Be Creative: You Are An Artist in Your Chiropractic Office

As a marketing tip, be creative.

More than ever, genuine creativity stands out and is necessary as your community gets more and more bombarded with ever increasing amounts of data, connections and general “noise.”

But the fact is, aside from marketing, no matter what role you may have in your office, you are an artist. You are not working on an assembly line.

Each day you create many things that were not there before.

Although you follow routine procedures as a chiropractor or team member, you are not a robot.  You add your special ingredients to each outcome you help bring about.

Each day — today in fact — you will create many useful outcomes for people. Depending on your role in the office, it could be adjusted patients, collected receivables, or scheduled patients.

Think of the outcomes you bring about as works of art. They are your creations. They are unique.


Two Outcomes

There are two basic outcomes that you create. Your first outcome is obvious — it is defined by your role in the office: adjusted patients, collected receivables, scheduled patients that keep their appointments.

The other outcome that you may not spend much time on — none of us do — is working ON ourselves and ON our office. The second outcome is producing that which is producing your outcomes.

A farmer can’t have apples without an orchard.  A football team can’t win unless it has the right players in the right positions.  A runner can’t win races unless she works on her form and trains.

It’s the oldest story in the book:  the goose that laid the golden eggs.  You need a golden goose to get your golden eggs.  If you “cook your goose,” or at least don’t take care of it, you won’t have golden eggs.

Taking care of your goose that lays the golden eggs is your second outcome you need to work on each week.


Takes Time and Continuous Improvement
If the road to your goals seems too long or the travel too tough, keep in mind that it takes time to grow an orchard or to build a winning team. (This is also covered in #6 of Stephenson’s 33 Principles of Chiropractic.)

And it takes a continuous process of improvement working ON your job skills and ON the development of your team and team functions.  If you are a professional musician, you spend time playing music in the orchestra. But you also spend time improving your own music and helping to improve the music of the orchestra.

All artists make mistakes.  That is how you and your team learn. It is part of the improvement process.

But it is art. You are creating something that wasn’t there before.

There is a thrill to be had at the end of each day if you demonstrated the best of your craft – and your team did as well.

In our networked economy, authenticity is more valuable than ever before and is what distinguishes you from all the rest.

Just keep in mind that you have two outcomes, it takes time and requires a process of continuous improvement.  Then, enjoy creatively making each day your new work of art