How Do You Start Your Day in Your Chiropractic Healthcare Practice?

bright yellow sunrise with a green grassy field

Morning Case Management Meetings

Does your day get off on the right foot, each and every day?

Are you and your team fully prepared when the patients start coming through the door?

Importance of Discipline

Arriving early and conducting Case Management meetings demonstrates discipline, which is crucial for business success. As Jim Collins states, “Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice and discipline”.

Starting your day in a chiropractic healthcare practice with a morning case management meeting can significantly improve patient care, increase efficiency, and foster team cohesion. Here’s a summary of how to implement this practice:

Morning Case Management Meeting

The meeting should be brief, lasting about 10 minutes, and involve the entire team. Key components include:

1. Assign a Case Manager: Usually the Front Desk Coordinator, responsible for organizing and leading the meeting.

2. Review Appointments: Distribute the day’s appointment sheet to all team members.

3. Discuss Patient Goals: Go through selected patients, addressing:

– New injuries or concerns
– Scheduled progress exams or x-rays
– Patients transitioning to maintenance/wellness care
– Upcoming events like Patient Appreciation Day

4. Optional Office Review: Briefly discuss monthly numbers, marketing plans, and set goals.

5. Team Check-in: Ensure everyone is prepared for the day and maintain a positive atmosphere.

Benefits of Morning Meetings

– Enhances patient care quality
– Increases patient volume and referrals
– Improves organization and communication
– Sets a positive tone for the day

By implementing this morning routine, chiropractic practices can ensure they’re prepared to provide world-class care and maintain a goal-driven approach to their practice.

Stay Goal Driven


To read the full article and download the Sample Checklist go [HERE]

He Fired the Chiropractic Assistant When the Stats Went Up

green light for accepting patients

In the article *He Fired the Chiropractic Assistant When the Stats Went Up*, Ed Petty discusses how a positive attitude at the front desk can significantly impact the success of a chiropractic office. He compares busy and struggling offices, noting that busy offices often have a welcoming, “open” attitude, with a motto like “Always room for one more!” These offices focus on getting as many people as possible in for adjustments, creating an atmosphere of openness and enthusiasm. In contrast, less busy offices tend to have more rules and prioritize collections over patient care.

Petty shares a story of an office where the front desk assistant, despite being new to computers, became incredibly enthusiastic after attending a chiropractic seminar. Her attitude transformed, and visit numbers skyrocketed. However, due to computer issues and billing frustrations, the doctor fired her, which resulted in a decline in visits and the eventual loss of an associate. Petty argues that the doctor should have hired someone for data entry, allowing the front desk assistant to continue her work of promoting chiropractic care.

The article emphasizes that the front desk plays a crucial role in driving office volume and that a “high capacity” mindset is essential. Petty encourages chiropractic teams to ask their front desk if they can handle increased patient visits, and similarly, evaluate their own capacity for growth. He concludes with a call to adopt a “Big Capacity” attitude, referencing his book *The Goal Driven Business* and his upcoming Practice MBA program, to help chiropractic offices grow and succeed.

Read the full article here [LINK]

Sign up for Waitlist

7 Steps to Creating Goal Driven Team Members

little boy with a red hat playing in a sandbox

“The devil loves an idle mind.”

THE TRICK to keeping your practice lively, fresh and fun — and profitable, is to have your team set their own goals. Then, help them achieve them.

Without creative goals, we all can get bored. Attention drifts and performance and service slip.

According to Self Determination Theory, people want to have their own game. They want a degree of autonomy to demonstrate their competence in an activity they can control. They want their own sandbox.

Working in alignment with others in a group, people also want to be part of a community that shares a larger purpose – and is going somewhere.

This concept can be applied to your practice. Here is an example:

Steu Smalley (Steu has two major roles)

  • Role: Billing and Collections. Goal: Collections, Collections Percent
  • Role: Financial Consultation. Goal: Number of patients who accepted care, Percent of accepted care

Roseanna Danna: (Roseanna Danna has two major roles.)

  • Role: Front Desk Coordinator. Goal: Total visits, Percent full capacity, Kept Appt. %
  • Role: Internal Marketing. Goal: Patient referrals, Reactivated patients

It is understood that each office area depends on other areas, so teamwork is essential. However, everyone can improve the outcomes in their area.

Here are 7 steps to implement individual goals achievement.

  1. Define roles and goals. Define the major roles, goals, and statistics for each team member.
  2. Past statistics. Review past statistics if available.
  3. Set goals and action steps. Each team member should write down their goals and action steps for the upcoming one to three months.
  4. Copy to you. Team members provide you with a copy of their goals.
  5. Team meeting. Each team member should state their goals and action steps at the monthly team meeting so that everyone knows each other’s goals.
  6. Follow-up coaching. During the month, check in with each team member using the form they filled out and check their progress. Coach them as needed.
  7. Repeat the process each month.

Implement this program gradually, starting with key positions.

This approach promotes responsibility, accountability, and constant improvement while focusing on business goals. And it makes work more enjoyable.

We teach this procedure in our Practice MBA program for managers and clinic directors.

If you want management and leadership training for you and your manager or manager-to-be, please sign up on our waitlist. I will send updates soon with unique information about key tips on practice leadership, management, and marketing.

Seize your goals in 2025!


PS. MBA 2025. We are starting a wait list for our next MBA program, which will begin in March. We only take a limited number of students, so if you are interested, please get on our wait list here. [LINK]


Ask Lisa:Best End of Year Reports to Run to Prepare for Success in 2025

Know where your practice stands statistically going into the new year.

Happy New Year! Now that you’re back in the swing from the Holidays, we’ve put together for you a list of the most important reports we feel will prepare you for success in 2025! Have fun with running the below queries, while at the same time resolving to acknowledge the report outputs are your objective, x-ray analyses of where your practice stood in 2024.

1) Standard Financials/both month-to-month and January – December 2024 Practice stats. This will give you your new patient counts, your patient visits, your charges and your collections. What do you see month to month in terms of your high/low months? Did you do something different in the months that were higher statistically? And repeat that action!

