About Edward Petty

Consultant with Petty, Michel & Associates, Author of Marketing Manager System, the Goal Driven Business www.GoalDriven.com. Father and grandfather, husband, student, active in athletics, and in health and environmental causes.

How To Make Your Chiropractic and Natural Health Lending Library Work


A natural health lending library is a very practical marketing tool – if used.

A lending library is a collection of books, DVD’s, and other information that you can loan your patients. It is part of an ongoing patient education program. The better your patients understand what you do and why you do it, the more likely they will be to stick to a long-term care program and to refer their family and friends for services.  Patient education, compared to other marketing activities, is not that expensive.  It has a good ROI!

Download a list of suggestions here for your chiropractic or natural health care library.  [Ideas for your Lending Library]  Please give us your suggestions as well.

This all is logical, right?  We all know this.

So…why is it rarely done? Most of the offices that I have seen with lending libraries have them on the bottom shelf in some corner of their office filled with books from a garage sale and old VHS video cassettes.

Everyone knows patient education is important. Like the Spinal Care Class, or new patient education class, everyone knows this is good for the patient and helps the office grow. Right?

Funny story… I attended a small get-together of chiropractors one evening here in Southeast Wisconsin. The presentation was given by the lead doctor of a multiple doctor office. Great doctor, nice practice. He had been in practice for years and looked weathered and ready for retirement. The talk was how to give an effective Spinal Care Class for new patients. The presentation was full of practical content. The only thing… the doctor wasn’t that cheerful about his presentation.

After he finished, and as he left the front of the room looking down at the floor, he muttered, as if passing on a confidential apology to another spy… “But we don’t do the classes anymore.”

So, no need to fool ourselves here. It might be just easier to buy some nice posters and be done with it.

Ah, but there is a trick to making your lending library work… and patient education in general work!

The lending library is primarily for YOU — and each member of your professional team.

We have been looking at it all wrong.  The lending library is a reflection of YOU!

If YOU study, and if your support team studies and learns, you all will be so enthusiastic about the information that you will insist that your patients learn this information as well.

Be curious and ask yourself some questions. For example:

  • Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to significantly lower blood pressure. Do your patients know this? How does it work?
  • Why do some intervertebral discs degenerate and others (in the same spine) do not?
  • Do your patients understand the myth of cholesterol, heart disease, and how statin drugs may be causing some of the symptoms they are coming in to see you for?
  • How is the adaptive immune response affected [during “cold and flu season”] by the adjustment?
  • Is the average time for a whiplash patient to achieve maximum improvement 7 months 1 week? If so, why? If not, what is it?
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for rheumatoid and/or osteoarthritis conservatively cause 16,500 Americans to bleed to death each year. Do your patients know this? Do their families?
  • Glutamate and aspartame can cause chronic pain sensitization, and removing them from the diet for 4 consecutive months can eliminate all chronic pain symptoms. Do your patients know this? Do their spouses? *

Read a book, watch a video, question authority, ask questions — seek the truth. Get excited about learning new things about your profession.

DON’T GET BORED. If you are bored, quit and go home!

Otherwise, be grateful for the opportunities we all have to learn and expand our knowledge and understanding of the services we provide and the world in which we provide them.

Be curious.

Ultimately, you sell yourself before you sell your services. How can you sell a care class or an extended treatment plan if you are not truly excited about them?

Learning new aspects of chiropractic, health care, wellness, sickness, the sickness industry, how your patients are being manipulated and exploited… all this should agitate you one way or another.

For example, I watch Vaxxed – the movie — and then listened to Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Brandy Vaughn (former Merck employee) talk on YouTube about the movie and how they are now being covertly and overtly intimidated to shut up.  If this pharmaceutical company is trying to help members of your community get healthier, why are they now attempting to squash dissent and in such a sinister and yet powerful way? I can’t help but wonder: just how powerful are they at manipulating public opinion? How are they influencing my community and my family?

If you look further into the effects of pharmaceuticals, from Vioxx to statins to MMR and vaccines, and explore some of these questions, you can’t help but feel compelled to educate your patients on how to keep their children healthy and free from a toxic environment.vioxx

Some of the most successful offices I have seen have spent untold sums on going to seminars (and on coaches!). The verysuccessful can be reckless with book buying and webinar watching and seminar attending.

Continuing education isn’t just for re-licensing seminars. How dull!

If you are not impatiently curious about different aspects of your profession – its science, its philosophy, what it is up against in the market place, you are becoming part of the problem.

Stay curious. Question authority. Study.

Do this:

Assignment #1. You. Order a book – or video- from Barnes and Noble, your local books store, or Amazon. Read most of it on a weekend or weeknight evening rather than watching TV.  Present what you learned at the next staff meeting and put the book in your Library.

Assignment #2. Your Team. Have your staff read a few chapters from a book, or watch a video from your lending library and then give a presentation about it at a staff meeting. Everyone learns and the staff member learns twice! Give bonuses for outside study.

Just like we work on our patients, just like we work on our business, we must work ON our roles as professionals and we do this by studying.

Then, no doubt, you and your team will be dragging your patients over to the lending library to check out the latest editions to your collection.

And your patients will know that they came to the right place. They may think you are all a little nerdy, maybe even fanatical about better health, but they will know that you sincerely care about them and their wellbeing, not just in collecting some money for some fast or rushed service.

Assignment #3. Stay curious and learn – and provoke others to do the same.



See our attached list of sample books and videos for your Lending Library Ideas for Your Lending Library

Please give us your suggestions for informative books or videos!

*Questions taken from Dan Murphy’s web site.www.danmurphydc.com


Using the Power of Simplicity to Develop Your Practice

“The way we’re running the company, the product design, the advertising– it all comes down to this: let’s make it simple, really simple.”     Steve Jobs  (Walter Isaacson) 1.

If you could simplify your business even more than it is, you would make more money and have less stress.

There is a direct relationship between simplicity and productivity, and an inverse relationship between complexity and productivity.

The most successful businesses have capitalized on this fact. This was one of Apple computer’s unique selling propositions – to focus on the simple and eliminate what wasn’t essential.

From its inception, the Apple Macintosh computer was designed with simplicity in mind.  Other companies have focused on simplicity: McDonalds order via drive-through, Ikea with its simple design, and Amazon with one-click ordering.

Simplicity Pays

Siegal-Gale is an international marketing firm that has studied simplicity in business and has been able to profile and rank businesses according to their simplicity. They call this the Global Brand Simplicity Index and have found that those companies that rank the highest, also outperform companies that rank as more complex. Their report states (2):

  • 214% – How much a portfolio of the world’s simplest brands has beaten the average global stock index since 2009
  • 69% – The percentage of consumers who are more likely to recommend a brand because it provides simpler experiences and communications
  • 63% – The percentage of consumers willing to pay more for simpler experiences

What Does This Mean for Your Practice?

You want to simplify the experience your chiropractic (or other) patient has in your office. From the first phone call, first appointment, examination, report of findings, patient finances, and scheduling, discover ways to simplify your procedures.

Your intake forms may be redundant or complicated, there may be too many rote statements or “scripts” for your staff to say to patients, or there can be extra pathways that your patients have to travel, like so many rabbit trails, where they can get confused and the flow slows down.  Staff, or doctors, may have too many decisions to make at each visit.

For example – what extra therapy should the patient receive? Not knowing, I have heard support staff simply ask the patient what therapy they wanted today, as if they were ordering a latte.  And as we know, there are definitely too many codes and documentation rules to follow for the doctor. Going total cash is one solution, but intelligent software, dictation, and scribes are other solutions.

Many, if not a majority of the more profitable offices that I have worked with over the years practiced what could be called “straight” chiropractic.  The straight practice (no additional modalities) works well, when it does, because its procedures and flow are simple. It is usually more profitable because extra overhead hides in the complicated.

Focus: Eliminate All but The Essential

Steve Jobs again: “People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things.”— Steve Jobs, WWDC 199(3)

I am not advocating no supplements, no exercise physiology, no electrical therapy. But to be honest, how much of this gets used in your office? I know offices — right now, and have known hundreds more, that have equipment lying around unused or bottles of vitamins collecting dust on overlooked shelves.


You have to embrace first only those unique outcomes that you can deliver. Work backwards and add only the most critical steps. “Begin with the end in mind”, as Stephen Covey observed in high producers.

For the Chiropractor – Adjust

For a chiropractor, this means adjust. (For other professions: what is your core function?) One of the first doctors I worked with when I moved to Wisconsin in 1988 worked closely with Clarence Gonstead. His license plate read: I ADJUST. He had a full practice, chuckled a lot, and seemed to make a nice living.

Start with this first, and then add additional services carefully – if you want.

Educate – In and Out Of The Office

Secondly, educate. Educate your patients, your team, and your community.  But your education has to be simple.  Your message has to be concise. One doctor we have worked with over the years has a waiting list practice, with nonstop patient, and even some MD, referrals.   He doesn’t do a 4-day report of findings and he doesn’t do a 2-day report of findings on new or reactivated patients.

He just very intently adjusts and talks about the adjustment and what he is adjusting.  From there, he then also gets into other health topics such as toxins (vaccinations), nutrition and weight, and exercise.

This is a good model: start with your core service and move out from there. For chiropractic education, you can use simple metaphors like “pinched nerve,” “garden hose,” “rusty gate hinge”, and how the body fighting toxins creates heat (inflammation), etc.

And keep educating your patients with care classes, lending library, table talk, movie nights, special speakers, case histories, and testimonials.

