The Five Engines Driving Your Business Towards Your Goals

A service business needs 5 different engines to become a Goal Driven Business

Having goals is not enough.

Your business needs power, and lots of it, to propel it to its goals. There are five primary engines that you need to drive your business to its goals.

  1. Customer Service and Outcomes
  2. Marketing
  3. Leadership
  4. Management
  5. Personal Power

Most businesses have a few of these engines already firing. However, in most cases, full power has not been realized. This means that you may not have enough propulsion to make it to your goals.

Let’s take a brief look at each one, and as we do so, consider how each one rates in your office: half on, fully on and functioning, or barely functioning?

Customer Service and Outcomes. As a doctor and provider, your primary focus is on providing the best service and outcomes possible. This is both in terms of the subjective satisfaction of your patients as well as the objective criteria expected in your results. But to achieve this, you need support, and this support is provided by the organization you put together as the CEO.

Marketing. As the CEO of your business, your organization must first generate customers. As a businessperson, marketing will always be your number one and primary focus. A business is dependent upon the customer. In fact, it could be said that a business is the customer. If you are not providing a service to people that pay you for your care, you do not have a business.

Leadership. An essential quality of the CEO is leadership. Leadership helps define the goals of the business and keeps the team inspired to reach them. It also insists that they are achieved.

Management. In most offices, I have seen attention placed on service, marketing, and leadership. Management, however, is often not given enough attention. Management works out how we achieve our goals. This can be a laborious and difficult process that most business owners just don’t have the time for. Plus, you are paid for your services, not for “managing.”

Personal Life Management. Lastly, often brushed aside, is how well your personal life is managed. Are you happy, and is your relationship with your family and friends healthy? Is your personal life in good order? Too often, because of the stresses of work, our personal lives can drift off in directions we later regret.


Using the Goal Driven System as explained in my book, The Goal Driven Business, you can learn how to get each engine fully firing so that you have abundant power to make it to your goals.

It has been my experience working with offices across the country that the weakest engine is always management. This isn’t true when the office is just beginning or stays at 40-50% capacity. But once the volume picks up, there are more details that need to be addressed. In addition to providing outstanding service, there is… everything else.

Management deals with “everything else.” And when it doesn’t or can’t, all these untended-to “Everything Else’s” start gumming up the works. Paperwork gets backlogged, phone calls and emails stack up, staff becomes disengaged, patient communications get cut short, and marketing gets put on the back burner. Soon, there is just too much work to do. This clogs up and limits your capacity to provide more and better service and adds more stress to you and the team.

The default solution, which occurs naturally, is a reduction of the volume of services to a more comfortable level. This is the Practice Roller Coaster, the syndrome that causes continuous stress and unfulfilled potential. Service volume goes up, it can’t be sustained comfortably, so the volume comes down.

But good management solves this. It takes you off the Practice Roller Coaster and allows your service volume to continue to increase, unimpeded. And with more services, with good management, there will be more profit.

Of course, if this was a simple solution, more offices would be seeing many more patients and doing much better. The fact is, it is not a simple fix as there are unseen barriers, booby traps, and dead ends that thwart your best efforts to streamline your management and procedures.

I cover this in my book, The Goal Driven Business. I shine the light on the hidden barriers and show you a path that, regardless of your personal skills and personality, you can follow and make it to your goals. The book covers a system of business development I call the Goal Driven System.

Of course, essential to effective management is having a manager! Oddly enough, there are no in-depth training programs for this role, and as far as I can recall, there never has been one. I cover the reasons for this in my book. Yet the ROI on an effective manager is 3 to 4 times, or more, than what you pay them

According to Gallup:
“Based on our largest global study of the future of work, Gallup finds that the quality of managers and team leaders is the single biggest factor in your organization’s long-term success.” (It’s the Manager, Clifton and Harter)

In October, we will be launching our first training program on the Goal Driven System that will include in-depth training for practice managers – and their CEO’s.

If you are interested, contact me  for more information about the Goal Driven System Program and how you can turn your team into Goal Drivers!


Seize the Day!


The Importance of Compliance in a Chiropractic Office – HIPAA, Covered Entity, OSHA, HITECH

Lisa J. Barnett

Lisa J. Barnett

HIPAA, Covered Entity, OSHA, HITECH – – Compliance. What’s happening in the world of compliance and why do you as a chiropractor need to be educated and remain in the know? Find out below . . .

First and foremost, according to the Health and Human Services (HHS), chiropractors are included in the covered entity category, and this is regardless of whether or not you have received Electronic Health Records incentive monies. Covered entities are required by federal law to comply with all areas of protected health information and employee safety standards. Impact of non-compliance? In February 2016, a covered entity was fined $239,800 for non compliance.

Further, according to a March 2016 survey among small practices designated as covered entities, 60 percent of the 900 plus professionals surveyed are still unaware of pending compliance audits, and 58 percent have not appointed a securities/privacy officer in their practice. Audits to our profession are forthcoming, and we cannot opt out. Keep reading on how to safeguard yourself and your practice. Also keep in mind that it takes approximately 40 to 50 hours to develop and secure a compliance program.

The three main areas of compliance you need to be aware of, educated in, and be an active participant include: HIPAA, OSHA, and IT Securities.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) law of 1996 was enacted to improve the portability and accountability of health insurance coverage, and it brought individual privacy rights to patients and requires that we notify them of their rights. It also serves to eliminate fraud, waste, and abuse in healthcare. The focus here is to safeguard your practice by securing personal (patient) health information (PHI) and personal identifiers, be it paper or electronic (ePHI). This can include data encryption, secure messaging, compliant Cloud storage, compliant software, and unique password setups. One of the areas I assess when I visit a clinic is locating where the patient paper files are kept and if they are well out of viewing from others.

Your HIPAA requirements to be compliant at the clinic level include:

  • Designating a compliance/privacy officer whose primary responsibility is to ensure compliance with the regulations
  • Establishing and implementing at least annually, training programs for all employees and doctors.
  • Implementing appropriate policies and procedures to prevent intentional and accidental disclosure/release of PHI or ePHI. Encrypting your data for example will lower your chances of ransomware or cyberattacks.

The United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Act was signed by President Nixon in December 1970. It is designed to protect worker safety and promote healthy work environments. Some of you Docs have been involved in workplace safety and onsite workplace assessments in factories. Kudos to you! You were advocating OSHA’s mission by: Educating your client and their employees on workplace safety by conducting posture and ergonomic assessments, and finding the best ways for workers’ compensation patients to get back to work and continue contributing safely and appropriately within their restrictions.

At the clinic level (can be delegated), your requirements to meet OSHA requirements include:

  • Displaying the required workplace safety and employee rights posters for all employees to review
  • Establishing annual training for yourself and your employees. Local fire departments usually are able to conduct these trainings and are willing to include other participants.
  • Developing a written emergency plan in case of fire, severe weather, etc.
  • Drawing up an exit plan and post for employees and patients to see. See example below:

evacuation map

  • Developing written procedures (universal precautions) to minimize risk exposure to bodily fluids such as blood, vomit, saliva.
  • Obtaining Safety Data Sheets for disinfectants used at the clinic, as well as if you process X-rays.
  • Have handy your Quality Assurance X-ray manual, follow it, and ensure it is accessible to those who take/process X-rays.
  • Ensuring ergonomic workplace assessments are conducted at the clinic and documented. This could include posture screenings for your employees and requiring stretch breaks – for you, too!

