6 Reasons Why CalJam is Important for Chiropractic


1. It is fun and promotes that chiropractic is and should be fun.

2. It’s founder and promoter is in practice, adjusting people of all ages, just like you.

3. It focuses on the purpose of chiropractic and the chiropractic lifestyle.

4. It defines and promotes the unique role chiropractic has in the market place – as a HEALTH profession that works, is not owned or used by pharmaceutical companies or other corporate monopolies, is vitalistic while also being scientific.

5. It promotes the idea that helping people to get healthier does not have to be a grave, stuffy, or serious activity.

6. And just like Dr. Billy DeMoss demonstrates, we all can work on higher purposes – professionally and personally —  while at the same time adjust people daily (APD) and run a business.

There are other reasons, but the ones above should be included.  Please add others below.

I hope you an make it to CalJam this year.

Some of us from PM&A are going and if I see you, let me treat you to the nearest greenest, anti-inflamatory drink nearby, or a piece of buffalo jerky, whichever is handier.

And if you can’t make it, you can always follow Billy on YouTube.

And either way, in your own way, you can always follow your own higher purposes and keep jammin in your corner of the world.


Chiro-jamming in an office near you..

Ed, and all of us at PM&A



Dead Chiropractors Society

Chiropractic Maintenance Care: Medicare Settlement Means No More “Improve or You’re Out”

In what could be a landmark decision for chiropractors that have long asserted that regular chiropractic care for seniors with chronic conditions actually saves Medicare money and keeps seniors active and independent, an agreement has been reached.

A Federal Judge has approved the proposed Settlement Agreement in the Medicare Improvement Standard case, Jimmo vs. Sebelius, [Link] clearing the way for thousands of Medicare beneficiaries to receive needed health services to maintain their current level of functioning. While not specifically aimed at chiropractic, the exciting implications remain.

The settlement, which represents a significant change in Medicare coverage rules, ends Medicare’s longstanding practice of requiring people to show a likelihood of improvement in order to receive coverage of skilled care and therapy services. It specifically pertains to “…those with disabilities or suffering from chronic illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, ALS, lung disease.” (ital added)

The Agreement, which is retroactive to the date of the suit was filed, January 18, 2011, includes skilled services covered by Medicare Part A and Part B, such as speech, occupational and physical therapy, nursing and home health services, even when the goal is maintaining the patient’s current condition rather than requiring that the patient improving.

The Medicare law has never supported the “”improvement standard.” Nevertheless, for decades beneficiaries have been denied needed services because they are not improving or have “reach a plateau”, sometimes with devastating results. The Center for Medicare Advocacy says providing maintenance services will save money in the long run, preventing decline, hospitalizations and need for more expensive services.

The official approval of the settlement means the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) must develop and implement an education campaign to ensure that Medicare providers are not denying coverage for vital maintenance services to those with any chronic illness who meet other qualifying Medicare requirements.

The “maintenance standard” is effective immediately. Importantly, this does NOT change anything at this time for you, your documentation, or your patients. Even though we have not seen the official documentation that Chiropractic Maintenance Care is included in this settlement, we are hopeful and following this closely.

More Info:

Marketing the movie DOCTORED for your practice and community

There has never been a movie like this for chiropractors. Now with this professionally produced documentary on DVD, you have an extraordinary tool to help you educate your staff, patients and community.

It really  is historic.

You can learn more about it on the trailer and of course, by watching the movie. I am not going to give it a review here other than to give it two thumbs up.

I recommend that you use it to educate your office team, patients and your community. Here are some tips on doing so:

  1. It is intended to be shown as a movie and not as a reception room video clip.
  2. Set aside two and a half hours with your team during some down time.  Watch it uninterrupted. No phones, patients, etc.
  3. Afterwards, eat.  Have the food brought it.
  4. Now, discuss the movie. What did everyone think?
  5. Then discuss how best to use it – for patients and non patients. Put together some tentative plans.
  6. Set up two or three special private screenings for 8-10 patients.
  7. Watch the movie with them, feed them and then ask them what they thought and then how they recommend we use this movie.
  8. This now becomes a focus group. You will find that you get good ideas from them that might also appeal to other patients. Plus, they will now be very motivated to bring in more of their family and friends.
  9. Rent a space outside of your office and show the movie for non patients. This requires LOTS of promotion and preparation. Dr. Anthony Ebel has a description with examples of what he is doing this year. See links below.
  10. Over November and December, use the movie internally to generate excitement with your patients. With Holiday and Christmas and New Year retail promotions, we recommend to keep the promotion directed internally.   Then, in Jan and Feb., promote your special screenings to the community.

