What is an Adjustment

B.J. Palmer

What is an Adjustment by B.J. Palmer

An adjustment (“setment”) is one if not THE most exact in operation in the world; greater by far than ripping out an appendix, etc. It requires that “intuitive” sense of direction, proportion, distance, and ability to deliver just that and all that, and nothing more; a sense of fitness to do this one thing, which few seem to possess, which can be acquired if one is willing to pay the price in thought, study, development of mind and body.

I have spent 40 years to do what I can do today. The “follow thru” of an adjustment IS IMPORTANT, but not nearly as important as “the approach.” If the “approach” is natural, easy, perfectly timed and distanced, then follow-thru is The sportsmanship of adjusting subluxations is no different than the perfection in tennis football, baseball, or any sport where ONE gets this top, MANY drag behind, and MANY are way down at the tail of human endeavor.

The MIND thinks all action. As the MIND understands, the muscles deliver. I will spend no less than ONE HOUR studying a DISlocation before I adjust it. WHY? The mind THINKS all action, and the MUSCLES deliver. The more the MIND knows, the better will be the delivery of MUSCLES. I had a child-like that recently — 6 months old — a DISlocation to correct. It was done in a split fraction of a second. When your muscles come through, THEN they haven’t time to think action. Action must be formed IN THE MIND ahead of time.

(Page 844, Up From Below the Bottom, B. J. Palmer, 1950)

PDF Version for downloading: What is an adjustment by B. J. Palmer

Time to See the World and Your Future Anew

See the Word AnewI have been in touch with most of you and, for the most part, you all are doing relatively well during these days of COVID-19. Of course, the keyword here is… relatively.

Whatta time, eh? Historic, that is for sure. It will change our society and our world as nothing has since, perhaps, WW 2.

The Lighthouse in the Storm

Your role, right now, is so very important. Perhaps more than you know.  Your patients have fears, questions, and doubts. Their parents could contract COVID, perhaps they could. They are out of work or soon will be, and there is the apprehension that all of this is a government plot towards totalitarianism.

With all the communication regarding our current situation, you have to remain as a calm source for sound, researched data that provides comfort and solutions. You will have to be a lighthouse in this storm.

YOU are independent. You do not work for a drug company, and you are not beholding to a boss that works for a hospital or a government agency. Therefore, when patients come to you with worries and questions, they trust that what you tell them is unadulterated, unbiased, and accurate information.

And even more, they hope that you genuinely care.

Time to See the World Anew

In some sense, the world is experiencing a big “Time Out.”

Perhaps we can all take this time to become closer to our families and friends. My daughter is cooking more, my son is homeschooling his kids, and I am practicing guitar tunes from my old 1960’s book of folk songs!

I notice on my walks and runs that here, in Milwaukee, the air is fresher, cleaner, and the sky is bluer. Less smog from our southern neighbors and nearby freeways and overhead airplanes. The difference is striking and one can only imagine what we have been breathing in all this time!

It is spring, you have a family and friends, and you have your own self. COVID-19 doesn’t change this.

Good to Great: Redesign your NEW Business.

But what I am most looking forward to is the NEW.

Right now, you have a unique opportunity, during this temporary slump, to reimagine and redesign your business.

You’ve had a good, perhaps a very good business before. But as Jim Collins explains in his book, Good to Great, good can be the enemy of great.

The Good is now the Old, and we have this moment to review our goals and engineer better pathways to them.  Now, you can create the Great!  This will be your new version of your business based upon all you have learned as a professional and as a business owner or stakeholder. This new version can be your best creation ever.

Over the next few months, we will be discussing this, and I and all of us at PM&A, look forward to helping you and your team create the business of your dreams.

Looking forward to the future,


PS Happy Earth Day!

33 Principles of Chiropractic

“I tend to approach things from a physics framework. And physics teaches you to reason from first principles rather than by analogy.”
— Elon Musk

(Elon Musk’s grandfather, was a chiropractor (Palmer grad., 1926) from Minnesota, and his great grandmother was the first chiropractor to practice chiropractic in Canada.)

Below is a link to a poster you and your team can refer to that lists the principles which form the basis of chiropractic.