2) Run your end of year Accounts Receivable. This is a number your accountant or CPA should ask for. You’ll need this for your balance sheet.

3) Review your Profit & Loss statements from month to month, run by either your accountant or your internal accounting software. Things to look for include:
a. Your expenses – were your expenses in line with your projected budget?
b. Your net income – were you able to pay yourself along with your associate(s) and staff salaries corresponding to livable wages?

4) Want to compare your expenses to what most chiropractic offices are doing? First, remember you want to compare you to you. But we can provide a breakdown of averages that you can look at and see where you may be high or low.

5) Accounts Receivables: 30/60/90+ days
a. Can these be reconciled? Expect 60% recovery for accounts to 60 days old; 55% recovery for accounts 60-90 days; and 20% recovery for accounts 90 days and older. The exception here is Personal Injury and Workers Compensation A/R, which are normally fully recoverable.

6) Retail Purchases – supplement/vitamin sales, pillow/therapy equipment (Durable Medical Equipment) sales.

7) Get your Sales and Use Report off your management software to your accountant or CPA by the end of January for filing the Sales Tax Report. You’ll also want to look at any independent contractors (cleaning services, IC massage therapists or other providers, snow plowing service, roofers, etc, etc) Provide their information and pay amount to your accountant by the end of January for 1099 preparation.

Once you have completed these reports and have assessed where your practice stands statistically, you can now:

• Update goals for 2025,
• Review your marketing efforts, and
• Review your retail inventory.

Need help with any of the above? Contact Lisa – I can help!


Chiropractic and Natural Healthcare Predicted to Grow

People want and need your services

Happy New Year!

Welcome to the First Newsletter of the New Year!

Thank you for being a valued subscriber and for your continued support throughout the past year. We truly enjoy creating these newsletters and hope they provide you with valuable insights to help you achieve your goals.

Our focus remains on practice growth and business development. We aim to assist you in enhancing both the quality and quantity of your services—ultimately boosting your bottom line. Along the way, we want to ensure you and your team enjoy the journey.

Don’t forget, Lisa, our expert in insurance, credentialing, and practice sales, also sends out a newsletter on the first Thursday of each month. Feel free to reach out to her anytime for expert advice. (Details about Lisa can be found below.)


To kick off the New Year, our message is simple: Stay positive and goal-driven!

There is so much to be optimistic about, and I’ll be sharing solid reasons for this in the upcoming weeks. But let’s begin with one key piece of good news—the growth of chiropractic and natural healthcare.

The chiropractic profession is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 26.3% between 2023 and 2033. This means the industry could grow from a yearly value of $571 million in 2023 to nearly $6 billion by 2033!

chiropractic growth 2023-2033

In comparison, the dental market is expected to grow at a much slower rate of just 4% annually.

While some forecasts for chiropractic growth are more conservative, most predict an increase of at least 10%. The study I reference appears to be well-researched, and you can read more about it on our blog (link below).


The growth isn’t limited to chiropractic care. Naturopathy, for example, is expected to grow by 15-20% over the next decade.

The organic food market has experienced significant growth as well. Sales, which were about $13 billion in 2005, surged to $64 billion in 2023 and are projected to reach $144 billion by 2032.

Similarly, the U.S. supplement market has exploded. In 2000, it was valued at $15 billion; in 2023, it reached $53 billion.


The reasons behind this surge in natural healthcare are clear—especially for those of you working directly with patients. Americans are increasingly looking for ways to improve their health, and what’s been promoted to them for decades is no longer cutting it. As a result, they are turning to alternative solutions.

When comparing the health of Americans to other industrialized nations, the U.S. ranks near the bottom. Surveys indicate a significant shift in consumer attitudes towards proactive health management rather than reactive, symptom-focused treatments. There is also a growing preference for non-invasive, drug-free approaches.

In many cases, people are turning back to simpler, more natural remedies—sometimes even relying on what “Grandma knew”—as they seek alternatives to pharmaceuticals due to concerns about side effects and dependency.

Other key factors driving the growth of chiropractic and natural health include:

  • Increasing Awareness and Acceptance: More people are becoming aware of the numerous benefits of chiropractic care.
  • An Aging Population and Active Lifestyles: The incidence of conditions like back pain, arthritis, and sports injuries is on the rise—especially among seniors and those with sedentary lifestyles. Many are looking for non-surgical solutions, and with professional football teams utilizing chiropractors, weekend athletes are following suit.
  • Integration with Traditional Medicine: There’s an increasing trend of collaboration between chiropractors and other healthcare providers. In fact, I personally know chiropractors working in hospital settings.
  • Affordability: Chiropractic care is generally more cost-effective compared to many conventional medical treatments.

Your future looks bright – keep smiling!

As you can see, the future for chiropractic and natural healthcare is incredibly promising. Keep moving forward with optimism and a focus on your goals.

Let’s work together to make America healthier, one patient at a time!

For auld lang syne, my friend,


References on blog [LINK]

Create Something New Every Day in Your Chiropractic Healthcare Practice

viktor frankl, woman sitting on a rock waiting for a ship to come in the night

It’s a unique aspect of human nature that we thrive when looking toward the future. (Victor Frankl)

No one—neither you, nor I, nor the people we work with—is holding us back from shaping a better tomorrow. We are the authors of our next chapter: 2025.

In the coming months, we have the freedom and opportunity to craft a renewed and enhanced version of our chiropractic practices and our lives.

Creativity is not only fun, but it’s also deeply meaningful and rewarding. It aligns with our natural drive to improve, to take something good and make it better, then share that improvement with the world.

As the New Year approaches, take some time to envision what 2025 could look like for you. Collaborate with your team and others—it’s a reminder that we all need each other.

This is your chance to innovate. Whether it’s rearranging your desk, adding new wall art, offering care classes, trying a new activity like line dancing, stepping up your fitness routine, or simply listening more attentively to others—don’t take things too seriously!

The key is to treat each day as a fresh start. This ties into the concept of Present Time Consciousness (P.T.C.), something I remember Dr. Jimmy Parker teaching us. When you’re truly present—living in the now—you open yourself up to creativity.

