Special Promotions: When Your Motive Meets Your Mission

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” — “Mr. Rodgers” (Fred Rodgers)

Many offices (chiropractic, dental, etc.) hold special events, such as a “Kid’s Day,” a “Patient Appreciation Day,” an anniversary party, or in-office workshops. (We have links to examples below.)

The objective is usually to generate new patients, increase goodwill, and motivate existing patients. Sometimes these events are productive… and, as you know, sometimes they aren’t.

To be effective, you have to offer something that the patient, or prospective patient, considers valuable. It could be a workshop on practical health tips or a discounted service for a patient’s family member.

This is obvious and I am sure this is what you aim for. But there is another ingredient that you may not have considered that will make your events even more effective.

Link your promotions directly into your office mission.

Your mission is to help people. You may have it more fully defined in a “mission statement,” but it comes down to helping people achieve their health goals. Your mission is altruistic and socially responsible – you aren’t selling oxycodone at the pharmacy, high fructose corn syrup drinks at the grocery, or glyphosate at the local Round-up store. You are the good guys.

Your community will support you to the degree that they understand your pure altruistic motives. Why? Because the members of your community, by and large, are altruistic too. Your neighbors also… want to help people.

It is not a dog-eat dog world like social media or the “news” wants us to believe. Money is made from controversy and opposing sides and so it appears like we are fighting our local townsfolk… or should be. But behind all wars there are vested interests. Fear and anger motivate people and help sell media, advertising, and weapons.

But the truth is, the vast majority of us want the same things and we are not as divided as we have been manipulated to believe.

The organic food business has been growing, as have companies that sell organic clothes. Pesticides, herbicides and other poisons are not only bad to eat, they are also not healthy for the workers that bring these products to us. People are realizing this. “Fair Trade” coffee has become a major selling point. More companies are integrating social responsibility initiatives as part of their long-term strategies…for good reason.

In a study done in 2015, it was shown that consumers wanted to take personal responsibility for social and environmental issues and indicated that they looked to companies as partners in pursuing improvement efforts.

“The leading ways consumers want to get engaged with companies’ CSR [Corporate Social Reasonability] efforts are actions tied directly to their wallets, with nine-in-10 just as likely to purchase (89 percent) as to boycott (90 percent) based on companies’ responsible practices.

“If given the opportunity:

  • 80 percent would tell friends and family about a company’s CSR efforts
  • 76 percent would donate to a charity supported by a company they trust
  • 72 percent would volunteer for a cause supported by a company they trust
  • 72 percent would voice their opinions directly to a company about CSR efforts”*

How do you better apply this public trend?

You can encourage your patients to make appointments for themselves, and their family and friends, in exchange for making to make donations to a needy local charity. You can have them volunteer at a food pantry or a shelter with you and your staff – and offer all who participate a free service.

Integrate you mission in all your promotions on a regular basis and you will create a positive “network effect.” Other residents who volunteered will begin to promote your business on their own – even if they never step in to your office.

You should be way past working for United Health Care and Big Insurance. You should work for your patients and their causes – which are yours as well.

If you lead all your promotions with your heart, with your mission, with your higher goals, and deliver excellent outcomes with extra-ordinary services, your patients and your community will support you.

You are “The Helpers.”

Be true to your higher goals and all else will follow.

Ed Petty


Links to special promotions article and list of special promotions

Special Promotions-What They Are

List of Special Promotions-2018

Chiropractic Wins in Wisconsin

On April 16th, 2018, Governor Walker of Wisconsin signed into law legislation that removed the arbitrary, higher National Board of Chiropractic Examiners scores and in the process completed the six-year project by the members of the Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin to end the efforts to block young chiropractors from entering Wisconsin.

The higher exam scores were enacted in 2012 in Wisconsin. The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners’ passing scores were 375 on both parts in 2012. But applicants in Wisconsin now had to get a score of 438 on the third part and 475 on the fourth part. Maryland required 438 on the third part, and North Carolina and West Virginia require 475 on the fourth part, but no other state requires both, said Horace Elliott, executive vice president of the national board, according to Dave Walburg of the State Journal in Madison (See link below) .

Under the guise of raising standards, the higher scores were initiated by the Wisconsin Chiropractic Association.  The result was to discourage new chiropractors from practicing in the state. With no real marketing to bring more chiropractors into Wisconsin by the WCA, it is obvious that the intention of the WCA was to limit chiropractic utilization. And it worked. New chiropractors being licensed in the state decreased.

Quoting from their press release, Steven Conway, D.C., the Executive Director of the C.S.W. said: “I personally believe the most important moment of this six-year project for the entire chiropractic profession in Wisconsin can be summed up with one of the key and deciding moments related to the first efforts by the CSW to remove the Wisconsin exam.

“I vividly remember a meeting with our legislative champion. The WCA had put on a very successful, full court press using all of their resources to stop the CSW’s efforts. I was told that the game was essentially over as the WCA had convinced the legislative leadership to keep the flawed Wisconsin exam and that the CSW should stand down. However, I knew that as an organization we could not quit on these young doctors or quite frankly our profession, so I let him know that the chiropractors associated with the CSW never quit on what we believe in and instead of folding we did just the opposite and increased our efforts.  At the time, we didn’t know how we were going to win; we just knew that losing was not an option we could accept. That underlying purpose to fight against all odds resulted in a victory for the chiropractic profession and the hundreds of young chiropractors who had to suffer through the failed Wisconsin exam.” (Link below.)

All members of the CSW should be congratulated for their dedication and hard work in achieving this win for chiropractic. In this time of increased opioid use, non-drug solutions are more important than ever before. Chiropractic has always been a popular and effective choice for the residents here in Wisconsin and the CSW has done them a great service helping to bring more chiropractors to the state.

Of special note is own Mr. David Michel for his generous work in personally working with the CSW as a member of its Board of Directors. I know he has unselfishly put in long hours over the years to help and all of us at Petty Michel and Associates commend him… with pride! Yea Dave!

Below are some links to more information about the history of this fight.

CSW press release

Report from State Journal in Madison, 2013