Principles are basic: if you understand them then everything else makes more sense. If you really understand principles, you can develop your own effective procedures in administration, marketing, and patient care.

Principle: a comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption.

These 33 principles were published in 1927 by Dr. Stephenson. However, according to Rob Sinnott, D.C.:

“…these 33 principles were the result of decades of effort and consideration. It is also now clear that they were not first written by Dr. Stephenson. As a matter of fact, most of these principles are contained in other language in D.D. Palmer’s 1906 and 1910 texts long before Dr. Stephenson’s well-known effort.”

You may already have these 33 principles hanging in your team breakroom and refer to at your team meetings.
If so… great! Let this then just be an encouragement to continue.

However, if you are not, then please do so.

The chiropractic profession operates in a different model of health than the medical model. In fact, it could be said that the chiropractic system operates outside of the conventual commercial matrix that persuades people to seek symptomatic gratification through pharmaceuticals, bad food, and often, bad culture.

But grassroots trends are on our side. Organic food sales have been booming and people want natural, sustainable solutions. New yoga studios are sprouting up even faster than essential oil representatives, both of which emphasize natural health and “P.T.C.” – “present time consciousness” (an old Dr. Jimmy Parker acronym). And our professional athletes and their teams standardly utilize chiropractic services.

The world is catching up to chiropractic. It wants what you have and have had for over 100 years – natural health and health freedom.

Even though these principles may seem like “old news” in chiropractic and not high-tech, they are, in fact, just catching on. But you must own these principles and this niche in the market-place — and teach them to your team members – and your entire practice family. Do so to improve everyone’s understanding of health and to increase their motivation to improve it. But teaching it also benefits your work in practice management.

You want to get everyone on your team playing in the same ballpark, working in the same model of health and business. Going over these principles will help create a positive team culture that will improve practice performance.

Ed Petty

Interview by Chris Anderson (@chr1sa) is editor in chief of Wired 10/21/12
Textbook of Chiropractic Philosophy, Vol.1, Rob Sinnott, D.C., DPhSC

Download the Poster now:  The Thirty Three Principles of Chiropractic-2018

10 Practice Development Strategies for Chiropractors in 2015

[If you think that you could make more money selling pharmaceuticals, injecting patients with vaccines and promoting flu shots in front of your office, these recommendations are not for you. For those matters, you might want to ask Palmer Chiropractic College or the Wisconsin Chiropractic Association for their opinions.]

What strategic moves should you be taking now to make sure that you have a better year in 2015 and in years to come?

After reviewing current literature and statistics, and based upon my observations and experience, I have put together a report which makes a number of recommendations that can be helpful to you. I have also included an extensive list of references for your further study.

The report contains a lot of information and so it is only for the serious practice executive. It will be a useful resource for you to refer to while you implement some of the suggestions I offer. Reading time is about 15 minutes. It offers new views on practice marketing, management, and leadership, with 25 specific recommendations.  To go straight to the main course, go here:

Here is a shorter version:

Executive Summary – 10 Strategies to Prosper and Flourish in 2015 and Beyond

1. Know Your Environment. The Medical-Pharmaceutical industries are spending more to dominate the market place. Their efforts are becoming more pervasive in reach and more covert in manipulation. At the same time, wellness statistics continue to grow. More people are turning to organic foods and are focused on wellness.

2. Marketing Positioning. My recommendation is to embrace the popular movement towards natural health and own it. Be its champion. You are the Healthy Life Doctors. This is your niche.

3. Unique Selling Proposition. Stay committed to your core services, but articulate your Unique Selling Proposition to your specific market niche(s). Not everyone is your patient. Select certain markets that are already reaching for your type of services: people fed up with drugs, baby boomers who want to stay healthy, mothers who want to avoid drugs for their children, athletes, employers who want healthy employees, etc.

4. Get More For Less. Watch your economics but don’t get stuck in a scarcity mindset. Central to economics is a return on investment -ROI. Invest in yourself and especially in making your support team expert professionals. Learn and apply the Pareto Principle (how 80 percent of your results come from just 20% of your efforts).

5. Insurance or Cash? Yes! Take insurance but don’t kowtow to the Insurance Cartel. There are millions of people who want help and can pay for it and are just looking for a solution. You have to let them know that you have their solution.