And do this first and continually with your support team.  This is not done enough!

One method to discover what to simplify is to regularly practice your procedures. For example, do a rehearsal of what happens when a new patient comes into your office on their first day, 2nd day, 3rd day, etc. You will flush out confusions, redundancies, and extra motions that complicate the patient experience.

Outside of your office, the same applies. Educate your community on what you do.  What is your simple selling proposition that people want?

For example, someone asks you “what do you do?”: “Well…

we help to improve your health, we relieve your pain,

and we increase your game – naturally!

No drugs, no surgery, and we guarantee you have fun in the bargain.”

How’s that? A simple and a desirable unique selling proposition (USP). (You can use this in all your marketing communications – no charge!)

Make it Fun – and Have Fun

Lastly, there is fun. You can and should have fun doing this. And so should your patients and support crew.

Patients will mostly remember how they feel after leaving your office.  Was it a pleasant, enjoyable experience? Was it fun?

Practice life can often bring about a kind of serious hue over the office. Administrative errors, missed appointments, a dissatisfied patient, a staff member out for the day, too many bills – all of this can create an extra layer of anxiety or seriousness in the office.

Fight this by being grateful for all the wonderful outcomes of your patients.  Work on having a “the gratitude attitude.”

And as you simplify your processes, you will find that everyone’s attention becomes freer to enjoy helping each other — to help the patients.

Simple is more fun and profitable.

So here is a question for you: Which comes first, the fun or the smile?

Well, you can kick things off right now… right now with a smile.  Actually, smiling is simpler and requires less muscles than frowning.

Frowning is complex, so start right now by smiling.

Try it.

See? Already your business and life is simpler and better – and funner.



(To help you keep things simple, you can order two magnets of the above image for your office, courtesy of PM&A while quantities last. Click here to order.  We will mail them to you at no charge.)

For a printable copy of this article click [The Power of Simplicity]

Chiropractic & Practice Marketing Ideas for Fall 2016

Autumn pumpkin background

(Download a PDF of this article)

3 Echelons of Practice Marketing: Motivation, Management, Procedures

Most attention is usually put on marketing procedures. That is fine but when marketing fails, it is usually because the procedures just didn’t get done, or only half done. And this is because no one was put in charge of them and given the time to execute them. Pretty obvious, but easily overlooked. This was the essential theme of the Marketing Manager System I published in 2000. It is out of print now but much of the info is on our PM&A Member’s site.

And underneath it all is motivation. Who really wants to do the marketing? You may get excited from a seminar or about an event you have planned. But motivation can dissipate quickly and too often we are not active enough in keeping ourselves and our teams passionate and determined about providing more and better service.

So all three levels or echelons of marketing need to be in place. What follows is a brief list to help you set up effective marketing activities for the next 4 months.


It goes without saying but it needs to be said – from an executive point of view, quality care and service comes first. Ultimately, an office that gives “WOW” service and produces extra-ordinary outcomes generates enough word of mouth to create a waiting list practice. Think of Clarence Gonstead.

Plan weekly motivational talks at your team meetings and major motivational activities each month. These can be discussing case successes, watching Doctored, or doing a free clinic for the underprivileged. Keep the saw sharpened. Keep reminded of WHY you all are doing what you are doing and your greater purposes. This is the fire that drives the engine of your practice.

Someone to Coordinate
Delegate someone to be the marketing coordinator. You could have someone for just internal and someone for external events. These roles are only a few hours per week as coordination jobs. The actual work is delegated as separate duties so that everyone on your team has a role in marketing. Your entire office is the marketing department but it helps to have duties assigned just like you do for the front desk or billing dept.

So Many Procedures, Which Should You Pick?
Select the marketing activities that have worked for you in the past and add a few at a time. Pilot each and see what works better for you. Marketing is all about testing. Find out what works and then put it in a system. Keep it simple. Get your marketing systematized and departmentalized and delegated.

Time to Plan
Part of marketing management is setting aside time to plan and coordinate upcoming events. At least monthly, schedule time aside to review past promotions and plan new marketing for the next few months.

Make sure you have a large calendar to post all of your upcoming promotions.

All your marketing does no good unless it is communicated. Marketing IS communication, so keep the communication going – in and out of the office. Make sure each month you promote via team members, “table talk”, e-newsletters, posters, Facebook, etc.

Recurring Procedures
The most important marketing activities are your usual, recurring procedures that you do on a daily and weekly basis. Many of these are already embedded in your routine procedures. Because they are done routinely, the usual and everyday procedures can be overlooked or not given the importance needed. For example, just answering the phone can make a big difference. Don’t let the routine become the mundane. Practice new ways to have fun with your recurring procedures.

Community Services
This is what I call the free or discounted services you provide in your community. Health screenings, workshops, networking events, setting up alliances with dentists, for example, or just conspicuously showing up at the Lions Club breakfast. I would delegate this to one person and give them 4-6 hours per week to schedule events and to help coordinate who attends these events. There is a good deal of administration in this role. I have seen events scheduled a year in advance that generated new patients and referrals from alliances that come in years after they were initially set up because the relationship was well maintained.

  • External Workshops and “Lunch and Learns.” Schedule external classes for January and February now. Business “Wellness Programs” or lunch and learns at the local YMCA or Senior center. Include massage to make it even more attractive.
  • Local Health Fairs. Contact all the locations you have held events in the past year and schedule events for the New Year.
  • Contact local businesses for health fairs in the New Year and get them scheduled.

Internal Workshops.
Internally, you can also schedule special classes over the next 4 months, including “Natural Approaches to Flu Prevention”, “New Healthy Ways to Lose Weight and Get Fit This Winter,” etc.

Google Reviewsgoogle-review
If you get 4-5 star reviews on Google, you will get new patients. This is proven. It is true. Assign it to someone and do it. Now. It may take a few months, but if you do it, they will come.

Patient Education: Table Talk and the New Patient Care Class
In my opinion, educating your patients is more important than adjusting or treating them. Not all patients are easy to educate, but all can be gradually persuaded to understand the value of your services: what they do, how they work, and why they are important. Educated patients refer more. They stay with you longer. They are more enjoyable to care for. And, most importantly they are healthier. Table talk is an excellent practice with each patient. But your new patient care class is a proven winner. It just takes your intention to do it. Two times per month. Do with the fervor of a Sunday sermon or with the frankness of a fireside chat with old friends. It will boost your practice and you. And… how much does it cost? That’s right… nothing.

Care to Share
There are many ways to do this program but I like it because it encourages your patients to help you get the word out about their successes so that others do not have to suffer as long as they did. It gets them to help their community. It taps into their greater purposes and gives them an opportunity to help others. Set up a monthly drawing and give away a modest prize or two. Enter the drawing by submitting a Google review, by bringing someone into the office for a no charge consultation, or by getting a workshop set up in their place of employment. Run the program monthly or every other month.

Special Promotions
These are the big events that can be fun and energizing which you hold in your office every couple of months or so. I list some ideas below.

October is National Chiropractic Health Month. (The International Chiropractic Association and the American Chiropractic Association once recognized October as Spinal Health Month, but now it is simply called Chiropractic Health Month.) This can give you a reason to do many different promotions. For example:

  • A banner in your office for patients to bring in family members for a free “Check-up.”
  • Reactivation Month – send postcards to all inactive patients who have not been in for at least one year or more for free spinal checkup: “Chiropractic Check-up Time.” Use an image of an alarm clock.
  • The ACA has other suggestions on its site. (http://www.acatoday.org)

Child Health Day
Under a Joint Resolution of Congress, the President of the United States has proclaimed National Child Health Day every year since 1928. It was originally celebrated on May Day, May 1, each year until 1960, when the date was moved to the first Monday in October. Use this as a great opportunity to have a Kid’s Day. (Google it. Many differen sites offer suggestins.)

National School Lunch Week
National School Lunch Week takes place on the second Sunday in October (http://www.nea.org/tools/lessons/48412.htm ) You could have a workshop on fast and nutritious meals for kids targeting parents and moms.

Awareness Weeks
If workshops aren’t your thing, then set aside one week to focus on a particular condition, such as headaches and call it “Headache Awareness Week”, or “Pinched Nerve Awareness Week”, “Neuropathy Awareness Week”, etc. Schedule one a month where possible for the next 5 months as part of your Community Education Program. Detail procedure with posters in your Marketing Manager System Toolkit and on your PMA Members site under: “Community Education.” Offer free consultation, screening, and information regarding the condition.

Crazee Dayz
Select a day and make it special for your patients. Only one day a week is necessary otherwise it’s not special. It can be once per month or every week. Serve extra treats. You can have the staff dress out of uniform coordinated to the day. This can add some extra fun to the office and help with retention and long term referrals.

  • Muffin Mondays – Serve up a selection of health bran, blueberry, or gluten free muffins.
  • Two for Tuesday – Bring a friend for a complimentary spinal exam and offer the patient a free adjustment. “Two Fer Tuesday.”
  • Whacky Wednesdays – gag gifts for patients, “adjust-a-mints”, etc. (http://www.bannermints.com/)
  • Thirsty Thursdays — Organic apple juice served in plastic wine glasses with a sliced green apple on the rim. NA margaritas.
  • Fruity Fridays – Bowl of local fruit.

Chiropractic Opportunity Week (“The doctor is having a COW.”) (patient referrals and advertising new patients) Free consultation, exam, and x-ray if needed.

