About Edward Petty

Consultant with Petty, Michel & Associates, Author of Marketing Manager System, the Goal Driven Business www.GoalDriven.com. Father and grandfather, husband, student, active in athletics, and in health and environmental causes.

Ask Lisa: What exactly goes into valuing a chiropractic practice?

Why in the world would one want to get their chiropractic practice appraised?

I’m glad you asked!

Having your practice appraised is an investment in both you and your practice’s future. Even if you are not ready to sell your practice, having your practice appraised is important and sometimes required to fulfill legal obligations, for example in divorce, bankruptcy; estate settlements; and buy-ins or buy-outs. You may simply want financial peace of mind from having a valuation done.

What exactly goes into valuing a practice? Several components are used to create a comprehensive valuation and report. These components over a certain time period, say three years of data, include:

  • Gross income
  • Net income
  • What type of insurance and/or payment is accepted (e.g., PPO, HMO, Medicare, and Medicaid insurance participation)
  • Total number of active patients
  • Number of new patients a month
  • Techniques specializing in, and therapies utilized
  • Patient and area demographics
  • Accounts Receivables and Collections
  • Market trends
  • The practice’s goodwill

We do practice appraisals! Want to learn more?

Just Ask Lisa, 920-334-4561, lisa@pmaworks.com


Lastly for today, *AN URGENT MESSAGE* I was not planning on including the below information regarding the recent AND significant cybersecurity attack to UHC Change Healthcare, but since this is significant and since the cyberattack may have impacted you or your practice, it is worth including an update. Below is a nice summary from Dr. Chris Anderson from Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin. The most recent full HHS article follows.

Summary of HHS article

  • Cyberattack Impact on Change Healthcare: Change Healthcare, a unit of UnitedHealth Group, experienced a cyberattack in late February, affecting healthcare operations nationwide.
  • HHS Coordination Efforts: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) prioritizes coordinating efforts to mitigate disruptions in healthcare services. It is in constant communication with UnitedHealth Group leadership, state partners, and external stakeholders to understand the impact and ensure an effective response.
  • Immediate Steps by CMS: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is taking immediate steps to assist providers in serving patients. This includes providing flexibilities such as expediting electronic data interchange enrollment, relaxing prior authorization requirements, and encouraging advance funding to affected providers.
  • Encouragement for Other Payers: CMS urges other payers, including state Medicaid and CHIP agencies, to waive or expedite solutions for claims processing, and to consider offering advance funding to providers.
  • Accelerated Payments and Paper Claims: Providers facing cash flow issues due to system outages can request accelerated payments from Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) and submit paper claims if necessary.
  • Cybersecurity Resiliency: The incident underscores the need to strengthen cybersecurity across the healthcare sector. HHS released a concept paper outlining a cybersecurity strategy focusing on resilience, accountability, and coordination within the healthcare ecosystem.
  • Continued Communication and Collaboration: HHS pledges to maintain communication with the healthcare sector, monitor response efforts, and work with industry stakeholders to address cybersecurity gaps. It emphasizes the importance of heightened cybersecurity measures for all stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem.

Full article: https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2024/03/05/hhs-statement-regarding-the-cyberattack-on-change-healthcare.html


We have received questions from you regarding how to send claims in that won’t go. Consider pushing your claims to paper and either mailing or faxing them to the payer if you are not able to send them electronically, until a resolution is completed.

Please reach out to Lisa or Dave if you have follow-up questions.

The Flywheel Theory of Practice Marketing For Chiropractic Practice Marketing and Health Businesses

kids on merry-go-round

More marketing for less effort in your chiropractic practice

There is good marketing, better marketing, and best marketing.

There is only one kind of bad practice marketing.

That is … NO marketing.

Unfortunately, “no marketing” is too common. The typical scenario in many chiropractic and health offices is this: “Numbers are down. Let’s do some marketing.” After a great effort and expense is made, the numbers go up. Then what happens?

Everyone becomes so busy that there is no time for marketing, and marketing gets tossed aside like an old pair of worn socks.

This contributes to the Practice Roller Coaster. First, there is some marketing. Then there isn’t. Then there is, then there isn’t. Up and down.

Good marketing requires regular attention and action. Like making a cake or cooking a steak, you must pay attention and make adjustments. You can’t turn on the oven, then turn it off to watch your cable program, then turn on the oven again.


Remember those merry-go-rounds on playgrounds? Everyone would get on, and one person would push. With the same amount of force applied consistently, the wheel’s speed would increase. Just using an even push, the wheel moved faster and faster until kids started screaming and falling off. Great fun!

What would have happened if the person pushed the wheel a few times and then let it stop? Then pushed it and got it going again. And then let it stop.

All the momentum that accumulated would disappear. Then, getting it going again would require more force. What a waste of energy! And how exhausting to start it up again!

Of course, once it is moving, it doesn’t take much to keep it going or even get it to move faster just by steadily applying force.

Effective chiropractic and practice marketing is just the same. The merry-go-round is like a flywheel. A flywheel is a “mechanical device designed to store angular kinetic energy in a rotating mass.” (Wikipedia) It is used in various engines and has several uses, but primarily, it keeps the momentum, or the energy, going.