6. Shift from Personality Driven Practice to Team Driven Business. The successful offices of the future will be team driven and systematized. Each team member has to be an expert as a specialist, as a team member, and as a marketer. And each should try to achieve this as well. The doctor will delegate most marketing and administrative details to others.

7. Shift from Solo Practice to Group Practice. For those of you who are ready, you should join forces with other doctors in a group practice. This has not had a lot of success in the chiropractic profession as it has in other professions, but the time is right now to band together synergistically as brothers and sisters. There are many good reasons to do this now. However, it has to be set up — and maintained — correctly.

8. New Role: CEO and Leader. Why do CEO’s get paid so much? Because they can make such a positive difference in the business. Up to now in your career you have taken on administrative and marketing projects mostly from the role of doctor, or perhaps owner. The CEO role probably has not been emphasized. Shifting to the role of CEO changes everything. Growing a business becomes easier, you have more time available, and you make more money.

9. Seek Out and Integrate Your Greater Purposes with Your Business. The power for your office, and you, comes from those things that mean the most. This would include your family and your spiritual pursuits. But our world is smaller and we live in a networked economy and culture. Your office, in its own right, has to be a leader in your community and environment and contribute in some way beyond its walls. This also includes having a voice in your professional organization. Your greater purposes also include your personal hobbies. Since you are not working on an assembly line, many of these purposes should be integrated into your work.

10. Get an Executive Coach. Why does corporate America spend over a billion dollars on executive coaching? Because the return of investment proves to be at least 7 times, and in some cases, 10-49 times cost. Executive coaching doesn’t cost – it pays.

An executive coach is different from a clinical coach. An executive coach will help you be a better CEO – a better leader, marketer and manager who builds a team driven business which allows you to delegate most non clinical duties.  He or she will help you sort out what tasks will produce the greatest positive effects for your business, and help you get those tasks done. He or she will be your partner, counselor, confident, coach, teacher, drill instructor, and friend.

The future has never looked brighter, but the challenges are not slight. This makes your success all the more important – and sweeter.

Ed Petty


Giving Thanks – Appreciating Each Other

I know you are busy now.

We all are.

We fly through our days, adjust and treat patients, make our calls, do our paper work, and then rush out to our personal lives.

But often we are like bus drivers, driving so fast that we drive past of our bus stops where our passengers are waiting for us.

So this is just a short note to remind each of us to stop, now and then, and say thanks. (And I know you know this, but a gentle reminder never hurts.) Over here in the U.S., we are celebrating Thanksgiving Day, so it is a customary holiday for us. But we really need to give thanks daily.

Gratitude is a powerful attitude and a feeling that we can use and regularly adopt to make our lives better. But its practical application derives from the fact that it is a basic recognition of a deep truth that we probably too often overlook.

The truth is that we are given so much — and that there is so much goodness in the world that deserves our appreciation.

And so this is a note to also let you know that all of us at PM&A are truly thankful for the work each of you do.

We know how hard you work and we know how much you help your patients and your community and we sincerely honor it. In fact, it is the reason we do what we do.

Unlike other management companies, we have seen you in your offices, talked to your staff, and know your numbers. We know that you don’t really get the appreciation that you deserve, but thankfully, you are not waiting around to receive “thank you” cards! Each of you are too busy helping others.

You really are the leaders in health care. You haven’t sold out. You are strong in your principles and motivated in your mission. And so are we. How each of us arrived in this line of work — who knows? Perhaps it is part of a plan, or a calling… but here we are.

I think it is safe to say that each one of you also appreciates the good work of each other across this planet in helping others get better naturally – even though you haven’t all been introduced. We are all connected by our basic efforts to help others get healthier.

And when you think about what we are all doing to help others, there certainly is a lot to be grateful for. It can almost give hope that the world can be, and will be, a better place.

With much gratitude and best wishes,

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.


Independence and Dr. Jim Sigafoose

Dr. Jim Sigafoose, 1985

Dr. Jim Sigafoose in San Francisco, 1985

What makes chiropractic so remarkable is that it works so effectively.  If you work in the chiropractic profession or receive chiropractic adjustments, you have witnessed this first hand.

But there is another factor that makes chiropractic even more remarkable – something that makes it truly unique above most if not all professions.

