,

there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my new book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business building methodology

The Goal Driven Business By Edward Petty

goal driven business buy now button

Planning Your Chiropractic Marketing for the 4th Quarter in 2023

Planning chiropractic marketing

Happy September!

Well, here we are … the start of September and four more months left to the year.

Now what?

Plan Your Chiropractic Marketing – Marketing Your Chiropractic Plan

So just a suggestion: before we all get too caught up in this new month and the weeks get away from us with all the daily duties, I suggest you set some time aside, and you and your gang plan what you can do to end the year on your best note. Set some goals that are realistic with some fun rewards.

Key is marketing, of course. There are oodles of different approaches and procedures and actives that you can do that work.

Pick a few that have worked in the past. If they are recurring, put them on a list and ensure they are done routinely.

If they are special, done now and then, get them scheduled and post them on a calendar so that everyone can see them.

Your number 1 marketing activity will always be your vibe – and your Table Talk with your patients and with your team.

Inform While You Perform Chiropractic Services

I hardily recommend newsletters as these help to keep the conversation and Table Talk going. You don’t own social media platforms, but you do your email.

Social media has worked now and then for short-term advertising. But if you have been in practice for a few years, you should have quite a base of patients from whom you can nurture and keep them coming in for care. They know you and trust you and should come back. They will if you keep informing them of all the extraordinary successes (and fun!) your other active patients are having. They also have family, friends, and work associates they can refer.

Motivation drives it all, so tap into the wisdom of your tribe. They know what works, and even if they don’t, let them run with an idea, and if they are enthused about it, it might work.

Lastly, plan to win, but don’t get too serious. You and your team are helping people – and how can that not be rewarding? Don’t let the minor fractures in communications that occur on a busy day get in the way of the joy of working with teammates to get others better.

Here is a list of special promotions that have worked for fall.

Seize the next 4 months with love and gusto!



If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals,

there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my new book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business building methodology

The Goal Driven Business By Edward Petty

goal driven business buy now button

Improving Chiropractic Patient Follow Through

The outcomes you produce as a doctor depend upon the patient following through with their care plan.

There are many procedures to help the patient follow through. But they all stem from the mission and goals of the office and the agreements made between the patient and the doctor on the initial visits.

  • Office Mission and Goals: Help people become healthier and function better.
  • Patient Goals and Plan to Achieve Them. These are discovered and defined with the doctor, and a plan is agreed upon to achieve them.

Everything in your office is based upon these goals and this plan. All staff interactions with the patient can be considered “standing orders” from the doctor derived from the agreement made with the patient. The authority to schedule patients, work out finances, and apply therapies are all based upon what the doctor has ordered based on the above goals.

Goalineering: Aligning Chiropractic Procedures with Patient Goals

Every few months, you can review the sequence of actions the patient experiences from their initial visit to completing their treatment plan. Look at all the points that influence patient commitment to their care plan. Look at what is done, what is said, and how it can be improved and better aligned with the patient’s goals.

This is engineering your procedures with your goals – or GOALINEERING!

For example:

  1. Diagnostic procedures. (Consultation and history – be thorough; don’t be superficial. Exam, imaging) Goal: Discover what the patient wants and needs.
  2. Report of Findings procedures. (Causes of issues. Plans: consequences of no plan, mini-plan, and thorough plan. Agreement or not to care plan.) Goal: Work out the best care plan and secure the patient’s agreement to achieve it.
  3. Post-Report of Findings procedures. (Financial agreement, scheduling agreement, agreements to office policies with a staff member who is an assistant coach!) Goal: Work out all administrative details with the patient on their care plan so they can focus on their health goals without distractions or confusion.
  4. Front Desk follow-up procedures. (Aggressively friendly and a demon on control as an assistant coach! Front Desk RULES the Roost!) Goal: Keep the patient on track to achieving their goals.
  5. Daily visit procedures. (Give encouragement and reaffirm goals.) Goal: Keep the patient motivated to achieve their goals.
  6. Progress exam/reports. (Show progress, give encouragement, and reaffirming goals.) Goal: Keep the patient motivated to achieve their goals.
  7. Other: (Rewards, e.g., t-shirt after 12 visits. Patient education class and patient successes.) Goal: Keep the patient motivated to achieve their goals.

Review these activities, practice the procedures, and refine them as needed. Also, document what you say and do and keep your notes for later review and training.

Do this, and you will improve patient retention and outcomes and follow through.


Back to School Month

chiropractic back to school, goal driven

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
(Attributed to Nelson Mandela)*

September is almost here, and soon the schools will be busy.

Since doctor means teacher, why not go all in on education and teaching this month?


Support your teachers and the kids they teach.

This September, you can align your office with a local school and support other teachers and their students.

There are many approaches to this. You can call or visit a school and tell them you would like, along with your staff and patients, to make a contribution of some kind to a specific department or activity. These could be new uniforms for the marching band, art supplies, or supplies for the kids in need, like calculators, notebooks, and book bags.

You can also get the kids in for a back-to-school check-up and include a short workshop on backpack safety.

Whatever your plan is, promote it in your e-newsletter, on posters and handouts, and your social medial platforms.

You can also offer a special discount to teachers.

Staff often have great ideas and love to work on special projects like this. Get them involved!

While these types of promotions are not designed to generate boatloads of new patients, they can be fun, generate goodwill, and establish your business as a trusted community member. All of this supports your other marketing activities.


Because staff and doctor education is important, but not urgent, it is typically put on the back burner. This is true with many things, including patient care, where we focus too much on pain relief and not enough on correction, strengthening, and wellness.

Your Patients

As health professionals, you know that healthcare information in the marketplace borders on criminal. Corporations that produce soft drinks don’t warn about the harmful effects of high fructose corn syrup, “food” companies about the dangers of linoleic oil in cooking oil, or corporations that sell farm and lawn products about the toxins from weed and insect killers.

The benefits of chiropractic and non-corporate health care certainly aren’t promoted, and we have seen what happens to the M.D. s that speak out against the well-funded medical narrative.