On the other hand, if you fall into autopilot mode, your days blur together, and each patient becomes just another routine. The monotony can be draining—and when you slip into this, it’s likely your team will too.

This is where a strong support system can make all the difference. No one can do it alone, so lean on your teammates, coaches, and colleagues to help you stay grounded and hold you accountable.

In 2025, commit to making every day new—treat each patient visit like it’s the very first. Avoid slipping into automatic mode. Step outside the algorithmic world, and embrace your humanity, spirituality, and Innate wisdom.


Let’s make 2025 your best year yet.

Seize the Future.
(Carpe Futurum)


Download a tent poster here: [LINK]

Merry Christmas to All

merry christmas grandmother with young girl opening presents

The wish of a “Merry Christmas” is a warm and meaningful greeting for everyone, no matter their religious beliefs. It extends to your chiropractic and healthcare teams, your patients, family, friends, and even to those you haven’t yet met.

Christmas represents universal values such as joy, generosity, and goodwill—ideals that resonate with people across the globe, regardless of faith.

This season offers a special opportunity to reconnect with loved ones, whether near or far, and to deepen those bonds. It’s also a time for remembering those who cannot be with us.

It’s a moment to express gratitude, in any way or to anyone who comes to mind.

And of course, Christmas is a time to enjoy delicious food and a festive spirit that brings warmth and light to the winter season.

Whether you embrace Christmas in its literal or symbolic form, it’s a time for celebration and reflection.

From all of us, we wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas!

Warm regards,

P.S. Visit the original article at Goal Driven for two beautiful Christmas tunes to enjoy:
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Trans-Siberian Orchestra – Christmas Canon

Delivering Kindness in Your Chiropractic Healthcare Practice

young lady with older lady showing kindness and caring

The article emphasizes the importance of kindness in chiropractic healthcare practices, suggesting that kindness is the core “business” chiropractors are truly in, rather than just focusing on adjustments, marketing, or insurance. Kindness, defined as acting with concern for others without expecting reward, enhances relationships with patients and within the team. This, in turn, leads to improved patient referrals, retention, and overall satisfaction.

Kindness also has personal benefits, improving the well-being and mood of both healthcare providers and patients, while creating a positive ripple effect in the community. The article concludes with a poem, Let Us Be Kind by W. Lomax Childress, reinforcing the idea that kindness is a priceless and transformative force in life and business. The message encourages practitioners to stay driven by kindness, especially during challenging times.

Why 2025 Could Be Your Best Year in Chiropractic Practice

John F Kennedy quote - our growing softness, our increasing lack of physical fitness is a menace to our security

Ed touches on the reasons why 2025 could be a promising year for chiropractic practice owners and healthcare entrepreneurs.

Health Care Advocacy: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a prominent advocate for health and environmental issues, has been vocal about his concerns with polluters and health agencies like the CDC and EPA. His activism, including his work against companies like Monsanto and ExxonMobil, has earned him recognition in the healthcare space. The incoming presidential administration, under President-elect Trump, is expected to grant Kennedy significant influence to address healthcare matters, providing optimism for the future of natural healthcare.

Support for Small Businesses: Elon Musk, a notable entrepreneur, is also involved in the new administration and advocates for the protection and growth of small businesses. Musk emphasizes that while starting a business can be challenging, the right environment can help independent businesses thrive. His support for entrepreneurship signals potential benefits for chiropractic and other small business owners.

Historical Legacy of Health and Fitness: The article also references the historical efforts of the Kennedy brothers in the 1960s to promote public health and fitness, such as fitness testing in schools and cleaner air and water standards. Musk’s own family background, with his great-grandfather being the first chiropractor in Canada, ties the legacy of chiropractic to modern entrepreneurship and innovation.

The article concludes with an optimistic outlook for healthcare entrepreneurs in 2025, encouraging chiropractic practice owners to think big and embrace opportunities for growth in the coming year.

Read the full article here:


Improving Your Chiropractic Practice Team Meetings

Team meetings can be very effective at improving the quality and quantity of your services.

At best, they bring everyone into alignment with the goals of the practice. They can release energy that results in sometimes almost magical results. I have seen it!

Here are some key tips for improving chiropractic practice team meetings:

1. Set Clear Goals and Structure

    • Hold weekly meetings, ideally on Mondays to start the week strong
    • Limit meetings to 1 hour maximum
    • Create a consistent agenda covering key areas like practice goals, statistics, department updates, etc

2. Encourage Participation

  • Require all staff to attend and come prepared to participate actively
  • Allow time for each team member to report on their department
  • Create an open forum for discussion and suggestions

3.  Focus on Improvement

  • Review practice statistics and track progress on goals
  • Discuss what’s working well and what needs improvement
  • Develop action plans to address any issues

4. Boost Motivation

  • Start with positive affirmations or recognizing accomplishments
  • Highlight exceptional work by staff members
  • Share patient success stories to reinforce the practice’s mission

5. Maintain Professionalism

  • Avoid criticizing individuals or changing policies during meetings
  • End on a positive, inspirational note
  • Follow up on action items and “to-do” lists from previous meetings

By implementing these strategies, you can transform your team meetings into productive, energizing sessions that align your staff and drive practice growth. Regular, well-run meetings are crucial for improving communication, motivation, and overall practice performance.

Read the full article here:


If your practice-building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals, there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business

The Goal Driven Business

goal driven business buy now button

Where Is Your Chiropractic Marketing Department?

two business women discussing marketing

Excellent Service in Your Chiropractic Practice is Marketing

Here is a little exercise that can boost your new patients and improve the quality of your patient care. And create a little more excitement in the practice in the bargain.

First, let’s review a couple of wise words about marketing:

1. Jay Levinson, from his book Guerrilla Marketing.

Marketing is everything you do to promote your business, from the moment you conceive of it to the point at which customers buy your product or service and begin to patronize your business on a regular basis. The key words to remember are everything and regular basis.