In the end, I think DOCTORED shows how courageous and committed all of you are who work in and with the great profession of chiropractic.

New ideas and methods that work are often opposed at first before they are generally accepted by the public.   This movie will help get your services more accepted and in fact, desired.


Order the movie and trailer

Movie Trailer trailer of movie, originally entitled: “Medical, Inc.”

Dr. Ebel promotional program

Dr. Ebel’s flier and tickets Front  Back of flier

Interview with one of the executive producers of the movie, Dr. Paul Riegleman from WI (5 minutes) Link

Doctored image you can download for your posters

Dr. Mercola  and comments.















Doctored Flier-2_0001







Doctored Flier-1







GMOs… enough to scare any ghost or goblin away.

Having worked in chiropractic offices, Petty Michel & Associates, and being a chiropractic patient myself, I have become more health conscience over the past decade and becoming more aware of the health concerns sugars cause in children,  I began to look for a different approach to the traditional passing out of candy for this Halloween.  I stumbled upon an article put out by the Green Halloween Organization that put it into perspective and solidified my concern to make a difference in promoting a healthier life style for the little ghouls this year.

GMOs or genetically modified organisms are not something new, yet we often times fail to think about them and how they affect our health when it comes to a holiday such as Halloween and all the fun candies we traditionally pass out to all the costume wearing children that ring our door bells.

Many common GMOs are found in the favorite trick-or-treat candies on the market today.  Genetically modified organisms are plants or animals created through the gene splicing techniques of biotechnology (also called genetic engineering, or GE).  It is an experimental technology which merges DNA from different species, creating unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding.

Picture The Mad Scientist in the lab mixing varies potions(GMOs) to create monsters(candy) and then feeding it to your children and/or grandchildren.

Listed below are 10 GMO ingredients found in Halloween Candy.

  1. Sugar (GMO sugar beets)
  2. High fructose corn syrup (GMO corn)
  3. Corn starch(GMO corn)
  4. Soy lecithin (GMO soy)
  5. Soybean oil (GMO soy)
  6. Modified food starch (GMO corn)
  7. Fructose, dextrose, glucose (GMO corn)
  8. Cottonseed oil (GMO cotton)
  9. Canola oil (GMO canola)
  10. “Other” ingredients: isolates, isoflavones, food starch, vegetable oil.

The number one reason to avoid GMOs as listed on the Institute for Responsible Technology is that they are just plain unhealthy.   The article states: The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) urges doctors to prescribe non-GMO diets for all patients. They cite animal studies showing organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. Human studies show how genetically modified (GM) food can leave material behind inside us, possibly causing long-term problems.  To read the full article go here [Link]  Chiropractic has known this information for years and has always promoted an organic or unmodified diet for a healthier lifestyle in addition to getting adjusted regularly.

Studies show some of the most common illnesses linked to GMOs are. Is this what we want for our children or grand children?  I don’t think so.

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis
  2. Inflammatory bowel disease
  3. Osteoporosis
  4. Atherosclerosis
  5. Various types of cancer
  6. Allergies
  7. Lou Gehrig’s disease

With at least 10 GMOs found in Halloween Candy, you ask yourself what can I do to provide a healthier treat selection for the ghost and goblins at my door this year?  As a grandma wanting a better life style for my grandchildren I ask myself, what can I put in their trick or treat bag that will make me feel better about the choice I’ve made and still be as enjoyable to them.

Here are a few ideas I came up with for healthier treats:

  1. Halloween themed pencils
  2. Money
  3. Balloons
  4. Stickers
  5. Organic snacks

This Halloween treat your trickers with a healthy treat that will lessen the toxins they may currently be exposed to.

More information on GMOs and additional ideas for healthier treats and snacks can be found at:  http://www.greenhalloween.org/2011nongmoguide.pdf

This helpful guide is provided by the partnership of Green Halloween http://www.greenhalloween.org and Non-GMO Project http://www.NonGMOProject.com

“Doctored”– The Movie Shown at October EPOC

I just had the privilege of viewing the new movie, “DOCTORED” in Lake Geneva, WI with the EPOC (Epicenter of Chiropractic) group.
I am sure you have heard of it by now, originally called “Medical Inc.” I know some of you have even seen it. It was great and I would definitely give it a thumbs up. I am not going to review it here except to say that for those of you who have been around for a while, most of the information was not new. It exposed corporation’s greedy control of medicine, pharmaceuticals, food, and the government in an attempt to eliminate competition, including chiropractic, organic food, and other alternative natural health care methods.

It was professionally done and all in all, a good movie – definitely historic as far as chiropractic goes.

But the move is not for us. It is for all the people in your community who are not under care. For them I think it will be excellent.