Inform While You Perform, and in doing so, you help your patients become healthier and position your practice as a genuine HEALTH practice. Be a rebel, and educate your patients on health: corrective care, strengthening, care, nutrition, diet, exercise, and all the basics of good health that can’t be patented!

You and Your Team

The fall seminars are coming up! State conventions often have teachers that actually teach practical information! Schedule yourself for a weekend this fall… and take your staff.

Fall State Conventions. Staff education is more important than you might realize. First, they learn some valuable concepts and procedures. But beyond the obvious, investing in their education shows you recognize their value. They are an integral part of practice success and patient outcomes and are worthy of the investment. They also see that they are part of a larger profession – that there are others besides you and their practice mates that have similar jobs, challenges, and rewards.

Chirofest. Besides your local state conventions, a shoutout to Chirofest out in Vancouver WA. Dr. Paul Reed does a great job, and nothing compares to the Oregon coast, two hours from Vancouver.

Goal Driven Management and Leadership Training. Our own Practice Management and Leadership Training starts September 18th. We are limiting enrollment to just 7 offices for our Founder’s Round and we still have a couple of spots open. There is absolutely no training like this anywhere. Let me know if you are interested. It’s an amazing deal — but only if you want to improve your income and create an even more dynamic practice manager!

Seize September,


More info:

Goal Driven Management and Leadership Training

ChiroFest seminar

Your state association

The Goal Driven Business book by Ed Petty

*Nelson Mandela quote: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Madison Park High School, Boston, 23 June 1990; reported in various forms

Chiropractors and Other Doctors: Do You Placate Your Patients?


Goal Driven to tell the truth. Chiropractic, business management

Faith, Confidence and Belief

It is an oversimplification to say that chiropractors, and other doctors, who remain true to their principles and goals are less stressed and more productive.

And make more money.

But I’ve seen it.

You need Faith, Confidence and Belief (FCB!) in yourself, in your knowledge and skills, and what your office can do for people. (I learned about FCB from Dr. James Parker at a Parker seminar years ago.)

With these qualities, you can tell the truth and be honest. And stick to your guns.

A naturopathic and chiropractic doctor I follow on a social media site said this:

“If someone was poisoning themselves slowly with their lifestyle habits, you bet I let them know. Isn’t that what doctors are supposed to do? Truth be told, most everyone already knew. People aren’t stupid, just in denial.

“Last time I checked it’s our job to tell them the facts. Not placate them or worry about hurting their feelings with said facts…Because that’s what most doctors are doing. They beat around the bush so as to not offend.

“Of course, I was always professional and kind, but I still called a spade a spade.

“The word doctor means teacher, not enabler.”


From a marketing perspective, people buy from those they trust. And they trust people who have certainty.

If you equivocate – dodge the facts – your patient will see that you are unsure what the heck you are talking about. They will be less likely to commit to a care program or follow through.

On the other hand, if you apply your knowledge and skill with certainty and confidence when you look at their case, explain it to them, and recommend a treatment plan that is best suited for them, their chances of commitment and follow-through are very high.


One of the benefits of seminars is that your convictions can become rekindled. You are reminded of your truth.

But after a week or so, back at your office, the fire of your passion begins to dim. And rather than gliding through your day, it starts to feel like you are plodding through mud.

What gets in the way of your pure-hearted and stalwart convictions about health and your principles and purposes?

And what is it that slows you down?

ADMIN. Administration. Everything that is NOT patient-related. The organization and running of the support machinery of your practice start to pull you into its noise, worries, corrections, and sometimes drama.

Policies, procedures, and people do not all move smoothly and cooperate conveniently or get implemented as excellently as you hope. And this can be a major distraction.

Practice management can get messy!

This is why organizational structure and management are so very essential. Maybe not when you are a wild entrepreneur just starting out. But as your business grows, administrative details flood in – and clog up the works. More than most doctors realize!


The solution is to take time to work ON your business.

Then, assign someone to be your MANAGER to help you improve the organization and take care of the admin.

They will need training and you’ll need to work with them.

And to be direct, and not to beat around the bush, if you don’t do this, you will be forever stunted in your practice growth and work-life balance. And you will lose money.

But with an organizer, someone who is managing your practice administration, you will be less distracted and more grounded in your truth to help your patients get and stay on the best track for their health. And, your practice will be more profitable.

Our high-level training for your manager (and you) begin September 18. For more info below.

Keep to your truth,


Advanced Practice Manager Training, Beginning September 18.
Find out about it here.

MUSIC You made it this far, so enjoy some music – as a tribute to Robbie Robertson – The Weight – Playing for Change.


How is Your Chiropractic Head Game?

chiropractic goal driven to strike out batters.

The Hidden Game of Practice Success
‘Baseball is 90 percent mental. The other half is physical’ – Yogi Berra

Hello Sports Fans!

For my 13-year grandson’s birthday, I bought him a book on sports: Ninety Percent Mental: An All-Star Turned Mental Skills Coach Reveals the Hidden Game of Baseball by Bob Tewsksbury.

I haven’t finished reading the book, but I know the subject – how the mind affects performance. I figure any tips I can give to my grandkids, the better chance they will have.

And I figure this also applies to myself, and perhaps to you.

In my book, The Goal Driven Business, I cover the 5 Engines to practice success. These are:

  1. Clinical outcomes and service
  2. Leadership
  3. Management
  4. Marketing
  5. Personal Power

No matter how competent you are as a chiropractic doctor, healthcare provider, or business owner, how inspiring you are as a leader, how consistent and enterprising you are as a manager, or intelligent as a marketer… if you don’t have the positive energy to make things happen, your practice will falter.

Personal Power is the “Hidden Game” of practice success.

The first chiropractor Dave and I worked with had multiple doctors and together saw over 2,000 visits per week. (I still have the stats!) A recurring theme he would tell his associates was that practice success was an “inside job.” This meant success was dependent upon their mental attitude.

