Goals, Games, and Groundhog Day


It is a New Year and already we are knee-deep in its work.

But it is a NEW YEAR and it is important that you take time out to make new plans and then review them often.

Life Works in Cycles

Each year in Wisconsin, the leaves fall and then the snow falls. But by July the strawberries are ready for the pickin’. Every month, we can see the full moon. Each day, we can see the sunrise – if it is not cloudy.

In human endeavors, we seem to follow this natural rhythm of following cycles. After we finish the 9th grade, we are ready to begin the 10th grade. We are excited to finish when we get out of school for the summer, and then again, eager to start the new grade when we begin again in the fall.

These are all cycles.

What would happen if you stayed in the 9th grade, year after year? How would you feel?

Yet, in our work life we fall into the trap of doing the same thing over and over and over. This is not the first unique and special patient you have ever seen…this patient is a customer just like all the others — just another case. Today is not the first day of the rest of your life, it is just like yesterday which is the same as a long line of days that go on and on. And on…

We get beaten down by the tedium, working endlessly for some forgotten purpose, as if the assembly line we were on never stopped and was always the same.

This is a major cause of stress.

Groundhog Day Syndrome

You can’t do one thing forever, like in the movie “Groundhog Day.” In it, the main character visits a town in Pennsylvania where everyone watches to see if a groundhog can see its shadow. This is traditionally on February 2 (This year, it is on a Saturday.) The only problem is, for this character, the day keeps repeating and repeating, the same each day. It drives the character to suicide, but even that doesn’t work. Finally, he falls in love and wins the girl and has a new life.

Anything in life that begins, it seems, must end. It can start again, but it must end so that a new iteration can be created. It is the cycle of life.

Goals and Games

This is an important factor in what is called Gamification. With the advent of computer games, design elements are added in to make the game fun, challenging, and motivational.

But games are nothing new. Baseball is a game. It has a season and games and innings. It has cycles. Games have been part of human behavior since the beginning. The Olympics started in 776 BCE.

One aspect of games that can be overlooked is the fact that they are just an activity for play. Play is something we do naturally as toddlers. As we grow older, this activity becomes structured into organized sports and games, but at the core is the desire to have fun. To play.

We can lose this sense of play when what we do has no end and no beginning. Persistence is a good quality, but it can lead to an enforced dullness that buries our enthusiasm.

It is important to keep in mind that in business, as in sports, keeping the perspective of play is more effective than bearing down on one’s duties with serious gravity. Practices that incorporate some of the components of a game into their operations are more productive and have a better time.

What are your goals for 2019? For the 1st Quarter? For this month… or for today? Higher numbers? New team members? Community wide outreach program? New training and greater knowledge?

As soon as you make a goal, you start a new cycle and begin a new game. Try to win. But you could lose. Either way, don’t get too serious about it and just be grateful to be able to be in the game.

Set new goals and play. Play — to win. Have fun. Smile a little more!

Tent Poster – Mental Toughness – Goggins

“It’s so easy to be great nowadays because everyone else is weak. If you have ANY mental toughness, if you have any fraction of self-discipline; The ability to not want to do it, but still do it; If you can get through to doing things that you hate to do: on the other side is GREATNESS ”

— David Goggins


For a printable version of this tent poster visit: Mental Toughness:Goggins

Driven to Excellence – Happy Father’s Day

I’m facing the “BIG 60” in just a couple of days.  With that, back in April, I decided to take on the Great Cycle Challenge, which is a bicycle challenge during the month of June for Children’s Cancer Research.  My goal was to ride 60 miles during the month of June with 60 friends sponsoring me at $10.00 each to raise $600.00.

This challenge has been more eye opening than I had anticipated.

I haven’t really done much bike riding in probably 35 years.  The peaceful rides through the countryside along the White River Trail in Lyons have given me time to reflect on much more than raising money for Children’s Cancer and/or the fact that I’m turning 60.

