Last Seminar/Next Seminar

We just finished our 10 classes in 1 day seminar in Minneapolis – our “10 in 1.”  From what I heard and saw, everyone had a great time. I know we did. And for my money, I think we had some of the best professionals in the country giving presentations – as well as attending!

Dave Michel at 3Goals Seminar in Minneapolis
Dave Michel at 3Goals Seminar in Minneapolis

In addition to great presentations by Phyllis Frase on chiropractic philosophy and procedures for staff, Dave Michel on insurance, and myself on marketing and practice building, we had two guest doctors.

Dr Tom Potisk at 3-goals Seminar in Minneapolis
Dr Tom Potisk at 3-goals Seminar in Minneapolis

One was Dr. Tom Potisk who went over how he maintained a joyful practice for 25 years in a multi-doctor setting with 2 associate doctors.

Dr. Shane Walker at 3-goals Seminar in Minneapolis
Dr. Shane Walker at 3-goals Seminar in Minneapolis

Then, as a special guest, we were pleased to have Dr. Shane Walker who is the president of the Federation of Straight Chiropractors. He lit the room up with passion, statistics, and purpose and reminded everyone about the power of chiropractic, as well as it’s importance in society today.

So, just a reminder:

Our Milwaukee seminar is coming up soon.

Dave, Phyllis, and myself all have new material covering C.A. training, insurance and reimbursement procedures, and marketing and practice building.  Our presentations are all based upon the work we do each week in offices across the country – and what we see working, and not working.

For our Milwaukee seminar, we are especially pleased to have two exceptional doctors giving presentations on Thursday, May 20th.  Both are highly qualified and successful doctors that set great examples for excellence in their practice, business, and life.

We will be sending info out on them soon, but you can find out more here.

Hope to see you all in Milwaukee.

In Your Chiropractic Office, Do You Have a Golden Goose in Your Hands?

(an article by Phyllis Frase)

Do you remember the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? One of the characters named Veruca in the story wanted the goose that laid the Chocolate Golden Eggs. She demanded that her dad get her the goose that laid those eggs. She was a spoiled brat. Keep in mind she didn’t want to care, nurture and train that goose to lay those golden eggs. She just wanted the end product which was the chocolate golden eggs. She disobeyed Willy Wonka. Veruca and her dad are rejected as “bad eggs” and sent plummeting down a garbage chute in the golden egg sorting room. If Veruca had just stayed the course, in the end, she would have had all the golden eggs she could have wanted or needed.

What does this have to do with your practice?
Every day you have geese (patients) that want to lay golden eggs in your practice .  We just don’t look at their signals to help those eggs to be laid.  If you haven’t figured out what the “golden” eggs are, it is your internal referrals from your existing patients. We believe that if we have patients that they should automatically refer their friends and family to us. We are a little like Veruca that just wants the end product which in our case would be lots of new patients. Some patients do refer and most do not. It’s not that they don’t want too; it’s just that they are not cared, nurtured or trained to refer their friends and family to you.

Let’s look at your average new patient. Typically, the average chiropractor is blessed to receive 8-10 new patients a month, without really doing anything out of the ordinary such as  yellow pages, internal referrals and other marketing efforts. If we really care, nurture and train those 8 to 10 geese to lay their golden eggs in your practice (which would be their friends and family), you typically could double your new patients or golden eggs without a lot of effort.  These eggs are warm and ready to produce beautiful geese that will produce over and over given the right environment.

So how do you get production or referrals from your existing patients? You have to feed them every day. Set the referral seeds within your practice. Within the first 30 days of a patient starting care is when they are most enthusiastic about their chiropractic care. Set procedures to create the referral to happen.
In the first visit.  Invite the spouse to the report of findings. Make sure the staff follows through with this as well by giving a spouse pass to the report of findings. Will all of them come no, will a lot of them come, yes if you ask and it happens every time. If the patient doesn’t bring a significant other to the report of findings make sure it is noted in the report of findings and tell them they have another opportunity to learn about your care at our foundations, WOW or new patient orientation workshop.  Yes, patients do come to those workshops and that is another article all by itself.