But one’s mental attitude is dependent upon something much deeper. You can always “fake it till you make it,” which might sometimes be necessary. But it is not authentic.

What is authentic is your happiness. Happiness underlies your mental attitude. Your Personal Power comes out when you are happier.

So, how do you become happier?

Using Your Signature Strengths In Your Chiropractic and Healthcare Practice

One method that has been proven to improve a person’s happiness is to focus on your strengths – what you are good at – and less on what you are not so good at.

Martin Seligman, Ph.D., is a strong proponent of Positive Psychology. In his book Authentic Happiness, he discusses common virtues that all people in all cultures have agreed upon over time. These virtues can be translated into specific Character Strengths. Each of these strengths has 3-5 subcategories for a total of 24-Character Strengths.

We all have a different set of more dominant strengths, which Seligman calls our Signature Strengths. For example, one person may be strong in humor, gratitude, and fairness, while another person’s Signature Strengths could be creativity, curiosity, and gratitude.

“I do not believe that you should devote overly much effort to correct your weaknesses. Rather, I believe that the highest success in living and the deepest emotional satisfaction comes from building and using your signature strengths.”

I cover this in practical detail in my book, The Goal Driven Business, and it is part of our upcoming Management and Leadership Training course, our 11-week intensive training especially for practice managers beginning on Sept. 18.

We all have our confusions and apprehensions — our mental monkeys that get in the way of our happiness and limit our Personal Power. You see this in your patients and staff, and I am sure you notice it now and then in yourself.

But a legitimate goal is to be happy, and in so doing, you can unleash your power and win at the “Hidden Game” of practice success.

By focusing on what you do best, and allowing your team to pick up all the rest, you can go a long way at winning the “Hidden Game” of practice development.

Having your team pick up “all the rest” requires good management. So I recommend you consider our Management and Leadership training for your manager this Sept.

Stay strong in your strengths,


You can take a survey and discover your Signature Strengths at

For more information about our Management and Leadership Training.

Image: Wikipedia

The Biggest Factor in your Chiropractic or Heath Practice’s success?

You might say it is clinical expertise. Or motivation? Or marketing Or …philosophy.

After visiting chiropractic offices nationwide for over 30 years, I can tell you that none of these factors are the most fundamental. Important, yes. But sooner or later, they all get derailed and sidetracked because of one factor — management.


Growth creates its own barrier. As you see more patients and your visit volume grows, so does your administrative and marketing duties. In fact, they grow about twice as fast. But for the most part, they aren’t noticed as you are busy with patient care. After a while, tasks backlog and pile up, staff get confused, and the floor cares in and down goes your practice.

As you grow, you run into a mostly invisible organizational barrier. This creates a big dilemma: How can you be at your best as a caring, empathetic doctor focusing on delivering the highest quality outcomes possible to your trusting patients — while at the same time managing a growing business.

You can’t.

You need a trained, Goal Driven manager to take care of the practice administration for you.


But you don’t have to take it from me.

Michael Gerber pointed this out in his famous book, The E-Myth, in the 1980s.

And recently, after analyzing hundreds of businesses and thousands of business people, Gallup scientifically came up with the following conclusion:

“Based on our largest global study of the Future of Work, Gallup finds that the quality of managers and team leaders is the single biggest factor in your organization’s long-term success.”


There are no intensive training programs for practice managers in the chiropractic profession. There sometimes are some short classes at seminars on various “management” subjects, but nothing formal or comprehensive. And nothing for doctors to be trained as CEO’s, though some chiropractic colleges offer two-year MBA programs for $20,000 or more.

Over the last year, we have been building a training program for practice managers.

The program is primarily for managers, but doctors will also receive training as Clinic Directors. It is an 11-week program with 30 short classes taught in live webinars over 11 weeks. It includes round table discussions with the managers, weekly homework for the manager graded by me, a private manager’s club, and many other innovative teaching procedures.

The outcome is a Goal Driven practice manager and practice Clinic Director who knows how to move their practice forward to achieve its fullest potential and comfortably stay there.

Over the next several weeks, I will post articles and videos on practice management and leadership for you and your practice manager in addition to the usual Tuesday emails.

If you are interested in this program, just reply to this email, and we will contact you.

I am only accepting a maximum of 7 offices as this is the first Founder’s Round for charter members. So don’t wait if you are interested. The class is filling, and once we are full, that’s all I can take.


You can attend seminars and learn new adjusting techniques, buy new therapy equipment, and purchase all the advertising you can. But when the rubber meets the road, you need people and systems to support you. Who will train and coach your team, write up and practice new procedures, and handle the growing administrative responsibilities?

If you have a trained manager and you have been trained in our new Fast Flow CEO Method, the admin tasks will be managed proactively and responsibly.

And you know what? Managers want to be trained. They want to improve and be more valuable to the practice.


If you are operating comfortably at 40-50% of your full capacity, you have the time to be the practice manager yourself. If you want.

But if you are growing, operating at 80% or more of you full capacity, or if you have a large practice, with multiple doctors, providers, or ancillary services, you are losing revenue if you do not have a trained Goal Driven practice manager taking care of practice administration.


Do what you do best.

And delegate all the rest.


The Best Leadership for Your Chiropractic and Healthcare Practice

Improving productivity through greater engagement.

I try to base all my practice and business recommendations on observations I have had and also on the research from those of others.

Dave Michel and I have an advantage: we are not doctors and therefore are not biased on any particular type of clinical practice. We are managers and not doctors, so we don’t advise that you do it “our way.” We look for what works and what is best for the patient, the practice, and the owner.

After viewing hundreds of practices, I distilled down the essential elements of what we saw that were most effective and least effective. I then integrated research from other business scientists and laid out a simple growth and practice development plan that was not based on any one doctor’s personality.

Jim Collins is one researcher whose information we incorporated into our work, Eliyahu Goldratt, Stephen Covey, and scores of others, including Michael Gerber.