Hair Dresser/Beauty Salons/Spas

  • Offer a workshop on “How to Stay Fit While You Clip.”
  • Free massages (and screenings) for customers

Kids and Halloween Party
With Casper as inspiration, a kid’s Halloween party with a friendly ghost theme has the right mix of tricks and treats. Invite the young ghouls to come dressed up, but you can also have them make ghastly masks as part of the fun. Other ideas include spooky decorations, scary snacks and a friendly ghost hunt.

Thanksgiving Turkey Drawing Poster

  • Refer a friend and enter the drawing for a free turkey
  • Special for Organic Turkeys – announce in your newsletter
  • Make arrangements now with your local supplier

Thank a Veteran Day
Veterans Day – November 11. It is no secret that the physical and mental health support veterans receive is inadequate. This good time to set up a promotion honoring those who served. Special promotions including free or discounted services or donations to local Veterans organization. (More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veterans_Day )

Donation Drives (patient referrals, advertising new patients)
Holiday time always brings an increased demand for helping those less fortunate. Within your office set up a collection area for any of the following programs and promote it in your newsletter.

  • Coats for Kids
  • Food for Families
  • Toys for Tots
  • Blood Drive
  • $25 in exchange for first day services.
  • Also, you can support drives at local church or gyms. EG “Free first day services for every donation a member of YMCA makes to the homeless fund.”

Deer Widows Week
During hunting season or first week of December offer complimentary massage for your patients who refer in a new patient

Girl’s Night Out
This is a shopping/gift exchange that can take place in your office. Have patients who have little businesses set up booths in your office and stipulate that they have to bring guests. Supply some refreshments and promote as great way to “Shop Local” for Christmas presents. Enlist the help of massage therapist, local spas and direct marketing consultants. You can provide free screenings.

Holiday Coupons – Gifts Certificates (patient referrals)

  • Good for Massage, consultation, exam, x-ray
  • Denominations: Free, $25, $25 or food donation to charity.

Poinsettia Give Away
Give away free poinsettias, one per family. Include in the cards a gift certificate for family members or friends. (See Member’s site for gift card)

Saturday with Santa

  • Set up Santa in your reception room corner
  • Treats for the kids
  • Pictures with Santa
  • Free spinal check with Doc

Appreciation to External Referral Sources
Deliver a fruit basket or other present personally during December with a card of thanks and mention how you are looking forward to another year working together. This would go to any location where you had an external community services type of event, such as a screening or workshop. Include: “Looking forward to working with you next year.”

Health Never Takes a Holiday
Post a sign in your office in December that “Health Never Takes a Holiday” and review and re-schedule patients through December to January.

Giving Tree/Angel Tree
The Giving Tree/Angel Tree Project is a great way to bring community awareness to your office. It is a simple project that gets your patients be involved to help others where they might not otherwise have the opportunity to do so.

Winter Workshops and Movie Nights – Internal
These, of course, can be done anytime of the year. Whether it is how to make organic soup for the week, or a talk on vaccinations with an MD, winter has been a good time for internal events. Weight loss, fitness, and food have seemed to be popular. These should be planned by December or even November. Ideally, plan your workshops with a guest speaker such as a holistic MD, biological dentist, midwife, etc.

We have a great deal of information on our PMA member’s site for those of you who are active clients, much of it compiled from the Marketing Manager System I published quite a few years ago. There you can find readymade posters and detailed information on how to do many of these projects.

Yes, I know some of the posters are old but we are not in the graphic arts business and neither are you. But they are on Word files and can be easily changed. A simple graphic and title is all you need with the specifics in bullet points. Depending on the level of your program, we can also put together simple posters to help promote your particular project.

If you are not active with PM&A, you can still find a great deal of info on our web site at www.pmaworks.com/observations.

With shared intentions to get more people healthier and smarter about their health!

Ed Petty
September, 2016

Thank You Linda Skiles for 15 Years of Dedicated, Caring, and Purposeful Service to Petty Michel and Chiropractic Offices Everywhere

Linda Skiles

Linda Skiles

15 years!


Actually, seems much longer as our relationship goes back to the great and honorable Dr. Gaylord Culp of Lake Geneva. And what a grand privilege that was – he was a master Chiropractor.

And then I bumped into you again as the office manager at the renown Wheelock Clinic in Burlington. WI. A dynamic multiple-doctor office that is still going strong.

You certainly had good experiences with solid chiropractic with these doctors and at these offices so there was no doubt in my mind as to your credentials.  You were Chiropractic Assistant of the Year here in Wisconsin too… back a few years it was!

A person can have credentials and training but these are minor compared to the exceptional and outstanding qualities of character that you have demonstrated.  It is too rare to find people who have the personal ethics and courage and selflessness to continue to provide support services through thick and thin, day and night, when needed, as needed, year after year.

In a quiet corner of the world your industriousness has been unflagging…and directly and indirectly because of you and your work, hundreds if not thousands of people are living better lives through better chiropractic offices.

You are always ready to provide us consultants, our clients, and our company with fast service any time.

We don’t say this enough, but your continued support has made a difference to all of us and so many others. But here it is, on your 15th Anniversary:

Thank You Linda. We love you.


Vaxxed – The Movie and Questioning Authority

I just watched Vaxxed, a new movie about the relationship between vaccinations and autism, the CDC (a federal agency, the Center for Disease Control and Protection), and Big Pharma. It has limited showing across the U.S. and is currently playing in Milwaukee until today (June 30th). (Downer Theater)

Most of the film quotes M.D.’s and PH.D’s, except for a few stories by the parents of vaccine injured kids. Some of the clips show M.D.’s over time as they discover a link for themselves.

A key element in the film centers around an admission of the key research scientist, Dr. William Thompson who, after working for the CDC, claims that he is now a whistleblower. He says that data was manipulated and evidence was destroyed to cover-up a direct link between certain vaccination protocols and autism. “I have a boss who is asking me to lie… The higher ups wanted to do certain things and I went along with it…” [paraphrased]

After the movie I did a fast Google and found: “Autism rates soar, now affects 1 in 68 children…” from USA Today, 2014.   It occurs 4-5 times more in boys than in girls, according to Wikipedia. In 1995 it was 1 in 500, and back in 1975 it was 1 in 5000. (autismspeaks.org)

Vaccine rates have also soared – 49 doses of 14 vaccines before age 6. CDC schedule. 2 With both numbers soaring, there is at least a correlation.

But my attention is on the money. It is no secret how many Big Pharma lobbyists work in Washington (about 2 to 1 for every member of Congress) – or how profitable the pharmaceutical industry is, or how much they spend to influence government, doctors, and the public.

And it is also not an odd coincidence that the head of the CDC when Dr. Thompson was doing research on vaccinations, Julie Gerberding, gets hired by Merck. She was put in charge of Merck’s vaccine division. Big surprise!  Merck had or has 12 vaccines on the market, including Gardasil – a vaccine India is suing Merck for in the deaths of girls. It is hard to tell how much she is making, but one report shows that she just cashed in Merck stock for over 2 million dollars.

You may remember Merck, the company that produced Vioxx that killed 38,000 Americans, maybe more. Merck finally pulled the drug in the early 2000’s. And there were cover-ups and whistleblowers back then too. Dr. David Graham who worked in the FDA, (Food and Drug Administration) testified that “Nearly 60,000 people may have died.”  After his testimony, Graham was publicly criticized by the FDA. He later sought help from a whistleblower protection organization. It is dangerous to be a whistleblower or to go against powerful interests!

But you don’t need to be a whistleblower to connect the dots. From cigarettes to finally aspartame, people are gradually seeing that what is popular is not always what is healthy or in their best interest.

Yet, with enough money, consent can be manufactured through Big Data and Big Marketing. It can do it subtly and in a thousand different ways.  Public Relations is a science and is becoming more sophisticated every day and unless you do your homework and have an open mind, and QUESTION AUTHORITY and CONVENTION,  you may be like someone who supported invading Iraq because Sadam Hussien caused 9/11. ( Even two years after 9/11: “Nearly seven in 10 Americans believe it is likely that ousted Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the Sept. 11 attacks…” USA today, 9/6/2003)

So, yes,  I recommend the movie Vaxxed and draw your own conclusion, but more importantly and always… question authority.

“You don’t need a weatherman –  To know which way the wind blows.”  Bob Dylan

Your Perennial Waiting List Chiropractic Practice: Like Daffodils, Your Patients Keep Coming Back

petty michel and associates on creating a full office

Daffodils from Linda’s back yard in Wisconsin, 2016

Spring is finally with us and the flowers and trees are beginning to bloom up here in the northern Midwest.

What is amazing to me is that I start seeing flowers pop up where I must have planted them, or someone did, a few years past. Pop, pop… a daffodil here and tulip there, some lilies and Astors and I don’t know what! Who planted these?

Growing, developing, and sustaining a chiropractic practice corresponds in many ways to the laws of nature or the laws of a farm. What makes these plants bloom are many things – the warmer weather, some biological clock, water, of course, and sunlight. Maybe some organic fertilizer now and then.

They also have something else. Something that has allowed them to weather the snow and the cold and the storms so that they are here now… waving to us in the still cool of early spring.

A few years ago I wrote an article about roots and patient retention. I know… seems like an odd comparison, but it’s not really. The thing with roots is that they are not seen and not always appreciated. I made the analogy of having a good root system in your practice – which would be the loyalty your patients have with you. I discussed methods to create and improve this relationship in the article, Chiropractic Root System

I just reviewed the article and realized that I omitted a key component in creating great patient loyalty, patient retention, and patient referrals. It is actually pretty obvious and something I see in the offices I visit.