These procedures seem old and worn out and most of the time we forget to ask the patients for these things because we have gotten beaten up or is not worth the effort anymore.  They do become worn out if the practices are not doing the procedures each and every time with each patient and having the staff follow through when the doctors have forgotten to review this on the first and second visit. Calling the new patients after the first adjustment is a referral stimulator. Those few things we all know and we tend to let them slide by as the opportunities for our golden eggs slip through our hands.

Here are a few referral opportunities that you can start right away in your practice and get good results from practicing them every day. Will you get the golden egg every time as the goose lays an egg, not all the time but if we care, nurture and train that goose, we will get more golden eggs than bad eggs.

Non promotional and promotional referral opportunities
Have the referral talk with specific people.
Can I talk to you a moment?
Sit next to the patient.
Have you been getting good results with your chiropractic care? Great
Do you enjoy coming here? Great
Can I ask you a question?
Why haven’t you given me the opportunity to check/scan your family?


It is my mission to check as many spines as possible so that people can be a healthy as possible.
I want to give you this coupon.  Bring in cans of food and I will waive the $25.00. (Let the patient see you mark through the price or whatever monetary cost you have associated to the coupon) Let me check their spines.  There is no obligation for them to start care.
Sports- Are your kids playing sports?  Really?  Did you know that chiropractic increases reaction time and reduces injuries?  The athletes that are under care usually perform better.

  • Remember to review your new patients at each staff meeting.  Determine who has family members that have not been checked and make an effort to put a coupon on their travel card, promotional flier or a stop manager/reminder on electronic notes so it will remind you to talk to them. Create a friends and family coupon to give to the patient.  Change the color or the wording every 2 to 3 months so it looks different each time. Print coupon on card stock. You can create these in word or publisher or go to our member’s site and find several customizeable samples. Always list the retail value of any services you are offering that are complimentary or at your expense.
  • Target specific people every day to have “the Talk” with and make a goal to hand out the friends and family coupon to a specific number of patients each week. This should be decided on as a team. Have a contest to see how many people get signed up. Dinner, lunch, time off, make your goal to get people checked regardless if they start care or not.
  • If the patients come to the counter with the coupon, that should signal the staff to ask the patient about the coupon.  “Great, Joe the doctor gave you the special coupon. Let me give you some new patient times, that way it will be easier for them to schedule an appointment. Who are you thinking of referring?”
  • Even if the patient doesn’t come up with the coupon and you know they are suppose to have one based on your communication with your doctor, the staff should go through the exercise of the referral talk.
  • Have a referral follow up sheet at the front desk and list the name of the patient, when the coupon was given, expiration date and whom they are going to refer and next date to follow up .
  • If they have not called yet in a week, when the regular patient comes in ask if they gave out the coupon. If yes, “okay we were just checking because he/she has not called yet. That coupon expired in so many days.  We won’t be having another promotion like this for another two months or the doctor only gives out the friends and family coupons four times a year.” Create a sense of urgency around that special. “Would you like to take some additional material with you that will explain chiropractic more?”  Have special brochures that can be handed to the patient. Make sure your name, address and phone number is on any literature that goes out your door.
  • Always have a bulletin board promoting your offers and as the time gets to the end create a banner that is put across the bulletin board- 5 days remaining or 3 new patients’ slots remaining. Or mark through any remaining fliers or material that you have.
  • Decorate your office during promotions. If you think you have decorated enough, it’s not enough.  Create a new experience when your patients come in. You need to stimulate them visually so they will ask questions.  Why all the hearts or the shamrocks? “Well, Joe I am so glad you asked, we are having a new patient opportunity.  Let me tell you how it works.”
  • Print enough fliers to be in your office everywhere.  In the adjusting areas, in your new patient orientation folders, in your bathroom, behind doors.  Anywhere people will see it and can’t miss it.  Enough is never enough.  Print your materials in color don’t be cheap by only using black and white copies. Always review your promotions after they are complete to see what needs to be changed or tweaked.

More Videos and Photos from PM&A’s Adventure to the Chiropractic California Jam 2010

Dr. Tom Potisk gives a succinct and complete accounting and review of our travels to, and as it turned out, through Southern California. (see earlier post)

Here are some various videos and photos if you want more, though rough and candid, reporting. (Some videos may need the volume turned up.)