Gerber’s book, The E-Myth, states that, from his experience as a business consultant, people who start a business have three roles: the entrepreneur, the technician, and the manager. By his definition, the technician would be the doctor or health care provider who would also have the role of business owner or entrepreneur.

Most doctors focus on being doctors and making a living as business owners or entrepreneurs.

The manager role is short-changed. It is a difficult role to fulfill as who has time to manage and see a full load of patients. You are paid for providing service… not for managing. Right?

In a practice, the “manager” is really the CEO, or Clinic Director — whatever term you care to use.

This role breaks down into three major functions, all supporting the delivery of clinical services and generating income for the practice and business. These three functions are:

  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Marketing

A good portion of these functions can be delegated using the Goal Driven System, as discussed in the book, The Goal Driven Business.

I want to zero in on leadership.


Gallup states that it has done extraordinarily comprehensive and long-term studies on leadership. They report, “The most effective leaders rally a broad group of people toward an organization’s goals, mission and objectives. They lead. People follow.”

In their studies, they have found that people need or seek the following from their leaders:

          • Trust
          • Compassion
          • Stability
          • Hope

This is what your team wants from you as their employer and Clinic Director.

One of the biggest challenges in all offices is a support team that loses its motivation and is no longer engaged. If you can develop these 4 feelings in your team, their motivation and production will improve.

The big challenge, which is not usually resolved in most practices, is how to be an effective leader and take care of a full caseload of patients.


This is where the function of management comes into play.

The function of management is THE lever, THE Leverage Point (Principle 13 in The Goal Driven Business), that allows leadership to function and a practice to reach its full potential.

I will reveal new information about this next week, but for now, consider the 4 needs employees seek from you as their employer. Write them down on a piece of paper and consider them your goals in your role of Clinic Director.

Seize the Future through Trust, Compassion, Stability, and Hope.

Till next week,


Strengths Based Leadership – Gallup, 2008
E-Myth Revisited, Michael Gerber

Reach and Maintain Maximum Cruising Altitude in Your Chiropractic or Healthcare Practice

A chiropractic or health care practice flying high.

As a chiropractic or healthcare business owner, you ultimately have 1 of 3 destinations you want to achieve.

  1. Cruise at Maximum Altitude. Reach your full operational capacity, stay there and cruise, accumulate wealth, and enjoy the ride.
  2. Cruise at Maximum Altitude and Expand. Reach your full operational capacity, then clone yourself and bring on other doctors, providers, or heaven help you, other offices.
  3. Attain Maximum Altitude and Sell. Reach your full operational capacity and sell your business.

Operating at full capacity would be adjusting and treating as many patients as possible comfortably with full staff support. It would be your maximum production level where you, and all the doctors and providers, were fully booked.

Getting to your full capacity is one thing. Staying there is another altogether.

There are several reasons why it can be so challenging to maintain your maximum capacity. Some causes are apparent, some hide in plain sight, and some are difficult to recognize, accept, or overcome.

Here are a few:

  1. You are a chiropractic or healthcare entrepreneur. You like the challenge of growth. But you get bored easily. After you reach the top of the mountain, you look around for another challenge, and in the process – oops! You stop doing what worked.
  2. Passion, Inspiration, & Fast Marketing. You can often achieve high production because of sudden inspiration from a recent seminar or tapping into a new marketing niche. In either case, passion doesn’t last forever, and fishing holes are soon fished out.
  3. Your team is not ready. You don’t have the team in place to support the higher volume.
  4. Doctor AND CEO. You don’t have the time and energy to provide high-quality care to more and more patients AND manage your business at the same time.

Other snares, barriers, landmines, pirates, and even false prophets block your growth, pull you down, or lead you astray and keep you from hitting your maximum altitude, but the above four are common.

Here are remedies to the above 4 hurdles:

  1. Yes, you are an entrepreneur but keep doing what works. It may need some adjusting now and then, but if you were calling the new patient after their first adjustment and treatment when you were growing and doing well – keep doing it!
  2. Generate your own inspiration weekly. Read, watch videos, go to where you go for spiritual revival, and talk to positive colleagues. Talk to your coach(s)! You could go to a hospital or talk to nurses and see what happens to people who didn’t see you! Remember, the Power comes from above down and then inside out.
  3. Invest in building your team. It takes time to build an expert team. Ensure you hire right and then regularly coach your team.
  4. Systems. The dilemma of being an expert doctor while also a competent CEO is solved by implementing systems, especially management systems. Michael Gerber discussed this in his book, The E-Myth, a standard text for most owners of service businesses. My book, the Goal Driven Business, expands upon it.

Apply these 4 remedies now — and when you do reach your full capacity, you will have a much easier time staying there.

If you are looking for a guide or a flight instructor to help you reach your cruising altitude, let me know!

Seize Your Future,


Three Phases of Chiropractic Care are Like 3 Goals for the Patient

chiropractic, goal, driven, chiropractor, petty, michel

It was a warm summer day when I was driving my Kawasaki Intruder south down Highway 101 in Oregon near the California border when the fog rolled in. Although I had gloves on, they didn’t help. Hitting a cold fog bank on a motorcycle, the wind chill hits you hard. I was cold, but when I noticed that the front wheel was shaking because I was shaking, I decided that was enough. I found a roadside motel and called it a day.

After a two-hour shower just to warm up, I settled into a chair in my room and started reading some material from a client’s office. It talked about the 3 Phases of Care for patients. I knew about these phases, though never paid much attention to them, and I don’t expect many doctors I worked with paid much attention to them either.

Then, it hit me: these Three Phases of Care are like three goals of care:

  1. Relief – Goal 1
  2. Correction-strengthening – Goal 2
  3. Maintenance-Wellness — Goal 3

Then I had this kinda mind-blowing experience: Could these three goals for patients also apply to three goals for a practice? This was a mind-altering question, and after the room stopped swirling, the answer was obvious – YES. The three goals for a patient were similar to the three goals for a practice.