Information Technology (IT) Security/HITECH

The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, enacted as part of HIPAA and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, was signed into law on February 17, 2009, to promote the adoption and meaningful use of health information technology. Section 1176(a) of the Social Security Act was revised during this timeframe to allow for significant monetary penalties up to $1.5 million for breaches/violations of protected health information. However, an interim revision (later known as The Omnibus Rule) set prohibitions on enforcing such significant monetary penalties if it was found in investigation that the covered entity did not know and with the exercise of reasonable diligence would not have known of the violation. In these cases, the breaches were punishable under the lowest tier of penalties, and further, prohibited the imposition of penalties for any violation corrected within a 30-day time period, as long as the violation was not due to willful neglect. A final ruling in January 2013 reiterates all of the above standards.

Your responsibilities to get IT Securities compliant include:

  • Assigning a securities officer
  • Conducting a risk assessment
  • Ensuring your EHR vendor and billing clearinghouse are HITECH/HIPAA compliant
  • Ensuring every vendor you work with has signed a Business Association Agreement with your office and you have those Agreements on file. These need to be updated at least annually.
  • Ensuring the clinic’s computer systems are backed up regularly, have virus-checking software, firewalls, and encrypted operating systems
  • Establishing securities policies and procedures, including on your social media networks.
  • Creating a disaster recovery plan
  • Creating a policy and procedure of notification, in the event of a data leak or leak of PHI/ePHI

Impact of non-compliance? Another covered entity was fined $25,000 for posting patient information online.

Feeling overwhelmed? We can help. Contact me on how you can get an initial Compliance Assessment and a Medicare Documentation Assessment with a Report of Findings sent to you, for a ridiculous low price of $299!*


  • nueMD Cloud-based health information technology,
  • HIPAA Journal,
  • United States Health and Human Services,
  • United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration,
  • Federal Register/Rules and Regulations Publication Vol. 74 No. 209
  • Federal Register/Rules and Regulations Publication Vol. 78 No. 17
  • Emergency Exit Diagram: business continuity templates

*Mileage cost may apply.

Health Independence and Freedom – For Chiropractors and Your Patients

Here in the good Ol’ USA, we are about to celebrate Independence Day, the date we commemorate the signing of the Declaration of Independence and declared our freedom from the yoke of the British Empire.

I think for those of us in health care this day bears special significance.  In fact, I think of the chiropractic profession in particular.

Chiropractic has remained independent for 120 years. It has been fought by monopolist trade organizations, suppressed, and slandered, but it still stays outside of the clutches of Eli Lilly, Merck, or Monsanto.

To Chiropractors and those who work in the profession: You are brave, tough, and independent. You are living the American Way. You are a gritty bunch for sure and have maintained your integrity for putting care before profits.

The challenge you have is not only to remain free, but to help your patients and community also be free and independent.

Your patients are at the receiving end of billions and billions of dollars that are spent to manipulate them to purchase products that are known to be unhealthy.  Through pervasive and clever marketing and massive efforts to influence government, Americans have become over fed, over medicated, and under nourished.  Obesity rates have tripled (11% in 1960’s, 37% 2010)1, drug consumption has soared (average 7 per person in 1993 to 12.2 per person in 2014).2 Vaccination recommendations for our children from our government has increased from 64 in the 1950’s to over 1000 in 2013 (69 doses of 16 vaccines between day of birth and age 18).3

And the results?  American’s health rates compared to other countries are abysmal. We are the worst or close to it in many categories. 4    Yet this is not what is advertised, so it would be shock for most Americans to hear that in the competition with other countries for the best health care, that they are losers.

The true American Way5 was and is to question authority, seek the truth and to stand up for justice.

But the truth can be obscured and the path of least resistance is easier, and it can seem more acceptable to simply follow convention and herd mentality.  But the facts are there – provided by whistle blowers, mothers, and researchers, and we all need to look at the facts, do our research, and continue to educate ourselves and stay vigilant.

We can’t forget our patients… they too need to learn how their health choices have been manipulated, how they have been deceived, and what they should do to truly improve their health.

There is a price to pay for freedom. It takes work and is not always easy, but — it is the American thing to do.   Stay brave, stay alert, and continue to help your patients achieve better health.

Happy Independence Day from Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin, USA


  1. Obesity.
  2. Drug Usage.
    Generation Rx How Prescription Drugs Are Altering American Lives, Minds, and Bodies by Greg Critser ( , also
  3. Vaccinations.
  4. Rating American Health Care.
  5. The American Way.
    “The American Way of life is individualistic, dynamic, and pragmatic.” (Wikipedia: The American Way)

The Importance of Why in Chiropractic Practice Development

Remember when your child, or a kid you knew, constantly asked you “why?”

“Time to go to bed honey.”  “But why, Mommy?”    “Dad, why is the grass green? ”

This happens for a few years until the child finally learns that it is just so much trouble to keep asking the “why” question.

This happens to us all.  After a while, we all just become inured to the day to day demands and take for granted our eventual roles of working in a world of work that has little other reason than to pay our bills. And we begin to live just for the weekends.

But living for the weekend is not much of a motivation to do good work, to perform our duties with excellence that inspire trust in others, and to be happy with it.

Our jobs should have a reason beyond money or relief from work.  What we do for money should have a higher purpose than money. It should satisfy us and motivate us in and of itself.

After many years of research, Stephen Covey determined that those people and companies that were the most effective followed the habit of: “Begin with the End in Mind.”  In other words, start with a goal in mind.  He emphasized the value of developing and living by a personal mission statement as well as one for your business, and even your family.

Some of the better offices that I have had the privilege of working with would often end their team meetings by reciting their group’s mission statement.

While this helps, it can also become rote so that the real meaning of the mission becomes dull. One way to remedy this is to now and then ask “Why?”  Simply ask each team member to describe, in their own words, why this is, or should be, the mission statement.

We are all looking for greater meaning in our lives – or at least have at one time or another. “What does all that I do account for?” “What do I account for?” “What will be my legacy after I am gone?”

This applies in leadership as the CEO of your chiropractic business.

The primary responsibility of a leader in a purpose-based organization is to build, nurture, and sustain the core purpose of the organization. (“It’s Not What You Sell, It’s What You Stand For.” Roy M. Sence, Jr.)

But leadership is also marketing. You are putting your noble ideas out into the world to give others a clear vision of what is possible and why it is important.  You stand out as different – because you are stating WHY you are making a difference.

A few years ago, I posted a T.E.D. talk on our website ( that focused on how “WHY” was so important in leadership.  (TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design.)  The key differential between the very successful companies and leaders was not what their company provided, or how they provided it. The key difference was that they communicated why they did what they did. (The link to this talk by Simon Sinek is below.)

Much of corporate medicine has devolved into a goalless and soulless technology and bureaucracy.  The relationship between the patient and the MD has become interrupted by critical paths and reimbursement protocols, techs, testing, and terms (codes and abbreviations), and lots of notes.  Yet, the stats for America’s health care relative to other industrialized countries worldwide are poor.