Walking to Cal Jam

Opening – Don’t Back Down – Chiropractor

Some photos

Cal Jam 2010 Chiropractic, Petty Michel - Associates

Clips from various talk. May have to turn up volume.

Dr. Brian Porteous – a clip from his talk on the hyperstension study. LINK

Dr. Dan Murphy – talks about recent research on toxic chemicals and how they affect nervous system and adjusting – (9 min) LINK

Dr. Dan Murphy – talks about cervical spine, referencing the hypertension study. LINK (5 min)

Dr. Dan Murphy – refers to book by M.D. references Innate. LINK

Dr. Fabrizio Mancini – applying chiropractic is not complicated. (2 min)   LINK

How to Make Your Chiropractic Marketing More Effective: Give a Reason

A fundamental component to marketing your chiropractic services is communicating a reason, rationale, or a purpose for why you are marketing.

For example, if a store has a SALE each month with a discount on some of their items, you might think: “So what? Just another sale.”

So the department store thinks up some reason for the sale. It could be “Back-to-School” sale, a “Food Drive” sale, or a St. Patty’s Day party.

All of your marketing should have a topical theme. In our marketing materials, we have many, from Organic Health Care Week (in conjunction with Earth Day), Mother’s Day coupon with flowers, Fibromyalgia Awareness Week, etc.

But behind all of these themes should be a more dominate reason for your marketing. And here is a powerful truth: The better your staff, your patients, and your community understand this reason, the more responsive they will be in to your marketing efforts.

For example, we recommend that you write a letter to your patients explaining to them your real reasons for marketing your services. It could called: “Why We Promote – A Letter to Our Patients.”  To help you get started, we have a questionnaire here and a sample letter.

(For our clients, we have written a sample letter that has become popular which you may access on your Member’s web site under “New Stuff.” (need password.))

Why Do You Market Your Chiropractic Services?

Answer these questions thoughtfully.

Then, compose a few paragraphs for a letter, or for your web site.  You can also use this as a close on your patient lectures.

  • What do you experience when you see the family and friends of your patients get results from your care?
  • Do you ever see patients that have had unnecessary or failed back surgeries?
  • Do you ever see patients that take, or have taken, toxic drugs to alleviate their symptoms that you were able to alleviate naturally?
  • How would have the lives of these people been changed had you been able to adjust and treat them years earlier?
  • Since you are not supported by pharmaceutical companies or hospitals for your community education, how can you get the word out to your community?
  • This is why you have to rely on your staff and patients, and on occasional promotions and special events.

A Reason Behind Your Chiropractic Marketing

A fundamental component to marketing your chiropractic services is communicating a reason, rationale, or a purpose for why you are marketing.

For example, if a store has a SALE each month with a discount on some of their items, you might think: “So what? Just another sale.”  So the department store thinks up some reason for the sale. It could be “Back-to-School” sale, a “Food Drive” sale, or a St. Patty’s Day party.

This is why many businesses over the last 15 years have used donation drives, or special causes, to help promote their services. Buy a bottle of water at Starbucks and a percentage of it goes to poor African children.

This works as long as the customer thinks it is a legitimate reason, but as soon as they find out that it is questionable, they stay away.  The Starbucks Ethos Water program, for example, has been discredited for a number of reasons. First, the retail bottle goes for $1.80 but only five cents goes to African kids.   The water bottles are manufactured by Pepsi and do not contain recycled materials. Plus, plastic bottles are ecological problems as they are reported not do decompose for a thousand years.

Over the Holidays, many businesses have sales and claim it is in conjunction with “Food for Families”, “Toys for Tots”, etc.   These are now so numerous that one can wonder about the genuine nature of such campaigns.

But donation drives are great. They can be effective, as can any promotion. But for any promotion to be effective, it helps if there is a reason behind it that is appealing and believable to your market. You should be genuine.

We recommend that all of your marketing have a topical theme. In our marketing materials, we have many, from Organic Health Care Week (in conjunction with Earth Day), Mother’s Day coupon with flowers, Neuralgia Awareness Week, etc.

But behind all of these themes should be a more dominate reason for your marketing. The better your staff, your patients, and your community understand this reason, the more active they will be in responding to your marketing efforts.

What is the underlying reason for your marketing?