But first, let me include here some survey information from the 2010 Customer Experience Impact Report (CEI) for North America by Rightnow Technologies* that will help make my point.(My underlines and bolds.)

Consumers aren’t only demonstrating their power with their wallets, but they are influencing those around them as well. Whether a consumer has a positive or negative experience, their friends, family, colleagues and networks are sure to hear about it and what they are saying carries weight.

Customer service is the most influential thing a company can do to increase customer advocacy.

55% (up from 53% in 2009) of consumers recommend a company because of its customer service, compared to products at 49% and price at 42%.

But those who have issues are also voicing their opinions and it can have a severe impact on a company’s reputation and ultimately bottom line.

Imagine the result of 66% of a company’s frustrated customers on a mission to discourage others from buying from that company. Consumers aren’t just complaining when something goes wrong, they are determined to have their presence felt by the company at fault:

  • 79% of consumers that had a negative experience with a company told others about it
  • 97% used word of mouth as their preferred method to share their experience

Consumer expectations continue to rise, but their requests are reasonable and within reach. Put simply, consumers want easily accessible, accurate information to make well informed buying decisions. And they want to be respected, treated well, and have their issues resolved in a timely fashion.

Of those who decided to stop doing business with an organization,

  • 73% was a reaction to rude staff
  • 51% reacted to unknowledgeable staff
  • 55% were because of issues that weren’t resolved in a timely manner.”

Finally, it all comes down to this:

This has been a mainstay result from the Customer Experience Impact Report (CEI). The fifth annual report cited that 82% of consumers have stopped doing business with a company as a result of a negative experience.”

So, it is not “time” or “money” as the primary reason patients drop out of care. Simply put – their experience was not AWEsome enough!

This is why Google Reviews or any legitimate review has such a strong impact on referrals. It is Word of Mouth marketing.

But how do you create it? Is there some fancy form or new procedure? A Dx code perhaps? Well, there are forms and procedures, but these are 20th on the list. The first 19 have to do with excellent communication and service. Communication that is genuine and caring.

In the article about increasing patient retention and the root system, I do give a few ideas on how to improve your service and, in turn, retention and referrals. But… so apparent to me now, I left something out!

Time and time again, where I see an office struggling to get new patients… I also notice a low morale office.

The low morale may not be obvious. In fact, studies show that the majority of employees (70%) are really not engaged in their work, but simply go through the motions.** This is so common that blasé, disinterested employees or time crunched, rote professionals seem to be the cultural norm.

But I routinely interview staff and work with office managers and hear THEIR side of the story, at least part of it.

If a team member is disgruntled, disaffected, discouraged, or in any way “dis”, the quality of service they provide to the patient will be affected. Let’s put it another way: if your team is anything BUT happy and cheerful and truly looking forward to their day with YOU and the patients, you have a problem.

There are many studies that show the cause and effect of employee morale and customer service. But I have personally observed it many times myself.

The offices with the HIGHEST patient retention and most patient referrals are the ones where the support team and doctor, or doctors, have a great relationship with each other. In fact, aside from the now and then stress points, you could say that they truly like and admire each other and respect each other’s good work.

Adding to this, these offices also have dedicated a continuous effort for training and education. Webinars, seminars, internal trainings, coaching (Hi there!), and books – one of the most overlooked training tool.

Now, what hampers all this is the stress of running a business. Doctors like to “doctor.” Chiropractic, or whatever good care you provide, does not fail. Doctors can always improve, and should, but it is usually the support organization that finally jams up on itself like railroad cars banging into each other, or even jackknifing.

As many of you know, I am working on a practice CEO training program. After a certain point of practice growth, it becomes difficult to continue to grow the business as a doctor. There is just too much to do. This is why you now need to learn and implement some fast flow procedures as a CEO, procedures which are very different from a doctor.

The CEO is a leader. John Maxwell*** lists five levels of leadership. At the first level people will follow you because they have to. At the second level they follow you because they actually like you! You have a relationship with them. At the third level they see that you get real results for the organization. Fourth… you are helping them become leaders! The last level is many orders of magnitude above the others… they follow you because of what you represent. Think of Martin Luther King, Gandhi, etc.

Practical Steps to Take to Improve Morale, Customer Service, Patient Retention and Referrals:

  1. Improve your communication with your team. That’s it. If it is good enough for your patients and for your family and friends, it is also good enough for your team members. As the doctor, of course, you are very busy. You are here for the patients and we are here for you.  But… as the CEO, you are here for us. Please listen to us, help us get better at helping you and the patient. Schedule time to do this each month with your veteran team members. A few minutes in the office, or even a lunch now and then.  It will pay off! And besides, it is only the decent thing to do.
  2. Plan events or projects to improve everyone’s competence. Schedule the team for training and coaching (Hi, again!) …or have them propose learning activities. Help them become leaders. Help them become expert. Lots of study and training and coaching.

As this happens, a lighthearted sense of pride and confidence will grow in your office. Synergy will improve. Staff will be engaged with the patients more and the patients themselves will also become part of the synergy.

Your practice will become well-nourished and strong, like perennial plants and trees that flower each spring.

Your patients will keep coming back.

#   #   #

Learn to look after your staff first — and the rest will follow.Customer service can make or break a business. If you treat your staff well, they will be happy. Happy staff are proud staff, and proud staff deliver excellent customer service, which drives business success.  – Sir Richard Branson (Virgin Companies)


Chiropractic Root System and Patient Retention

  *Rightnow Technologies. Download the report here. http://media.stellaservice.com/public/pdf/Customer_Experience_Impact_North_America.pdf


*** John Maxwell, The 5 Levels of Leadership

Extreme Chiropractic Practice DevelopMENT! California Jam®, 2016

Go Cal Jam

I am standing on a beach by the partially ice-covered Lake Michigan, sometimes referred to as part of  the “Third Coast.”   It is a good day!

Once a year I send out a promotion for the wildest and most unique chiropractic seminar I have seen in 30 years.

“Out-of-the-box” is a cliché that doesn’t really do Cal Jam justice.  Like extreme sports, Cal Jam pushes the boundaries of what is customary and conventional.

But isn’t that chiropractic?  Isn’t that you?

Chiropractic is unique (and wild) because it has purpose and soul.

Purpose and Soul, plus plenty of… Rock and Roll.

At Cal Jam!

Hope to see you there!

Date: March 18-20, 2016

Link to site: California Jam: www.CaliforniaJam.com

Your Most Important Set of Chiropractic Office Procedures

An Introduction to the Practice Development Process of Continuous Improvement

A key difference between a successful and profitable chiropractic business and a roller coaster type practice can be traced back to procedures and systems.

Many practice problems occur because procedures are not established, consistently followed, and regularly improved.   This has been the secret to franchising. Starbucks may offer new products and services now and then, but for the most part, they follow their checklists and manuals of successful procedures.  The local New Age coffee shop down on the corner with the unemployed guitar player usually lasts for about a year before the owner’s savings and inspiration dry up, along with the last cup of coffee.

chiropractic practice playbook

Of all the categories of systems in your office, what would you say would be the most important?

☐Patient Accounts (Billing/Collections) Systems
☐Marketing Systems
☐Front Desk Systems
☐Therapy and Clinical Support Systems
☐ Doctor Systems
☐ Business Systems (Payroll, Financial Planning, Taxes,)
☐ Leadership
☐Office, Practice Management Systems

My guess is that you usually keep most billing procedures in place as… obviously, you need to be paid.  And, you will usually keep most front desk procedures in place. These deal with patients and patients are obviously in the office, or not. And you, of course, follow your clinical procedures.

Your marketing procedures come and go, at least they do in most offices. They are just not consistent. This is why I put together the Marketing Manager System in 2000. The biggest error in most offices with their marketing is that it simply isn’t done consistently.

But the most important category of systems is not so obvious. These are the management procedures and systems.  Why are these most important? Because they keep all the other procedures in place and are continually being improved upon.

Why do you think CEO’s are paid so much money? Because they are in charge of the management of a business and are able to increase its bottom line by the millions.  They have procedures that they follow and insist that others do as well. These procedures all add up to systems.

Over the years, Petty Michel and Associates has been very successful at increasing the revenues of practices. One of the reasons is that we implement what we call the Practice Development Process. It is a monthly system of management that gradually works to objectively improve the business, repetitively over and over.  It integrates into your current systems and does not take that much extra time.  But in the end, it saves you a great deal of time, extra work, and lost revenue.

To learn more about the 3Goals Practice Development Process: 3Goals PDP

The 3Goals Practice Development Process for Chiropractic Success

Four steps to continuously develop and improve your practice

The Practice Development Process is a simple, yet powerful practice building system that can help take you and your business to its full potential of a systematized, team driven and profitable business.

Practice Development Process icon

It transforms your practice. Month by month, it helps move your practice to a more profitable service oriented business that runs at near full capacity – with less ups and downs that demand your time and extra work.

It is based upon the idea of constant improvement.   

The principle of constant improvement in management science has been a major factor in the success of large manufacturing corporations around the world. The success of the Japanese automobile manufacturing rests heavily on a process of constant improvement called Kaizen (kai = change, zen = good).    Motorola developed its own program called “Six Sigma”, a process of continuous improvement.


We have adapted these processes to be applied in practice management and call it the 3Goals Practice Development Process (PDP).