I also had the privilege of talking to one of the executive producers of the movie (turns out we’ve known him for years!), Dr. Paul Riegleman, and one of the doctors who stared in it, Dr. Tony Ebel.

In the next couple of days, I will send you some suggestions for a marketing plan with input from myself and other doctors, including the doctor who starred in the movie, Dr. Tony Ebel.

So stay tuned. Properly marketed, this movie can be a big boost for your patient volume and create outstanding good will in your community. And maybe just a little bit of controversy. 😉

Are you ready? Good. Stay tuned…

From the Wave, the Mountains, to Your Chiropractic Office

Dr. Bruce Lipton discussing how the environment determines behavior more than genes.

Just returned from a long winding motorcycle trip in the Sierra’s and Coastal ranges of CA. We will be posting some photos of these on the Chiromotorcycleriders.com web page and Facebook pages soon.

Also attended the Wave in San Francisco put on by Life West. The best seminar program I have seen in a long time. Philosophy is needed, but the science presented by Bruce Lipton, PhD., and others, was amazing. I can’t recommend Dr. Lipton’s books enough.

For those of you who know Dr. Lipton, he is a biologist and taught cellular biology to medical students at the UW Medical School in Madison, WI.  In doing pioneering work in cellular biology a few years ago, he realized some basic flaws in the allopathic model of health. He gave up teaching MD’s and now teaches chiropractic students at chiropractic colleges.  He says that the profession of chiropractic, and the works of its founder, D.D. Palmer, was way ahead of its time and are fundamentally correct based upon his and other’s research.

Dan Murphy, D.C; Joe Mercola, D.O.; Gary Null, PhD.; and Malik Slosberg. D.C. were some of the other speakers I caught on Friday. Oh, and of course, Dr. Sigafoose. I couldn’t stay for Saturday.

Chiropractic is fairly unique in that it does have a “philosophy.”  This gives it a soul and a purpose where other professions, unfortunately, have none.

But the nuts and bolts of studies and research that was presented demonstrated that there is abundant evidence supporting the effectiveness and progressiveness of chiropractic.

Scientific evidence is reaffirming and enlightening. At the same time, the “evidence” you need has always been there in the successes of your patient.

A while ago an office wanted me to help them with their marketing. I was happy to meet with them and they said that they had been receiving help from an “evidenced based” consultant. They said they were trying to establish relationships with MDs. I replied that was great – but I also mentioned that they did not need another license to practice chiropractic. If they were seeking permission from MDs and trying to justify their profession with “evidence” when they already had all the proof they needed with their patients, it was no wonder their practice was slowing down.

I might have been a little too direct as I have never heard from them again.

Will be posting some video clips from the Wave soon and will let you know when they are up.

Best regards,


This Month’s Webinars – August


Office Manager Webinar Roles And Goals: What Are The Key Roles In Your Office? – Thursday, August 16th – 12:30 to 1:30pm CDT
A hidden barrier in many offices has to do with confusing roles and job duties. Clear these up and see how much smoother patients and paper flow, and happier the team becomes.  Small office or big health business, clarify these 7 roles and the numbers will go up.

We will also provide you with a fast test for you to grade your office on how each of these roles is performing.

Register Now: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/322088520

Marketing Manager Webinar: Patient Retention: 8 Practical Procedures – Thursday, August 23rd – 12:30 to 1:30pm CDT
Do your patients see you as often as they should? Do they follow through and complete their programs? If not, this webinar will cover eight basic procedures that any office can use to ensure their patients get the care they need.

By now, you probably have heard more than a few different approaches to patient retention.  It certainly isn’t rocket science. However many procedures taught at seminars are just a bit gimmicky, and in the end, don’t work. Find out, or be reminded, of what does work.

Register Now: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/311709721

The Wave – 2012

Ed is live at The Wave in San Francisco, CA.  He sent these two pics to give us a sneak preview of what’s happening!

Jerry Rice talking with Dr. Brian Kelly at The Wave

Jerry Rice is being inducted to the Football Hall of Fame again today.  The average career time for a professional football player is four years- Jerry played for over 20 years.  He credits chiropractic for his great health and agility in football and also “dancing with the stars”.

Dr. Mercola speaks to hundreds of Chiropractors at The Wave

(Life West, live at The Wave)

Doctor Joseph Mercola, D.O., gives his presentation to hundreds of chiropractors at The Wave in San Francisco on Friday, August 3rd.
Doctor Mercola has the highest ranking natural health newsletter in the world.  His website  receives over 1,000,000 hits per day.

Cal Jam Special Offer for Chiropractors

Come on down to Cal Jam 2012!