  1. Profit — Goal 1. (This comes from immediate production from marketing. Not enough cash flow is painful!)
  2. Service — Goal 2. (The best quality at full capacity comes from a strong practice where all major issues are corrected and in alignment.)
  3. Higher Purposes. — Goal 3. Our why, our mission, our reasons for Goals 1 and 2.

From this experience, we named our seminar series in 2008 – 2010, The Three Goals. And it was from this that I later named my book, The Goal Driven Business.


I think to be agreeable and to give patients what they think they want, doctors often focus on relief care, and once the patient feels better, the patient leaves. Trying to convince patients to stay longer can seem like pressuring the patient, or it just takes up too much time.

Yes, educating your patients on correction and wellness does take more work. But your patients want this. They just don’t know it. They are symptom oriented – trained and treated by a medical system rather than an actual health system.

The hardware store thinks it is selling a hammer to a man. Yes, but they are also selling something that puts a beautiful painting on a wall at his home that makes his wife happy. The hardware store is selling… a hammer, a hung artwork, and happiness.

As the doctor, are you selling just a hammer, or are you also selling happiness?


Unfortunately, the habit of only treating symptoms carries over to practice management. We don’t take the time or feel we have the time to invest in ourselves, let alone our staff. Constant training, coaching, and sometimes counseling for yourself and your team are required to become stronger and more in alignment with the goals of a healing office. In the end, this improves income, service, and practice freedom.

For happier patients and a happier office, apply all 3 Phases of Care, or Goals, to your patients and to your practice.


I can show you how this is possible. Read the Goal Driven Business and contact me!

REMINDER: New ABN form mandatory starting June 30, 2023

petty, michel, medicare, goal, driven, insurance, abn

picture of a woman

Just a reminder that the NEW ABN form released earlier this year is mandatory beginning June 30th, 2023.  To clarify this only pertains to medicare patients that begin care after June 30th, 2023.

For your convenience we have included in this blog the forms in English and Spanish and helpful information for implementing the new form.

New ABN Form and Implementation Instructions

ABNEnglish_01312026_508 English version of the ABN effective June 30th, 2023

ABNSpanish_01312026_508 Spanish version of the ABN effective June 30th, 2023


2023-04-20-NEW-MEDICARE-ABN– Helpful tips from Lisa for the use of the new Medicare ABN effective 6/30/2023

Script-for-ABN-form– Script for explaining the form to the patient

As always, Lisa is available if you need further assistance with anything Medicare related.  .

Born in the USA

born in the usa, chiropractic, chiropractor, 4thofjuly

On July 4, 1776, 13 colonies declared their independence from the tyrannical rule over them by Great Britain. The Declaration of Independence was ratified on this day by the 2nd Continental Congress, establishing the United States of America.

Chiropractic was born in 1895. And like America, has been independent and free ever since, helping people become free from poor health and poor health solutions.

To each of you – chiropractors, support professionals, and other independent health care providers — I believe you all make a larger difference than you know.

Happy 4th to you all!



  • We never know how far reaching something we may think, say or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow. B. J. Palmer
  • For you have been called to live in freedom. Use your freedom to serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13
  • With freedom comes responsibility. Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. Benjamin Franklin
  • Every generation inherits a world it never made; and, as it does so, it automatically becomes the trustee of that world for those who come after. In due course, each generation makes its own accounting to its children. Robert Kennedy
  •  “Let Freedom ring.” Martin Luther King


Independence Day Discount! Almost free!

For more freedom in your practice, seize my book The Goal Driven Business.

$8 now until July 12th. ($3 for Kindle version.)

Plus, you will receive 10 practice-building tools to grow and develop your practice. If the information in the book is applied, you WILL increase your profit, improve your service… and achieve greater freedom. Buy a bunch and give them to your colleagues. Let’s help more people!

How to Be a Health Patriot – Don’t Be a Colonialist!

July 4th weekend is coming up, and here in the United States, it’s a pretty big deal.

It should be.

July 4 is Independence Day, a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain. It was ratified on July 4, 1776, establishing the United States of America.

Reading the Declaration of Independence and the history of how it came about is sobering. Times were very rough, and those who worked and fought for independence were brave and sacrificed a great deal.

Britain had established colonies in North America. And as enumerated in the Declaration of Independence, they treated the people in these colonies unjustly.

A colony is defined as: “an area over which a foreign nation or state extends or maintains control.” It seems to me that big corporations have captured healthcare institutions, both private and public. And therefore, healthcare has been colonized.

Every year, especially these last few years, I think of you and your dedicated staff – chiropractors and other independent healthcare practices – like the revolutionaries of 1776.

You are the HEALTH PATRIOTS, and so are your teams and your patients. I recommend that you take some time, now and then, to acknowledge this. It’s an honor but also a responsibility.

“The Rights of the Colonists” is a 1772 essay by Samuel Adams (not the beer lol!), a Bostonian revolutionary leader. He wrote:

It is in the interest of tyrants to reduce the people to ignorance and vice. For they cannot live in any country where virtue and knowledge prevail.*

I suggest one of the best methods of growing your practice is through education. Teach your patients, your team, and seek knowledge yourself. Give them your wisdom, your experience, and help them become independent and, ultimately, interdependent.

Use your table talk, personal newsletters, thorough report of findings AND progress reports, and heck, even the old fashioned spinal care classes.

We are awash in corporate marketing and influence. * Fight colonialism through education and question everything. And encourage your patients and team to do the same.

All of us at PM&A want to thank you for your courage and generous care of your patients and community.

Respectfully, let’s Seize the Future! (Carpe Futurum!)


ALSO, seize my book The Goal Driven Business. Almost free! ($8.00) for the next 2 weeks. ($3.00 for Kindle version.) Plus, you will receive 10 practice-building tools to grow and develop your practice. If the information in the book is applied, you WILL increase your profit, improve your service… and achieve greater freedom. Buy a bunch and give them to your colleagues. Let’s help more people!