The Practice Development Process has four steps:

  1. Access
  2. Plan
  3. Supervise
  4. Document

Integrate This Process As Part Of Your Team Meetings. The first two steps, Assess and Plan, are usually done before or during the first staff meeting of the month. Supervision goes on during the month to ensure that the plan gets completed. At the end of the month, successful procedures are documented in a practice playbook for future training and assessments.

Your Consultant and Coach. This process is best done with your practice and business coach.  Each month, the two of you should work through step 1 and 2. During the month, your coach may also be able to help with the implementation of the plan.

1.  Assess and Review.  At the end of the month, look over the statistics and note what areas improved and what areas didn’t. Then check what was actually done, or not done in each area. Use your departmental checklists from your Practice Playbook if you have started this.assess and review

Many business owners still manage without looking at objective indicators. They manage by emotions, mistakes, fear, “bright ideas”and  other flighty factors that ultimately hold a clinic back, or often just burn it out.

Effective clinic managers, like an athletic team coaches, base their actions first on actual outcomes and performance monitors. These are your daily, weekly, and monthly practice statistics. PM&A has developed a specialized form of review which is called Practice Analytics System which we display on our client’s personal Practice Dashboard’s.

This assessment also includes reviewing checklists of the key procedures and whether or not key duties were done.

  2 Plan. Work out the key areas you want to work on in the next month. Pick just one or two areas that will make the biggest difference and make a list of a few action steps that will help improve the area in your office you have targeted. Get the actions assigned with a date on when they should be done.

game plan


3 Supervise.  Regularly monitor the implementation of the action steps with yourself, your team, and your consultant. Provide help where needed to get them done.

4  Systematize. You do not want to keep inventing the wheel, so at the end of each month, document any procedure that worked well.

List all successful activities for each department and “lock them in” as standard operating procedures. Keep what works, throw out what doesn’t. Start with just a checklist of key procedures. Later, you can write or videotape a description of each procedure. It is from this that you will do your training and “coaching reviews.” Use your playbook often: refer to it and practice.



Gradually, you should have your own system of practice management and patient management and have it outlined simply in your Practice Playbook. For example, the “Smith Chiropractic System of Patient Management.”


Week 1. First Week of the Month: Do Steps 1 & 2 – Assess and Plan
Week 2. Supervise. Coordinate upcoming activities. Study and Train. (Optional: Separate Marketing Meeting)
Week 3. Supervise. Coordinate upcoming activities. Study and Train.
Week 4. Supervise. Coordinate on upcoming activities. Celebrate and party for a great month! Add to Practice Playbook.


Do The Practice Development Process Every Month.
The success of this process derives much of its power
from a simple principle from Aristotle.


“We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

This often referenced quote is from a series of lectures he was to have given at the Greek Lyceum on ethics (300 B.C.).   We could say, then, that continuing to do the Practice Development Assessment, and all of your procedures and systems, is ethical and leads to excellence. The contrary would also be true.


It is important to keep in mind WHY we are doing the PDP each month.

It is assumed we all want to improve, that improvement  is possible, and that we have higher purposes and goals.  Our patients do. That is why they see us and  we help them improve and get closer to their goals at each visit.

By consistently working the 3 Goals  Practice Development Process each month you, the practice, and each team member will also get closer to the higher goals each of you share.

goals sun

Kaizen: Constant Practice Improvement – From Wooden to Deming

What improvements do you need to make in your practice for 2016?

Managing your practice is similar to managing a sports team in many ways. There are goals, rules, plays (procedures,) skill development, strategies, winning and losing. There is also coaching and training.

The teams that win the most constantly work to improve. But the improvements often focus on just the refinement of the basics.

One chiropractor I worked with told me stories about his experiences with John Wooden. Coach Wooden was a very successful basketball coach who coached the UCLA basketball team to 10 national championships over a 12-year period.

Here is what Coach Wooden has said:

“When you improve a little each day, eventually big things occur…. Not tomorrow, not the next day, but eventually a big gain is made. Don’t look for the big, quick improvement. 

Seek the small improvement one day at a time. That’s the only way it happens – and when it happens, it lasts.”


In Japan they have something called Kaizen. This means continuous improvement. Part of this was developed by another Midwesterner (Wooden was from Indiana), Edwards Deming (Iowa).


The Deming Cycle is a process of continuous improvement that helped grow the Japanese car industry in the 60’s to what it is today. For a long time, Detroit auto companies weren’t that interested in what Deming had to say – and, of course, we can see how that turned out for them!

Constant improvement takes discipline. Those of you who had to practice a musical instrument or an athletic skill in school remember the daily routine. Improving the little things can get boring and when a colleague calls with excitement about this new seminar or gadget or website, many doctors are off to the chase the “shiny things.”

Innovation needs to happen, certainly. But the real successful businesses and teams continually work to master what they already do.

Mastering the basics is always the key to success. Deliberate practice, study and good coaching. And this takes discipline and… a certain degree of humility to admit you can personally improve.

But since you are not a full time coach and mostly work IN the practice, you have to schedule specific times to work ON the practice. But what do you work on? ICD 11? (Yes… it IS on the horizon!) More E.H.R?

Well, maybe, but these are not the areas that will significantly improve your business over the long run and take it to the next level.

To help you uncover what should be improved, you can use our updated Practice Progress Grid. You can go over it with your team and plot where you were, where you are now… and then where you want to be next year! (Link is below.)

This can help reveal what organizational and engineering steps you need to build a better business machine for 2016.

In most cases, the improvements don’t have to be major. They just have to be continuously refined. But some areas that are holding you back from your goals can be hidden or overlooked.

If you want to dig deeper, we also have our Practice Development Assessment(PDA). It takes more time to complete but gives you a more complete analysis. (The link is below.)

The world is changing faster and faster. You have to constantly improve to keep up, let alone, to stay ahead. And if you don’t… well, your patients will be going to those offices that are.

From all of us at PM&A, we look forward to your continued improvements and to helping you get closer to your goals in the New Year.

Ed Petty

Link to Practice Progress Grid
Link to Practice Development Assessment (No charge for first 15 users, $25 thereafter.)

Presidential Award Given to Dave Michel of Petty Michel & Associates

Dave's CSW Award

Dr. LaGuardia, Dr. Conway  with David Michel of Petty Michel & Associates

MILWAUKEE, WI – November 27, 2015 – Petty, Michel and Associates (PM&A), a national chiropractic practice management company, is pleased to announce that David Michel, a partner with PM&A, was recently awarded the 2015 Presidential Award by the Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin (CSW). The award, presented during the Awards Ceremony at the CSW’s second annual 2015 Health & Wellness Summit, held at the Kalahari Resort in the Wisconsin Dells this past October 9th through the 11th, identifies:

  • Those who have made significant contributions to the mission of CSW
  • Those who have served selflessly expecting little in return
  • The acknowledgement is to give thanks and recognition to the individual for all their hard work and commitment

Mr. Michel serves on the Board of Directors for the Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin (CSW). The CSW is a member driven and member controlled State organization that develops and maintains positive relations with consumers (patients), chiropractors, legislators, lobbyists, insurance companies and medical providers.

Dr. Jay LaGuardia, President of the CSW, when presenting the award to Michel, stated:  “We would not have been able to achieve the success we have thus far without his valuable service.”

David Michel has been involved with the Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin since its inception in 2012.

Petty Michel & Associates (PM&A), a practice development company, was founded in 1988 as an alternative to conventional practice management seminar programs.  For more information, go to: http://www.pmaworks.com

The Marketing Flywheel versus the “Paleo” Practice

If you are like many chiropractors, other doctors and professionals, you are wasting potential revenue and don’t even realize it.

Before I tell you how this happens, let me give you a definition that I have been using for years that has helped many offices.

Definition of a Practice

A practice is a network of relationships that is created and sustained through communication and service.

OK. Keep that definition in mind.

Now, here is how you can lose extra income and create extra work for yourself and your team: You start out spending a great deal of time and effort on generating new patients and then on processing them. You get to know the new patients and hear their stories. You empathize with them, ask them questions, and examine them. You explain what you have found about their condition and worked out what you see as their best option for treatment.

During their first few visits you are sensitive to how they are responding to your care and so continue to communicate with them. You put all this work into your new patient in order to help them follow your treatment plan and get better.

But as the patient improves and their frequency of visits decrease, your focus on them lessens. Your attention gravitates to the new patients.

When the patient has moved through your care plan, they often just drift back out into their community with an inadequate lifeline back to your office.

You have invested in, and created, a great relationship with your patient. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to stay in communication with them? They know you and like you and your team — shouldn’t you keep the connection alive and active? Just because their health condition has improved, don’t you still have approaches to help them become healthier and happier?

They have family and friends that can use your help now. They also belong to businesses and other groups that could use your help. Why let this relationship atrophy? Why not secure that lost income as well?

The Other “Paleo” Practice

In some sense, the business is constantly starting and stopping. It is nomadic. This is the other “Paleo” practice: each day when the sun comes up across the plains, you are out hunting for and gathering new patients. This may be good for a diet, but not if you want a low stress practice. Wouldn’t it be better to create a business where existing long time patients would routinely stop by for care and refer their family and friends? This would save you a lot of effort, money, and stress, wouldn’t it?

The Practice Flywheel

A practice should be supported by business systems.

These systems are like an engine. An engine has starts and stops, but it also has a flywheel. The flywheel is a heavy wheel that, once it begins to spin, continues to do so with much less effort than it took to get it going.

A good practice is supported by a business flywheel, or a number of flywheels as there are different sub-engines in the business.

For internal marketing, the flywheel is the conversation that you first began. You want to keep it going and going. After you get it spinning in high gear, it takes little effort to keep it humming along.