Be nice and genuinely interested in patients and talk about WHY you want to help them AND their family, and do so, and you can’t help but win.

Let prospective patients know WHY you are a chiropractor, why you chose their community, and why you do what you do.  Let them know why you adjust children, seniors, teen athletes, and “Los Pobres.” Communicate this to your existing patients as well. In fact, any promotion you do will work better if you tie in to WHY you are promoting.

For example, take the donation campaign called “Coats for Kids. “  It has all but lost its meaning over the years with every TV and radio station jumping onto some kind of faux goodwill activity.  Promoting what it is about and how it will benefit kids as well as patients will help make it successful.  But to make your promotion much more successful, explain that the reason you are participating in this campaign is that you have worked in homeless shelters and seen shivering and poorly clothed kids. This is “why.”

Attached is an article on “Why We Promote.”  It is a sample letter you can mail to your patients after their first progress exam, or simply have it as a handout. You can also use its theme to end a new patient class.  Feel free to embellish it or change it. (Active clients can get a customizable Word doc here.

Personally, take time to remind yourself about the WHY for what you do.  Study resources that support this “why.”  What is the mission of your office and why is that the mission?   Remind your team about this “why.”  Training new staff on this is particularly important. Go over the “why” for the office, as well as the “why” for their particular role.

So the next time your child, or any child asks you “why?” take your time to answer.  And as they get older, you can start asking them “why?” (Get even!)  But the world unfolds and reduces to its raw and basic truths when you do – and this in turn allows passion and purpose a clearer channel to help you achieve your goals.

Golden Circle a TED talk by Simon Sinek.

Sample Letter to pts-Why we promote.

[This article is from the upcoming book:  “The Third Goal:  A New Practice and Business Building Methodology That Is Simpler, Faster, and More Fun than What You Are Doing Now.)  by Edward Petty, due to be published in late 2015. © 2015]

Cal Jam Chiropractic Conference, 2015, Costa Mesa, California

Different people. Run to new opportunities
(Spring Equinox, Northern Hemisphere – 2015)

Cal Jam is not like your father’s seminar.
It is a celebration of health and chiropractic.
It is a music festival.
It is a science briefing.
It is a par-tay!

It goes beyond simple sayings about positive mental attitudes and marketing tactics of many seminars.  While these things can be useful, there is a bigger picture of which the chiropractor stands as a leader. There is a bigger purpose.

Cal Jam is about the revolution…one that must happen and is, in fact, happening.

There is an assault on our health: our bodies, our environment, and perhaps our minds and even our souls. Are we to submit to the dictates of corporate pharmaceutical medicine, be fed from factory farms and frankencows, beholding to monopolies that own franken-seeds and food – and perhaps soon our water?  Is our health owned and controlled by the corporate state?

There is a small but growing band of independent minded health oriented and highly educated people that are becoming radicalized around the threat of a totalitarian state held in place through our food and water supply, and “health” care.

Is this extreme?

Perhaps, but there are many more MDs, scientists, and very educated mothers who believe this to be the case and are taking action than are reported in the corporate owned media. Just to look at the soaring statistics of organic food consumption over the last ten years – this must indicate something about a concern over the toxins in our food supply.

This goes beyond politics and race. These are just soap operas designed to keep us bickering amongst ourselves as the real maneuvers take place.

For those of you in the health profession, the choice is yours to make: play along… or do not go quietly into this smack zoned pen we are being herded into. One holistic MD I talked to recently told me that most MDs were lemmings.

I chose and have stayed in this profession, not because I am a chiropractor, because I am not. I consider myself, at my best, someone who has helped the helpers provide true health. But I have done so in part as an act of defiance against those who would profit on the bad health of others.  I have my personal story, as do you. But on my better days I am in the fight along with you.

Chiropractors have always been revolutionaries. Reggie Gold, Jim Sigafoose, Sid Williams, Chester Wilk… the list goes on and on, to B.J and D.D. Palmer. Used to be you weren’t an experienced D.C. until you spent your time in jail for “practicing without a license.” It actually goes down the ages… the fight against tyranny.

Cal Jam is not necessarily better than other chiropractic health conferences, but I’d say that it is the most revolutionary… and fun.

Hope to see you there.


Link to CAL JAM

10 Practice Development Strategies for Chiropractors in 2015

[If you think that you could make more money selling pharmaceuticals, injecting patients with vaccines and promoting flu shots in front of your office, these recommendations are not for you. For those matters, you might want to ask Palmer Chiropractic College or the Wisconsin Chiropractic Association for their opinions.]

What strategic moves should you be taking now to make sure that you have a better year in 2015 and in years to come?

After reviewing current literature and statistics, and based upon my observations and experience, I have put together a report which makes a number of recommendations that can be helpful to you. I have also included an extensive list of references for your further study.

The report contains a lot of information and so it is only for the serious practice executive. It will be a useful resource for you to refer to while you implement some of the suggestions I offer. Reading time is about 15 minutes. It offers new views on practice marketing, management, and leadership, with 25 specific recommendations.  To go straight to the main course, go here:

Here is a shorter version:

Executive Summary – 10 Strategies to Prosper and Flourish in 2015 and Beyond

1. Know Your Environment. The Medical-Pharmaceutical industries are spending more to dominate the market place. Their efforts are becoming more pervasive in reach and more covert in manipulation. At the same time, wellness statistics continue to grow. More people are turning to organic foods and are focused on wellness.

2. Marketing Positioning. My recommendation is to embrace the popular movement towards natural health and own it. Be its champion. You are the Healthy Life Doctors. This is your niche.

3. Unique Selling Proposition. Stay committed to your core services, but articulate your Unique Selling Proposition to your specific market niche(s). Not everyone is your patient. Select certain markets that are already reaching for your type of services: people fed up with drugs, baby boomers who want to stay healthy, mothers who want to avoid drugs for their children, athletes, employers who want healthy employees, etc.

4. Get More For Less. Watch your economics but don’t get stuck in a scarcity mindset. Central to economics is a return on investment -ROI. Invest in yourself and especially in making your support team expert professionals. Learn and apply the Pareto Principle (how 80 percent of your results come from just 20% of your efforts).

5. Insurance or Cash? Yes! Take insurance but don’t kowtow to the Insurance Cartel. There are millions of people who want help and can pay for it and are just looking for a solution. You have to let them know that you have their solution.

6. Shift from Personality Driven Practice to Team Driven Business. The successful offices of the future will be team driven and systematized. Each team member has to be an expert as a specialist, as a team member, and as a marketer. And each should try to achieve this as well. The doctor will delegate most marketing and administrative details to others.

7. Shift from Solo Practice to Group Practice. For those of you who are ready, you should join forces with other doctors in a group practice. This has not had a lot of success in the chiropractic profession as it has in other professions, but the time is right now to band together synergistically as brothers and sisters. There are many good reasons to do this now. However, it has to be set up — and maintained — correctly.

8. New Role: CEO and Leader. Why do CEO’s get paid so much? Because they can make such a positive difference in the business. Up to now in your career you have taken on administrative and marketing projects mostly from the role of doctor, or perhaps owner. The CEO role probably has not been emphasized. Shifting to the role of CEO changes everything. Growing a business becomes easier, you have more time available, and you make more money.