It hasn’t sold out. For the most part, since its inception in 1895, it has maintained its integrity. It has remained relatively independent and free from mega corporations that have otherwise hijacked our so called “health care” system.

It has stood up to the medical-industrial complex, and though coerced and bribed and enticed to go away or give up, chiropractors and their supporters have prevailed. With your help, it has stood strong and unbowed.

Certainly, there are odd roads that segments of the profession have tried to go down every now and then, not the worst of which has been catering to the “health” cartel. And the chiropractic profession will need to find its way to work more inter-dependently with all legitimate medical and health disciplines.

But most of all — it needs to continue to be itself.

Jim Sigafoose reminded us what chiropractic is and who we are in the chiropractic profession.

Yesterday, I was informed that he passed on.

I have to get personal here. Years ago I worked with Siggy, as did my business partner, Dave Michel. In the 80’s we hung out and worked with him in certain management seminars, or would work with him in the field with our clients. We recommended our clients attend his seminars, his “Gatherings”, and buy his educational material.

Siggy was my own Bob Dylan of chiropractic. He was a troubadour that didn’t play for any king nor cater to any earthly lord. He couldn’t be bought. I am not a doctor of chiropractic, but your profession appealed to me because it was so helpful and revolutionary – and even respected the spiritual aspect mankind. Dr. Sigafoose represented chiropractic to me in this way and were it not for him, I am sure I would be working in other endeavors than chiropractic.

At a WAVE seminar sponsored by Life West a couple of few years ago, Siggy went on the stage and challenged the audience why they felt they needed all the products sold by the vendors lining the hallways of the seminar. He said that he didn’t think saying this was going to be appreciated by the sponsors of the event, but I am sure Siggy felt the principles were more important than the profits.
After his talk, he walked down and sat down by himself. I went over and sat beside him and we listened to Bruce Lipton give a great presentation – full of science and slides.

People like science and slides. But science and slides should simply prove the principles – which was actually Dr. Lipton’s whole point. D.D. Palmer had it correct back in the 19th Century.

As did Siggy.

When he talked, the complexity of what we do in chiropractic fell way, like rust falling off of a hinge. Like crusted ice breaking apart on a car windshield here on a Midwest winter, when Siggy talked, you could see the truth better. And it was a truth that you already knew but was obscured by mental and physical clutter.

Siggy’s message seemed to motivate you not be a warrior, but to be a more loving servant.

I guess mostly I always felt Siggy was my friend and that he genuinely liked me. But I only say this because it seemed to me that he made everyone he touched feel like they were his personal friend.

He was passionate, he cared, and he suffered. He was tireless. He did not retire. He kept going. He was courageous. And I think he did all this because, most of all… because of love. I think he loved chiropractic, God, his family, his patients and all patients, and those of us who work in chiropractic.

Today in America, we celebrate our independence. But with independence comes responsibility and the need for integrity. Forfeit your personal and professional responsibility, care less, comprise more, and you will gradually slip into the state of dependence.

This is the tide that is rushing at your patients – to become more dependent upon drugs and vaccinations, entertainment, and big business masquerading as government.

For those of us in the chiropractic profession, we owe so much to those who have come before us, like Dr. Jim Sigafoose. For, like America, we have been given the hard won gift of independence. Through Dr. Sigafoose’s work, and others like him, we are reminded that we have to work to stay independent and help our patients to do the same.

(same article in PDF form for download)


Here is a short clip with Siggy.  4 minutes


2013 – Teleclass Schedule – Poster


We are excited about our upcoming teleclass schedule for 2013 which will start this Tuesday, March 19th.

We have an awesome line-up of teleclasses for you and your staff in the areas of chiropractic philosophy, office procedures and reimbursement.

Class description and registration can be found on the calendar on this site.

We have also prepared a poster you can print and post on the wall in your staff commons area for an easy view of upcoming class.  [Link]

If you can catch these classes live, they are free! Otherwise they will be in our vault for those of you who are active with us.  Hope to “hear” you in class.

