Ask Lisa:Best End of Year Reports to Run to Prepare for Success in 2025

Know where your practice stands statistically going into the new year.

Happy New Year! Now that you’re back in the swing from the Holidays, we’ve put together for you a list of the most important reports we feel will prepare you for success in 2025! Have fun with running the below queries, while at the same time resolving to acknowledge the report outputs are your objective, x-ray analyses of where your practice stood in 2024.

1) Standard Financials/both month-to-month and January – December 2024 Practice stats. This will give you your new patient counts, your patient visits, your charges and your collections. What do you see month to month in terms of your high/low months? Did you do something different in the months that were higher statistically? And repeat that action!

2) Run your end of year Accounts Receivable. This is a number your accountant or CPA should ask for. You’ll need this for your balance sheet.

3) Review your Profit & Loss statements from month to month, run by either your accountant or your internal accounting software. Things to look for include:
a. Your expenses – were your expenses in line with your projected budget?
b. Your net income – were you able to pay yourself along with your associate(s) and staff salaries corresponding to livable wages?

4) Want to compare your expenses to what most chiropractic offices are doing? First, remember you want to compare you to you. But we can provide a breakdown of averages that you can look at and see where you may be high or low.

5) Accounts Receivables: 30/60/90+ days
a. Can these be reconciled? Expect 60% recovery for accounts to 60 days old; 55% recovery for accounts 60-90 days; and 20% recovery for accounts 90 days and older. The exception here is Personal Injury and Workers Compensation A/R, which are normally fully recoverable.

6) Retail Purchases – supplement/vitamin sales, pillow/therapy equipment (Durable Medical Equipment) sales.

7) Get your Sales and Use Report off your management software to your accountant or CPA by the end of January for filing the Sales Tax Report. You’ll also want to look at any independent contractors (cleaning services, IC massage therapists or other providers, snow plowing service, roofers, etc, etc) Provide their information and pay amount to your accountant by the end of January for 1099 preparation.

Once you have completed these reports and have assessed where your practice stands statistically, you can now:

• Update goals for 2025,
• Review your marketing efforts, and
• Review your retail inventory.

Need help with any of the above? Contact Lisa – I can help!


Ask Lisa: Setting Up Finances With Your Patients

BJ Palmer had a quote: “Chiropractic is health insurance. Premiums small. Dividends large!”

Following this super quote, we have worked with offices for many years schooling them into implementing these mottos:

  • We will accept all patients, regardless of their ability to pay, but we also must operate the clinic as a proprietary business, i.e., for profit, and the patient must want the care–not just “want a discount.”
  • Each case will be individually handled and patients will receive a copy of their financial arrangements.
  • Each patient file will have a copy of the patient’s individual financial arrangements.

How does the successful office achieve these goals?

First, to comply with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid’s No Surprises Act as a covered entity, each patient will have an idea what our range of charges are and that the charges will vary depending on what is done. Explain that the adjustment charges will vary from $XX to $XX, therapies will add $XX to $XX, and exams, diagnostic tests, etc. will add to that. Typically the average office visit will be from $30.00 to $140.00 per visit. This can be shared when the new patient calls in for their first appointment, or placed on your website.

Second, determine if you will be filing claims to insurance, and if patient has a copay or deductible. If there is a financial barrier with co-pays or deductibles, work with the patient during your meeting with them so that the patient does not drop out of care for financial reasons. To stay in compliance, note any waived fees or co-payments on your financial form, indicating why they were waived (no job, too many bills). Alert payment arrangements in your practice software so that the front desk and anyone doing follow-up knows exactly what the patient has agreed to pay each visit.

The patient should already have a good idea after Day 1 from the Report of Findings and the schedule you just worked out with them how many times they will be coming in. Ask the patient if they will have any problem with this and watch the patient to make sure that they will be comfortable with the fees you are presenting (previously calculated prior to meeting with patient).

(These next sections are specific to Wisconsin offices and offer examples. However, if you find this information interesting and you want more information and are outside WI, contact us for further information.)

If you are not filing to insurance, patients are considered self-pay. Let the patient know that they must pay at the time of service for any discount given. To be successful, you cannot reduce your fee while running up patient balances.