Our great consultant and coach, Ms. Phyllis Frase, will be speaking at the 5th Annual California Jam, presented by the Dead Chiropractic Society in Costa Mesa California.  Register before January 15th and mention the Promo Code of FRASE for the special discount mentioned in the flier below.

All registration is handled through Cal Jam by calling the number below.

Call Today 949-250-0600

for more information: http://www.caljam.org/

Chiropractic Prepayment Plans in South Dakota? Think Again!

If you’re a chiropractor in South Dakota and you believe patients benefit from ongoing regular chiropractic care, or you think that you know what an appropriate treatment plan might be for your patient, AND you want to offer your patient a prepayment plan, guess again. You’ll find yourself before your State Chiropractic Board for unethical behavior.

That’s what happened to Dr. Josh Biberdorf, who has a few clinics in that State and also is the president of the South Dakota state chiropractic organization. Here’s a great article: http://rapidcityjournal.com/news/state-board-reprimands-chiropractor-for-billing-practice/article_e3b0eb8e-2f4d-11e1-815e-0019bb2963f4.html.

This is yet another example of State Chiropractic Examining Boards going after local DC’s for practicing their business within their scope of practice. Wisconsin and Minnesota continue to do this.

This begs the question of what the role of the state chiropractic board is. They are created to protect the public – that’s what the State law says. But more and more it seems that the State Boards like to determine what chiropractic is – whether patients, the public or chiropractors agree.

This is bad for patients, bad for the public, bad for chiropractic. No other profession does this to itself.

When, we ask, are chiropractors going to stop going after one another? It seems the biggest crime a chiropractor can commit within his or her own profession is to be successful. If you are, some piss-ant DC is going to report you to the board.

It’s time for the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners to make a clear statement on this and ensure that local Boards are doing what they are supposed to – protect the public. Not protect unhappy chiropractors.

Handling Insurance Company Refund Requests of Chiropractic Patients

More and more, insurance companies are doing post payment audits or hiring outside firms to conduct payment reviews and requesting money back from your chiropractic office.

Refunds should never be automatically sent out based on a request from an insurance company.  Each request needs to be individually reviewed and processed and the patient’s account should be audited to determine if a refund is actually due and to whom.

Sometimes, a refund is due. Examples may be when an insurance company has double paid dates of service, or when two insurance companies both pay on the same date of service. These are legitimate refunds – ie: you have been paid more than you billed or were due for services rendered. These should be refunded.

Often however, a refund is NOT due and should be disputed. Examples might be when an insurance company or third party does a “post payment review” and determines that the care was not medically necessary, or when insurance pays but later determines that work comp or PI were primary, or when an insurance company decides that the patient did not have a particular benefit or coverage for what they already paid.

Essentially, when you have delivered quality services to a patient that were medically necessary and in the best interest of the patient, and the insurance company pays for those services, you have NOT been overpaid and no refund is due. Even if the insurance company later decides they overpaid or paid in error. These refund requests should always be disputed.

Legally, you are not obligated to repay the insurance company when you have been paid in good faith for services rendered and they paid in error. These should always be disputed.

This will not stop some insurance companies from ‘recouping’ the payment, but you should still attempt to dispute the refund request first. Our experience is that by disputing the refund you will avoid 85% of all refund requests. It is well worth the time and effort to do so.

The exception to the above involves government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. We generally advise refunding these right away and THEN disputing the request. Remember that you must use the approved Medicare refund form and mailing address (check on line with yur local Medicare carrier for the latest form and address).

Points that can and should be used whenever disputing a refund include these (use any and all reasons that are applicable to each case):

– All services were medically necessary for the health of the patient. Our review indicated that the care was medically necessary; therefore no refund will be issued.

– This request is for a patient no longer active with our office. We have no alternative methods of collecting on these accounts. Because of a supposed error on your part, you are asking us to refund monies to you for services rendered to your insured without a foreseeable ability to collect for said services.

– We called/verified benefits on line with (Insurance Company) on each of these patients prior to the delivery of care and verified coverage for services rendered by our office. Had we been informed, we or the patient could have made a more informed decision regarding the delivery and payment for care.

– It is our understanding that (Insurance Company) has maintained a policy of not reimbursing for services if they are submitted for payment one year or longer after delivery. You are requested a refund for services over two years after their delivery and payment. It would seem that the policy should apply both ways.

– Your letter mentions that 98940 and 97140 are mutually exclusive. This is not the case when they are performed in different regions of the body as defined by the AMA. You also state that manual traction and mechanical traction are mutually exclusive. Again, this is not stated in the AMA CPT codebook and the services were performed by different providers, as our chart records show.