Money, of course.  More new patients? Of course. But, as a doctor, what is your reason?  We suggest you work this out and communicate it to your patients and staff, and even your community.

(For our clients, we have written a sample letter (Why We Promote – A Letter to Our Patients) which you may access on your Member’s web site under “New Stuff.” (need password.))

Heat Up Winter With Chiropractic Health Promotions

(Lucas County, Ohio)  2010 (it’s called twenty-ten, by the way) has started out pretty cold this side of the Rockies. Won’t get above freezing all week for many of the Midwestern states. Even Florida is below freezing in some parts.

But it is a New Year.  So, let’s heat it up!

Old Mongol saying: “Ride fast, move fast, stay warm.”

Here are some chiropractic ads and other action steps you can take in your chiropractic office to heat things up:

Continue reading

Chiropractic Marketing Tips for The Holidays And The Start of the New Year

Due to popular demand,  I am posting notes from our October teleclass on marketing over the Holidays.

Teleclass Outline with Ed Petty  — Notes

All marketing is broken down to:

1.    Procedures. These are either special, one time events, or standard recurring. Some have the purpose of immediate results (direct marketing), some more long term (indirect marketing).

2.    Motivation. Desire. Wanting to implement these procedures. (Discipline.)

3.    Marketing management.  Review, Planning, Implementation.

Motivation: You are listening (or reading this) so you are motivated.  But you have to get others motivated as well. You have to get and stay inspired.  It is Ok to be a cheerleader.  What’s wrong with a little cheer? And the more you cheer.. the more you find to cheer about!

The  Marketing Manager System:

  • Meeting weekly: Review/make plans/Implement (assign steps/dates)
  • Who is responsible and responsible for what
  • Calendar Special Promotions/Events
  • Checklist of Recurring Procedures/Events


Procedures: Special events/promotions


  • Holiday Turkeys (Care to Share) (Ham for Christmas)
  • Donation Programs: Shelters, Toys for Tots, Coats for Kids, Food for Families
  • Scheduling Patients over the Holidays. (Plan ahead so they keep up with their care.)


  • GNO (Girls Night Out/ Shop Before You Drop)
  • Gift coupons
  • Saturday with Santa
  • Poinsettias (with gift coupons)
  • Planning, training – sharpen the saw.
  • Do scheduling for new year: “Flexibility Screenings” with gyms,  lunch and Learns with businesses
  • Gifts for Allies  and those who referred: Box of nuts, organic flowers, cups, pens, caps, t-shirts. Cards.


  • Lending Library: Supersize Me, Fast Food Nation, King Corn, Sugar Blues, Food Inc. End of Overeating
  • Workshop on Nutrition and Fitness
  • Annual Reactivation Program
  • External Workshops, Screenings, and networking


  • Doctor’s With A Heart Donation Program
  • Have a Heart – Oklahaven Children’s Chiropractic Center – link
  • Valentine’s Gift Coupons


  • Leprechaun Appreciation Day (Kid’s Day) link

Procedures: Recurring

Community Education: Talks or Awareness Weeks

  • Nov: Flu
  • Jan  Feb Food, Supplements/ Fast food Series —  With  a Dietitian and a trainer. February: Heart Heath- blood pressure
  • March: Headache Awareness Week

Communication Channels

  • Newsletter
  • Email Newsletters – NEW SERVICE FOR 2010 – We will do this for all clients on Standard Management Programs or higher.
  • Press Releases
  • Ads on other special newsletters: Chamber of Commerce, YMCA, Church Bulletins
  • Web site/Face Book – Fan /LinkedIn

Internal Recurring:

  • Morning case management meetings – (include a joke.)
  • Staff meetings
  • Patient Success Stories, Upbeat Atmosphere:  Take a “vibe check”:  too seriousness or pleasant can welcoming atmosphere. Where’s the party?
  • Spinal Care Class
  • Whiteboard
  • Brochures
  • Staff education
  • WOC (Whip out card)
  • Mission

“Do Your Part” Patriotic Chiropractic Promotion

This is a promotion that can be used any time in the U.S., particularly in July in conjunction with Independence Day, Labor Day, or Memorial Day.

Its purpose is to educate patients, and non patients, to understand that by getting healthier, the country and economy will benefit.  Someone who is healthy is more productive and less of a burden on our disease care medical system.  A healthier person contributes more to our national, and local, economy.