9. Seek Out and Integrate Your Greater Purposes with Your Business. The power for your office, and you, comes from those things that mean the most. This would include your family and your spiritual pursuits. But our world is smaller and we live in a networked economy and culture. Your office, in its own right, has to be a leader in your community and environment and contribute in some way beyond its walls. This also includes having a voice in your professional organization. Your greater purposes also include your personal hobbies. Since you are not working on an assembly line, many of these purposes should be integrated into your work.

10. Get an Executive Coach. Why does corporate America spend over a billion dollars on executive coaching? Because the return of investment proves to be at least 7 times, and in some cases, 10-49 times cost. Executive coaching doesn’t cost – it pays.

An executive coach is different from a clinical coach. An executive coach will help you be a better CEO – a better leader, marketer and manager who builds a team driven business which allows you to delegate most non clinical duties.  He or she will help you sort out what tasks will produce the greatest positive effects for your business, and help you get those tasks done. He or she will be your partner, counselor, confident, coach, teacher, drill instructor, and friend.

The future has never looked brighter, but the challenges are not slight. This makes your success all the more important – and sweeter.

Ed Petty


Chiropractic Team Tryouts: Tips on Interviewing Potential New Team Members

 Tryout: a test of someone’s ability to do something that is used to see if he or she should join a team, perform in a play, etc. (Merriam-Webster)


We routinely help our chiropractic teams with the hiring process.

Getting the right players can make all the difference in whether you are a winning team or just a mediocre one.

 It is often difficult to find the right candidate for the job. The prospective employee is trained to be sweet at the interview and have an impressive resume and you are expected to ask her just the right questions that will evoke her true character. This is usually not adequate.

In addition to interviews, practical tests that challenge candidates for the job position can be included as part of the hiring process. Much like a “tryout” for any sport team, musical group, or an audition for a play, we want to see how the prospective new employee performs.

A good management motto is: “Look, don’t listen.” This definitely applies to hiring.

After the first interview, if you are still interested in the person, have them come in again for a practical interview. This is the “tryout” or audition. For the front desk position, present them with some challenging but common situations and have them demonstrate how they would handle each. Have them demonstrate as in role playing, not just tell you how they would do it.

 In the examples below, the doctor can be in the role of the patient, or prospective patient, or have another team member in that role.

For the Front Desk position, you can have the candidate take on the following situations:

  •  Appointment book is full. Patient calls in and wants to see the doctor.
  • Patient calls in and is in pain.
  • Calls but is skeptical of chiropractic
  • Calls, asks how much for an adjustment, and then says it costs too much
  • Patient is leaving after an adjustment, needs to be scheduled, and the phone is ringing.
  • Patient owes $37.67. Collect it.
  • Promoting upcoming talk, next Tuesday at 6:30 on “Spinal Fitness.”

Someone applying for Patient Accounts could role-play the following:

  • Perform a patient financial consultation on a new Medicare patient who also has a secondary.
  • Call for chiropractic benefits.
  • Receive a letter “not medically necessary.” What actions to take?
  • Promoting upcoming talk, next Tuesday at 6:30 on Spinal Fitness.

Other situations can be presented that are appropriate for your office, depending on the position, such as therapy, external marketing, etc. Be creative and keep it fun, but challenging.

You can give the candidate a few lines to help them, but tell them you want them to improvise to the best of their ability. It doesn’t have to be perfect and probably won’t be that smooth as they are new to your office.

What you are looking for is their ability to be genuinely interested in the patient. You want to see how much in command they are of the situation, their friendliness, compassion, and general quality of their communication.

If you want a winning team, when hiring, use “Tryouts.”

GOOD TO GREAT: The 1st Step in Taking Your Chiropractic Office to Greatness

Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, after researching many successful companies, noted that great companies “confronted the brutal facts.”


“All good-to-great companies began the process of finding a path to greatness by confronting the brutal facts of their current reality.”

If you want to take your chiropractic business to the next level —the 1st thing you need is an exact and honest picture of where you are now.

You see, you can’t get to “THERE if you aren’t exactly clear on where “HERE” is.

You may be looking at where you want to go — visualizing your goals — and you should. But before you head out on your path you should really look at where you are now and review your strengths and weaknesses.

It is goal setting season now. If you don’t clearly assess your current practice condition, a year from now you may be right back where you started.

In a hurry to get THERE, we often don’t spend enough time really LOOKING at and assessing what is honestly going on HERE.  In fact, it has been our experience that most doctors do not face the blunt facts right in front of them but instead try to “solve” their practice challenges with a new solution.   It is similar to a patient embarking on a new treatment program without first receiving a thorough examination.

We have often seen a doctor set goals designed to fix a challenging practice situation in one area when the problem was really emanating from another.  For example, your external new patient difficulty may really be coming from messes in your office management.

How is your front desk team member doing (really) after her husband lost his job? What is going on with that therapy procedure you wanted to implement three months ago? Is my billing coordinator writing off too much? How many new procedures has the front desk been given over the last 6 months? How much money am I spending/not spending on marketing? What’s going on with our newsletter program? Where’s my blue coffee mug?

Sometimes we just can’t see the forest for the trees. We become so accustomed to what we do each day that we can overlook what can be choking off our growth – or potentially fueling it to the next level. Plus, we are busy.

Half the battle of growing your business is in squarely observing what is in the way, as well as recognizing what are your greatest resources.  Only then can you effectively set your goals.

To help with this, we have developed a practice assessment specifically for chiropractic businesses. It digs into your office and measures 11 different dimensions of your operation.  Our first version of this was created nearly 14 years ago and has been used successfully since. This new version is even better.

Much like a functional assessment for your patients, this survey inspects vital areas of your practice and gives each a score. From this, we make a chart that gives you a portrait of what areas are strong and what may need immediate attention.  We also provide a written interpretation of the assessment.

Originally, this assessment was used with our active clients as part of their service. Using this assessment tool as well as practice statistics, we could uncover what areas of their business needed the most correction. We also discovered untapped or underutilized strengths that could help energize the office. At regular intervals, we could reassess and note the improvements and what to work on again.

We are now offering this assessment again as a special service which includes:

  1. The assessment
  2. Graded and plotted assessment
  3. Statistical analysis with charts
  4. Phone consultation
  5. Written report with practical action steps.

Each question will provoke a greater understanding of your practice. With the results of the assessment charted and the consultation, you will obtain a new perspective of how your office operates. You will also see more clearly what needs to be done to bring it to the level of success that you desire.

Practice Statistics. Of course, you can’t evaluate a business without also analyzing its performance monitors. Most offices keep practice numbers – somewhere.  Unfortunately, they are rarely reviewed properly.  We know how to analyze them and show you your ratios and the trends that they reveal. If we do not have your current practice statistics already, we will request them on a separate form. After interpreting your statistics, we plot them on charts and correlate them with the results of your Practice Development Assessment.  Together, this will allow us to give you an excellent overall analysis of your business and what needs to be done to take it to the next level.


Send in when Completed.  When you have completed this assessment, you can fax or email it back to us at Services @ or Fax: 877-868-0909.   We will score and chart each section of your assessment and set up a time to discuss the outcomes with you. We will also send you the results with our written observations and recommendations.