The photo above is taken in the Boston Public Garden next to the Boston Common with a statue of George Washington behind me. The Boston Common was used as a training ground for colonial militias and served as a gathering place for political rallies and public gatherings during the pre-revolutionary period. It is also close to Lexington and Concord where “The Shot Heard Round the World” occurred on April 19, 1775. I was sightseeing before I attended RFK, Jr.’s announcement nearby for his run for President. RFK, Jr. said that this is one of the reasons he picked this location to announce his presidency — which he did on April 19, 2023.


Pharmaceutical companies spend around 68% of their $30 billion ( a year) medical marketing budget on persuading medical professionals of the benefits of their prescription drugs, with the largest payer being Bristol-Myers Squibb According to Vivvix

The pharmaceuticals and health products industry in the United States spent about $373.74 million on lobbying efforts in 2022, Statistica

Pharmaceutical companies contribute significantly to medical schools and hospitals for research grants and continuing medical education classes. Pharmaceutical and medical device company contributions accounted for 28% of continuing medical education funding in 2017.

Of Harvard’s 8,900 professors and lecturers, 1,600 admit that either they or a family member have had some kind of business link to drug companies — sometimes worth hundreds of thousands of dollars — that could bias their teaching or research. Additionally, pharma contributed more than $11.5 million to the school last year for research and continuing-education classes. 2008,8599,1883449,00.html

The U.S. taxpayer indirectly supports Big Pharma by funding research grants to universities and other institutions, which are used by pharmaceutical corporations to develop products to sell back to taxpayers.

Samuel Adams (1906). “The Writings of Samuel Adams: 1770-1773”

In Chiropractic and Health Care Clinics, Intention Makes the Difference

The Goal INTENDED Practice

Coming back from a chiropractic seminar, the flight attendant got on the public address system and made a standard announcement about our arrival, and thanked us for choosing their airline.

I don’t think I have ever heard a more monotone announcement delivered with less interest. The speaker seemed more intent on getting to their next task than the one they were currently doing – speaking to the passengers.


It can happen. We can become busy with our techniques, procedures, and dialogues that we lose track of why we are doing them. Sometimes our drive, vision, and intention to do our jobs becomes diluted during the day.

And when this happens, for whatever reason, you will see it in your practice numbers the following week – sometimes sooner.

Lynne McTaggart has conducted numerous experiments and studies on the healing power of intention. She says:

“Intention appears to be something akin to a tuning fork, causing the tuning forks of other things in the universe to resonate at the same frequency.”*

If this is true, then the quality and intensity of your intention affects the rest of your teammates and patients, both active and inactive.

Elsewhere Ms. McTaggart says:

“We need to realize that we are observers and creators, and in every moment that we are observing our world, we’re constantly remaking it at every instant.” **


At the recent Parker chiropractic seminar, I listened to David Sinclair. A geneticist, he and others have researched different approaches to longevity. According to Sinclair, recent studies demonstrate slowing down and even reversing aging. This is accomplished with the use of lifestyle changes, vitamins, repurposed drugs, and new drugs that are being developed.

David Sinclair speaking at Parker chiropractic seminar in Orlando, Florida in June of 2023 attended by Ed Petty of Goal Driven Business.

Also at the seminar was Nita Farahany, who discussed new developments in neurotechnology. She discussed new technology used to eavesdrop on not just our brains but our thoughts.

Parker comes across as very conservative, unlike some of my conspiratorial friends! But between the lines, the potential for future mechanization of health and humans was evident. In Ms. Farahany’s book, she talks about Transhumanism.

“Transhumanism is a cultural movement aimed at solving the “tragedies” of the human condition – namely aging, our physical and physiological limitation, and suffering.” * As AI advances, the idea is to “upskill” humans to keep up through genetic and electronic manipulation.

While there may be positives to creating superhumans, the risk is losing our humanity and perhaps independence. I was impressed that Parker had these speakers.


We will have to stay vigilant. Artificial intelligence can only produce a sequence of actions, but only a living person can have intention. This is why AI can never replace the role of the healer.

Healing requires intent. And this is your specialty – dealing with the vital power of life.


So, what is intention? It is the decision that you will achieve a specific goal. It is your determination and drive to create the end you have in mind.

Here are a couple of action steps to help keep intention strong:

  • Discuss this with your team: What do you think when the phone rings or before seeing the next patient? “Oh boy, I get to talk to someone and make their day better.” Or, “Heck, another interruption.” This applies to everyone in the office – doctors and staff.
  • Morning Case Management Meeting. One method of supporting strong intentions is starting each morning by reviewing who is coming in and the plan of action, the intention, for each patient. This is a Case Management meeting 15 minutes before the day begins. You can also set realistic goals for new patients and office visits, goals that everyone sees and agrees to.

Then, enjoy your day.

With Intention, Carpe Futurum! (Seize the Future!)


A happy photo of Ed Petty, of and Petty, Michel and Associates,, attending Parker Chiropractic seminar in Florida, in June, 2023.





The Battle for Your Brain: Defending the Right to Think Freely in the Age of Neurotechnology, Nita A. Farahany

Chiropractic Training Doesn’t Cost – It Pays

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Alvin Toffler

I just returned from a Parker Chiropractic Seminar.

There were some excellent topics and knowledgeable and informative speakers. I met some wonderful chiropractors and staff, attended a few classes, and learned new things. And, as always, was thankfully reminded of old things.

Some doctors brought their staff. This can be expensive, I know. But it is worth it.

Employee education is essential. First of all, it pays off. Case studies of individual companies show that financial returns vary between an increase of 30% to even as much as 7,000%!*

Stats show that companies invest in employee training. For example, on average, smaller companies (from 100-999) spent $1,678 in 2022 and 67 hours per employee. The total spent on employee training in the U.S. in 2022 was 101 billion.**

This means that even if it costs $5,000 to take your team to a training seminar, you should see an extra $1,500 in collections on top of the money you’ve already spent.