How Do You Do This?

You put in place a system of constant communication with your patients when they are NOT in the office through e-newsletters, hard copy newsletters, notes and cards, Facebook, and any other medium available. And of course, there is also personally seeing them at events in your community – county fair, grocery store, restaurant, salon or barber shop, etc. You want to keep the conversation going.

A very effective method is through electronic newsletters. Done right, and they usually aren’t, these newsletters can improve the numbers in your office.

We have tested this and found that the offices that do have personalized newsletters to their patients have more returning patients, more referrals, and more wellness visits as a result. Hence, more revenue and less stress about generating new patients.

See link below for a procedural article on what we have found that seems to work best for e-newsletters. Your customized e-newsletter can fuel your Facebook page, website, hard copy newsletter, and other mediums. We have worked out a relatively simple and very cost effective system that offices are using now to make this work.

Keep in mind that if your patients are not in listening to you, they will be listening to someone. For example, there are about 80 ads for drugs every hour on television (http://www.topmastersinhealthcare.com/drugged-america/) and this statistic is more than ten years old. It has been estimated that each of us are bombarded with about 2,000 advertising impressions per day. How many of these ads influence your patients toward unhealthful products or services?

Customized newsletters, and the cascading communications that they can feed, cost little but they help to keep the patient flywheel – and the communication – going. And in so doing, the patient wins, the community wins, and so does your business.
-Edward Petty

Publishing Your Newsletter  Does your mailing bottleneck when it comes to time to do the monthly newsletter Follow our easy steps to get your newsletter out “simple and fast”.

Newsletter Content –  9 suggested topics to include in your monthly newsletter to keep the conversation going.

Your Newsletter: CONTENT

The purpose of your newsletter is to keep the conversation going. It is designed to sustain the relationship that you have started. It can even help create new relationships. It serves to remind the patient that you are there for them and can continue to help them.

Marketing IS communication. Nothing beats live two-way communication – in person or via the phone. But next to live communication, the personal letter is best. The letter is a tried and true form of communication.

A newsletter is NOT a brochure, or a pamphlet, or regurgitated “content.” It is a personal communication from you to someone else.  Too many newsletters are mass produced and have generic types of “content.” The one thing that is becoming more valuable in today’s world is authenticity. This is important because it creates trust – which is also scarce.  So, keep your newsletter personal, even “folksy” and your patients will feel that the real you is talking to the real them and will have a greater impact.

Components of a patient newsletter should include some the following:

1. Letter from the Clinic Director
A short letter to the patients from the Clinic Director anchors the newsletter. If you include nothing else, this is the most important part of your newsletter.

It can be short or long. Shorter is better, with only 4 or 5 paragraphs. A longer letter also works ONLY if it is compelling. A worthy story or rant against some injustice…these can work. If it expresses your VOICE, it will work.

Your letter should usually include some reference to you personally. For example: “Yesterday, when I was taking my kids to school, my youngest mentioned she was told that she needed to receive 43 vaccinations next week….”

You can include some health news, with statistics and cite a reference, or refer to an article in another part of the newsletter. You can include office news. Refer to a photo attached of the new carpet, painted wall, or gift from a patient.  New research, celebrities utilizing similar services, recent chiropractic success cases in the office, clinic expansion or renovation, new computer system, and personal adventures … all of these are good.

This can also be done via a short video as well.

Whatever you say, it should be delivered as if you are talking to just one person, perhaps the last patient you just saw.   End the letter by saying something like… “I look forward to seeing you soon.”

2. Health Tips
Information for a “Health Tips” column, such as “Health Sleep Habits for Kids” The topic should be consistent with the time of year (September – back to school month) or Community Education Program theme (Children’s Health). Dr. Mercola has built his empire with great health tips from his newsletter. If you are not a subscriber, I encourage you to look into it. (www.mercola.com)

3. Special Promotions
Information on any upcoming promotions, spinal care classes, community education lectures, or anything else of a special nature.

4. Staff News
Include any news about staff, such as a new baby, new staff, new staff promotion, continuing education or seminar attendance. Pictures please.

5. Doctor/Clinical News
Include news about doctors, such as new seminars attended, advanced training, specialties, new associates, new diagnostic or treatment equipment, etc.

6. Patient News
Any news that is appropriate about patients, such as patient of the month, patient success stories (include photograph of patient), patient news: “Joe Smith wins the lottery and enrolls at Palmer!” Ensure you have a signed release from any patients that you want to include information about. Some clinics like to include a copy of their “thank you for referring board.”

7. Community Education Calendar
List the dates, times, places, and other pertinent information about community events that you will be sponsoring during the next month or quarter.

8. Just for Fun
Begin a recipe column. Assign this to one of the staff as appropriate. For example, if your office manager’s name is Jean, have a column called “Jean’s Recipes”. Each month, Jean can feature a different recipe, including, for example, the doctor’s favorite special chili recipe. Recipes should be simple (or at least not take up too much space). “Jean” should make some comments about the recipe.

9. Cartoons and Jokes!
Newsletter CONTENT Checklist

Submitted in digital format (Via computer).  Bonus if you include photos or even a video.

  • Letter from the Clinic Director
  • Health Tips
  • Special Promotions Upcoming
  • Staff News
  • Doctor/Clinical News
  • Patient News
  • Community Education Calendar
  • Just for Fun
  • Cartoons and Jokes


Getting the Newsletter Out – Simple and Fast Steps

There is a fast way to “keep the conversation going” with your patients, vendors, allies, and other people connected to your practice and business.

Use an email service.

It has simple templates in which you can paste the content you want. Later, with some easy editing, you can also print out the newsletter and have a hard copy for in office fliers or mailers. You can paste the content of your newsletter to your website and to your Facebook page.  You can even use short video clips.

The email service makes it easy. Smooth organization and delegation of the work makes it even easier.

Almost ANY communication is better than none. On a regular basis, get your newsletters out regardless of how neat or interesting they are. Quantity first, then improve the quality.

Here is a short outline of some of the steps you can use to get your newsletter out fast.

  1. Someone in Charge. Assign one person to be in charge of collecting the info. I call this person the “Sunshine Coordinator,” though you may want to call this person the “newsletter assistant,” or some other creative name. (Sunshine Assistant: the one who helps bring the sunshine of our office to your home.)
  2. Newsletter Content Assigned. Get different categories of the newsletter assigned. See the Content Checklist for ideas. Encourage photos of patients, staff, doctor, etc. Each person can take a section and be responsible for submitting quality content. However, they do not personally have to create the article. For example, whoever is in charge of testimonials can encourage any team member to solicit the testimonial from the patients. Not all sections need to be in each newsletter.
    • Content Letter from the doctor. (Could be a video.)
    • Recipe section. “Christina’s Cool Recipe’s”
    • Try to get a photo. Take a quote and make it into the title.
    • “Health Tips.” This is a practical section about health that the reader can use now. Sort of a home remedy section. Include citation to a study, a few tips on what to do for a condition. Always encourage them to call in for a no charge consultation. (This can also be a video.)
    • Upcoming promotional events
    • Office news, jokes, miscellaneous.
  1. Digital Content. Don’t hand in slips of paper or a photocopy. Make sure the content is sent to our Sunshine Assistant in Word or text format. Include photos and video as attachments.
  2. Set when the letter goes out and when all the content should be to the Sunshine Assistant –usually 1 week earlier.
  3. E-newsletter. Use a newsletter service. They are simple, not that expensive, and for many other reasons, just the best way to go. Constant Contact is easy to use. There is also Mail Chimp, and many others that are available.
  4. Publishing Steps.
    • Someone should be in charge of this on line service.
    • Pick a template.
    • Acquire and upload existing emails to get started.
    • Cut and paste text content in each block of the newsletter.
    • Have someone qualified to review readability and edit.
    • Regular uploading of new emails.
    • Posting important newsletter content on website blog.
    • Cross post info from website blog to Facebook.
    • Convert email newsletter to PDF handout for hardcopy newsletter for handouts, statement stuffers, and mailers as desired.
  5. Monthly. Some offices send out a short letter from the doctor two weeks after the main newsletter, along with upcoming notices on occasion. Generally, the more the better.
  6. Video. You will need to make your own YouTube Channel, or use another service to upload your video. There is special formatting for ideal optimization to keep in mind. Once posted, the video can be included in your newsletter, on your website, on Facebook, and on other Internet properties. It does take some extra work, but in the long run, it is worth it. Video is very powerful. Think of T.V. and how much it is used. With Video, you are creating your own TV station.

How to Create a Wondrous Practice Life

FORTY ONE YEARS AGO, around this time of year (August 7), a twenty four year old managed to sneak up to the twin tours of the World Trade Center, shoot a cable to the other side, get it rigged up tight, and walk across it to the other side. Actually, he made 8 passes, performed dances and entertained an audience a 1/4 of a mile below. He finally came in when it started to rain.

He was arrested, but the the charges were later dismissed if he performed for children in Central Park, which he did.

I recently had the opportunity to listen to Philippe Petit (on August 7, 2015), now 65 years old. He gave a stirring presentation in San Francisco to chiropractic health professionals at the Wave, a seminar put on by Life West Chiropractic College.

Philippe was born in 1949 and still very active. He considers himself, among all things, an artist. But he also juggles, climbs rocks, fights bulls, fences, builds structures with 18th century tools and considers himself an accomplished equestrian.

He explained that he learned early in life to follow his passion and his intuition. But his creativity seemed to be overlooked or given little importance when he was young and so he felt that it must be illegal.