6 Reasons Why CalJam is Important for Chiropractic


1. It is fun and promotes that chiropractic is and should be fun.

2. It’s founder and promoter is in practice, adjusting people of all ages, just like you.

3. It focuses on the purpose of chiropractic and the chiropractic lifestyle.

4. It defines and promotes the unique role chiropractic has in the market place – as a HEALTH profession that works, is not owned or used by pharmaceutical companies or other corporate monopolies, is vitalistic while also being scientific.

5. It promotes the idea that helping people to get healthier does not have to be a grave, stuffy, or serious activity.

6. And just like Dr. Billy DeMoss demonstrates, we all can work on higher purposes – professionally and personally —  while at the same time adjust people daily (APD) and run a business.

There are other reasons, but the ones above should be included.  Please add others below.

I hope you an make it to CalJam this year.

Some of us from PM&A are going and if I see you, let me treat you to the nearest greenest, anti-inflamatory drink nearby, or a piece of buffalo jerky, whichever is handier.

And if you can’t make it, you can always follow Billy on YouTube.

And either way, in your own way, you can always follow your own higher purposes and keep jammin in your corner of the world.


Chiro-jamming in an office near you..

Ed, and all of us at PM&A



Dead Chiropractors Society

There is nothing like a dream…


What will the New Year bring – for you, your family, and your business?

No one can know for sure.  But we do know this much – either you create it or someone will create it for you.

Your dreams count. They count more than anyone may have let you to believe.

All things are created twice. First you dream your dream, then you build it.

We’d like to help you build your dreams in 2013.  There is no getting around it – we are all in this together.

And, by the way, we want to thank you for your efforts in making this world a better place. We know how hard you work and the sacrifices you sometimes have to make. We also know that you aren’t always recognized for the good you do.

We know that the world will be a better place in 2013 because of your dreams and efforts.

So, here comes 2013. Let’s get busy – it will be a blast!

From the Wave, the Mountains, to Your Chiropractic Office

Dr. Bruce Lipton discussing how the environment determines behavior more than genes.

Just returned from a long winding motorcycle trip in the Sierra’s and Coastal ranges of CA. We will be posting some photos of these on the Chiromotorcycleriders.com web page and Facebook pages soon.

Also attended the Wave in San Francisco put on by Life West. The best seminar program I have seen in a long time. Philosophy is needed, but the science presented by Bruce Lipton, PhD., and others, was amazing. I can’t recommend Dr. Lipton’s books enough.

For those of you who know Dr. Lipton, he is a biologist and taught cellular biology to medical students at the UW Medical School in Madison, WI.  In doing pioneering work in cellular biology a few years ago, he realized some basic flaws in the allopathic model of health. He gave up teaching MD’s and now teaches chiropractic students at chiropractic colleges.  He says that the profession of chiropractic, and the works of its founder, D.D. Palmer, was way ahead of its time and are fundamentally correct based upon his and other’s research.

Dan Murphy, D.C; Joe Mercola, D.O.; Gary Null, PhD.; and Malik Slosberg. D.C. were some of the other speakers I caught on Friday. Oh, and of course, Dr. Sigafoose. I couldn’t stay for Saturday.

Chiropractic is fairly unique in that it does have a “philosophy.”  This gives it a soul and a purpose where other professions, unfortunately, have none.

But the nuts and bolts of studies and research that was presented demonstrated that there is abundant evidence supporting the effectiveness and progressiveness of chiropractic.

Scientific evidence is reaffirming and enlightening. At the same time, the “evidence” you need has always been there in the successes of your patient.

A while ago an office wanted me to help them with their marketing. I was happy to meet with them and they said that they had been receiving help from an “evidenced based” consultant. They said they were trying to establish relationships with MDs. I replied that was great – but I also mentioned that they did not need another license to practice chiropractic. If they were seeking permission from MDs and trying to justify their profession with “evidence” when they already had all the proof they needed with their patients, it was no wonder their practice was slowing down.

I might have been a little too direct as I have never heard from them again.

Will be posting some video clips from the Wave soon and will let you know when they are up.

Best regards,


This Month’s Webinars – August


Office Manager Webinar Roles And Goals: What Are The Key Roles In Your Office? – Thursday, August 16th – 12:30 to 1:30pm CDT
A hidden barrier in many offices has to do with confusing roles and job duties. Clear these up and see how much smoother patients and paper flow, and happier the team becomes.  Small office or big health business, clarify these 7 roles and the numbers will go up.