– The time and effort to have our office pull charts and research services from 2009 and 2010 is considerable and cannot be done without prior reimbursement, nor can these records be forwarded to (Insurance Company) without prior consent from the patient.

– We would also like to know if you have informed this patient, in writing, that due to the error on your part, that they are now liable for their medical bill from 2009?

– Our feeling is that the following court cases concluded that the insurance company is responsible for knowing their policy limits prior to paying and therefore must bear the responsibility for their own mistakes.

  1. City of Hope National Center vs. Western Life Insurance Company, 92 Daily Journal D.A.R. 10728, Decided July 31, 1992. (In this case the hospital obtained standard assignment of benefits from the patient and submitted claims, which were paid by the carrier. The insurance company later decided the treatment was experimental and requested the money back. The California Court of Appeals stated that if it’s your mistake you have to pay for it.
  2. In Federated Mutual Insurance Company vs. Good Samaritan Hospital (Neb. 1974) 214 N.W.2d 493. (The carrier contended that it mistakenly paid claims beyond the policy limits. The court held that the insurance company could not recover the money as it places an undue burden on the providers of service to subject them to retroliability.)
  3. Lincoln Nat Life Ins vs. Brown Schools (Ct.App. Tex 1988) 757 S.W. 2d 41 1. (In this case the carrier mistakenly paid claims after its policy had expired. The court denied recovery stating “Here the insurer knew it’s own policy payment provisions, but failed to notify the health care providers as to these provisions and the insurer alone made the mistake of paying beyond its responsibility . . . in the normal course of such business, the hospital has no responsibility to determine if an insurance carrier is properly tending to its business.”)
  4. National Ben. Administrators Vs. MMHRC (S.D. Miss. 1990). (Similar case as #3 with same conclusion.)

– Our office made no misrepresentations in filing claims for your insured. We extended valuable services based on preverification of benefits and assignment of payment by the insured. We were not unjustly enriched, and simply had no reason to suspect that any of the payments for services rendered were in error. Refunding the monies at this time would place an undue burden on our office.

As always, send a copy of your letter to the patients involved. The insurance company will send a letter to the patient (if we don’t send them a check) saying that “we are not cooperating and therefore the patient may be responsible”. So, strike first by presenting our side and preparing the patient.

Situation: The insurance company paid twice on one date of service and missed payments on another. They are now requesting repayment on the double payment.

Solution: Send them a letter explaining that the payments were posted to the unpaid dates and no refund will be made.


Situation: The insurance company claims that the work comp carrier is responsible for payment and is asking for all their money back.

Solution: Send them a letter explaining that you will bill the work comp carrier and if and when payment is received, you will refund any duplicate payment.


Situation: The insurance company paid for the first eight visits, then denied the next five and now wants a refund on what they paid.

Solution: Dispute the refund as per the above points and request immediate payment on the five denied visits.


Situation: The insurance company paid for care, but then came back and stated the patient didn’t have an active policy or coverage.

Solution: Dispute the refund as per the above points. It is the insurance company’s job to pay within the limits of their plan; you have been paid for services rendered.

If you have questions, feel free to contact me.

David Michel

Dr. Brian Kelly Scheduled for a Live Teleseminar Interview

Dr. Brian Kelly

Dr. Brian Kelly will be our guest in this months teleseminar interview on Tuesday, June 28, at 12:30 Central Time.

Dr. Kelly is the new president of Life Chiropractic College West. He is from New Zealand, where he completed his professional education and training in chiropractic at the Phillip Institute of Technology (PIT) now the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Melbourne, Australia.

After successfully owning and operating multiple clinics, Dr. Kelly became the President of the New Zealand Chiropractic college where he has served for the last eight years.

He is the second president of Life West, succeeding Dr. Gerry Clum, who retired earlier this year after 30 years as College president.

Dr. Kelly will be discussing how he sees chiropractic applied in the U.S. compared to New Zealand and Australia. From this perspective, he will also offer insight on how doctors here can improve both the quantity and the quality of their services.

Don’t miss this special seminar.

–>To Register<–

And, we should also tell you about a power packed line-up of speakers for a 2 day seminar in the San Fransisco Bay Area at Life West, August 5th and 6th.

This two-day event is all about information, motivation, and inspiration! Hear from over 35 chiropractic super stars! ‘The WAVE’ offers three tracks including a full-day chiropractic assistant program on Friday, and a day-long series of short, bold presentations on Saturday.

Purposely constructed to make you think and stir your soul, attend this event and you’ll never be the same!

Click the image below to see the full size poster for more info.  Or visit their web-site at: Life West Wave

The Wave Email Flyer 3

Wisconsin Chiropractic Board of Examiners Can’t Decide On What to Test Doctors On

Dateline: March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick’s Day and another Wisconsin Chiropractic Board of Examiner’s meeting in Madison.