In his book Creativity, Philippe writes: “The creator must be an outlaw. Not a criminal outlaw, but rather a poet who cultivates intellectual rebellion.”

In his talk to us on August 7th, he offered some tips, or precepts that he thought might help us as they have helped him in his life.

He began by talking about his passion to pursue his goals. But right next to that, he emphasized the importance of tenacity. This was a word that included determination, discipline, preparation, and training to do what was needed to be done to achieve those goals about which you are passionate.

He exhibited this nearly a half a century ago as he pursued his goal to walk from one 1,300 foot tall building to another on just a wire. He started planning the walk when he was only 17 living in Paris. The Towers were not yet built. Certainly, the walk itself took immense focus at the time. But it lasted only less than an hour. The real work was in the planning and preparation and training. This took tenacity.

He stressed to listen to your intuition. When you have a question or a problem, listen to your gut and an answer, sooner or later, will visit you. But you do have to listen.

He emphasized simplicity in all that you do, but still be elegant. And don’t be afraid to make mistakes. This is how we learn and move forward. All this, of course, takes courage.

You have to believe in yourself. (Or as Dr. Jimmy Parker used to say, you have to have “FCB – Faith, Confidence and Belief.”) In your role of doctor, provider, and as a professional team member, you have to have faith in yourself and in the services you provide.

In our 3 Goals System of Practice Development, the Third Goal includes your greater purposes. These go beyond financial demands (Goal 1), which are necessary, or profession and business competence (Goal 2), which should be sought. But above it all are your Greater Purposes, your highest values — professionally and personally, that we really seek and that make life worth living.

We learn at an early age to quell our passions and creativity and to fall in line with convention. Obey and comply. And, to some extent, this is necessary for a society and a business to function. But in the bargain, we often lose our spirit. Our creative aspirations, our sense of fellowship with each other, and the outrage at the wrongs that we see — these gradually lose their importance. Our greater purposes become blunted — or even forgotten.

Certainly, this has happened to many people in your community as they “report in,” zombie like to the local drug store for “health care”, especially if it is promoting “free flu shots.” (Average drug prescriptions per person in 1993 was 7.1 In 2014 it was 12.2 And watch out for anyone over 50 where the average prescriptions used are 19, and over for those over 65 – 27. That’s right – 27 prescription medications per person. Average!2)

It is important to keep your greater purposes in sight and to respect them enough to keep them alive. They can and should be integrated into your professional life as you do not work in a factory assembly line as your parents or grandparents may have, or as those who produce your cool t-shirts and running shoes do now. For example, if you like children, have pictures of kids on your walls and have a special “Kids Day.” If you like running, put up pictures of runners and get your patients to join more running clubs. If you want to help the homeless kids in your town, promote a donation program for the local shelter.

Back at the seminar: I noticed that some of the presentations were held in ballrooms that had special, but temporary names. For example, there was the “The Reggie Gold” ballroom, the “Frank Sovinsky” ballroom, and the “Lloyd Latch” ballroom.

In the mid 1980’s, I worked for several years directly for and with Dr. Lloyd Latch. Though he didn’t promote it much, I am sure that he did have the largest chiropractic clinic in the world. While his personal production was high, the total office saw over 2,000 visits per week. The key was that he had created a wonderful team of doctors adjusting patients in 28 adjusting rooms and supported by a dedicate team of professionals.

And what was a key to his success? Over and over I heard Dr. Latch tell his doctors, and others who would visit, that success was “an inside job.”

I think this is exactly what Mr. Petit was getting at.

Success doesn’t come from the latest marketing procedure… it comes from deep inside. It comes from your heart, your passion, your imagination, and the tenacity to work and train daily.

Mr. Pettit says that there are –
inside all of us, that we are rarely encouraged to recognize
but that are essential to make our dreams come true, to plan, to construct a wondrous life.”3

IMG_1390 copy

Successful people learn from others, but ultimately take their own counsel.

As Philippe wrote:
“Observation was my conduit for knowledge, intuition my source of power.”3

So, follow your greater purposes and integrate them into your professional and work life. Allow your team members to also pursue their greater purposes – and you will see your practice become more creative, productive and wondrous.

Carpe Diem (seize the day),

  1. Generation Rx How Prescription Drugs Are Altering American Lives, Minds, and Bodies by Greg Critser (https://danmurphydc.com/Critser.pdf) , also http://kff.org/other/state-indicator/retail-rx-drugs-per-capita.
  2. www.imshealth.com/deployedfiles/imshealth/Global/Content/Corporate/IMS%20Health%20Institute/Reports/US_Use_of_Meds_2013/Percent_population_prescriptions_per_capita.pdf
  3. Creativity, the Perfect Crime. Philippe Petit

Chiropractic Marketing and a Staff Member Conspiracy

This is a tale of a staff member conspiracy.

It is about a hidden and quiet plan by scheming staff members.

The planning took place towards the end of 2014 in a chiropractic office next to a river.  By a lake. But that is not important.

Quietly, Ann and Betty met to discuss how they were going to fix the … situation. (I changed the names, but the rest is true.)

Dr. JM is an excellent and respected doctor who has a loyal following of patients. But as much as he wanted more new patients — as he was only generating about 6 per month — he just could not bring himself to do much marketing. And this is in spite of the excellent advice and support of his faithful and expert coach and consultant (moi).

But secretly, the two ladies hatched their own private strategy. And it worked.

More new patients started to come in. In fact, on my last visit to their office, they had three new patients come in, more than they usually see in a week.

What exactly did these enterprising chiropractic assistants do? Hmmm?

Maybe you could do the same?

Yes, you can and here is what they did:

Betty, the office manager, and Ann, the front desk coordinator, got together and worked up a procedure for generating patient reviews on Google.

The office manager wrote up a procedure for patients on how to post a review on Google.  Ann, who calls most of the patients “honey” and says that they are all “her” patients, can be very forward and, well, controlling.  She would simply get the agreement of key patients to make a review. She then gave them the procedure that was on a slip of paper and told them to go forth and spread the word.

In time, with her friendly but insistent nudging, they would. And now, their doctor has over twenty great reviews spread out over many months. The new patient increase is coming from people calling in off of the Internet.

Everybody is a reviewer.

People buy on the Internet from reviews.  This is like word-of-mouth of old, only now it is a 4 or 5 star review.  In fact, Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, uses reviews as their primary marketing tool. Once you buy something from them online, you are continually asked to post a review about what you thought.

I recently posted a review for something I purchased and found out that I have a “review rank” of 16,678,570. (But at least I earned 1 “helpful vote”, so that is nice.)

There are now many web sites that a consumer can go to review you.

Everyone is a reviewer. It is the new currency used to buy and sell products and services.

Get reviewed.

To help you, we have provided links on our blog for the following:

  1. Article for staff on how to generate web reviews. (PDF)
  2. Procedure sheet for patients on how to make a review on Google. (PDF)
  3. Procedure sheet for patients on how to make a review on Facebook. (PDF)
  4. A patient log for the staff to follow up on patients who have agreed to post a review. (PDF)

If you are an active client, you can go to our members site and download the same files as customizable WORD files. Get Reviewed info on PMAmembers.com

Start your own conspiracy to help share the successes of your services. But… get reviewed and watch the new patients come in.

Health Independence and Freedom – For Chiropractors and Your Patients

Here in the good Ol’ USA, we are about to celebrate Independence Day, the date we commemorate the signing of the Declaration of Independence and declared our freedom from the yoke of the British Empire.

I think for those of us in health care this day bears special significance.  In fact, I think of the chiropractic profession in particular.

Chiropractic has remained independent for 120 years. It has been fought by monopolist trade organizations, suppressed, and slandered, but it still stays outside of the clutches of Eli Lilly, Merck, or Monsanto.

To Chiropractors and those who work in the profession: You are brave, tough, and independent. You are living the American Way. You are a gritty bunch for sure and have maintained your integrity for putting care before profits.

The challenge you have is not only to remain free, but to help your patients and community also be free and independent.

Your patients are at the receiving end of billions and billions of dollars that are spent to manipulate them to purchase products that are known to be unhealthy.  Through pervasive and clever marketing and massive efforts to influence government, Americans have become over fed, over medicated, and under nourished.  Obesity rates have tripled (11% in 1960’s, 37% 2010)1, drug consumption has soared (average 7 per person in 1993 to 12.2 per person in 2014).2 Vaccination recommendations for our children from our government has increased from 64 in the 1950’s to over 1000 in 2013 (69 doses of 16 vaccines between day of birth and age 18).3

And the results?  American’s health rates compared to other countries are abysmal. We are the worst or close to it in many categories. 4    Yet this is not what is advertised, so it would be shock for most Americans to hear that in the competition with other countries for the best health care, that they are losers.

The true American Way5 was and is to question authority, seek the truth and to stand up for justice.

But the truth can be obscured and the path of least resistance is easier, and it can seem more acceptable to simply follow convention and herd mentality.  But the facts are there – provided by whistle blowers, mothers, and researchers, and we all need to look at the facts, do our research, and continue to educate ourselves and stay vigilant.

We can’t forget our patients… they too need to learn how their health choices have been manipulated, how they have been deceived, and what they should do to truly improve their health.

There is a price to pay for freedom. It takes work and is not always easy, but — it is the American thing to do.   Stay brave, stay alert, and continue to help your patients achieve better health.