We will also provide you with a fast test for you to grade your office on how each of these roles is performing.

Register Now: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/322088520

Marketing Manager Webinar: Patient Retention: 8 Practical Procedures – Thursday, August 23rd – 12:30 to 1:30pm CDT
Do your patients see you as often as they should? Do they follow through and complete their programs? If not, this webinar will cover eight basic procedures that any office can use to ensure their patients get the care they need.

By now, you probably have heard more than a few different approaches to patient retention.  It certainly isn’t rocket science. However many procedures taught at seminars are just a bit gimmicky, and in the end, don’t work. Find out, or be reminded, of what does work.

Register Now: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/311709721

Cal Jam Special Offer for Chiropractors

Come on down to Cal Jam 2012!

Our great consultant and coach, Ms. Phyllis Frase, will be speaking at the 5th Annual California Jam, presented by the Dead Chiropractic Society in Costa Mesa California.  Register before January 15th and mention the Promo Code of FRASE for the special discount mentioned in the flier below.

All registration is handled through Cal Jam by calling the number below.

Call Today 949-250-0600

for more information: http://www.caljam.org/

Billy DeMoss Shakes Up Appleton Wisconsin at Petty Michel Seminar

Billy DeMoss, ChiropracTOR

Dr. Billy DeMoss gave a heated and edgy presentation for 3 hours to chiropractors and their staff in Appleton, Wisconsin, Friday night, Aug. 19th. Full of anecdotes from his own practice, along with statistics, slides and videos, “Billy D” reminded everyone what chiropractic and natural health care is all about.

He talked about how providing chiropractic care is actually fun and how you should have fun in your office. He stated that patients want to come to a place that is enjoyable, where staff and doctors are having a good time in a positive atmosphere.

But he also explained that it takes a great deal of work to have a successful office. He recounted the days that he had to do manual odd jobs just to make it through school. He works hard at his office but keeps it fun.  “If you want a more successful and profitable practice you are going to have to work for it.”

“The days of the $200 dollar office visit are fading,” he said.  Workers Compensation reimbursement in California has been cut back and some money motivated chiropractors have abused the system. But money is not the goal, and never has been, he said.  Serving people will always be rewarded financially, but that is not our primary objective.

He emphasized that our main goal should be to teach and adjust. Some doctors complain about doing screenings or lectures, but Billy asks the audience: who do we do it for?  Are we worried about inconviencing ourselves or do we want to help people get healthier?

He discussed issues such as vaccinations, diet, United States health statistics relative to other countries, and said that the chiropractors were the ones best poised to take a leadership role in the health care of the U.S.

After 3 hours of Billy’s high energy, the mesmerized and energized crowd gave him two standing ovations.

One member of the audience who owns a small farm and who was not a doctor or staff member, said he wished there were more people speaking out like Dr. Billy DeMoss. He said it was one of the best presentations he had ever seen.

The next morning,  Phyllis Frase spoke to staff and doctors about how to be a “Rock Star” C.A.  Phyllis also gave a dynamic talk and will be speaking at the Cal Jam in California, February 24-26.

PM&A encourages all who can make it to Cal Jam to do so.  I attended 2 years ago and it was absolutely the most unique and refreshing chiropractic seminars I’ve attended in 20 plus years. Well worth the time and money.  More info about CAL JAM.

Dave Michel, Billy DeMoss, Dana Pittner, Phyllis Frase, Ed Petty



Video here

Photos here

“Highway to Health Summer” Tour 2011 with Dr. Billy DeMoss, Founder of the Dead Chiropractor Society

It’s summer. Time to get away… and spend the weekend getting high on chiropractic and just relaxing.


Join us Friday evening, August 19th, in Appleton WI as we celebrate chiropractic with Dr. Billy DeMoss, founder of the Dead Chiropractic Society and CALJAM, the yearly music festival and seminar program that is lighting up the chiropractic profession.

Billy D will rock your world with a rip roaring presentation Friday evening, August 19 at the Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton, WI.

Saturday morning there will be a special presentation for staff (and doctors) with Phyllis Frase, Internationally renown staff trainer and practice development coach.

