Build a Better Chiropractic and Healthcare Practice by Serving Kids

How and Why to Develop Your Chiropractic and Healthcare Pediatric Practice

Anyone who does anything to help a child in his life is a hero! – Fred Rogers

Last week I talked about the importance of caring for our children’s health.

Not only is it needed like never before, but the evidence is clear: chiropractic helps kids. For example, one study in 2019 of 2001 mothers showed that 82% reported definite improvement of their infants, and 95% reported feeling that the care was
cost-effective. *

The evidence is out there, and even more, so is the personal testimony of so many grateful parents.

But in addition, promoting better health for children in a chiropractic or independent healthcare practice can create positive effects on generating new patients and retaining existing ones.

Regardless of the demographics or niche of your practice, including care for kids can enhance your practice and attract new patients.

Here are some suggestions on how and why to do so:

1. Family-centered care. Emphasizing pediatric care creates a family-friendly image for your practice. Parents are more likely to choose a healthcare provider who can address the health needs of their entire family, including children.

2. Community engagement. Engaging with the local community through educational workshops, seminars, or events focused on children’s health can position your practice as a community leader. This involvement helps raise awareness about your services and can attract families seeking comprehensive healthcare.

3. Word of mouth referrals. Happy and satisfied parents are likely to recommend your practice to other families. Positive word-of-mouth referrals from parents who appreciate your focus on children’s health can improve new patient acquisition.

4. Specialized services for children. Offering specialized services or programs tailored for children’s health needs can set your practice apart. This could include services for issues such as:

o Posture

o Sports injuries

o Musculoskeletal development

o And other concerns, such as earaches, bedwetting and issues from toddler tumbles!

5. Educational Content. Share educational content on your website, social media, or through newsletters that focus on children’s health and wellness. Most people just don’t know how effective chiropractic can be for children. By providing valuable information, testimonials, and case studies, you position your practice as an authoritative source and can attract parents seeking reliable healthcare information for their children.

6. Collaborate with schools, daycares, and mother’s groups. Partnering with local schools, daycares, or community organizations to provide health screenings, workshops, or informational sessions for parents can create valuable connections and increase visibility in the community.

You might consider tying a kid’s promotion with a monthly observe or holiday. Each promotion could include a posture check or a free screening. For example:

  • February 7th is National Girls and Women in Sports Day. Provide a special screening for girls in sports, or a workshop from a local athletic coach and yourself.
  • March 17 is St Patrick’s Day. This is a great time to have a Leprechaun Appreciation Day. Bring the kids in for a screening and provide contests.
  • April is Foot Health Month. For those of you that provide orthotics, you can have a foot scan.
  • May. May is National Correct Posture Month. Offer posture screenings for the entire family.

There are many possibilities, and these are just a few. Work with your team and have your marketing assistant put together a plan for this spring.

And if you don’t have a marketing assistant or manager, you should! Please contact me and I can give you some ideas on how to develop this essential position.

Carpe Deum,



*Maternal Report of Outcomes of Chiropractic Care for Infants:

Pediatric and Prenatal Chiropractic Research

Let’s Hear It For Chiropractic and Kid’s!

Petty Michel and Goal Driven Donation to Wisconsin Chiropractic for Kids How to support the health of our children

“History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children.” Nelson Mandela*

Here in Wisconsin, the Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin, the primary chiropractic association, is sponsoring a Kid’s Day next week, which we are supporting.

Also, I am supporting it with donations from the sales of my book. Please consider contributing directly to the C.S.W. or buying my book (or 20 of them!).

If you look into it, how we treat our kids in the 2020s is probably worse than in decades past. The Styrofoam-like food, the toxins such as Glyphosate and Phthalates in our breakfast cereal, the nano plastics now in our blood, the sugar and seed oil, the escalation of Pharma drugs and shots, the social media, the list goes on and on.

Just look at the stats for health care in America, those that you can find. They are abysmal and getting worse. (I have links to some listed below.)

There are plenty of sources to learn about how we treat our kids, but as you can imagine, they are hard to find on regular internet searches. It’s a little like trying to find the truth about cigarettes or asbestos in the 1950s — you almost have to search out whistleblowers to find out what is truly going on. An e-book that was published in 2018 called The Sickest Generation, by Children’s Health Defense, is a good place to start. (Link below)

People in your community aren’t going to hear too much about this from the media or most corporate-paid doctors – though more independent physicians seem to be speaking out. This is why your work is so vital.

As a side note, promoting health care for kids can build your practice. Helping children get healthier is a great marketing and practice-building strategy.

But first and foremost, the primary reason to see kids is to help them stay healthy.

Chiropractic care can help young children with the bumps and tumbles they take as they grow. Young athletes especially benefit from adjustments. Other independent and naturally oriented health providers, such as those practicing acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, and functional and integrative medical providers can also be of great help.

But beyond chiropractic adjustments, education and support for a healthy chiropractic lifestyle is fundamental. Educate the parents and help the kids.

Consider contributing to the C.S.W. Kids Day program.

Also, consider encouraging your state association to develop a kids’ program, and if they already have one, please contribute to that.

Ed Petty


Link to Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin:

Link to The Sickest Generation published by Children’s Health Defense,

More links to references:

From The Sickest Generation

American children have never been sicker. Over half (54%) are suffering from one or more chronic illnesses.

The “4-A” disorders—autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, asthma and allergies—have experienced meteoric growth, affecting children’s quality of life and con­tributing to premature mortality.

U.S. children are far more likely to die before their first birthday than infants in other wealthy countries and life expectancy is falling, driven largely by rising death rates in adolescents and younger adults. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in teens, half of whom are reported to have at least one mental, emotional or behavioral disorder.

The proportion of public school children using special education services is skyrocketing, with estimates ranging from 13% to 25% of school populations.

Mystifyingly, there is almost no outcry in medical, public health or government circles to find answers and solutions.