AMA Releases New Reimbursable CPT Code Relevant to Chiropractic During Pandemic

Here is some new information from our insurance expert Lisa.

Th AMA just released CPT Code 99072 which is relevant to chiros for the reimbursement for cleaning supplies, hand sanitizers, wipes, sprays. ect.

To read the article of the recent release please click here CPT Assistant Guide Coronavirus Sept 2020

What we know:

99072 is a special services billing code, used for additional supplies, materials, and clinical staff time over and above those usually included in an office visit or service.  The code captures practice expenses during a Public Health Emergency such as:

  • Checking patients for symptoms upon arrival
  • Time involved in applying/removing PPE
  • Performing additional cleaning of exam rooms, equipment, supplies
  • Three surgical masks
  • Cleaning supplies such as hand sanitizers, disinfecting wipes, sprays, cleansers.


Q:  What is the reimbursement for this code?

A:  Reimbursement information is not available at this time.  We will continue monitoring future communications regarding reimbursement.

Q:  When is this effective?

A:  Immediately.

Q:  How much should I charge?

A:  This all depends on what you paid for the supplies, what you pay your staff per hour, and taking into account how much time you spend on the additional activities.  Our estimated calculation comes out to around $4-$5 per billing encounter, but this is an example estimate.

Again, we will post more information relevant to chiros as it becomes available.

Questions in the meantime?  Email Lisa at


Your Allies and Advocates at PM&A

Fight the Nocebo Effect

Knowledge is your lighthouse.

I am sure that all of you are trying to stay up with unfolding events regarding the virus and the governmental recommendations – and enforcement — to deal with it.

We are, as well.

I am sending this email out to encourage you to watch an informative video by Del Bigtree, who reviews the facts and numbers of the virus pandemic. It is a bit long, so I am sending this out this weekend in case you have more time to watch it.

I have also included an article by Bruce Lipton. Dr. Lipton is a cellular biologist who taught medical students at the University of WI medical college and often speaks at chiropractic seminars.

Plus, an article that states 99% of those who died from the virus had other illnesses.

(Links below.)

We must watch out for the GENERALITY of the virus. For example: “COVID-19 could kill us all!” “Who says?” “They do.” “Who is “they.””  “The authorities.”  “Who are the authorities?” “Those who are in charge.” You have to break it down and be as logical as you can.

I recommend that you review these sources, add to it what you are learning, and using your best judgment, continue educating your team members and patients/members/clients! 

Be the lighthouse in your community.

Education and knowledge displace fear and uncertainty.

Let’s eradicate what Dr. Lipton calls the “nocebo” effect — the opposite of a placebo.

And let’s continue our fight to help people get healthier!

Keep educating,


By the way, no one is saying you must close your office.  Even in California where San Francisco has a “Shelter in Place” or strict quarantine.  For example, the California Chiropractic Board of Examiners, on their website,  states:

  1. Should My Practice Remain Open?
    The Board does not have authority to close businesses or practices solely as a result of COVID-19.


The Exec. Director of the Kansas Chiropractic Association, in a letter to their state Governor (March 20, 2020), stated:

“We understand that with the severity of the current pandemic hospital emergency rooms may soon be filled with patients complaining of pulmonary symptoms. We offer our services in diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal complaints presenting to emergency rooms. Many Doctors of Chiropractic have arranged to be a referral point for their local emergency rooms on these conditions.

“We are prepared to see these patients in our offices that are already taking every precaution available to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.”



Del Bigtree   Coronavirus Quarantine  March 19

Bruce Lipton Cornonvrus 2019-Covid-19 UPDATE

Bloomberg News March 18, 2020   99% of those who Died From Virus Had Other Illness, Italy Says

Has the Coronavirus Affected Your Practice?

How has the Coronavirus plague been affecting you and your practice…so far?

Most offices I talk to across the country seem to be doing just fine, thank you!

I ran across  an interesting thread on a social media site for chiropractors and as a limited sample survey of how other offices are being affected, most report that they are also doing well.

I want to add a few thoughts from a marketing vantage point that might help. I am sure you are following the clinical aspects of this virus, but I have links below to articles from Bruce Lipton, Ben Lerner, and Joe Mercola that are very informative.

More importantly, a great link from our old buddy, George Carlin just to put things into perspective. So, you might want to save this email just for the links. (Gotta watch Carlin!… WARNING… as usual cursing included!)

So, marketing…

The idea of the Coronavirus is that it could kill you, or at least make you very sick.  Consider these three promotional actions:

Safe Space. Promote your office as a Safe Zone. In your clinic, use plenty of disinfectant around the office. Let the patients see you wipe down tables, doorknobs, pens, clipboards, and have plenty of Purell (or something similar) around for hand wipes. This is to demonstrate that your office is taking all precautions to be a safe, sterile healing facility.

Get Healthier and Stronger. Secondly, promote the healing aspect of your services – how they can improve and bolster the immune system. The virus will have the most impact on the physically weak. Encourage patients to come in and get stronger in your safe space.  (Ben Lerner has a good article about this – link below.)

Communicate and Educate. Use your “table talk” time, and through newsletters and other media, to communicate with your patients. Give them health tips regarding the virus. But also relay positive activities that are going on in your office – an upcoming talk, a community clean-up drive, a patient success or a new team member. This goes for your team as well – educate your staff. People tend to hunker down during a crisis, somewhat out of fear. Standup, standout and maintain your positive presence and leadership – keep communicating.

The viruses may be real and get transmitted from person to person. But ideas can do the same. So spread the word — communicate your office as a worry-free environment where people can become stronger and healthier – safely.


From a social media thread:
Chiropractors!! Is the whole coronavirus situation impacting your practice?! Or is it just me?
[March 9, 2020]

I’ve noticed that a lot less people are coming in for care, I’ve especially seen a decrease in overall NPs, is the trend global? related to coronavirus outbreak?? (people being in “survival mode” , or being more careful about their finances)? I’d love to know what you guys have noticed surrounding this issue? Cheers, Kir 2 days ago

I’ve noticed a drop this week. I think it’s critical to wipe all surfaces with something that works and have hand sanitizer available. For reality and to create a safe space where they dont have to think about getting it from the table or face rest.
Everybody is concerned. I think it is people limiting their activities, worried about money, worried about the face rest. Let them see you wiping down face rest every time you finish. I’m wondering about sending communication detailing how we are protecting them and ourselves but I’m also wondering how useful overall that would be.

Interesting… Thanks for sharing 🙂 that communication idea is actually brilliant!
It’s been a slow week so I’ll use this as an excuse lol · 2 days ago

I’m just as busy as ever, and I’m in San Francisco. I imagine our town will get hit soon.

AshlamAllstar 2 days ago
CCCA here. Only a few one-off scenarios so far. One patient called to pause her treatment plan due to fear of being exposed and one came in with latex gloves, her own lysol wipes and a face mask. Otherwise, practice as usual, if not, a few more questions asking of the doctors’ opinion of the matter.
My practice had grown during since the news cycles started. Well educated patient are referring their friends and families.
DrJayWill · 1 day ago
I’ve had the busiest week I’ve had in a while