The WCEB is moving forward on their plans for a live patient, six-hour state practical exam to “improve the quality of chiropractors in the State” (or to limit the number of chiropractors in the State, depending on whom you talk to).

The Department of Regulation and Licensing (DRL) is still concerned that the exam will lack validity and that the financial aspects of administering such an exam have not been adequately confronted.  Since the exam must be “budget-neutral”, the State exam should run in the thousands of dollars for each applicant.

The public in attendance seemed frustrated, especially one DC who broke down as she has moved to Wisconsin but can’t take the board. There is still no exam scheduled for this year, but a promise that there will be one …

Just no promise on what it will be or when it will happen.


With all the paid advertising hyping chiropractic management companies, there is one chiropractic organization that often gets overlooked.

Yet, more than any other chiropractic enterprise, it perhaps best typifies what you and your team are all about.

It’s name is Oklahaven.

Oklahaven is a non profit organization. It began in 1962 and was and is supported through donations. In 1979, Bobby Doscher, D.C., became its Chief Executive Officer. Dr. Doscher personally provides care as well as overlooks daily operations.

Their success stories about helping chronically ill children are moving and can serve as an inspiration to all of us in the chiropractic profession.  Here is a doctor and organization that is completely motivated by a higher purpose and dedicated to helping kids and their parents through chiropractic care.

This month, our teleseminar will be a live interview with Dr. Doscher hosted by Phyllis Frase. The interview will last about 50 minutes. And will be held on Tuesday, January 25th at 12:30 Central Time.

Because we feel so strongly about Oklahaven, we will be waving our usual fee for this seminar. Just email us at services@pmaworks.com and say that you want to register for this teleclass and we will send you the special phone number and access number.

In addition, we encourage you to consider participating in their “Have-a-Heart” campaign, February 7-14th. This is a donation program to help support Oklahaven and you can incorporate it into any special promotion you already have planned for February.

For more information about Oklahaven, you can find them here at their web site: www.chiropractic4kids.com.

Check out their in line newsletters for some great testimonials. Here is one: http://www.chiropractic4kids.com/inline/inline2009-Fall.pdf

Dr. Munson Named Wisconsin Chiropractor of the Year – 2010

Dr. Wendy Varish and Dr. Cindy Munson

We are proud to announce that Dr. Cindy Munson has been selected Chiropractor of the Year for the State of Wisconsin!

Each year the Wisconsin Chiropractic Association (W.C.A.) reviews candidates who have contributed the most to their communities, to their profession, and to their patients.

Dr. Wendy Varish, president of the W.C.A., stated that “Dr. Munson was selected from other candidates as she excelled in all areas of clinical practice, patient care, and community leadership. She has run an extremely successful wellness practice in Plymouth for the past 16 years.”

Dr. Munson works actively on community projects and also has a leadership role in many local activities including professional organizations, her church and local charities.  She has inspired and assisted several young people in pursuing a career as a chiropractor.  One is Dr. Kristi Wick who is currently practicing in West Bend.  Dr. Wick said “Her commitment to the Chiropractic profession is unparalleled. She is an ambassador for health, wellness, and fitness in every aspect of her life. Her commitment to educating patients is evident if you spend even one minute in her office. She is on a mission to help one person at a time by ensuring that they understand the potential they have for overall health.”

When asked about her feelings about receiving the prestigious award, Munson stated, “It is such an honor to be chosen among all the fantastic Chiropractors in the state. It is a true privilege to come to work each day to serve my patients. I am blessed to have a fabulous staff and wonderful family supporting me. Together we will continue to strive to make Plymouth a healthier place!”

Dr. Cindy and her staff

Part of her secret is that she has brought together and created a truly outstanding team of dedicated professional staff that work as “irresistible force” for chiropractic care in their community.

We really couldn’t be prouder.

Congratulations Team Munson and Chiropractic.


Dr. Munson’s web site: Link

Office Facebook Fan Page: Link (Become a fan!)

Parker Seminar in Jan with Ms. Phyllis Frase

We wanted to let you know that Ms. Phyllis Frase will be speaking at Parker Seminars 60th Anniversary event in Las Vegas, NV.

January 13-15, 2011

Parker Seminars is the largest and most long lasting seminar program for the chiropractic profession. The early registration discount is a month away and Phyllis wanted to be sure we reminded everyone. It is a great program and we encourage everyone to attend if you can make it. Great for the staff too.

(From Parker)

Join thousands of members from the chiropractic community for an unforgettable three days of education, networking, and an exposition featuring the best in chiropractic technology.