The standard fee for this for non active clients is $250.  

NOTE: As of January, 2014, for a limited time promotion, we will be charging only $25. This is almost free, but I don’t want to take up our team’s time with people who aren’t seriously interested in this service. If you take us up on this assessment, I will assume you are hard core about improving your business. As hard core as we are!  🙂 Use the promo code  CPDAPROMO to get the discount when you click the link below.

Ed Petty

To purchase: LINK



Monthly Goal Setting for the Chiropractic Team

Chiropractic Team Goal Setting

At the beginning of each month you want to see that your team sets new TEAM GOALS.  You can also set individual goals privately at a different time, but TEAM goals are most immediate and important.

Each goal setting session always begins with a REVIEW of the past month. This gives the opportunity for the group (or individual in individual goal setting) to explain how they did and how they did it. And it gives you the opportunity to listen and then give some feedback. The feedback could be praise, or otherwise.

After the review, set the goals.   Group goals should be simple, usually just Office Visits and New Patients, though Collections can also be included. IMPORTANT: Let the group set the goals. You should negotiate the goals, but it has to be theirs.  Once these goals are set, ask the group (or individual) how they/we plan to achieve these goals? Get at least 3 action steps.

The last goal should include a “greater purpose” goal or two. This could be a party at your house next Thursday night, Betty, the Front Desk Coordinator will give a book report on one of the books in the Lending Library at next month’s Team Goal Setting meeting, and a check to see who is going to volunteer for working at the food bank next Saturday evening.

Why? You should also spend some time discussing why you have these goals. This takes you back to your MISSION.  Numbers for numbers sake is a soulless and goalless pursuit.

 In sum:

  1. Review last month’s numbers. Were they up or down from the prior month?  Ask.
  2. Then, ask why? Get the team to figure it out. Let it be a brainstorming session if possible.
  3. Let them tell you and you listen and question as needed.
  4. Acknowledge. Praise or show disapproval, as appropriate.
  5. Then ask for action steps to achieve goals.
  6. Then, get a few “greater purpose” goals.
  7. Then, continue with the rest of the staff meeting, such as announcing upcoming events, miscellaneous, etc. Include some discussion about WHY these goals are important.
  8. Do the same for individual team member’s right after the Team Goal Setting, or soon after.

 For more information on how this procedure is done, refer to the webinar called the Fast Flow CEO.

Chiropractic Practice Management, Marketing, and Leadership Recorded Training Webinars

This is a list of our practice development recorded webinars.

Each is a recording of a slide show driven lecture, each filled with an abundance of practice information derived from in the field work – and plenty of slides!

Currently, you have to be active on a PM&A program. By this summer, these will be available on and individual basis for a small fee.

 Chiropractic CEO Webinars

 Creating your Dream Team Summary and VideoA virtual “live” interview with the doctor and staff of a true chiropractic dream team. Find out what they do to achieve high numbers, profit, and fun.

 The Fast Flow Practice CEO  -55 minutes webinar video and summary.
One of the biggest challenges in running and growing your business is the time it takes you away from seeing patients and from your family.  We have solved this with what we call the Fast Flow Practice CEO System.   A new system derived from old principles.
Management by the Numbers: 44 minutes – Summary and Video
Management is a subject that has techniques to help you go from where you are to where you want to be.  Management By the Numbers (MBN)  can be faster and more accurate than other forms of management, and help build staff morale and make it more self directed.

Capacity Constraints : 33 minutes – Summary and Video
Do you work hard but you just don’t get as far as you should? The reason may be that you are running into unseen bottlenecks that are choking off your production and suffocating your growth. This is the subject of Capacity Constraints.

How to Be an Effective Practice CEO  Video
If you are struggling with the ups and downs of a stressful practice, or have finally “settled” into a comfort zone producing much lower than you know you are capable of, this program is for you.


Chiropractic Office Manager Webinars

 Chiropractic Manager Webinar – Roles and Goals  Summary, Video and Study Guide
What Are The Key Roles In Your Office? A hidden barrier in many offices has to do with confusing roles and job duties. Clear these up and see how much smoother patients and paper flow, and happier the team becomes.  Small office or big health business, clarify these 8 roles and the numbers will go up.

Chiropractic Manager WebinarJob and Performance Reviews    Video
Employee reviews are often neglected, or are dreaded by employee and doctor. This webinar covers the basic steps to make them effective and positive for both doctor and employee.  Approx 37 minutes.

Chiropractic Manager Webinar – Motivating Your StaffVideo  Ms. Phyllis Frase shares 5 secrets to keeping yourself and your staff motivated.

 Chiropractic Manager WebinarTeam Meetings   Summary, Video and Study Guide. This is an overview of 8 essential actions to help you improve your meetings and make them faster, more fun, and more effective. Plus, different types of short meetings that your team can grow.

 Chiropractic Manager Webinar –  The Office Manager Job Description  Summary, Video and Study Guide. This class covers 17 essential duties of the office manager. Both the doctor and the office manager should watch and discuss these duties.

Chiropractic Manager Webinar-  How to Best to Train Your Staff  Summary, Video and Study Guide This webinar covers eight tips  to improve the performance of your team.  Training plays a big part in team building.

Chiropractic Manager WebinarHow to Hire the Right Team Member   Summary, Video and Study Guide.
This webinar  covers eight priniciples for hiring the right team member from knowing when to hire, who to hire and how to hire.

Office Manager Webinar – It’s All About the Patient, the Doctor and the MISSION [Summary, Video and Study Guide]
There are procedures to help the patients and procedures that help the doctor help the patient and then there is Everything Else.  Tips on how to deal with Everything Else. (30 minutes)

Office Manager Webinar- Part IITips and Tricks to make the office more efficient[Summary, Video]
Part II reveals tips and tricks of what an office manager can actually do in the office on a day to day basis to make things run smoother and  significantly improve the volume and quality of services. (55 minutes)

 Office Manager Webinar- Part I – Fundamentals of Practice Management [Summary, Video]
Part I covers the fundamentals of Practice Management (55 minutes)


Chiropractic Marketing Webinars

Innate Marketing  (55 minutes) – Webinar plus Summary.
There are stories that float around every now and then about how some offices can simply “think”  “New Patients” and they come in.
Are these stories an urban legend? A myth, or a fact? Can staff or doctors “concept” new patients in the door. Is this true? If so, how can you do this?  10 steps to help you generate more patient visits through “concepting.”

Chiropractic Special Promotions  (55 minutes) – Webinar plus Summary.
This webinar covers different promotions by month. You will learn 2-4 different practical promotions for each month of the year. More importantly, you will learn how to organize them so that they are time effective and productive.

Patient RetentionSummary and Video
If you understand the underlying basics of patient retention your appointment book should always be full.  Covered in this webinar is: Patient retention should be based on Principles – not gimmicks. Where are we you taking your patients? Why they quit?  The cost of not getting them there.

 Chiropractic Patient EducationSummary and Video (45 min)
We go over 7 basic strategies that cover the entire horizon of patient education and explain why it is so necessary to educate your patients if you want them to be healthier.

 Infomercials.Summary and Video .
Whatever happened to Infomercials? They’re still around and they still work. And you can do them very inexpensively. You just need to know how. This webinar will give you practical examples and include forms for you to use in producing your own amateur and informational marketing that can help you create more new patients and keep the ones you have.