The theme of this promotion is that getting healthier — and getting others healthier — is somewhat of a patriotic duty, particularly in these hard economic times.

How To Do the Promotion
You can set aside a day or a week to hold a special promotion for your patients to encourage them to schedule their family and friends to come in to your clinic for an introductory service.

  1. Team Talk. Talk to the staff and go over the promotion with them.  Take their suggestions and consider including them.
  2. Plan and Schedule. Set a date and plan out the particulars.
  3. The Reason. Go over the reason or “greater purpose” behind the promotion and how the promotion can help fulfill this goal.
  4. Delegate a staff member to be the Do Your Part Coordinator to help implement this program, and to be its cheerleader.
  5. Posters. Place posters in the office.
  6. Coupons. Hand out coupons to patients individually. Sign each one, with a date issued. You can even write the patient’s guest name on the coupon.
  7. Word of Mouth. Talk it up with all of your patients.
  8. Newsletter.  Write a notice in your office newsletter.
  9. External. You can also promote this is a small town newspaper, insert, and or on your web site. Adjust the text of the poster slightly and place at local coffee shops, hair salons, etc.

And, you can Do Your Part by helping your patients and community do theirs.

Sample Poster
Sample Coupon

Health Related Observances – Spring 2009

Some upcoming dates in April, May, and June that can be utilized for promoting your services. You can use these, or even make up your own.

Earth Day – April 22
Also, here.

Teacher’s Appreciation Day – May 5th

Mother’s Day – May 10

Correct Posture Month – May

National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month – May

North American Occupational Safety and Health Week – May 3 – 9
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration

National Women’s Health Week – May 10 – 16
Office on Women’s Health

National Employee Health and Fitness Day – May 20
National Association for Health and Fitness

National Scoliosis Awareness Month – May
National Scoliosis Foundation

National Headache Awareness Week — June 7 – 13
National Headache Foundation

National Men’s Health Week –  June 15 – 21
Men’s Health Network

Chiropractic Special Promotions

  • What is a Special Promotion?
  • How often do you use them?
  • Why do you use them?
  • Are there times that you shouldn’t use them?
  • What is the key to their success?
  • Plus- 14 Questions for each promotion.
  • Plus- 24 examples of special promotions.

What Is a Special Promotion?

A special promotion is a promotion that is not a regular part of your standard patient marketing procedures.  Every clinic should have routine and recurring procedures that serve to promote its services.  This would include different forms of patient education, recommendations to patients to bring in family members for a check-up, the manner in which the phone is answered, newsletters, etc.

On occasion, however, you may want to celebrate a special event, like the anniversary of our clinic, or hold a party for all of your patients for the holidays, or take part in a community wide donation program with your patients.  This is called a special promotion.  They can be targeted to your entire patient base, or just a section of it. For example, you could set aside a special day for just for kids or an after hours “Girls Night Out.”.

How Often Are Special Promotions Used?
Because these promotions can be directed at select groups of patients and non patients, you could have as many as one or two per month.  However, they do take up staff time to prepare properly and to execute each promotion effectively. Therefore, a special promotion every 2 to four months is usually adequate.

Why use Special Promotions?
There are a number of reasons to do special promotions.  First, of course, they can generate new patients.  But there are other reasons as well.  For example, handing out carnations to mothers on the week before Mother’s Day is done just for the goodwill– because it is a nice thing to do.  Another reason is that it can add fun for the staff by providing them with an activity outside of their usual patient services and admin duties.

Another benefit of special promotions is that it draws attention to your office. Patients and non-patients see that there are extra exciting activities occurring with your office in addition to the great service you provide.  It helps create marketing “buzz,” or conversations about your office.

When Not to Use Special Promotions
If you or your staff are already stressed with extra work, major in-office changes, or have repeatedly done new patient promotions recently, do not schedule a special promotion soon.  You need to build up your routine and recurring internal and external promotional procedures for a while in order to “grow” more new patients.  A special promotion is like a special harvesting… you can’t pick apples off a tree more than once in a season.

Special promotions can act like an artificial boost.  Often, the real energy has been built up in the office or in the community and a special promotion just “releases” it.