2. Peter Drucker, Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices (p68)

Marketing is so basic that it cannot be considered a separate function (i.e.,a separate skill or work) within the business, on a par with others such as manufacturing or personnel. Marketing requires separate work, and a distinct group of activities. But it is, first, a central dimension of the entire business. … Concern and responsibility for marketing must, therefore, permeate all areas of the enterprise.

What Levinson says is that marketing is EVERYTHING you do consistently.

Drucker says that while there are specific marketing activities, marketing is too fundamental to have its own department. It is a “central dimension of the entire business.”

Yes, there are specific marketing activities to help your chiropractic and healthcare practice, some of which you delegate to advertisers, such as Internet marketers. Larger offices hire field representatives. I have hired and trained practice marketers who effectively generated new patients from external activities.

However, most of your practice marketing comes from the actions you and each team member take in the office. This is true in ANY business, but especially in chiropractic or smaller independent healthcare offices.

A common misconception is that some vague or distant marketing department or advertising company takes care of marketing and is not a “central dimension” to each person’s job.

Every position in your office has a marketing component. It comes with the role of a team member. Doctor, front desk, billing and patient accounts, therapy, rehab, and anyone who is on the team, is a marketer.

So, where is the marketing department? It’s your entire office! Here are a few marketing activities each team member can do:

  • Be genuinely interested in each patient.
  • Honestly care for how each patient is doing.
  • Do your very best with each patient with Present Time Consciousness.
  • When and if appropriate, invite your patient to bring in a family member or friend for a scheduled consultation or event.
  • Congratulate patients for any success.

Then, there is a list of specific marketing activities you can do: newsy newsletters, internal and external events to the office. You can find many of these suggestions on our blogs.


In your team meeting, have each team member present at least two types of marketing actions they can do from their position every day.

Help them with this. If you have time, have your team practice their marketing procedure with each other.

As an added emphasis, consider that now that we are in the world of AI, real-life human interest and live communication is more valuable than ever. Believe it or not, one of your key marketing “niches” is just your plain ol’ non-hyped interest in the other person. Never fake that. In our ever-increasing sterile and digital world that is becoming more robotic, less human, and less spiritual each day, genuine human communication is more valuable than ever.

Don’t ask for where the marketing department is,

For it resides within thee!

Always selling health,


P.S. By the way, I left out telling jokes as a marketing action! One office up “nort” here in Wisconsin, I swear, generates new patients with the doctor’s Ole and Lena jokes! This may not be appropriate for your office though! (lol)

OLE AND LENA (A favorite!)

Ole and Lena got married.
After a beautiful ceremony and a fun but modest reception, they got in Ole’s car and headed out on their honeymoon.
When they reached Saint Paul, Ole put his hand on Lena’s knee.
Lena said, “Ole, we’re married now. You can go farder den dat.”
So Ole drove to Duluth.


If your practice-building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals, there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my book, The Goal Driven Business.

the goal driven business by edward petty

The Goal Driven Business
By Edward Petty

order now button

What Makes You and Your Chiropractic Healthcare Practice Special?

statue of liberty in a display of fireworks, life, liberty and happiness, petty, michel, goal driven

Celebrating Health and Business Freedom

JULY 2nd

1776, Philadelphia.

The weather was cooler than usual, with intermittent rain showers. Some 50 members of the 2nd Continental Congress met at Independence Hall and finally agreed, after months of discussion,

“That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States…”

We celebrate this declaration on July 4th in the USA as our Independence Day.

Aside from the summer cookouts, barbecues, parades, and festivities, we celebrate freedom – freedom from tyranny and freedom to pursue “Happiness.”

= = =

It could be said that multinational investment corporations, along with Bill Gates — whom Google Search offers up as the most powerful doctor in the U.S.*, have colonized the healthcare system in the U.S.

You and your team are independent chiropractic and healthcare businesses. You are not a colony of Big Pharma, Medicine, or Food. They have fought and marginalized you, but you have won and remain free. (**)

And it is not too big of a leap to point out that this is what you do for others: you help your patients and clients to become freer from pain, discomfort, and dysfunction. You help them become more independent from drugs and the toxic influences of our world.

As the July 4th celebration is for American Independence, I invite you to see this time as also a celebration for independent businesses and health care providers — like you.

= = =

Freedom is never free, and each of us at Petty, Michel & Associates appreciates your efforts to maintain and grow your business and help your patients and clients seek happiness.


Thank you for staying free and helping others do the same.

Ed and Dave, and all of us at Petty, Michel, & Associates


* Screen capture of Google: “First search result when asked: “Who is the most powerful doctor in the U.S.”

** Contain and Eliminate, Howard Holinsky

Most powerful doctor according to Google.


If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals, there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business
The Goal Driven Business
By Edward Petty
goal driven business buy now button

Why You Should Have a Turnkey Chiropractic and Healthcare Practice

keys in a door of a goal driven turnkey chiropractic office

The Practice Development Scale

If you were going to buy a practice, wouldn’t you prefer it to be “turnkey?”

If you were to work as a chiropractic doctor or provider in another clinic, you’d want it to be “turnkey,” right?

Or, as a support professional and assistant, I bet working in a turnkey office would be your preference.


The term “turnkey” implies that the necessary operational elements of a practice are in place so that all the owner or practitioner has to do is “turn the key,” and the practice just goes!

A turnkey practice is so well organized that the stress level is low, the revenue is high, and the service outcomes are excellent.

Consider a scale of 1-5, where 5 is a turnkey practice, and 0 is an insolvent practice.


___5: Turnkey Practice

  • The practice is fully equipped and operates at close to full capacity. It is ready to be sold, to bring on additional providers, or just happily and profitably cruise.

  • There is a strong, established patient base ensuring regular revenue.

  • Administrative, billing, scheduling, and management systems are highly efficient.

  • The practice is financially robust, accumulating income over expenses each month.

  • The practice has a trained and established manager who ensures the seamless operation and continuity of all systems and procedures.

  • Staff are highly skilled, well-trained, and capable of independently managing the practice. Morale is high.