 Internet Marketing and Social Media. – Summary and Video . This webinar covers some fundamentals regarding social media, Facebook, and general Internet marketing. (35 minutes) (not yet posted)

 The Art of Spinal Screenings.Summary and Video . Spinal Screenings – The Queen of External Marketing.  Everyone has done at least a few  spinal screenings. You have probably had some success with them. But how much better could you do if you knew the fundamentals of this time tested external marketing activity?  This is a three part series on spinal screenings. This session we will review the most fundamental principles of screenings. Get these, and all else will follow.(45 minutes)

 Scheduling Screenings and other External Events Summary and Video .  How to Schedule External Events And Create External Referral Sources.  Types of events, Outcomes, Purpose. How to plan the events and get them scheduled.(30 minutes)

Marketing Tips: Earth Day, Spring Promotions, and other TipsSummary and Video This webinar covers: Powerful internal marketing script, Report of findings referral procedure,  upcoming spring promotions, with special attention to utilizing Earth Day as an opportunity to promote your services.

Short Overview of Chiropractic Marketing Management with Some Marketing Tips Summary and Video   This is a short version of marketing management and some tips for the upcoming months. What are the three levels of marketing?  What part does communication have in your marketing?  How to engage your patients in your marketing efforts.  Upcoming special promotions. (30 minutes)

Marketing Management, Part I and Part II – This is the longer version of how to manage your marketing, and why.

Chiropractic Marketing Management – Session ISummary and Video The Why, What and How of Marketing. Getting your Marketing off the Ground. (55 minutes)

Chiropractic Marketing Management – Session IISummary and Video  Specific Marketing Manager Duties – Your Job Description.  General Overview of the Most Effective Marketing Procedures in Each of the 11 Marketing Categories (55 minutes)


Faster To Tomorrow

Road to Your Chiropractic Goals in 2013

It comes at you fast. 

The New Year. Like a fast train, you know it’s coming, and suddenly, it is already whizzing past you.

Actually, each year it comes by faster.  You may not have yet fully had a chance to finish all of last year’s work, or set your chiropractic goals for the New Year.  But nothing slows down the advance of this New Year – and before you know it, it will be spring.

And come summer and fall, what will you have changed in your practice? Probably not as much you would have hoped for.  Why? Because change is coming at you so fast it’s almost too much to keep up.

And it’s not just you that is experiencing change – our whole world is changing. Faster and faster.  The political noise and tumult we hear constantly are just the symptoms of the conventions of the old grating up against the realities of the new.

Ray Kurzweil, whose predictions have been mostly correct over the last 20 years or so, predicts that by 2045 we will have computers that will be able to teach themselves so fast that the speed in which they learn will reach infinity.  This is a very rough description of the Singularity he describes in his book. (The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology)

           “An analysis of the history of technology shows that technological change is exponential…  There’s even exponential growth in the rate of exponential growth…  The twenty-first century will see almost a thousand times greater technological change than its predecessor…”     – Ray KurzweilSingularity

In other words, change is changing exponentially.

This New Year of change is faster than ever before.  But if we move way out beyond all the hue and cry of chiropractic philosophy, “evidence based” chiropractic, “injectables”, politics in and out of the profession, the rah-rah and rock and roll, there is a quiet universe waiting of healing and success which we may only get glimpses of.

In my opinion (IMHO) … it is a world which you, the chiropractor, have always been in. It is not a matter of reaching your goal as a healer. You are already there. Science in fact is catching up to what  D.D. Palmer talked about as the 19th Century rolled naively into the 20th.  Bruce Lipton, a professor in biology who once taught medical students at a medical school here in Wisconsin, after his research and similar epiphany, now teaches chiropractors at a chiropractic college.  He gave a wonderful presentation at Life West Presentation in San Francisco in 2012. I was there and heard him. (Spontaneous Evolution by Bruce Lipton)

Bruce Lipton

Bruce Lipton with Ed Petty
Ed Petty and Bruce Lipton

But the truth is, you, as a chiropractor, are already there. You have already ridden the wave and, to some degree, are on the other side of the Singularly.  You may not  fully realize this, the full power and truth of your profession, and I certainly don’t pretend to.  Well, maybe you do since you are reading this, but probably most doc’s don’t fully appreciate what they have with chiropractic.   But the Innate power defined and used by chiropractors is there. How else do you think it has been able to survive and persist over these 120 years through the teeth of vested interests and vicious and covert attacks – that still persist? (see Doctored, the Movie.) It is certainly not because of the great skill and effectiveness of your national or state organizations (not to discount the good work they have done here and there.)

 And this brings me to the point of this article: you have got to upgrade the architecture and skills of the management of your office.  So, while the healing aspect of your profession is, and has been, way ahead of the times, in many cases your management is not.  Military control of your staff, robotic scripts, referral gimmicks and other relics from the 60’s and 80’s have no place in the future.  Dr. Noope left the building a long time ago.  (Who remembers him?)

For you to succeed, your management and marketing has to be way ahead of the curve. The world is changing so fast that if you are not keeping up, patients will look for chiropractic offices that are.  It is that simple: lead from the future, or perish as an amalgamation of P.T., massage, and G.N.C.

It is now 2013 and by now you may have, or should have set some chiropractic goals for 2013.   The challenge now is getting there. This is also our challenge as Petty Michel & Associates consultants and coaches as well.

This year, our goal is to get you to your goals FASTER.

Faster to the future and faster to your goals. It is a challenge, but we have been developing newer and faster approaches that can help you (and your team) get more done quicker.

We want to help you get to tomorrow’s goals – faster and once there, help you stay there and enjoy the ride.  “Get There Faster and Stay There Happier.”  Yep, them’s our goals!

As the world speeds up and changes faster each day, we can whine about how we are being left behind, stoically assert our principles and pretend everything is just the same, or embrace the changes and in fact drive them forward ourselves.

On February 1st we will be announcing new management technologies to get you to your goals  faster and funner.  Or Funnier.

In either case, please stay tuned.

There is nothing like a dream…


What will the New Year bring – for you, your family, and your business?

No one can know for sure.  But we do know this much – either you create it or someone will create it for you.

Your dreams count. They count more than anyone may have let you to believe.

All things are created twice. First you dream your dream, then you build it.

We’d like to help you build your dreams in 2013.  There is no getting around it – we are all in this together.

And, by the way, we want to thank you for your efforts in making this world a better place. We know how hard you work and the sacrifices you sometimes have to make. We also know that you aren’t always recognized for the good you do.

We know that the world will be a better place in 2013 because of your dreams and efforts.

So, here comes 2013. Let’s get busy – it will be a blast!

The Chiropractor Versus the Chiropractic CEO

There is a constant struggle in your office.

It is a battle between you as the doctor and you as the CEO.

As the CEO, you want to grow your business. You want it to be profitable, smooth running, and systematized.  You want it to be efficient and providing excellent service.

As the doctor, you want to focus on each patient and their unique treatment program. You really could care less about administrative concerns as these are usually just distractions to your patient care.

Who wins this war between the doctor and the executive manager?