You may have seen other doctors trying to run a special promotion in the newspaper over and over, usually for something free.  It may have worked once, and may work again, but probably not right away.  Continuous “specials” poorly targeted and improperly timed will grind your other promotions down to a halt.

Preparation Is The Key
Plan ahead.  At least 70%, of the work of a special promotion is in preparation.  Avoid “too little too late”, a common mistake with  many promotions.

Plan several special promotions for the next six months.  You can always cancel them later if you have too many. You can tie them into seasons, holidays, special events, or anything that might be of particular interest to your community, to your patients, and … to you and your staff.  They should be kept fun and creative.  Everyone should be involved.  The event should be discussed at staff meetings, and different projects delegated to different staff, even the doctors.

Different promotions can be delegated to different team members.  You can give each person the option of creating their own event.  In one office the Billing and Collections Coordinator took on the month of August and organized a  “Flea Market” on a weekend in the clinic’s parking lot.  Patients rented booths and a food vendor set up a shop, and health screenings were provided by the office. It was a resounding success.

Lastly, someone should act as the Special Promotion/Event Coordinator to help keep things organized.

14 Questions to Ask for Each Special Promotion

  1. Why are we doing this event and how does it align with our mission
  2. Who exactly is the special promotion for?
  3. Is the event just internal to the office, or just external, or both?
  4. Is the event designed to directly generate new patients, just generate good will, or both?
  5. What does the target market get out of it?  Why would they want to participate?  What is in it for them?
  6. What are we going to get out of the event?  How will it benefit our clinic?
  7. When are we going to have it?
  8. What is the duration of the event?
  9. What is our budget?
  10. How are we going to promote it?
  11. What needs to be done?
    1. Before the event
    2. During the event
    3. After the event.
  12. Are all of the duties listed above delegated to individual staff?
  13. Who is the coordinator for the event?
  14. Do they have time scheduled to prepare for the event?

Examples of Special Promotions
(I-Internal, E-External)

  1. Senior’s Day (I&E)
  2. Valentine’s Day (I)
  3. National Correct Posture Month (May) (I&E)
  4. Mother’s Day (I)
  5. Father’s Day (I)
  6. Kid’s Day (I&E)
  7. Back to School Day for Kids (I&E)
  8. Patient Appreciation Day (I)
  9. Community Appreciation Day (E)
  10. Open House (I&E)
  11. Grand Opening (E)
  12. Anniversary (I&E)
  13. Spinal Health Care Month (I&E)
  14. Food Drive (I&E)
  15. Toy Drive (I&E)
  16. Other donation drives, such as YMCA (I&E)
  17. Christmas gifts, coupons and health certificates (I&E)
  18. General referral coupons for friends and family members of patients
  19. Teacher’s Appreciation Day (I&E)
  20. Care to Share (Internal)
  21. Doctors with a Heart
  22. Girls Night Out (Internal/External)
  23. Cinco de Mayo Party
  24. Fireman Appreciation Week
  25. Blame Someone Else Day

Example of One Doctor’s Successful Promotion

For more articles on practice development for your chiropractic office.

To learn about our Marketing Manager System.

Family Referral Procedure

A systematized procedure for generating more chiropractic patient referrals.

How many more patient referrals could you generate if you simply asked for them?

Sure, your patients refer others to you now, but how many more could you generate if you asked for them?

One of the best times to ask for referrals is at the beginning of care, just when they are starting to see some benefit. At this time, patients are excited about discovering your office and are more willing to tell others about your services.

This usually occurs between visit 3-8.  After about 3 weeks, the ”newness” of the experience can wear off and the patient can settle into a routine.

One procedure that we have seen effective is talking to the patient about a “Family Check-up Plan.”  We recommend that you present each patient with a “Family and Friends Guest Pass”, or “Get Acquainted Gift Certificate” for his or her family, and friends, good for a free spinal check-up as a routine procedure, usually on the 3rd visit.

Below you will find an example of a script for your chiropractic assistant, procedure notes, and an example of a gift certificate. You can edit the gift certificate and insert your office name and other information so that it is customized for your office.


Front Desk Chiropractic Assistant: After the 3rd visit, as the patient checks out, the Front Desk C.A. asks the patient:

“Did Dr. ABC mention our Family and Friends “Health Check-up Program?”