Any discount or special fee must be noted on the financial agreements and in the computer. The financial agreement must indicate why there are special discounts given. This can be simply noted in the space provided, such as “patient discount to $30 per visit-financial hardship” or “patient has just started new job-discount given to $30 per visit”. The CA or doctor, and patient, must sign the form.

For self-pay patients who can afford care, are on a routine schedule and show up, in order to give a discount they should be required to prepay, for a package of XX visits, typically with up to a 35% discount.

With the above policies in place, you can help many more people increase their health dividends, removing any financial barriers. Implementing these steps are key to expanding and growing your practice!

If you have any questions regarding financial arrangements and/or insurance please feel free to reach out to me.

Lisa Barnett

ASK LISA: The Vital Importance of the Post Report & Patient Financial Consultation


In our last two webinars, we discussed the importance of patient financial consultations.

Let’s delve into why they are so important to your bottom line and how you can set them up for success.

First, changes to insurance coverage and managed care have created an environment where third-party reviewers sometimes have more say in your patient’s length of care than you do.

Second, it is important to note that the financial consultation is a part of the overall Post Report. To be successful, all steps below should be reviewed and completed with each patient, whether they are new or re-activating their care. Why a post report?

The purpose of the post report is for the staff to fully address with the patient any obstacles to the patient getting the care they need and to set the patient up for their schedule of care. This includes setting up multiple appointment schedules, emphasizing the importance of staying on the schedule of care, discussing missed appointments, discussing any needed financial arrangements, going over how to check in at future visits, establishing where the patient should turn with questions or problems, and reassuring the patient in their decision to follow through with care.

Before you meet with the patient for the financial consultation, you also have to have a clear understanding of what you want to accomplish with your financial plans for patients. Your plans need to line up with the goals you have in your office and you need to individualize the plans. Do you want a high percentage of cash, wellness patients? An insurance-based family practice? PI or Work Comp acute care rehab practice? Is the patient undergoing a financial hardship? Each has a different set of criteria for tailoring patient financial agreements.

As these become more common, you can increase your patient retention and compliance by offering more OPTIONS for patient payments. Yes, this requires more work and more follow up, but adjusting to changing business practices in the world often require changing your internal procedures and policies. Adapt and offer ways to make care affordable, then promote these options so that patients see there is a way for them to get the care they need at a price they can afford.

Our Motto: Financial Plans are Liberal; Collections Policies Are Not.

This doesn’t mean reducing your fees or giving away services. On the contrary. For example, a new car costs many thousands more than your treatment plan, but auto dealers are adept at showing the customer ways they can drive that car home today.

Standardizing these procedures will ensure that your patients feel well taken care of at the office at all times.

Questions? We can help.

Click HERE for a sample care plan and financial plan template. [LINK]

Insurance Webinar Sneak Peak

Hello! Happy October 3rd and Happy Chiropractic Health Month!

table of apples with fall scenery behind

Dave and I would like to invite you to our upcoming insurance webinar on Thursday, October 24, 2024, at 12:00 Central Time. The webinar is Free.

Keep reading for a sneak-peek!

What you can expect from this one-hour presentation:

I. Review of the Revenue Cycle

  • Patient Prospect Call, New Appt. Scheduled, Day 1 Intake
  • Eligibility & Benefits Verification & Patient Financial Consultation
  • Clinical Procedures
  • Submit Clean Claim
  • Receive & Post Payment
  • Insurance denials follow-up
  • A/R follow-up
  • Statistical Reporting

II. Update on UHC and Humana Pre-authorization Requirements for Chiro Services

III.   Update on Wisconsin Physician Service (WPS) & GA modifier usage

IV. Is participation in a particular commercial plan worth your investment?Best reports to run to monitor if your investment is paying off

V. Transitioning to Patient Self-Pay: Things to Consider:

  • Medicare enrollment and Part C participation
  • Medicaid enrollment
  • Do You have resources to conduct thorough financial consultations?
  • Collecting up front, prepays, statements

VI. PI & WC workflow from intake to receiving final payment

VII.   Q&A

This webinar will be particularly beneficial for your billing staff.

Please register below, and we will email you the link to the webinar on October 22nd.


Lisa and Dave

Register Now