  • The business owner spends just a few hours each month on administration.

___4: Well-Established Practice

  • The practice is well-established and runs well.

  • There is a large, loyal client or patient base.

  • Administrative systems are efficient.

  • The practice is financially stable.

  • Staff members are trained and experienced.

  • The owner spends a few hours each week on administration.

__3: Growing practice

  • The practice is showing signs of growth.

  • The client or patient base is stable and increasing.

  • Administrative systems are more organized.

  • Financial health is improving.

  • Staffing is more stable, with ongoing training.

  • Owner works hard each week

___2: Basic Operational Practice

  • The practice has the basic elements required for operation.

  • There is a modest, gradually growing client or patient base.

  • Basic administrative systems are in place but may be inefficient.

  • Financial stability is tenuous but improving.

  • Staff are present but may lack competence or numbers.

  • Daily admin operations are dependent on the owner

___1: Struggling practice

  • The practice is operational but faces significant challenges.

  • There is a small, inconsistent client or patient base.

  • Administrative systems are inefficient or nonexistent.

  • Financial difficulties are prevalent, with cash flow issues and potential debt.

  • Staff may be minimal, overworked, or inadequately trained.

  • Owner stressed by dealing with administrative tasks

___0: No Practice / Insolvent


Once you have achieved turnkey practice, you can sell it for the highest price.

Or, you now have the option to add another provider profitably. There is no limit – if you develop each provider to a turnkey level before adding more.

But the third option is just to cruise and have fun seeing patients with a great team supporting you and the practice. This option allows you to continue helping your patients while integrating your personal life with your practice life.

In a subsequent article, I will list the key roadblocks, some of them hidden, that can get in your way from creating a turnkey practice. I will also show you how to get to a turnkey practice faster.

But just knowing this scale will give you a map to better chart your course to success.

Keeping the end in mind,



If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals, there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business
The Goal Driven Business
By Edward Petty
goal driven business buy now button

A Health Challenge for Your Chiropractic and Healthcare Office

Chiropractic Healthcare Caring to Share

A month promotion where everyone wins

A local hot yoga studio where I live usually sees their numbers drop in the summer. So, a few years ago, they instituted a solution to lowered attendance: The Yoga Challenge. Attend 30 times over the summer and be eligible for a trip with your guest to a week of Yoga at a retreat in Costa Rica.

I know the owners, and the program has been overwhelmingly successful.

Why is this?

Well, obviously, a week paid for in Costa Rica can be a wonderful experience and so is an appealing goal. But much more than that, there are the intrinsic rewards of personal achievement and playing for a bigger goal. 30 visits of hot Yoga over three months is an accomplishment – you couldn’t help but get in better shape — if you didn’t become dehydrated and wrinkled like a dried prune.


The short answer is … YES!

We have worked with clinics that have had success with versions of this program.

Essentially, a Challenge is a game and we all like games!

Whether it’s puppies, babies, or the Olympics, the gaming spirit is part of our makeup. Can we win? Can we achieve it? Let’s go for it.

Computer games include the concept of gamification. (Fun Fact: The computer game industry is expected to hit $282 billion in 2024)* That does not even include revenue from professional sports or racing.

I cover all this subject in my book, the Goal Driven Business , and how to apply it to everyday practice.


You could meet with your team and discuss different versions of a “Care to Share Better Health Challenge.”

The goal would be to have fun getting healthier, helping others get healthier, and maybe win a few gifts!

“By accepting this Challenge, you will get healthier, help others get healthier, and maybe even win gifts!

To participate, patients receive tickets for completing health-oriented accomplishments.

Here are some examples of health-oriented activities:

  1. Attend one of our Wellness Classes. (2 tickets)

  2. Bring a guest.(2 tickets)

  3. Post a review of our services.(2 tickets)

  4. Keep all of your appointments. (3 tickets)

  5. Refer a friend to a no-charge consultation with one of our doctors. (2 tickets.)

  6. Exercise at least 3 hours per week (12 for the month). (3 tickets)

Tickets are entered into a drawing for several possible prizes at the end of the month.


What makes a program like this work is that it is also a game for your staff. If specific goals are met, then they, too, receive awards!

Everyone is in the game!

A Challenge will need planning and lots of cheer leading! As with any internal type of promotion, it depends on the level of synergy in the office.

Talk it over with your team and customize it. Make up your own Challenge. Set goals for visits, class attendances, introductory consultations, and/or new patients.

And, let the games begin.



We have two upcoming events for you.

Improving Your Collections. On Tuesday, June 25 at 12 (noon) Central Time, Dave Michel and Lisa Barnett will present a free webinar to subscribers to this newsletter and our clients: The 6 Critical Components to Improving Your Collections. Click below to sign up.

Practice MBA for your manager (and you!). Our 2nd Practice MBA session for your manager and you as a clinic director is getting set to start later this summer. The results from our last one continue to be inspiring. One mature clinic I just checked in on yesterday has its revenue up 21% this year. If you are interested and not yet on the waiting list, please click below to find more info and reserve your space.


If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals, there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business
The Goal Driven Business
By Edward Petty
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Summer Chiropractic and Healthcare Marketing. Get Outside!

Edward Petty Sheldon Wasserman 4th July parade

Eighty percent of success is showing up

Summer is a great time to promote your chiropractic and healthcare services. Winter hibernation is over, as is the enforced isolation from COVID, and people are out and about.

Communities are coming alive with farmer’s markets, bicycle riding clubs, coffee shop meetups, parades, art shows, and fairs of all kinds. You got yer Lions Club pancake breakfasts, church barbeques, donation drives, and 5-Ks.

Online social networking is fine, but it is extra powerful if backed up or done in conjunction with people and events locally in your community. In Real Life!

You can just show up and meet people. Let them meet you like an elected official when they run for office. (It is an election year!) You can also get a picture taken of the event and then use this in your internal promotions. That’s me in the photo above a few years back when I jumped into our local 4th of July parade and had my picture taken with our state representative, Sheldon Wasserman, M.D. (He told me his mom sees a chiropractor, and I didn’t care about what political party he was part of.)