People want to do their best but need the knowledge to do so. I often refer to the Self-Determination Theory, which, through research, has shown that all of us have an inherent desire for advancement and improvement. Good training supports this intrinsic goal.

Providing training for your staff shows that they are an integral part of providing patient care and achieving practice success. It demonstrates your respect for their value as team members.

The world is changing mighty fast — as you know. The Parker seminar had two keynote speakers discussing critical social and health-related issues that are rapidly developing and will impact practices. I will report on this next week. Staying current with evolving technology and social trends allows you and your team to stay innovative and in better touch with your community.

Parker has great classes, but there are many other practical seminars. In the fall, most state associations have conferences with training programs within driving distance of your office. And beyond seminars, there are online courses, books, and your personal teaching.

I often encourage doctors to assign staff to read relevant books, sections of books, or specific videos and bonus them for doing so. The staff can present what they learned at a team meeting so everyone learns.

It is easy to feel we don’t have the time or the money to invest in training – for ourselves or our staff. But with deliberate practice and coaching, training improves performance and income.

Like chiropractic, training doesn’t cost – it pays!

Seize the future through study and training,



Toffler: “Rethinking the Future: Rethinking Business, Principles, Competition, Control & Complexity, Leadership, Markets, and the World” (1998m Rowan, Toffler)

Hiring, Retaining, and Engaging Staff Post COVID

The Goal Driven Practice by Gallup

I remember listening to Bruce Lipton talking in San Francisco at a Life West seminar about how chiropractic was so advanced that cellular biology, specifically epigenetics, was just starting to catch up. My thought listening to him was that, while chiropractic was perhaps ahead of its time, its management was still in the Industrial Age.

Michael Gerber of E-Myth fame and many other consultants emphasize the importance of procedures. Procedures, systems, and routine methods that bring about consistent results are the “best practices” businesses strive to achieve. This is the basis of the franchise model.

But while procedures are important, people are more important.

Therefore, the most vital procedures are those that you use to help your people become more competent and motivated. These are leadership and management procedures.

Leadership and management have always been important. But we are in the 2020’s now, long past the Industrial model of assembly-line procedural work. We are past the Information Age. And now, past COVID.

The world has changed, and how we run our practices must also change. The old model of the dominating doctor and his secretary, or “girls,” hasn’t worked well over the last 20 years. And now, we have seen many offices struggling to find, retain, and engage qualified employees and doctors.

Just as my book, The Goal Driven Business, was being published, I became aware of another book that Gallup just recently published called It’s the Manager. Not to brag, but much of what they explain is also covered in my book, especially for practices. What I like about Gallup, aside from validating my information, is the stats from the hundreds of studies they have completed.

It is now vital that you take on the role of Clinic Director or senior manager, which is different from doctor or business owner, and develop your leadership and management skills.

In short, you need to create a Goal Driven team of employees, doctors, and patients – all working together to achieve positive goals. This is a holistic, even futuristic, model of business.

We have been building new courses to train doctors and their managers in leadership, management, and marketing principles which we will pilot later this summer. (Replying to this email lets me know if you might be interested. I will keep you in the loop.)

But let’s start creating your Goal Driven Dream Team now.

Let’s begin with a recommendation from Gallup:

“Gallup recommends that organizations immediately change their culture from old will to new will. These are the six biggest changes that we discovered: [I only include the first change below.]

“Millennials and Generations Z don’t just work for a paycheck — they want a purpose. Their work must have a meaning. In the past, baby boomers and other generations didn’t necessarily need meaning in their jobs. They just wanted a paycheck. Their mission and purpose were their families and communities. For millennials and Generation Z, compensation is important and must be fair, but it’s no longer their primary motivation. The emphasis for these generations has switched from paycheck to purpose – and so should your culture.”

Seize your future,


Music Is Therapeutic for Chiropractic and Other Health Offices

guitar players playing good vibes goal driven to create musicGood Morning Doctors and Health Professionals!

Sending this out early in the morning…

No nuts and bolts this morning, just some music.

Some good vibes.

Music is therapeutic – for the body, the mind, and the soul. It improves patient outcomes as well as employee performance. And, customers like it and can be more agreeable to what you advise.

I did the research! (Some of it is below.)

But never mind the research, just listen to music that you like, and that your team and a patients enjoy.

Here is a video (just listen, no need to watch, but great to watch all the same) with musicians from around the world -performing Ripple, lyrics by Robert Hunter and music by Jerry Garcia.

And have a good vibe groovin’ week!


Music Video Ripple, Playing for Change.

“Music can heal the wounds that medicine cannot touch.”

–Debasish Mrihda


For follow-up research:

Music to Encourage Buying Products & More: Best is ambient, classical, not popular as this can be distracting. Also, faster tempo music customers lingered less and moved faster.

Music has been found to have a positive impact on employee performance in certain situations. However, it’s important to note that the effects of music can vary depending on individual preferences and the specific work environment.

Here are some studies that explore the relationship between music and employee performance:

  • A study published in the Journal of Applied Ergonomics in 2015 found that background music had a positive impact on the quality of work and efficiency of employees in a data entry task. The researchers concluded that music could help improve performance by enhancing mood and reducing stress.

  • In 2012, a study published in the Journal of Consumer Research examined the effects of background music on creative problem-solving. The results showed that moderate levels of ambient noise, such as music, can enhance creative performance compared to both low and high levels of noise.

  • Another study published in the Journal of Music Therapy in 2014 investigated the effects of music listening on productivity and mood in a workplace setting. The findings revealed that employees who listened to music while working reported higher productivity and positive mood compared to those who did not listen to music.

  • A study published in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology in 2019 examined the effects of different types of music on cognitive performance and mood in a complex task. The results showed that participants performed better and reported higher positive affect when listening to music they personally enjoyed.

Does music help us work better? It depends

“Listening to music has a positive impact on our health, by helping us recover faster when we experience stress and through the reduction of stress hormone cortisol, to help us achieve a calm state or homeostasis.” – Alex Doman

Music can improve health.