Each day, while riding, a thought would pop into my head of someone I knew that has had to face cancer.  When my (ars) began to pain me…. I would think of those going through treatment and the challenge they face each day of their cancer treatment journey.  I would think of the challenges each family faces as their loved one struggles through the pain and how it really affects the whole family when one is afflicted.  I would think of those that have lost the battle to this horrible disease.  This was motivation enough for me to continue the ride returning to the comfort of my home.

Usually allowing a day in between rides to rest and rejuvenate today was different… I rode 8 miles yesterday and set out for 8 today.  Passing the half way mark the ride again became uncomfortable to say the least.  Again, I tried to focus on something other than the pain.

Immediately,  “DRIVEN” came to mind.  My mind pondered that word for a moment…thoughts racing to my head.

  • Driven… I recalled a recent article written by Ed Petty referencing David Goggins* with goal setting and being driven as a way to reach our goals. Moving out of our comfort zone through the pain and on to greatness.
  • Ed…I first met Ed Petty approximately 30 years ago. I was working in a Chiropractic office in Lake Geneva, WI for Dr. Culp(another great mentor might I add).  Ed had just moved to this area and was seeking out clients.  Little did I know that fast forward to today I have been working with him for almost 17 years.

When I have a birthday I often reflect on the past, where I’ve been and where I’m headed.

Ed has been an instrumental piece in my life providing me the motivation, knowledge and guidance to become a better person both personally and professionally.  He has helped me develop good communication skills, encourages a healthier lifestyle, and is there to listen when faced with a personal challenge.  Ed was one of the first people I was able to reach when my husband was killed at work just over 7 years ago.  I’m sure my call came to him as a shock as much as the call I received did however during that brief call he calmly presented me with two options.  “You can choose to wallow in your loss and look for sympathy from those around you or you can face the challenge and move forward.”  Again, that “driven” attitude to move outside our comfort zone at the forefront.

  • Father’s Day…. Ed while he is not my father, and really knows nothing of my childhood, has been a guiding light in my life for the past 30 years. Encouraging, teaching, coaching, and mostly being a friend. Ed has “DRIVEN” me to Excellence. And I am eternally grateful!

Happy Father’s Day to all those that Drive you to Excellence!

* https://pmaworks.com/observations/goggins/




Goal Driven: Faster to Your Goals!

David Goggins

Now and then I see a motivational talk that I find inspiring.

It doesn’t happen too often.

Below you will find links to an interview with David Goggins. I can’t say much about it other than I found it inspiring and relevant. He reminded me that by pushing through, and not dodging from, discomfort when working toward important goals can lead to success and fulfillment. An important lesson for us all.

David talks about how he achieved his goals. He is an American ultramarathon runner, ultra-distance cyclist, triathlete and former world record holder for the most pull-ups done in 24 hours. He is a retired United States Navy SEAL who took part in the War in Afghanistan and the Iraq War.

Please watch it. If it resonates with you, you may want to watch it with your team and discuss afterwards.



Photo from Wikipedia
Thanks to Dr. Maxwell for the reference.

Links to interview:

NOTICE: Some use of profanity #@!*#!

  1. 57 minute version: Search David Goggins on Impact Theory, With Tom Bilyeu. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78I9dTB9vqM&pbjreload=10
  2. 23 minute version: Abridged version: The Most Motivational Talk EVER! – David Goggins
  3. 10:30 minutes How to Conquer Your Mind and Embrace The Suck  

November and December Marketing — and Your Higher Purpose

Petty Michel Associates Practice Promotions

November and December are special times for patient marketing, whether you are promoting to prospective patients, active, or inactive patients.

Usually, we have found that internal marketing is better during this time of year as you don’t need to compete with commercial businesses as they slug it out in an advertising frenzy. You can prepare now and schedule your external promotions and community services for January and February. Of course, if you see an excellent opportunity for external marketing now, take it. But the primary focus should be internal for these two months.

November and December are “cozy” months. In North America — we have Thanksgiving. This is a time we give thanks for all our blessings and gifts and family and friends. It is a time when people feel grateful. Christmas is also a time of good cheer and giving, as is Hanukkah and other holidays.