Patient: Responds.

C.A.: Explains or re-explains the program:

“Well, Dr. ABC wants to make sure that the family members of our all patients are properly checked for spinal related problems. We call it our Family Check-up Policy.

So many times he sees patients who come to us, in pain, who have spinal problems that could have been more easily corrected had we seen them sooner before they were in pain.

Now, there is no charge for this. Dr. ABC just wants to make sure your whole family is checked and healthy.

Any questions?

Patient Responds.

C.A. O.K. Here is a Gift Certificate you can give to a family member. It is good for (whatever you want to offer.) an 8-point spine and neck check-up and a consultation.
And, (smiling), as a bonus, we are offering a 15 minute massage from our massage therapist as well.

Patient Responds. That sounds pretty good.

C.A. Well, it gets better. This coupon is also good for any family member. You can even use it for a friend of yours too.

In addition, this makes you eligible for our Massage Therapy “Care To Share” Credit Program.  Every person you bring in allows you to receive a credit 15 minutes free massage on your account. This is our way of thanking you for sharing the benefits of chiropractic.

Patient Responds. Wow. That’s great!

C.A. Let me go over the card with you. (C.A. goes over how to fill out the card). Now, how many do you want?

Patient. Well let’s see, my son, my sister, and her husband. That’s three.

C.A. Great. Here they are. Let me initial them and get them numbered. Now they are good for 60 days. So try to encourage them to call and make an appointment before then.

[Makes a note on a log, usually kept at the Front Desk. Ask the patient about who the gift certificates are for.  Try to become familiar with the family and friends of the patient. Make a note of whom they are. In the following days, you can ask about these people again, showing interest and helping to remind the patient to bring their family and friends in for a health check-up.]

Patient. I will do it. Thanks!

Print the gift certificate on card stock and cut with a paper cutter. Your local copy shop can do this for you or you can in your office. The better you make the coupon, the more valuable it will be to the patient.

Only hand the gift certificate out to the patient personally. Never let them lie around or on the desk. Treat them as $100 bills.

If you miss the patient on the 3rd visit, ask them on the subsequent visit. Usually the 3rd to the 6th visit is the best time. The patient should start to benefit, and still be excited about the services he or she is receiving.

(For customizable samples in Word format, active PM&A and Marketing Manager System clients and members can go to the MMS Members web site.)


Much more of this information can be found in the Marketing Manager System computer program.
Also, look for more free tips and tools to grow your practice. Link. Link.

Organic Health Week

Special Promotion:  Earth Day and Organic Health Care Week

Earth Day is celebrated this year on Tuesday, April 22.   As general awareness increases about the harmful affects of toxins on our body, as well as on our planet, chiropractic continues to rise as the shining star in the world of true health care solutions.

Earth Day is a great opportunity for you to promote the benefits of your chiropractic services.

You can set aside one week as a “Buddy Week” and encourage your patients to bring in family and friends for a discounted check-up and introductory service.  The discounted fee that they pay you for the introductory services can be used as a donation to a local park fund, or earth related charity.

You can place posters in your office and at key locations around  town, such as coffee shops, hair salons, etc.  A simple press release or notice can also be placed on your web site, newsletter, patient statements, newspaper and community calendar.

You can also order some buttons for you staff to wear. 300 of them cost about $120 and you can use them next year as well.  For a sample button provider, go here (

Here are some sample buttons:

This is an excellent time to take pride in your profession.  Chiropractic:  always organic, healthy, and ahead of its time.

Sample Posters

Your Chiropractic Practice Marketing Plan

How is your marketing plan?

Do you have one?

You really should have a marketing plan for your chiropractic practice, and it should be updated monthly, nudged weekly, and totally reviewed every three months.

This may sound oversimplified, boring, or too too obvious, but in our experience, it is a major key to practice building.

Sure, there are many other factors behind a successful business, but constantly marketing is essential. And, if your practice is not growing, it may be because you are not routinely marketing.

And how do you make sure that you are marketing? Have a plan.

A Marketing Plan Is Simply Marketing Activities Scheduled,
Assigned, Regularly Supervised, And Measured.

The key to effective marketing is simply planning. This is because marketing often just does not get done.  It is not that your marketing did not work. More than likely, it just didn’t happen.