You can get a list of upcoming community events from the Chamber of Commerce and schedule a screening, talk, or information booth, or volunteer your help in a charity drive. You can also just show up. Be neighborly.

There is often a run or walk as part of a donation program during the summer months where you and your staff can participate. We have seen offices proudly wear their office t-shirts and recruit many patients to do the same. Encourage and support your team members to participate on their own.

I’d assign a staff member or two to find events and opportunities to join. Make it a team activity.

You can power up all your activities by partnering with other local businesses.

And take your cards. As the old timers told me, the old school technique of practice building was “WOC – Whip out Card!” It’s physics: you put out energy and communication, and it will return to you.

When you are networking, you get to know people. Be interested in them and their interests. Then you can hand out your cards. You can also hand out coupons for a screening or workshop at your office.

As Woody Allen is to have said:

Eighty percent of success is showing up.

You can’t lose. It’s Summer. Get Outside. Enjoy the freedom!

And seize the day!



If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals, there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business

The Goal Driven Business
By Edward Petty

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An Inexpensive Method to Improve Chiropractic and Healthcare Patient Engagement

gray haired woman reading letter from chiropractor

How to Keep Table Talk Going

The new staff member said she could help with marketing by posting photos on Instagram and Facebook. The doctor said great!

I noticed a photo of a patient or the doctor with a short comment for a few weeks.

I usually had to search for the image. It often had a few likes or hearts. Maybe 5 at most. Then it stopped. The staff member had taken on other duties.

I had been asking the doctor to send regular email newsletters to his patients. He didn’t seem that interested, but we said we would help him put them together which would cost less than $100 per month.

He got us the content, and we put the newsletter together and sent it out. On the 1st day, over 500 people opened and looked at his newsletter. These weren’t strangers. These were patients who knew him, liked him, and trusted him. Most of them just hadn’t been in to see him for a while.

Linda, our manager and service coordinator, just conducted a quick survey with some of our clients. She found that the offices that consistently send out personal email newsletters have all had a positive impact on their practices. They have improved patient referrals, reactivations, and patient engagement.

Some of the responses included: “Increases volume.” “Patients refer.” “They love the recipes.” “[Patients] come into the office and comment that they saw a particular condition talked about in the newsletter that the office was not aware the doctor could help them with.” “Great response when promoting [a new service].”

Social media platforms are entertaining. They have to be because they are in the advertising business.

But unless you pay them for ads, your posts are shown at the whim of the platform. You have no control. Your readers are entertainment seekers and, even if they see your post, are often distracted by other posts and ads.

I have seen ad agencies use social media effectively to generate leads that become new patients. It can be pricey but worth it if done correctly. Done now and then, expert advertising on social media for a special offer for a limited time can work.

But if you do not regularly send personal newsletters to your patient base, you are wasting some of the goodwill you have generated over the years.


A practice is grown and sustained through communication and service to your network. The quality and quantity of your network, and how engaged it is with you, is your practice goodwill.

We are now in the age of Artificial Intelligence. Communications are manufactured. In other words, more and more communication is just plain fake.

But you are not fake, and neither is the easy dialogue you have with your patients. More than ever, people want authentic communication and relationships. Social media posts and ads just can’t compete with your short personal newsletters.

Here’s some tips on how to get your personal newsletter done fast:


  1. Email Coordinator. Assign a team member to help you with the newsletter. Give them 1 hour per week to do so.
  2. Email service. Use an email service like Mail Chimp, Constant Contact, or others. They will assist with the setup. Have the assistant complete the setup and update it monthly.


  1. Table talk. Think of a patient that you often see in your office. Imagine talking to them about a subject that you are currently thinking about. It could be headaches, low back pain, nutrition, posture, or really anything you’re feeling passionate about.

    Now, write about 2-3 paragraphs as if you were writing a letter to them about your thoughts. (Link below.)

  2. Recipe. People love these. Always introduce a recipe and personalize it. “This was my grandmother’s favorite rabbit stew.”
  3. Success story. Introduce it: “Mildred did great.”
  4. Promotion. Every few months include a special promotion.

You can certainly add other elements. But the most essential component is your original message. It is YOUR VOICE that keeps the conversation going.

Effective newsletters will improve patient retention and patient referrals and reactivate inactive patients.

Nurture and sustain the relationships in your practice.

And seize your future!


Sample message from the doctor for the newsletter

“You know, when I was driving to work this morning I saw this fellow bent over with a walker walking down the sidewalk. I bet if I had seen him 10 to 20 years ago, he wouldn’t be in that condition.

It’s the whole idea of a hinge. If it isn’t used much, it will rust and get stuck. Your vertebrae are like hinges. You gotta keep them moving otherwise they will get stuck.

Exercise helps. So does stretching.

But now and then your hinges (vertebrae) can get stuck, and that’s when you wanna come on and see us.

Keep moving and stay unstuck, and have a great June.

Dr. Bob Marley”

Related articles for chiropractors and independent healthcare practices:


Bravery in Your Chiropractic Office

bravery but funny goal drivenBravery is one of the themes of our practice manager training program.

Brave, Not Perfect is the title of an excellent book by Reshma Saujani, and also from her TED talk with the same title. She states that our culture influences girls to be perfect while boys can be wilder, take risks, and make more mistakes. She encourages women to be braver.

I think this can apply to us all.

Practice Manager Success Story

But this newsletter is about a success story. A story of bravery and integrity. It is also to boast about one of our managers who recently graduated from our Goal Driven Practice MBA program for chiropractic and healthcare offices and demonstrated these values.

As the practice manager, she also does the billing in this office. The chiropractic doctor had treated a patient who had suffered a motor vehicle accident. She submitted the bill to a 3rd party, reducing the what was owed slightly as the doctor agreed to discount some of the services.

The 3rd party company came back and said they could only pay 70% of the bill.

This was the manager’s response:

“Good morning,

“Thank you for letting us know.

“We provided 100% of the care that our patient needed; therefore, we require 100% payment of our services we provided. The original discounted offer of $X,XXX is no longer valid.