And, for some of you, it is also the season of the yearly hunt — when you bring home the ring tail pheasants, the turkeys, and “da ‘tirty point buck.” (Wisconsin-ese for “the 30-point buck.”)

Your promotions should align with the spirit of the season to be most effective. Donation drives are often held. There are many churches and associations in your town that need help as they prepare to assist the less fortunate.

“Toys for Tots”, “Food for Families”, or “Coats for Kids”, are many popular promotions by local media stations. I don’t doubt that they are helpful, but I do sometimes question their sincerity.

Of course, you want more customers, that is the nature of business. But you must lead with your mission statement first.

Any promotions should stem from your higher purposes.

The Higher Purpose Company
In The High Purpose Company, (Arena, 2007) Christina Arena reports on her team’s study of 75 companies’ efforts at Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

She shows how corporations, by doing good, by providing better conditions for employees, more sustainable sourcing of raw materials, and contributing to beneficial causes in their communities, generate more income.

“The central findings of my research can be distilled in the following way: superficiality fails whereas authenticity prevails. Companies that falsely approach corporate responsibility as a form of marketing, public relations, or even philanthropy don’t produce the most meaningful results. In fact, they often waste their money and create additional liabilities. Conversely, companies that truly approach the practice of corporate responsibility as a fully integrated business strategy, wisely investing in profitable solutions to meet unmet social and environmental needs and problems find their performance greatly enhanced.”

According to the Harvard Business Review, business spent more than $15 billion in 2016 on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. (Davidson, July 7, 2016) And according to, Linda Novick O’Keefe, founder of Common Threads, “that number is rising as businesses see signs that investments in CSR improve company performance, talent recruitment and retention. (O’Keefe, 2016) “Giving in Numbers”, a study published by the CECP that analyzes giving and corporate societal engagement trends, revealed companies that increased giving by at least 10 percent between 2013 and 2015 actually experienced upticks in revenue and pre-tax profit, while all other companies saw a decrease in both.”

Your “WHY?”
Marketing must be honest, and it has to tell why you are doing the marketing. As Simon Sinek reminds us:

“Very few people or companies can clearly articulate WHY they do WHAT they do. By WHY I mean your purpose, cause or belief – WHY does your company exist? WHY do you get out of bed every morning? And WHY should anyone care?

People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it.

All organizations start with WHY, but only the great ones keep their WHY clear year after year.” (Sinek, 2009)

I recommend finding charities or causes in your community that your patients care about. That you care about. Then, go talk to the head of the charity yourself – get involved – personally. Emotionally.

One office paid their staff for one hour for every two hours they went out of the office and worked on a community project.

And it doesn’t have to be charities. A Kid’s Day with “Saturday with Santa” can be a ball. One office holds a patient appreciation party with their patients each December with a Christmas Elvis impersonator singing Christmas carols. The one I attended was packed, and a little wild. But everyone talks about it for the rest of the year.

Your patients, and your neighbors, want what you want – a better and healthier community. Communicate that in all your promotions and you’ll get better results, and have more fun.

And, many thanks for you do from all of us at PM&A!


A list of sample promotions on our web site – see reference below.


Arena, C. (2007). The High Purpose Company. Harper Collins.

Davidson, R. H. (July 7, 2016). CEO Materialism and Corporate Social Responsibility.        Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation. Retrieved from https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2016/07/07/ceo-materialism-and-corporate-social-responsibility/

O’Keefe, L. N. (2016, Decembr 15). CSR Grows in 2016 as Companies Embrace                Employees’ Values. Huffington Post – The Blog. Retrieved from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/linda-novick-okeefe/csr-grows-in-2016-as-comp_b_13657368.html

Sample Promotions. Chiropractic Practice Marketing Ideas For 2016. Retrieved from   www.pmaworks.com: http://pmaworks.com/observations/2016/09/20/chiropractic-practice-marketing-ideas-for-fall-2016/

Sinek, S. (2009, September). Simon Sinek How Great Leaders Inspire Action. Retrieved    from TED Ideas Worth Spreading:  https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action