To overcome this, you need to schedule short planning times each week, and longer periods each month.

This is the core of the Marketing Management System as we have developed it.

Your marketing plans should include the following:

•    Recurring Marketing-Oriented Procedures. These include not only your internal marketing procedures, but recurring clinical and administrative procedures as well. They are the usual recurring procedures that go on regularly in your office. Often overlooked and neglected, they are the most important form of marketing. They need to be reviewed and practiced regularly to be keep fresh and important. Because they are so routine, I usually schedule them last.

Very successful offices rely mostly on these types of procedures. When you hear chiropractic doctors say “We don’t do marketing”, it is because they have their marketing as part of their internal procedures and they do these extra-ordinarily well. These could be the way the phones get answered, the report of findings, the new patient lecture, the simple consistency of patient flow procedures, great internal staff and doctor communication, staff training procedures, staff meetings, etc.

•    Special Promotions. Hold special promotions every now and then. These could include a Kid’s Day, a donation drive, mother’s appreciation day, teacher’s appreciation week, etc. I walked into an office a few days ago and in the middle of a very cold, snow packed winter, the doctor and staff were wearing summer clothes, offering smoothies (without the run), with a big sign saying: “Welcome to Chiroville”, no doubt referencing “Margaritaville” and warm ocean lifestyle. What a refreshing and friendly surprise greeted each patient that day!

•    Patient and Community Education Programs. These are usually held in your office. Educate your community through your office and patients by providing special workshops that are chiropractic or health related. Or, you can sponsor a special “Awareness Week”, such as a Headache Awareness Week, offering no charge or discounted condition specific screenings, consultations, and or exams.

•    External Community Services and Networking Events. These can range from spinal screenings, to in office ergonomic workshops, lunchtime “Lunch & Learns” for local businesses, setting up referral sources with business or other professionals, or working in the food pantry twice a month feeding the homeless.

There are other procedures, such as advertising, PPO soliciting and reviewing, yellow pages, web site, but many of these can be put onto a yearly, quarterly, or monthly recurring checklist.

The above are various categories of marketing. But again, the most important part of marketing is doing it, and the key to getting marketing done is to schedule it and assign it and measure it.

For the best reference, review the materials in your Marketing Toolkit which is part of your Marketing Manager System computer software, if you have it.

Here is a sample marketing calendar for a chiropractic office.

NOTE TO CLIENTS AND PMA MEMBERS: You may find a customizable sample calendar on our PMA Member’s web site.

Fall Chiropractic Marketing

Here are some quick ideas for you to consider for your fall marketing of your chiropractic services.

There are different approaches to these themes and projects. Please give us a call anytime for advice on how to implement them. You can also find them on your MMS computer program. For those of you on the MMS Coaching program, you can also find information on your Member’s site, which is updated often.


  • September – Kid’s Day
    i.    Spinal Care Class (New patients and their guests friends.)
    ii.   Care To Share Program (Referral drawing)
  • October – “Pinched Nerve Awareness Week” (October is national Spinal Health Month.)
    i.    Reactivation Program
  • November – “Headache Awareness Week”
  • December – Donation Drive
  • January – Weight loss and Fitness Programs

Community Services
Now is an excellent time to work on setting up your external community events. Schedule workshops and screenings in business, clubs, and organizations over the next 5 months – through January.

An important key to setting up these events is knowing what it is you are going to provide. For example: a workshop on headaches, or fitness, or a screening, or something else entirely.

We have found that there is a direct ratio between having a clear idea of what service you are going to provide and the success in scheduling the event. Here are some ideas, but again, there are many more on your MMS computer program and please call if you have any questions.

  1. “8 Healthy Home Remedies for Relieving Headaches”
  2. “How to Stay Fit When You Sit”
  3.   Company Health Fair
  4.   Employee Appreciation Luncheon

Lastly, and as always, keep yourself inspired.  One way to do this is to keep learning and working on improving your procedures.   Fall is not just a time when children get to learn. We always have the opportunity to improve if we just study.  We can analyze our new patient intake procedures, our patient education programs, our clinical protocols for different cases, etc.

If you are feeling like your practice is getting boring, just study it. Learn how it could be improved.  A professional is constantly improving.

Till next time,