Later, you can go for a walk to the local farmers market, catch a free concert, or just walk by the Fox River and enjoy a beautiful summer day in Wisconsin – all while inspired again about chiropractic.

The Apple Valley Hotel is a deluxe resort on the north side of Lake Winnebago in Central WI, located next to the beautiful Fox River. With many amenities, it is a great family destination as well as nice for those who just want to get away from it all.

Date, Time, Location
Friday, August 19, 7-10pm
Dr. Billy DeMoss: “Highway to Health Tour”

Saturday, August 20, 8-10am
Phyllis Frase: “How to Be A Rock Star C.A.”

Paper Valley Hotel LINK
333 W. College Avenue, Appleton WI 54911
Hotel Reservations: 1-800-394-7046 US/Canada Toll-free
Telephone (920) 733-8000

—Hotel Information…. Special room rate of $99.00. Will be extended for the weekend if you wish.

Price of Admission and Registration

Fees double at the door. Space limited so register now.

Dr. Billy DeMoss:
PM&A Client: $25  Per person, doctors and staff
Not an active PM&A client, just $35 – Per Person, doctors and staff

Ms. Phyllis Frase:
PM&A client – no charge  –  Just let us know who is coming by sending us an email at services@pmaworks.com or faxing us at 1-877-868-0909
Not a PM&A client:  $25 per person

To register, click the registration form, open the file, print it, complete it and fax it back to us at: 1-877-868-0909  Registration form.

Dr. Jim Sigafoose in Milwaukee

Dr. Jim Sigafoose

Our good friend and international chiropractic lecturer, Dr. Jim Sigafoose, will be coming to Milwaukee on Saturday, April 16th.   He will speaking along with Dr. Tim Gay.  Siggy asked us to help him promote this event and as loyal fans of his for nearly 25 years, we wouldn’t hesitate to promote his seminar.  And neither should you hesitate, if you have a chance, stop by and listen to Siggy. For more information, poster.


My Life And Times With B.J. Palmer – An Interview with Dr. Perrault

In a special teleclass sponsored by Petty, Michel and Associates, Dr. Thomas Perrault will be interviewed by Dr. Tom Potisk, both graduates of the Palmer Chiropractic College.  Dr. Perrault personally knew Dr. B.J. Palmer, considered the Developer of Chiropractic, and spent time with him in the early part of Dr. Perrault’s career. (More about Dr. Palmer.)

Dr. Perrault will discuss some of his experiences with Dr. Palmer and what he learned from him.

It is safe to say that no other individual has been more responsible for the growth and continued success of the chiropractic profession than B.J. Palmer. He was a man of extra-ordinary energy and dedication to helping others with chiropractic. (More about B.J. Palmer.)

Dr. Tom Perrault, Sr., Founder of Perrault Chiropractic Offices, received a Bachelor’s degree from Northeastern University and a Doctor of Chiropractic Degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1962.

He returned to his hometown of Methuen, MA to begin practice and was instrumental in the licensure of chiropractic by the Massachusetts legislature in 1966. He served twelve years on the Methuen School Committee, and continues to be active in community and civic affairs. His dedication to his profession and the community have earned him numerous awards and recognitions. He is a Fellow of the International Chiropractic Association and the Palmer Academy of Chiropractic.

Thomas Perrault Sr., D.C.

Thomas Perrault Sr., D.C.

A long-time leader of the Massachusetts Chiropractic Society, Dr. Perrault currently serves as its Executive Vice President and has been named Massachusetts Chiropractor of the Year an unprecedented four times. His activities with his professional society have kept him on the leading edge of chiropractic research and innovations in chiropractic. His primary interest remains the location and correction of the vertebral subluxation complex, which is the fundamental principal on which chiropractic practice is based. In 2004 Dr. Perrault was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award by his profession.

It is definitely worth a listen. The class last about 50 minutes.

March 29nd- Tuesday, 12:30 CT – Teleclass (50 Minutes)

If you are an active client, you can find the phone number and access number for this live interview on your PMAmembers.com site.

If you are not an active client and want to register, please go here.

Healthy Hiking In Outdoors Wisconsin


Chiropractor Dr Tom Potisk and wife Susan

12 Steps to the Top

Success, whether it be in business, relationships, or even hiking can be a challenge. It’s a lot easier when you know the formula to succeed.

