Call Your Mom: The most important person in your practice

mom, mother, daughter, hugging, petty, michel, goal, driven, love“Call your mom!”

When we dropped off our son at college as a freshman that late summer day years ago, I told him: “Call your mom!”

And he did, but not often enough.

The fact that moms are extraordinary is an understatement. They are not ordinary people.

Motherhood just isn’t giving birth or the nine months before — if that wasn’t miraculous enough. It isn’t just the diaper months, the nursing, the crying, or the “terrible twos.” It goes on through all the stages of their child’s life – preteen angst at discovering their identity, infatuation break-ups, finding their social tribe, and all the challenges growing up leads us through.

Mother is always there.

And motherhood never ends. As long as she lives, our mothers are there throughout our lives.

Motherhood is a magical cape that certain women wear, your mom, for instance, that at one time protected you and at another helped you fly. Often without your gratitude.

Yea, dads are around too, often in the background. But moms are the first line of comfort and care, someone who loves you more than themselves.

And if moms are so vital in our lives, they are too in our practices.

Always show special gratitude to the mothers in your office.

This Sunday, May 8, is Mother’s Day. Do something special for all the mothers in your practice. Not as a gimmick but as a sincere act of gratitude and respect. Some offices give a flower to every mother that comes in on Friday or the days before. You can always provide some organic chocolates, a scented soap, or tea.

Yes, there is a marketing aspect to this, but excellent customer service is marketing. In most cases, women see doctors more than men, and mothers are often more dominant in determining and advocating for better health in families. (1,2) They are probably your better patients, and your better referral sources as well.

What if you don’t know if they have children? Well, first of all, you should. You are creating relationships with your patients. But if you don’t know, you can always politely ask them – and you will get to know them even better and strengthen your relationship.

For those who are not mothers, give them a flower to give to their mother. Then, have them post the photo on social media, and you can reward them with something.

So, Call Your Mother, and do something special for all the mothers in your life.