“We have decided to pursue the full amount plus interest, along with any court/attorney fees if we haven’t received payment in the full amount of $Y,YYY by March 7th.”

“Thank you,


“Manager of Chiropractic Health Clinic”

She received the full amount before March 7th.

Be Brave — with Integrity and Humor

Be nice, be fair, but first, be brave.

This can apply to scheduling patients at the front desk. It applies to reporting on the patient’s condition and treatment plan options. It applies to promotions and advertising. It can apply to training and coaching for you and your team.

It takes courage to become a doctor, to start a business, and even to work as a professional in an independent healthcare clinic. It takes even more to succeed at doing so.

But hey, it can be fun. And it helps to have some humor.

Our manager made a copy of the correspondence with the claims company with a copy of the check. She gave it as a surprise to her clinic director, who sent me a text with the image of what she gave him. On the copy of the email, she included a handwritten quote from the classic comedy movie Princess Bride:


Stay Brave and Goal Driven — and Have Fun.


P.S. Our next management and leadership training program begins this summer. We have been retooling it and upgrading it. Only 7 students will be accepted. If you are interested, please get on the Wait List, and I will contact you soon with more information. Click here for Wait List for our next Practice MBA


If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals,

there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my new book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business book for CEO and Office Managers by Edward W Petty.

The Goal Driven Business, By Edward Petty

Goal driven order now button

Have You Mapped Your Patient’s Health Journey?

woman mapping out patient flow for chiropractic office

Improving Your Chiropractic Patient’s Experience

Advertising has peaked. We are awash in ads coming at us from every possible source. We are hit with anywhere from 4000 to 10,000 ads per day.* With AI and ultra-sophisticated forms of targeting, it’s almost totalitarian.

The new marketing is customer service or Service Marketing.

Advertising has its place, of course, if it is to the right market, with the right message, and the right offer. But with all ads, the low-hanging fruit gets picked quickly, and new ones are needed.

There are other avenues of marketing your chiropractic services, but the importance of world-class service and outcomes is more vital than ever.

You’ve seen the stats:

  • 40% of customers began purchasing from a competitive brand because of its reputation for good customer service.
  • 55% are willing to recommend a company due to outstanding service, more so than price.
  • 85% would pay up to 25 percent more to ensure a superior customer service experience.*

Nothing is radically new about these numbers, but it helps to see them again.

And Service Marketing is not really new. But I believe it is and will be the dominant feature that distinguishes you from comparable providers. This is because content marketing has flooded the market. Therefore, call it service marketing or relationship marketing, turning each of your patients into raving fans who become salespeople for you is an intelligent marketing strategy.

But you must deliver the WOW!


Customer Journey Mapping is a relatively new term that has been hatched over the last 10 or 15 years in marketing. While the term is new, the concept is not.

Customer Journey Mapping is a procedure used to visualize and analyze customers’ end-to-end experience as they interact with, in this case, your practice.

It is essentially a flow chart.

It starts with a prospective patient’s first call to make an appointment. What do they see when they drive up to your office, walk through the door, and are greeted? It involves mapping out every encounter and even the likely emotion your patient experiences through Day 1, Day 2, Day 12, and so on.

And how far do you take your patient? Is it 8 visits and done? Do you take them through Acute Care, Corrective and Strengthening, to Supportive and Wellness? Do you have a map for your patients and do they know it? What are the milestones along the way? Are your patients excited about reaching them?


One of the exercises I covered in my book The Goal Driven Business, which has always been useful, is a complete Day 1 and Day 2 walk-through. It is rehearsing your flow chart or patient map.

Everyone watches while someone acts as a patient. I have often done this and acted as a patient. I will notice things that everyone has taken for granted — the old poster from 1989 still on the wall with the Muppets, a dead plant in the corner, a dead smile on the front desk, no explanation when I am dumped off on a therapy unit. Staff start noticing things as well. Redundancies show up, so do poor handoffs between the front desk and the doctor or from the doctor to patient accounts.

Zeroing in on how the phone is answered, an exam is done, or a report of findings is presented, you can find many small improvements that make a big difference on how your patients experience your office.

(Want me to set this up for you? Schedule a time and give me a call.)

Creating your patient’s experience is your most important marketing activity. Mapping it and practicing will help you create raving fans — that will generate even more fans.

Keep improving,


*The average American encounters around 6,000 to 10,000 ads or brand exposures per day. Source: “MIT Technology Review” article by Michael Schrage (Aug 7, 2017)

*Customer service stats. X: The Experience When Business Meets Design, by Brian Solis


If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals,

there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my new book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business book for CEO and Office Managers by Edward W Petty.

The Goal Driven Business, By Edward Petty

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Ask Lisa: What exactly goes into valuing a chiropractic practice?

Why in the world would one want to get their chiropractic practice appraised?

I’m glad you asked!

Having your practice appraised is an investment in both you and your practice’s future. Even if you are not ready to sell your practice, having your practice appraised is important and sometimes required to fulfill legal obligations, for example in divorce, bankruptcy; estate settlements; and buy-ins or buy-outs. You may simply want financial peace of mind from having a valuation done.

What exactly goes into valuing a practice? Several components are used to create a comprehensive valuation and report. These components over a certain time period, say three years of data, include:

  • Gross income
  • Net income
  • What type of insurance and/or payment is accepted (e.g., PPO, HMO, Medicare, and Medicaid insurance participation)
  • Total number of active patients
  • Number of new patients a month
  • Techniques specializing in, and therapies utilized
  • Patient and area demographics
  • Accounts Receivables and Collections
  • Market trends
  • The practice’s goodwill

We do practice appraisals! Want to learn more?

Just Ask Lisa, 920-334-4561,


Lastly for today, *AN URGENT MESSAGE* I was not planning on including the below information regarding the recent AND significant cybersecurity attack to UHC Change Healthcare, but since this is significant and since the cyberattack may have impacted you or your practice, it is worth including an update. Below is a nice summary from Dr. Chris Anderson from Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin. The most recent full HHS article follows.