Spread the word that Parker Seminars’ 60th anniversary series lets you:

  • Learn critical practice-building techniques.
  • Strengthen your chiropractic foundation.
  • Create a more effective, efficient office.
  • Earn valuable continuing education credits.
  • Learn from world-renowned speakers and leading experts.
  • Maximize your potential and start living your best life!
  • Be one of the first to preview and order The Well Adjusted Soul,one of this  year’s most exciting practice expansion tools. (Featuring an article, “Can You Hear Me Now?” by our very own, Dr. Tom Potisk.)

Come share the excitement and let us welcome you to our neighborhood!

Advanced registration available through December 13!

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“Parker Seminars, “One voice for Chiropractic”

Health Care Reform Poster


Patients regular utilization of
chiropractors as primary care physicians reduces the need for:

Hospitalization by 60.2%
Hospital days by 59%
Pharmaceutical usage by 85%
Outpatient surgeries and procedures by 62%
Overall global health care cost by 50%

This according to a clinical and cost utilization study conducted by an independent physician association done over a 7 year
period and that included doctors of all licenses. J.M.P.T. Vol30, Issue 4, pages 263-269, by Dr. Richard Sarnat, M.D.

For a printable copy of this statement click here: True Healthcare Reform Poster

Chiropractic and Earth Day

It was 40 years ago when Senator Nelson, from Wisconsin, helped start Earth Day.  (It started in March, 1970 with teach-ins at the University of Calif. Davis and San Francisco. I was there!)   Since then, there has been a battle between natural health, and chemicals and toxins.

Chemicals in Our Environment

  • 1972:  DDT, an organochlorine pesticide, was banned
  • 1976:  The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) establishes the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA)

62,000 chemicals were grandfathered in as being safe.  Two chemicals have been banned since 1976.

  1. 1978 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)
  2. 1989 Asbestos

There has been no attempt to ban a toxic chemical since 1989.
The amount of chemicals produced or imported by the United States in one day would fill up 623,000 tanker trucks with a capacity of 8,000 gallons each. (Taken from Dr. Dan Murphy who quotes: The Body Toxic How the Hazardous Chemistry of Everyday Things Threatens Our Health and Well-being. By Nena Baker 2008)

Not counting the chemicals Americans take in from hormones, pesticides, herbicides, and other poisons in our fast food, super-sized nation, we pound prescription drugs in to our bodies.

American Prescription Drug Use

  • The average number of prescriptions [drugs] per person, annually, in 1993 was seven.
  • The average number of prescriptions [drugs] per person, annually, in 2000 was eleven.
  • [The average number of prescriptions drugs per person], annually, in 2004 was twelve.

The total number of annual prescriptions [drugs] in the United States now stands at about 3 billion. The cost per year is about $180 billion, headed to and estimated $414 billion by 2011.  (taken from Dr. Dan Murphy who quotes:How Prescription Drugs Are Altering American Lives, Minds, and Bodies Greg Critser 2005)

This is actually old data and the average number by 2010 is probably much higher. I have seen patients walk in with pages of 20 “’scripts”, and heard of even as many as 50. I am sure you have too.

In Our Drinking Water
A vast array of pharmaceutical including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans, an Associated Press investigation shows.  in the course of a five-month inquiry, the AP discovered that drugs have been detected in the drinking water supplies of 24 major metropolitan areas _ from Southern California to Northern New Jersey, from Detroit to Louisville, Ky.   (USAToday)

Our Babies Swim Now In A Soup Of Chemicals.
287 human-made chemicals – most of them hazardous – in the blood of infants

According to a study released by the Environmental Working Group, a policy research and activist organization, tests measuring the so-called “body burden” of industrial chemicals, conducted on ten random samples of umbilical cord blood, detected 287 chemicals.

The samples, supplied by the American Red Cross, registered 180 chemicals known to cause cancer in adults, 217 that are linked to brain and nervous system damage, and 208 that have been shown to affect fetal or child development in animal tests. For 209 of the contaminants, this was the first time researchers had identified the chemicals in newborn blood.                                (Environmental Working Group)

What Should Be Done?
What do the so called health care leaders say about the poisons we feed to our planet, our people, and eventually our unborned children?  Where are the medical doctors or health insurers or pharmaceutical CEO’s speaking out against this. Or, our elected officials?

No one is talking, or if so, their voices are not heard.

And you know why?  Simple: because for the most part, they are not HEALTH Leaders.

And who are the health leaders?

You are! The chiropractor and the chiropractic professional. A healthy populace needs more than just “providers.” Your community needs leadership. The members of your town are bombarded with ads for drugs, for fast food, for industrial corporate food, for the easy “no effort way” to what they want. Add in natural human laziness, and you will find that your patients are getting sicker.

