Phyllis Frase to Speak at the Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin Fall Summit on Referrals and Retention


Welcome back to Wisconsin Phyllis!

We are excited to have Phyllis returning to Wisconsin to join us at the Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin Fall Summit.

The Fall Summit will be held October 21st through the 23rd at the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells.

Are you and your team registered?  If not you will want to as Phyllis will be presenting to doctors and staff all day Friday.  She will be covering the following topic:  

“The Secrets of Referrals and Retention”

What’s the secret? The pixie dust? The magic potion to creating patients that stay pay and refer for a lifetime?

In this class you will walk away with what makes a patient pay and value their chiropractic care. This interactive class will help you create great customer service and learn easy, solid systems and procedures that will take your practice to the next level.  Included is low stress, low cost marketing ideas that you can implement on Monday morning.

For more information on Phyllis visit: Our Experts

To register for the CSW Fall Summit visit: CSW Fall Summit 2016


Cal Jam Special Offer for Chiropractors

Come on down to Cal Jam 2012!

Our great consultant and coach, Ms. Phyllis Frase, will be speaking at the 5th Annual California Jam, presented by the Dead Chiropractic Society in Costa Mesa California.  Register before January 15th and mention the Promo Code of FRASE for the special discount mentioned in the flier below.

All registration is handled through Cal Jam by calling the number below.

Call Today 949-250-0600

for more information:

Parker Seminar in Jan with Ms. Phyllis Frase

We wanted to let you know that Ms. Phyllis Frase will be speaking at Parker Seminars 60th Anniversary event in Las Vegas, NV.

January 13-15, 2011

Parker Seminars is the largest and most long lasting seminar program for the chiropractic profession. The early registration discount is a month away and Phyllis wanted to be sure we reminded everyone. It is a great program and we encourage everyone to attend if you can make it. Great for the staff too.

(From Parker)

Join thousands of members from the chiropractic community for an unforgettable three days of education, networking, and an exposition featuring the best in chiropractic technology.

Spread the word that Parker Seminars’ 60th anniversary series lets you:

  • Learn critical practice-building techniques.
  • Strengthen your chiropractic foundation.
  • Create a more effective, efficient office.
  • Earn valuable continuing education credits.
  • Learn from world-renowned speakers and leading experts.
  • Maximize your potential and start living your best life!
  • Be one of the first to preview and order The Well Adjusted Soul,one of this  year’s most exciting practice expansion tools. (Featuring an article, “Can You Hear Me Now?” by our very own, Dr. Tom Potisk.)

Come share the excitement and let us welcome you to our neighborhood!

Advanced registration available through December 13!

Register today! Visit or call 888.727.5338.

“Parker Seminars, “One voice for Chiropractic”

Goals For Patients and Chiropractors

Goals Give Us Tools to Put Dreams Into Action

Phyllis A Frase

If each of us is on a lifelong journey to find our hat, to know who we are, then by implication we are all on a journey to somewhere. It is our passion for that destination that makes us engaged and purposeful about our work and lives. Without a dream, without goals, we have no direction. As the old expression says, “If you don’t know where you are going, any path will get you there.”

William James, the visionary turn-of-the-century psychologist, might be considered one of the fathers of self-actualization. He understood the power of our thoughts to affect our lives. His advice then is as true today as ever: “Seek out that particular mental attitude which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says, ‘this is the real me,’ and when you have found that attitude follow it.”

Many, many people are afraid to follow their dreams. They are afraid of goals or at least resist them. They think goals take the fluidity and spontaneity out of life.  And they worry about how they will feel if they don’t reach them.

But we need to remember that goals are not a blueprint; they simply provide a vision.

Think about it in terms of a fishing line. A big goal, like a big fish, puts some tension on the line. You’ve got to have tension to succeed. You can’t catch a fish without it. If you line goes slack, you know you’ve lost a big one. If you yank too hard, you risk losing the fish and the lure as well.

We teach our patients our chiropractic truth and values. We offer gentle but continuous pressure to gradually pull and lure them into referring, committed lifetime oriented chiropractic patients. But if you lose patience and jerk the line too often, you can lose the patient by not having systems and procedures that guide that patient. Constant dialogues, clarity, trust and soft tension on the line—those are the qualities that lead to the results and relationship we look to have with our patients.

In your life you’ve got to go after your goals and dreams. Of course, for the passion and the persistence to be there, and to take ACTION and not think about it, they need to be aligned with who you are and not what everyone else thinks you are. They also need to be about what you what to accomplish. And yes, you will surely lose some.  But you can’t catch a dream without tension on the line.

So be purposeful. Don’t be satisfied just dawdling along. We need to save people chiropractically…..If you don’t do it and take action, who will?