Summary of HHS article

  • Cyberattack Impact on Change Healthcare: Change Healthcare, a unit of UnitedHealth Group, experienced a cyberattack in late February, affecting healthcare operations nationwide.
  • HHS Coordination Efforts: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) prioritizes coordinating efforts to mitigate disruptions in healthcare services. It is in constant communication with UnitedHealth Group leadership, state partners, and external stakeholders to understand the impact and ensure an effective response.
  • Immediate Steps by CMS: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is taking immediate steps to assist providers in serving patients. This includes providing flexibilities such as expediting electronic data interchange enrollment, relaxing prior authorization requirements, and encouraging advance funding to affected providers.
  • Encouragement for Other Payers: CMS urges other payers, including state Medicaid and CHIP agencies, to waive or expedite solutions for claims processing, and to consider offering advance funding to providers.
  • Accelerated Payments and Paper Claims: Providers facing cash flow issues due to system outages can request accelerated payments from Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) and submit paper claims if necessary.
  • Cybersecurity Resiliency: The incident underscores the need to strengthen cybersecurity across the healthcare sector. HHS released a concept paper outlining a cybersecurity strategy focusing on resilience, accountability, and coordination within the healthcare ecosystem.
  • Continued Communication and Collaboration: HHS pledges to maintain communication with the healthcare sector, monitor response efforts, and work with industry stakeholders to address cybersecurity gaps. It emphasizes the importance of heightened cybersecurity measures for all stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem.

Full article:


We have received questions from you regarding how to send claims in that won’t go. Consider pushing your claims to paper and either mailing or faxing them to the payer if you are not able to send them electronically, until a resolution is completed.

Please reach out to Lisa or Dave if you have follow-up questions.

Why You Should Keep Smiling in Your Chiropractic and Healthcare Office

receptionist at chiropractic office working with a customer

More Chiropractic Jokes Please!

In the late 80s, when I took my son to his first adjustment, I noticed bold but innocent cards on the doctor’s front desk counter.

They said, simply, KEEP SMILING.

Over the years, I have often seen this card at chiropractic events and offices – almost as a chiropractic tagline: KEEP SMILING!

I would love to know the history of this phrase, and if anyone knows, please come over to the Blog and explain it, or hit reply with the info and I’ll share it with your permission.

I have seen it on a chiropractor’s envelope from the 20’s, so I know it goes back a while.


Getting those smiles out will improve your mood and improve your health.


Something the chiropractors of the 1920s and before knew.

“When you smile, your brain releases tiny molecules called neuropeptides to help fight off stress. Then other neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin and endorphins come into play too. The endorphins act as a mild pain reliever, whereas the serotonin is an antidepressant. One study even suggests that smiling can help us recover faster from stress and reduce our heart rate.”*

Try right now — SMILE!

See! It works.

OK then, DON’T SMILE. Gotcha. It works. :- )

Smile, laugh, and the whole world smiles with you. Frown, and you frown alone.


But smiling can also improve your practice.

A happier office will have better performance.

“Smiling can have a positive impact on our performance at work. Research has shown that when we smile, we experience a boost in mood and a reduction in stress levels. This can lead to increased productivity and better performance on tasks.”*


Old School Trick: Front Desk Mirror

Place a mirror facing towards the staff on the front desk. It should be so that it can be seen by whomever is working at the desk and answering the phones.

Place a caption on the bottom of the mirror. Something like: SHOW YOUR TEETH!

People can tell if you are smiling when they talk with you on the phone.

Morning Meeting Jokes

For your morning case management meetings, one person is assigned to tell a joke. The next day, it is someone else’s turn to tell a joke. Each team member must tell a joke.

Yes, the jokes are usually dumb, and it can be embarrassing. But it is also can be funny!

And besides, there is B.J. Palmer’s Rule Number 9:

“Don’t take yourself too damn seriously.”

So, that’s it.

Don’t be so serious!

Smile more, and you’ll find more things to smile about.

To help get you started, I found some chiropractic jokes and put a few of them below. More are on our Blog. (Also added an acupuncturist and dental joke.)

Have a funny day!



Some bad jokes!

I never believed that chiropractors could solve my back problems.

2 weeks later, I stand corrected.

Did you hear about the chiropractor who got in trouble with the IRS?

It was for back taxes.

What do you call two chiropractors who’ve got each other’s backs?


My chiropractor and I got into a terrible fight in the middle of my neck treatment.

Now I have to spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder.

What’s the difference between a chiropractor and a proctologist?

You go to one if you need your finger cracked and the other if you need your crack fingered.

I went to the acupuncturist the other day.

When I got home my voodoo doll was dead

Be kind to your dentist.

He has fillings too.

My chiropractor is serious as hell.

But he still cracks me up.

“But Quasimodo, what makes you think you need to see a chiropractor?”

“Oh, it’s just a hunch…”

I go to the chiropractor because my wife told me to.

At least I assume that’s what she meant when she said, “Prove to me you have a spine.”

I had to quit going to the chiropractor …

I felt he was always trying to manipulate me.

Does anyone remember the joke I made about the Chiropractor?

It was about a weak back.

Went to see my chiropractor for the first time in a long time.

First thing he said when I walked into his office was “Glad to see your back!”

How many chiropractors does it take to change a light bulb?

Only one, but it takes 24 visits.

Good friends are like chiropractors.

They have your back and set you straight.

Don’t ever let a chiropractor tell you a joke.

It’ll hit your funny bone.

One thing I have learnt this year is to never trust acupuncturists

They’ll stab you in the back the first chance they get.

My dentist mocked me today, saying that even though he’s much older than me, he has healthier teeth.

I said it must be because he has the better dentist.


*Grin and Bear It! Smiling Facilitates Stress Recovery-

*Smiling: The Surprising Benefits You Never Knew About –

*New Study Suggests Smiling Influences How You See the World-

*The Health Benefits of Smiling-


If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals,

there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my new book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business book for CEO and Office Managers by Edward W Petty.

The Goal Driven Business, By Edward Petty

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