Research from the Royal Society noted that “group singing can improve physical and mental health, as well as promote social bonding.” An older paper by researchers from the University of California suggests that participating in choral singing “is associated with strong increases of Immunoglobulin A,” also referred to as immunoenhancement. They tested cortisol and immunoglobulin levels in saliva before and after singing in a choir, and found that performance singing “leads adaptively to levels of positive feelings and satisfaction.” The Healing Power of Singing – The New York Times (

The Healing Power of Music

Music therapy is increasingly used to help patients cope with stress and promote healing. Richard Schiffman

April 8, 2021
New York Times

Do What You Do Best and Delegate All The Rest!

Doctors doctor.

They care for patients and earn their trust. They get results and sweat the details.

It is upon your services as a caring and competent doctor that EVERYTHING ELSE in your office exists. The phones, the computers, the software, the supplies, the emails to you, and of course, the support team and all of the details they deal with — the whole operation is just there so you can see and take care of patients.

The office is there for you, your doctors, and providers to improve the health of your patients. We all know this, but sometimes, we can get lost in the forest of “Everything Else.”

Everything Else is all the administrative details and the confusion and conflicts that need to be sorted out each day. Everything Else is everything other than seeing your patients.

When you deal with administrative functions, the capacity for seeing your patients shrinks.

It costs your business thousands of dollars when you spend time on administrative details that someone else could be managing.

But, if you don’t take care of the administration, who will? Staff are helpful, however they don’t know as much as you, and probably aren’t as motivated. Your license, debt repayments, reputation, and livelihood are on the line.

Most doctors find themselves in a kind of a trap.

It is a nice slogan, To Do What You Do Best and Delegate All the Rest, but how do you do this? Whom can you delegate to? Which team member should you delegate work to, and when do you have the time to train them? When do they have the time to be trained? And on what are you going to train them?

How do you break out of this trap?

There are real reasons why this is difficult to do, and there are also fake reasons masquerading as real reasons.

Many of these reasons are hidden or even counter-intuitive, and so it is difficult to breakthrough and take your practice to the next level. But if you know what these barriers are and get some help, you can break out of the trap and build a business that is less dependent upon your management of administrative issues.

Here are just 3 suggestions that can help you.

Give It Up to Your Team. Your team wants to be empowered to do more. This fact comes from Self-Determination Theory. (I discuss this at length in my book, The Goal Driven Business.) They want their own sandbox to work, and once they have conquered that, they want to level up and somehow learn more and or do more. Just like you!

Your Lab. Part of the Goal Driven System includes the Lab. This is your Goals Laboratory. The Lab is where and when you work ON your business, not just in it. This is when you take the time for yourself, or with your team, or your coach or coaches and colleagues. This is where you will review, analyze, study, train, and recharge. Lab Time is time you take for improvement. Here you are not the DOCTOR. Here you are a coach for your team, a student for yourself, and the Clinic Director/CEO to review how your business is working.

The Vital Few and Pareto. Only a minor percentage of your work each day is vital. This is according to the Pareto Principle, which states that around 20% of what you do produces 80% of the important outcomes. The key is to recognize your 20%. With this principle in mind, don’t be fooled – you have the time to go to the Lab and work on improvement. Improving your business, like improving your patients, is part of the 20%.

If you feel that your practice growth is stuck, if you feel that your business can grow more, consider the three recommendations above. Read the book The Goal Driven Business, especially the Chapter You Can’t Get There From Here. You can also give me a call and we can talk. Maybe I can give you some tips that might help.

Let’s help more people!


PS I thoroughly cover how to get out of the Admin Trap in The Goal Driven Business.

Got a practice question? Interested in our upcoming management training program? Need help about something? Let’s talk.

What Is Effective Chiropractic Practice Management?

You would think that management, by now, as a subject, would be scientific. That corporations would employ skilled managers with their MBAs from prestigious universities that effectively applied administrative technology to nurture their companies.

Nah, it’s not like that.

A research study was conducted by Nicholas Bloom* and others aimed at determining how effectively management procedures were being used in U.S. companies. They found that only 15% of U.S. companies scored above a 4 on a 5-point scale. More than 30% scored a three or lower. Companies outside of the U.S. scored much worse.

Management is primarily personality driven – a little like politics and show business. And sometimes, the mafia. Some companies do well because there is a dynamic genius at the helm. Others do well because they were there at the right time. Others appear to do well because of the money they borrow, steal, or collude with government regulators.

I know some very successful chiropractors who are good managers. But they were good mostly because of their temperament and not because of their conscious use of management techniques.

Unfortunately, most management focuses on supervision. It is a form of spectator-ism and policing. Like watching robots on an assembly line and reprimanding errors and deviations.

Good management focuses on improvement. First, keep things working, then how can we all improve it? It is servant based.

In my book, Goal Driven Business, I cover this as part of the Goal Driven System.

For practical purposes, management has two different functions:

1. Keep doing what works.

2. Continually look at how the procedures and systems could be improved.

If it worked yesterday, you should do it today and also tomorrow.

Then, improve it – little by little.

If you want to make a big change, when the entrepreneurial spirit hits you, do a trial run first. Don’t disrupt the systems that are working.

A good number of practice problems occur for one reason:

You stopped doing what worked!

This applies to the front desk, patient accounts, new patient onboarding, team management, and marketing procedures.

If it worked once, it would probably work again. Just improve it if it is outdated – and if that doesn’t work, revert to what worked.

I know – your workdays can get boring and sometimes you want to go and chase the shiny things. Fine. But keep doing what works until something proves itself to be better.

I will be teaching a management course later this year. If you are interested, let us know and we’ll get you on the waiting list. It will be for you and your manager. Each class will be small to allow for more personalized instruction.

Good management underlies all your activities – managing your patients, your practice, and even your life. And especially your future!

Seize the future with good management!

* Harvard Business Review, November 2012 Nicholas Bloom


If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals, there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my new book, The Goal Driven Business.

The Goal Driven Business By Edward Petty