Happy Independence Day from Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin, USA


  1. Obesity.
  2. Drug Usage.
    Generation Rx How Prescription Drugs Are Altering American Lives, Minds, and Bodies by Greg Critser (https://danmurphydc.com/Critser.pdf) , also http://kff.org/other/state-indicator/retail-rx-drugs-per-capita. www.imshealth.com/deployedfiles/imshealth/Global/Content/Corporate/IMS%20Health%20Institute/Reports/US_Use_of_Meds_2013/Percent_population_prescriptions_per_capita.pdf
  3. Vaccinations.
  4. Rating American Health Care.
  5. The American Way.
    “The American Way of life is individualistic, dynamic, and pragmatic.” (Wikipedia: The American Way)

The Importance of Why in Chiropractic Practice Development

Remember when your child, or a kid you knew, constantly asked you “why?”

“Time to go to bed honey.”  “But why, Mommy?”    “Dad, why is the grass green? ”

This happens for a few years until the child finally learns that it is just so much trouble to keep asking the “why” question.

This happens to us all.  After a while, we all just become inured to the day to day demands and take for granted our eventual roles of working in a world of work that has little other reason than to pay our bills. And we begin to live just for the weekends.

But living for the weekend is not much of a motivation to do good work, to perform our duties with excellence that inspire trust in others, and to be happy with it.

Our jobs should have a reason beyond money or relief from work.  What we do for money should have a higher purpose than money. It should satisfy us and motivate us in and of itself.

After many years of research, Stephen Covey determined that those people and companies that were the most effective followed the habit of: “Begin with the End in Mind.”  In other words, start with a goal in mind.  He emphasized the value of developing and living by a personal mission statement as well as one for your business, and even your family.

Some of the better offices that I have had the privilege of working with would often end their team meetings by reciting their group’s mission statement.

While this helps, it can also become rote so that the real meaning of the mission becomes dull. One way to remedy this is to now and then ask “Why?”  Simply ask each team member to describe, in their own words, why this is, or should be, the mission statement.

We are all looking for greater meaning in our lives – or at least have at one time or another. “What does all that I do account for?” “What do I account for?” “What will be my legacy after I am gone?”

This applies in leadership as the CEO of your chiropractic business.

The primary responsibility of a leader in a purpose-based organization is to build, nurture, and sustain the core purpose of the organization. (“It’s Not What You Sell, It’s What You Stand For.” Roy M. Sence, Jr.)

But leadership is also marketing. You are putting your noble ideas out into the world to give others a clear vision of what is possible and why it is important.  You stand out as different – because you are stating WHY you are making a difference.

A few years ago, I posted a T.E.D. talk on our website (www.pmaworks.com) that focused on how “WHY” was so important in leadership.  (TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design.)  The key differential between the very successful companies and leaders was not what their company provided, or how they provided it. The key difference was that they communicated why they did what they did. (The link to this talk by Simon Sinek is below.)

Much of corporate medicine has devolved into a goalless and soulless technology and bureaucracy.  The relationship between the patient and the MD has become interrupted by critical paths and reimbursement protocols, techs, testing, and terms (codes and abbreviations), and lots of notes.  Yet, the stats for America’s health care relative to other industrialized countries worldwide are poor.

Be nice and genuinely interested in patients and talk about WHY you want to help them AND their family, and do so, and you can’t help but win.

Let prospective patients know WHY you are a chiropractor, why you chose their community, and why you do what you do.  Let them know why you adjust children, seniors, teen athletes, and “Los Pobres.” Communicate this to your existing patients as well. In fact, any promotion you do will work better if you tie in to WHY you are promoting.

For example, take the donation campaign called “Coats for Kids. “  It has all but lost its meaning over the years with every TV and radio station jumping onto some kind of faux goodwill activity.  Promoting what it is about and how it will benefit kids as well as patients will help make it successful.  But to make your promotion much more successful, explain that the reason you are participating in this campaign is that you have worked in homeless shelters and seen shivering and poorly clothed kids. This is “why.”

Attached is an article on “Why We Promote.”  It is a sample letter you can mail to your patients after their first progress exam, or simply have it as a handout. You can also use its theme to end a new patient class.  Feel free to embellish it or change it. (Active clients can get a customizable Word doc here. http://pmamembers.com/?p=874)

Personally, take time to remind yourself about the WHY for what you do.  Study resources that support this “why.”  What is the mission of your office and why is that the mission?   Remind your team about this “why.”  Training new staff on this is particularly important. Go over the “why” for the office, as well as the “why” for their particular role.

So the next time your child, or any child asks you “why?” take your time to answer.  And as they get older, you can start asking them “why?” (Get even!)  But the world unfolds and reduces to its raw and basic truths when you do – and this in turn allows passion and purpose a clearer channel to help you achieve your goals.

Golden Circle a TED talk by Simon Sinek. http://pmaworks.com/observations/2011/02/10/leadership-in-chiropractic-the-golden-circle/

Sample Letter to pts-Why we promote.

[This article is from the upcoming book:  “The Third Goal:  A New Practice and Business Building Methodology That Is Simpler, Faster, and More Fun than What You Are Doing Now.)  by Edward Petty, due to be published in late 2015. © 2015]

“Ichi-go Ichi-e:” The Springtime Secret to Improving Your Chiropractic Practice

The best chiropractic businesses excel at the basics.  Too often we can take the fundamentals of practice excellence for granted and go off to chase the “shiny” things, forsaking the powerful potentials right in front of us.

So here is an organic reminder that you, and all of us, can immediately put to use to help us keep growing and groovin’.

Most of us enjoy spring…flowers blooming, birds singing. It is new. It is creative. It is a beginning.

Life goes in cycles – everything has a beginning, a progression, and an ending. Some cycles are longer – every twelve months the tulips come through the winter mud. Some are shorter – each day the sun comes up and we have a new cup of coffee. But nature endures through cycles.

Unfortunately, we don’t always follow nature in our offices.

If you are like most of us, you don’t really start your day.  It sort of happens and you just go along.  You walk into the office a see what the appointment book offers you. Based upon the urgencies of the morning, you make your way through to the afternoon until you can leave to go home in the evening.  But do you really end your day or does it linger with you as you go home, or even stay with you till the next morning?

Most of us are stuck in the blur of stretched out cycles that are blended one moment to the next so that there is never any real beginning or never any real ending. One phone call in the middle of a busy afternoon is very similar to the one you had in the morning…everyday for the last three years.  This adjustment to this patient is just too similar to the one you gave…3,000 times before. One moment blurs to the next.

Jim Parker, of Parker Seminars, used to talk about “PTC”, Present Time Consciousness, as a key element to practice success.  A practice can suffer because, over time, our consciousness gets stuck in past moments, strung out so that we have less consciousness in the here and now. When you greet your patient, you are not as “here” or as conscious in the present as you might have been the first month you were in practice, or the first week you were on the job.  And your patients know it, at least on a subliminal level. They can have a sense that you are disinterested in them and so end up leaving and looking for a doctor who is.

Each encounter with each patient should be new. It should be its own cycle. Each phone call, each adjustment should be unique, separate, as if it has never happened before.

The Japanese have a name for this: “Ichi-go Ichi-e.” Roughly, It means “one time, one meeting” — that this one time will never happen again. It is its own time. It is special.

What would happen to your practice if each day – today – was brand new?  Like spring. If this week was the first week you were finally able to see patients after years of preparation?

First of all, you wouldn’t be bored. You wouldn’t be burned out, worried, or angry. Why? Because you are just starting and you have a chance to create the practice anyway you want.

So, what causes us to lose our “PTC” and fall into doldrums? How can we stay in the “now” and be creative each moment we are with our patients, each other, and our loved ones outside of practice?

First, watch out for the backlogs. They are energy dumps. Try to complete your work when you are doing it. Patient notes, insurance reports, filing…try to get it all done as soon as possible. You see, when you start to put your consciousness into a cycle you don’t really get all of it back until you complete that cycle. So, every pile of paperwork and partially completed job that is lying around the office will gradually draw your attention into the past.

Spend a weekend applying the 4 D’s:  With each task: Get it DONE, or DELEGATE it, or DUMP it in the trash can. Not all jobs can be completed now, and so some can be DELAYED with a time noted to complete it.

Here are some other steps to make each moment new:

  1. Early to Rise. Begin your day a little earlier… with a walk or a book, some music, meditation or prayer.
  2. Morning Group Planning. Begin your day in the office with a case management meeting, reviewing who is coming in, what special actions need to be coordinated. Maybe add a joke to keep things from getting serious.
  3. End Each Encounter. After each patient contact, end the meeting in your mind.
  4. Interest. With each new patient contact, genuinely find something interesting and new about them – their appearance, their week, something about their story.
  5. Business Coach. Meet with your business coach and review your business and make plans for the next month.
  6. Get Away. Get away on a vacation with your spouse, or a sabbatical and seminar for yourself. ( I’m heading out to Cal Jam this week. Hope to see you there!)
  7. Un-Serious. Do things in your office that are different, fresh, and new. One office has a “fruity Friday” and offers fruit to the patients.   Avoid the deadly disease of “seriousness.” Tell a joke, be silly.
  8. The Four D’s (again): Do it, Dump it, Delegate it, Delay it. Avoid backlogs.

Some of this takes discipline and creating rituals to help ensure these actions take place

But you are part of nature and spring is already in your heart. You just have to let it out, like a song that is ready to be sung or a jig ready to be danced. You already have the creative spark of newness inside you.

So just breathe.. and let your spring happen today and each day.   And help others to do the same.

Carpe Diem and Happy Spring!
