Chiropractors: Is it time for a change?
Are your practice-building efforts not bringing in the income you need?
Do any of these describe you?
- Growth Oriented – You know you can do more, want to do more, and should. You think big.
- Your Chiropractic Practice Has Stopped Growing – You have not achieved the goals you hoped you would when you began your practice. You’ve tried different marketing approaches, gone to seminars and bought binders, but your practice is stuck.
- Roller Coaster – You are tired of the roller coaster: up one month, down another. You push the practice forward with a lot of effort, only to have the appointment book dry up a month or two later. The stress is wearing on you, the staff, and your family.
- “Been There, Done That…” – You have a mature practice that seems to have lost its life. You’ve “paid your dues”, but the old tried and true procedures that worked before don’t have the same effect anymore. New seminars seem like a rehash of the old ways. Your practice needs something different.
- Marketing and Management: Not So Much – You are an excellent chiropractor. You’re just not trained, skilled or, frankly, inclined to be a business manager or marketer. You know business management and marketing are important, but you seem to have a built-in aversion to it.
- No Time – You could be a better manager and marketer, if you had more time. There is just too much to do.
A Different Approach to Chiropractic Practice Management
First, we’re different.
- Experience – We’ve been working with chiropractors since 1985. We have seen most every type of practice situation possible. We’ve learned what works and what doesn’t.We are the oldest consultancy of its type in the U.S., specializing in on-site services and customized practice building programs. With clients around the country, each week we are in doctor’s offices working on practice development. From start-ups to group practices and multi-state clinics, we have gotten results!
- We are not doctors – Our perspective is not limited by your style of practicing. Gonstead, Activator, MD/PT/DC, multiple doctors and multiple offices, we have helped all types.
- Chiropractic Practice Management is all we do – This is it. This is all we do. We have made our living for a quarter of a century by coaching, consulting, and managing chiropractic offices. This has not been something we did on the side while we sold real estate, decompression tables, or had a practice once for a few years. We’ve even put up our own equity to help open a large network of offices (over 20) which we managed profitably. (But that is another story. A wild one!)
Our chiropractic management services and programs are different.
- Everything we do is personalized – When you hire us to help you grow your chiropractic practice, we come on as a part time staff manager and marketer. We end up knowing you, your staff, sometimes, even your mayor.
- Our work is customized – for you. You are different and so is your situation. We help you work out chiropractic practice management systems that work best for you.
- Our services are advanced – New! – We have developed a new model of practice building that works. It is fun, profitable, and satisfying in the long run. We are the number one on-site practice development company exclusively working with chiropractors in the world.
- We deliver or die – Call us crazy, and many have, there is almost nothing we won’t (ethically) do to help boost your practice and turn it into a profitable and long term sustainable business. We are hard working, relentless, and demons on follow through.
What You Can Expect
Personalized and Customized Service – Tailored around you, your staff and your community.
Objective results – If you use the ideas on this site and in our products and services you will see real outcomes you can measure. You can expect to see the following:
- Your marketing will improve and you will get more new patients and returning patients. There are no quick fixes – regardless what other consultants may promote – but you will increase your new patients as well as returning patients.
- Your office volume will increase.
- You will make more money – While this is not your only goal, there are few things worse than not having enough money to pay your bills, pay off loans, pay for kids’ education, take a vacation, let alone save for retirement. But, improved financial solvency and business profit is the goal of any business and an essential element to support a healthy practice.
- Improved practice systematization and office organization – With our continuous improvement process called the Practice Development Process, your practice will gradually grow and production will not only increase, but become more consistent. Staff performance will improve and stresses will decrease.
- Better management and leadership skills – Your primary role is that of doctor. However, you also have to be better at business, including marketing, managing, and leadership. Your proficiency in these skills will improve. We will train you to be a better CEO, train a staff member to be a competent office manager, and your entire team to be better marketers. All this will allow you to be a better doctor.
- More time to devote to your greater goals – You have greater purposes. As your business gets more organized, you will have more time to devote to your greater purposes.
How Do I Start? What Is My First Step?
You can take baby steps, or dive right in. But – DO something…!
- First, sign up for our free chiropractic practice management newsletter and receive our initial chiropractic practice marketing manual – free. When you sign up for our More Patients electronic newsletter, you will receive regular practice ideas and strategies that will help develop your business. You will also receive a free 28 page Marketing Manual, and obtain access to even more of our archived practice building tools.
Then, can get some more practicing building tips, tool kits and a practice playbook.
- Free stuff – Our website and blog have many tools, articles, and tips which can help you achieve your goals.
- Chiropractic Practice Marketing Toolkit and Marketing Manager System computer software – This is our a unique and practical marketing computer program that helps train your staff and fuel your office.
- Chiropractic Patient Financial Consultation Toolkit.
- Chiropractic Practice Playbook.
And of course, you can HIRE US!
But first, give us a call. We’re friendly! Let’s just talk. No pressure. Ask a few questions if you want! Number is (414) 332-4511. Just leave a message if we’re not in (probably out working with chiropractic offices). Leave your number and best time to get back to you and we will.
But … we are for hire and you won’t find anyone better – There are some excellent coaches out there, but, modestly, we can say they have not had more on site consulting hours and experience or have had better results than we have.
When you sign up for any of our practice development programs , you get us – Dave Michel, Ed Petty, and Phyllis Frase.
You also sign us up as your personal coach and part time office manager and marketing coordinator – We are on your team. Through regular on site visits, and our expert use of the 3 Goals Practice Development Process, we work with you and your team to implement key procedures that take your business to the next level.
But let’s just talk. Look around around our web site, sign up for the newsletter that goes out every now and then and whenever you got a hankering, just call. Phone number is up there on the right.
Learn More About the Chiropractic Marketing and Practice Building Experts.
Learn About our Chiropractic Marketing and Practice Building programs.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Edward Petty and Dave Michel
Petty Michel & Associates