Health is a word which has been hijacked by the drug and insurance companies. But the chiropractor is the true health leader.

Earth Day gives you an easy avenue to extend your reach as a health leader into your community as well.  Well educated patients and community will seek to have a healthy town and a healthy body without the use of chemicals.


Sample posters. Link

Come celebrate with us on Earth Day by attending our seminar in Minneapolis.

Printable version of this article to give to patients. Chiropractic and Earth Day-for patients

Chiropractic and Earth Day

A healthy earth has a lot to do with a healthy body. But over the years, we keep pouring chemicals into the atmosphere and earth as well into our bodies.

Chemicals in Our Environment

  • 1972: DDT, an organochlorine pesticide, was banned
  • 1976: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) establishes the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA)
  • 62,000 chemicals were grandfathered in as being safe Two chemicals have been banned.
  1. 1978 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)
  2. 1989 Asbestos

“There has been no attempt to ban a toxic chemical since 1989.
“The amount of chemicals produced or imported by the United States in one day would fill up 623,000 tanker trucks with a capacity of 8,000 gallons each.” (taken from Dr. Dan Murphy who quotes: The Body Toxic How the Hazardous Chemistry of Everyday Things Threatens Our Health and Well-being. By Nena Baker 2008) Not counting the chemicals Americans take in from hormones, pesticides, herbicides, and other poisons in our Fast Food, Super Sized nation, we pound prescription drugs in to our bodies.

American Prescription Drug Use

  • “The average number of prescriptions [drugs] per person, annually, in 1993 was seven.
  • The average number of prescriptions [drugs] per person, annually, in 2000 was eleven.
  • [The average number of prescriptions drugs per person], annually, in 2004 was twelve.

The total number of annual prescriptions [drugs] in the United States now stands at about 3 billion. The cost per year is about $180 billion, headed to and estimated $414 billion by 2011.” (taken from Dr. Dan Murphy who quotes:How Prescription Drugs Are Altering American Lives, Minds, and Bodies Greg Critser 2005)

This is actually old data and the average number by 2010 is probably much higher. I have seen patients walk in with pages of 20 “’scripts”, and heard of even as many as 50.

In Our Drinking Water
A vast array of pharmaceutical including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans, an Associated Press investigation shows. in the course of a five-month inquiry, the AP discovered that drugs have been detected in the drinking water supplies of 24 major metropolitan areas from Southern California to Northern New Jersey, from Detroit to Louisville, Ky. http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2008-03-10-drugs-tap-water_N.htm

Our Babies Swim Now In A Soup Of Chemicals.
287 human-made chemicals – most of them hazardous – in the blood of infants .

According to a study released by the Environmental Working Group, a policy research and activist organization, tests measuring the so-called “body burden” of industrial chemicals, conducted on ten random samples of umbilical cord blood, detected 287 chemicals.

The samples, supplied by the American Red Cross, registered 180 chemicals known to cause cancer in adults, 217 that are linked to brain and nervous system damage, and 208 that have been shown to affect fetal or child development in animal tests. For 209 of the contaminants, this was the first time researchers had identified the chemicals in newborn blood. http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2008-03-10-drugs-tap-water_N.htm

Earth Day is Health Day
Learn more. Read books. Talk to your chiropractor. Eat natural and organic food. Get regular spinal adjusts to support your spine and nervous system. Educate others. You can help your family and friends find relief and better health without the use of toxins by encouraging them to come in for an initial consultation with the doctor to see if chiropractic can help. Chiropractic is 100% organic and always has been. No drugs or toxins. The chiropractic lifestyle supports a healthy spine, nervous system and body.

More Videos and Photos from PM&A’s Adventure to the Chiropractic California Jam 2010

Dr. Tom Potisk gives a succinct and complete accounting and review of our travels to, and as it turned out, through Southern California. (see earlier post)

Here are some various videos and photos if you want more, though rough and candid, reporting. (Some videos may need the volume turned up.)

Walking to Cal Jam

Opening – Don’t Back Down – Chiropractor

Some photos

Cal Jam 2010 Chiropractic, Petty Michel - Associates

Clips from various talk. May have to turn up volume.

Dr. Brian Porteous – a clip from his talk on the hyperstension study. LINK

Dr. Dan Murphy – talks about recent research on toxic chemicals and how they affect nervous system and adjusting – (9 min) LINK

Dr. Dan Murphy – talks about cervical spine, referencing the hypertension study. LINK (5 min)

Dr. Dan Murphy – refers to book by M.D. references Innate. LINK

Dr. Fabrizio Mancini – applying chiropractic is not complicated. (2 min)   LINK