Join the PM&A team for a fun and motivational outing at Devil’s Lake State Park on Saturday, October 23from 11 till 3 PM. The state park is located near Baraboo, Wisconsin.

This event is free for PM&A members, their families and staff. Non-members are welcome for a fee of $10.00. Food will be provided courtesy of PM&A.


11:00 – meet in the parking lot. Food and drink will be served.

11:40 – warm up with martial arts taught by Ed Petty.

12:00 – begin hike to top of bluff/scenic overlook. The motivational program “12 Steps To The Top” will be presented along the route by Dr Tom Potisk, author of Reclaim the Joy of Practice – An Advanced Guide for Advancing Doctors

3:00 – end of event.

Members of the Bad to the Bone Chiropractic Motorcycle Riders group will be traveling as a group from Milwaukee.  Contact Ed Petty for details –Ed@pmaworks.com.

For food planning reasons you must RSVP. Contact Dr Tom Potisk –tpotisk@aol.com. Further details will be forthcoming following your registration.

More Videos and Photos from PM&A’s Adventure to the Chiropractic California Jam 2010

Dr. Tom Potisk gives a succinct and complete accounting and review of our travels to, and as it turned out, through Southern California. (see earlier post)

Here are some various videos and photos if you want more, though rough and candid, reporting. (Some videos may need the volume turned up.)

Walking to Cal Jam

Opening – Don’t Back Down – Chiropractor

Some photos

Cal Jam 2010 Chiropractic, Petty Michel - Associates

Clips from various talk. May have to turn up volume.

Dr. Brian Porteous – a clip from his talk on the hyperstension study. LINK

Dr. Dan Murphy – talks about recent research on toxic chemicals and how they affect nervous system and adjusting – (9 min) LINK

Dr. Dan Murphy – talks about cervical spine, referencing the hypertension study. LINK (5 min)

Dr. Dan Murphy – refers to book by M.D. references Innate. LINK

Dr. Fabrizio Mancini – applying chiropractic is not complicated. (2 min)   LINK

Motorcycles, Natural Hot Springs, Sushi, and Chiropractic Philosophy – Wowee! What a Weekend!!

In the natural hot springs.

In the natural hot springs.

I just returned from a few days in Costa Mesa CA.  I attended CalJam, a chiropractic philosophy/music convention, with Ed Petty from PM&A.   It was refreshingly different because of the focus on chiropractic’s unique philosophy combined with music.

The man behind it all is Dr. Billy DeMoss and his fun-loving personality really shows in the event. Check out my video of BJ Palmer resurrected[Longer Version]

Of course, I had to give Ed a lesson about why I’m called the “down-to-earth” doctor (www.thedowntoearthdoctor.com), a big part of it is going on adventures, so I took him on a high desert search for a natural hot spring called Deep Creek Spring. Yes, those are my feet in the picture.  Ed reciprocated by guiding me on a motorcycle tour one of the days – I drove my first Harley and now I’m hooked!  Thanks Ed.

My Harley in Laguna Beach, CA

My Harley in Laguna Beach, CA

As I listened to many of the greats like Dr Dan Murphy, Dr. Fabrizio Mancini, etc. I became even more grateful for the 25 years of tremendous success I’ve had in chiropractic. “Best profession in the world!” is what I told a 2nd semester student I bumped into there.  He was wondering if he made the right decision, given all the negative news circulating about the business of practicing lately.

The speakers were talented and the content inspiring, but it also became apparent to me, that the seminars of PM&A are better in the sense that they lack sales. What I mean is that all or most of the speakers at CalJam, as inspiring and fun as they are to listen to, have a hidden agenda – they want to sell me something. That’s one of several reasons why I stayed with PM&A as my practice management guide, and why I’m excited to now be a part of their team.

I teach a class around the country called Reclaim the Joy of Practice, based on my book of the same name (www.reclaimthejoy.com) for content, I’m always on the lookout for exceptional DCs.  I bumped in to Dr. Gerald Clum, president of Life West Chiropractic College.

Listen to his brief message in response to my question “What can chiropractors do to be more successful?”  LINK.

Doctor, how can you apply that message today?