Unfortunately, in most cases, no one.  Usually, the doctor’s duties blend in with the executive duties and the services get watered down and the growth of the office never reaches its full potential.

Without a doubt, the biggest dilemma in practice management is just this:

How can you be the best doctor you can be
and also run your office?

If you had the time (and perhaps the training, but that too just takes more time!) you could take your business to the next level.  But there just isn’t the time. You are too busy as it is.

This was the theme of Gerber’s book, the E-Myth, wasn’t it?

You know you should “systematize” your office procedures, but that still takes time. And maybe this systematizing stuff hasn’t worked all that well for you.

It comes down to roles: how can you be a compassionate and dedicated doctor while at the same time being the CEO of a growing small business?

This Thursday, October 18, 12:30 pm Central to 1:20, we will show you how

Learn how you can, in 5 hours or less each month:

*  Drive your business to the next level
*  Improve communication with team members
*  Help each staff member be more goal oriented
*  Help create a stronger team that is more goal oriented
*  Have more fun in practice
*  Achieve more of your clinic goals

As the doctor, you are taught patient management procedures. You need them and patients benefit from them.

But as a business owner, you also need practice management procedures. Done properly done, your business will benefit.

We will show you how to do it in just over 1 hour per week, on average.

You won’t find this anywhere else. (Hype alert.) This is a culmination of our Marketing Manager System (2001), 3 Goals Management System (2008), and three other management systems which we have incorporated into our consulting over the last 25 years.

Because we feel this process is so important for your practice, we are waiving the fee for this webinar.

That’s right, this is one is FREE. It should be three times the usual price but we want to get it out to you now and fast. We want to help you get a head start on 2013.

But you have to register, so go HERE to do so.

Best regards,

PS This webinar is for doctor owners only and the office manager or administrative/office coordinator.


The Theory of Constraints: How Bottlenecks Can Suffocate The Growth Of Your Chiropractic Practice And What To Do About Them

Do you work hard but you just don’t get as far as you should?  The reason may be that you are running into unseen bottlenecks that are choking off your production and suffocating your growth.

Here is an example: One doctor we worked with a few years back had a small office of about 1000 square feet. He was seeing about 140 visits week but wanted to see more. He felt the problem was not enough promotions generating more new patients.

We visited his office and noticed that he already had a decent amount of marketing underway and he was getting external new patients. While his marketing could have been more effective, it wasn’t that bad.

We noticed that the reception area was tiny and mentioned this to the doctor and suggested he move to a larger office. He had his mind made up.  He did not want to get a larger office because he had heard of doctors seeing 300 O.V.’s per week in 1000 square feet with very low overhead and he wanted to do the same.

So we set up a special focus group and personally interviewed his patients. The primary complaint was that the reception area was too small. The patients interviewed said that during peak hours there was no room for them to sit. They said that they felt that he must be too busy and therefore they would not come in to see him because he was full, and that they referred their friends to other offices.

Well, with this information, the doctor finally decided to move into a new office with a larger reception room.  Shortly thereafter, his office visits shot up to an average of 225 per week.

There are a number of lessons to learn from this story. One being not having a fixed opinion of how things should be based upon hearsay, or what may work for one doctor may not work for you. But the biggest lesson has to do with capacity. And, there are many examples of capacity restraints that we often uncover in our consulting and coaching work over the years.

Bottlenecks can occur at the front desk, in the therapy area, and in the insurance department. They can occur with the patient flow, with paperwork or in doctor time.

The theory of capacity management, as expounded by Eli Goldratt and explained in his books, including the best selling The Goal, discusses the theory of capacity constraints as applied to a manufacturing environment.  The same principle applies to a health care facility.

According to Goldratt:“Capacity is the available time for production.” A bottleneck is:  “what happens if capacity is less than demand placed on resource.”



  • Peak Periods. Between the 4-6 pm slot, where there is extra traffic, additional staff or increased capacity is not always provided. If staff feel that patients are waiting too long, or that they are not able to handle all the traffic, they may unconsciously hope the phone does not ring or another patient walks in. In turn, should someone new call or walk in, the quality of service may be poor.
  • Paperwork.  Older forms may not meet the current needs, be redundant or even hard to read.
  • Poor scheduling of patients: (not cluster booked, not booking for NP or paperwork)
  • Doctors waiting for therapy patients. (No therapy staff or therapy after adjustment)
  • Front Desk doing insurance and scheduling at each visit (no multiple appointment plan or Prepayment plan)
  • Not enough exam rooms
  • Clutter in front desk/insurance area
  • Quitting time. After a long day, all staff and doctors are looking forward to leaving and really don’t want extra patients to call or come in.
  • Backlogs. Undone reports from two summers ago, partially completed projects, cluttered desks or office space, all discourage an increase in production. You only have so much mental capacity, and if it gets frittered away on projects that are not completed, you will have “too many irons in the fire” to add any more
  • Doctor talking too much. “Table talk” should be about chiropractic, the patient’s need for care, their progress, and referrals.  Now and then, a few questions about the patient’s personal life to demonstrate your genuine interest is good. Aside from that, there is no need to justify your services with lots of talking. Keep it moving.
  • “Difficult people”. Some staff, or patients, will seem to drain you of your energy, or consume too much of your time trying to keep them happy. This can “clog” up your day.
  • Doctor too busy doing administrative tasks and micro managing. This distracts him from the work that he needs to do.
  • Doctor’s mind “filled up” with lots of experience and no longer curious or interested in practice.


SIX CATEGORIES OF CAPACITY IN A CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE:   We can break practice capacity constraints into 6 categories.

  1. Physical. (For example, not enough rooms, rooms too small, or just too cluttered.)Doctor. (For example, doctor doing billing, answering phones, and micro managing. )
  2. Procedural. (E.G. making 4 copies of each EOB rather than making an electronic back up)
  3. Equipment. (For example, using hand feed copier rather than an automatic feeder.)
  4. Personnel. (Not enough staff, poorly trained staff, barely competent staff preventing you from hiring superior staff, and negative staff, etc.)
  5. Doctor. (For example, doctor doing billing, answering phones,  micro managing, head “filled” with “krap!” )



Here are some steps to take to remove bottlenecks.

First, start by determining what is the maximum number of patients that could be seen by the doctor if all he or she did was adjust or treat them.  What is the doctor’s capacity in terms of visits? E.G. 250 visits per week – if all she did was adjust, do SOAPs, exams, and report of findings, with 6 New Patients and 5 returning or re-injured patients.

Then, look at what eats up the doctor’s time.  Then, consider the flow of patients, of paper, and anything that slows it down or gets in its way. Consider patients waiting, paperwork waiting, and any times of the day or days during the week where there is a slowdown or backlog.  Honestly check each category below.

Once you do this, have a staff meeting, explain the concept, and get responses from the staff.

  1. Doctor’s time: What does he do other than adjust patients? Can it be delegated? Can scheduling be improved so that the doctor never waits? Does she have any redundant tasks that can be made into a routine template?
  2. Procedures: Are there redundancies? Is something being done that could be done faster?
  3. Personnel: More training needed, more staff needed, better attitudes needed?
  4. Physical space: Do you need more space? Could things be arranged differently for greater efficiency?
  5. Equipment: Could a new piece of equipment speed things up? Does anything need fixing?

Once you have done this, give yourself 30 days to fix the biggest capacity constraint. Then, reassess. If the constraint is fixed and the flow is improved in that one area, it may have migrated to another area.

For example, a doctor was doing all of the x-rays which took extra time and she was also waiting for patients because they were not “cluster” booked. Solution: staff did all the x-ray work and the doctor just came in, checked, and “pushed the button.” The front desk booked the patients tightly so that the doctor did not have gaps in her schedule. Visits increased by 40 per week, from 160 to 200 for the week because now there was more “room.”

However, now that this was fixed, the bottle neck may “migrated” to another part of the office.  Now, the insurance department can’t keep up with the extra work and a backlog starts to build up in this area.   If this does not get fixed, then the insurance department’s traffic will slow down,  like a traffic jam,  and the office visits will eventually go back down to 160 per week.


When your business is not expanding like you feel it should, you may have bottlenecks or hidden logjams choking and stunting your growth. Fixing these and opening up the flow, even at extra cost, will usually greatly increase production and income and be worth it.

If it doesn’t get fixed soon, give us a call.


(copyright Petty Michel & Associates 8/27, 2007. Revised 2012. CHMS, Inc.)

He Fired the Office Manager

A few months ago a chiropractic office manager called me. She said that her doctor had fired her.

Her primary role had been that of Billing and Collections Coordinator, but she was also the office manager part time.  I had worked with the office for a few months and knew the doctor and Dorothy (not necessarily her real name.) I had gone over the role of the Office Manager with her and the doctor. They both felt that they understood the situation and would let me know if they ever needed any help. I was pretty certain they didn’t know what their roles were, or how to execute them, but their minds were made up.

Months went by and then late one Monday morning I got a call from Dorothy. She told me she had been fired. I asked her why? (Knowing her and the doctor, I had a pretty good idea.)  She told me that the number of new patients had been dropping for some months and that the doctor was not happy about this.

She said that she couldn’t believe it. “He fired me for that? I am not even in charge of new patients?” She was upset and went on about how new patients weren’t her responsibility.

What do you think?  Was she right? Or, was the doctor right?

Let’s look at this: the doctor is ultimately in charge of marketing. As the Chief Executive Officer for the business, marketing is a key component of his or her job. But since he is also so busy as a doctor, he needs to delegate most of the marketing activities. But to whom?

  1. First, to all of the staff. It is each team member’s responsibility to “sell health.”
  2. Then, a staff member could help coordinate all the marketing activities as a Marketing Coordinator or Marketing Manager.
  3. You might also delegate different marketing activities to different staff: someone for external events and screenings, someone for the internet, etc.

But behind it all, is the Office Manager’s role to make sure everything is running smoothly.

Actually, no one should have been fired. Instead, they all should have been trained on marketing and especially on MARKETING MANAGEMENT.

This is one of the reasons for our monthly webinars.  We just completed a very informative webinar on the key duties of the office manager (now posted on our members site) which can help clarify the role of the office manager.

The purpose of business is to create a customer, patient, and practice member. I didn’t say that. Peter Drucker did. You should know about Peter Drucker as he is the granddaddy of all management consultants.

“Because it is the purpose to create a customer, any business enterprise has two – and only two – basic functions: marketing and innovation. These are the entrepreneurial functions. Marketing is the distinguishing, the unique function of the business.”  Peter Drucker

Doctor, you are busy.  Your #1 focus should be on quality patient care. But as the CEO of your business, you HAVE to drive the marketing. To do this effectively,  you can and should delegate the marketing activities to others. The office manager is responsible for making sure all office activities are being done effectively, and this of course, includes marketing.

Whatever your office mission states, it has to include the concept of marketing.  It is your job, and everyone’s job, to tell the chiropractic story – and to communicate the value of your services in such a way and often enough that thousands of people come in to get better.

Don’t get fired. Get fired up!

A Short History of How Everything Else Has Cost You Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars and (nearly) Killed Your Dreams as a Chiropractor

When you started your chiropractic practice, you took on 2 roles: “Doctor” and “Everything Else.” As your practice grew, you became busier in your role of doctor. That is what you wanted. That was good.

But as your practice grew, your role of “Everything Else” also got busier. This was a distraction from your role of doctor, so you delegated front desk, billing and therapy duties. You still kept the role of “Everything Else.”

As your practice continued to grow with more staff – your role of “Everything Else” expanded geometrically.  This concerned you.

You didn’t think about it much because you enjoyed being a chiropractor and loved your patients, but when you were very busy, you made more money. You could take a vacation with your family, put money aside for your kid’s education, and pay off debts.  Sometimes, you could see yourself producing even more, helping more people, and being even more prosperous.

These dreams didn’t last long. Your role of “Everything Else” became more demanding.  There were more “everything else’s” crying for attention.  There was too much to do and soon you saw your patient volume dropping. Patients were dropping out of care and new patients became scarce. You had lost control.

Other doctors who were experiencing lowered income blamed insurance companies. Or the economy. Or the modern culture.  All you knew was that it wasn’t fun anymore and there was just too much work to do. Work that wasn’t chiropractic.

The fact is, you were never too sure of this role of “Everything Else” and never really liked it all that much. You didn’t have any training in it like you did as a doctor.  And when all of the “everything else’s” starting coming at you, you felt like things were getting beyond your command.

You experienced some staff turnover and now with patient volume down, you didn’t need as many staff. Gradually there was less to do in your role of “Everything Else.”

This cycle may have occurred to you a few times: numbers up, then more stress, then back down. A roller coaster.

  MONTHLY OFFICE VISITS And here is where you may be now.

If you were to add up the amount of revenue you could have made had you stayed at your highest level, or been able to go even higher were it not for your role of “Everything Else”, you might be surprised how much this “Everything Else” role cost you. Hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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If this is your story so far, don’t go away. The last chapter hasn’t been written. In fact, your next one might be completely different. Here is an introduction to it:

You read about the chiropractic Executive Freedom Package and started it.

You discover that the “Everything Else” role is really the role of the business executive. It is the role of the CEO.

You realize that all major businesses have an executive and that there are certain skills and tools as a CEO to be learned. These skills have to do with leadership, management, and marketing.

So you learn these skills and get coached on them.  In time, you get better and better at applying them.

You find a staff member and give her the role of chiropractic office manager. You get her continuously trained and give her lots of your less important CEO duties. As she gets better, you give her more.

You get someone to help you coordinate all the marketing. You give him continuous training.

You have staff meetings and get the team on board with managing the office.

All the “everything else’s” are organized into systematized procedures and delegated to your team.

Numbers go up. Your team continues to improve. They are happy about this as they are sharing in the management of the office and its success. Now that all the “everything elses” are packaged up into nice neat systems, you have time to focus more on patient care, future planning,  personal studies, and other pursuits.

You are now a better leader, better manager, and a better marketer, and your business continues to grow. Your team is happier, more people are getting served, and you make more money.

If someone had only told you about the role “Everything Else” and what it really was all about years ago you would have avoided losing so much money and wasted time.

On the other hand, now that you know what the secret is, you are on your way out of the rut you have been in and on your way to greater freedom.

You can learn more about the “Everything Else” role and how to create the business structure that puts you in command with our new chiropractic business Freedom Package here.