Jim Collins refers to the Flywheel effect in his book, Good to Great. “Each turn of the flywheel builds upon work done earlier, compounding your investment of effort.”


  1. Make a list. With your team, make a list of key marketing activities that you have done that have worked. Keep it simple.
  2. Marketing assistant. Then, assign someone to keep track of these activities. They assume the role of marketing assistant. 1-2 hours per week. They essentially are project managers who ensure all marketing actions occur.
  3. Keep to a schedule. The time allotted to do the marketing must be maintained and not get hijacked by “urgencies.” The temptation will be there. Whatever time is scheduled, don’t allow this position to collapse into other departments.
  4. Monthly review and push. Every month, you can assess what actions seem to be working. Don’t be too eager to discontinue a procedure — some marketing takes time. Gradually, you can add more activities that are working. Keep pushing the flywheel!

We plan on offering a course on the Marketing Manager System for your marketing assistant later this year to help you achieve your practice goals.


From Jim Collins: “Good to great comes about by a cumulative process—step by step, action by action, decision by decision, turn by turn of the flywheel—that adds up to sustained and spectacular results.”

Keeping the momentum going,


(c) 2024 Edward Petty


If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals,

there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my new book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business book for CEO and Office Managers by Edward W Petty.

The Goal Driven Business, By Edward Petty

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How Responsible is Your Chiropractic Healthcare Office?

take responsibility for what you care for

Responsibility Scale – Ownership or Spectator?

A few years ago, I was teaching an exercise program to a group of underprivileged kids ranging from 8 to 13 years old.

The program was part of a larger volunteer program run out of an old, dilapidated church. The kids came from a very rough environment. Keeping them focused in class was challenging, and getting them to participate was even harder.

I would start the class by going over a virtue. This might include kindness, cleanliness, honesty, or discipline. When I asked the group questions, no one would usually answer.

Except for this one time.

I asked the children what the word “responsibility” meant. In the back row – I had them all standing in rows – one scruffy-looking boy, about 10, immediately raised his hand and said: “Ownership.”

“Ownership.” I was stunned. Not only did someone answer, and quickly, but what a perfect definition!


Responsibility is taking ownership. It is saying “I caused that.” “That is mine.” It could also be saying, “I didn’t cause that.”

It is not deferring to excuses or outside forces. Sure, there are many things outside your zone of control for which you cannot take responsibility. But your job and the group you work with are within your limits. If the office is not doing well, don’t blame it on your childhood, Spring Break, or Taylor Swift.

As an employer, you should encourage your team to take responsibility. Their job, or department, is their sandbox, too. Encourage them to offer suggestions for the entire practice as well – and listen to them.

And on the other hand, all employees are stakeholders. They aren’t working for a large and well-funded corporation or government agency. How they perform each day determines how the entire office will perform.

And something else: a friend of mine says: “Everyone is on commission, but most just don’t know it.”


We discussed the concept of responsibility and ownership in our Chiropractic Healthcare Practice MBA program by reviewing Jacko Willink’s book, Extreme Ownership.

Some managers played it for their team meetings. I recommend you do it as well. (The link is below.)

No doubt, we all take responsibility and ownership for our work. We are professionals. Sometimes, however, our determination can slip. When you notice yourself complaining about things, know that you are slipping! Complaining IS a form of responsibility, but just a very low form.

A scale of responsibility might look something like this:


Extreme Ownership

Here is a quote from Jocko Willink, and I recommend watching a clip from his TED talk with your team.

“Implementing Extreme Ownership requires checking your ego and operating with a high degree of humility. Admitting mistakes, taking ownership, and developing a plan to overcome challenges are integral to any successful team.”

― Jocko Willink, Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win

Stay Goal Driven,


TED Talk. Jacko Willink. Extreme Ownership. ( 13 Minutes)


If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals,

there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my new book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business book for CEO and Office Managers by Edward W Petty.

The Goal Driven Business, By Edward Petty

Goal driven order now button

Goal Driven Time Management Skills

chiropractic or small business time management skills calendar

You may delay, but time will not.
Benjamin Franklin

Time is your most precious resource.

How you use it makes all the difference in your progress toward your practice goals.

I still remember my father remarking on my 5th-grade report card. On the back of the card was a space for comments from the teacher. The comment was something about: “Edward would do better if he did less daydreaming.”

This “comment” has haunted me all my life. I daydream. I admit it. Sometimes, this is good – I learn something new. But the challenge is not wasting the time I need to complete projects.

Goal Driven time management procedures allow us to get more done during our day’s working hours. And even though we all are familiar with the principles and techniques of time management, it helps to review them occasionally.

Here are a few techniques I have learned from others that help me. Maybe they can help you too.


Breaks. Don’t feel guilty. We all need to take breaks — a short one every couple hours or so, longer ones every day, longer ones even still every week, and so on. Breaks are a physiological and mental requirement discussed in an insightful book called The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr. Just schedule your breaks.

Scheduling blocks. As a chiropractor and health care provider, you naturally block off time periods to see patients. You can use the same concept for team meetings, individual conferences, and “paperwork.”

Goal Driven. Each time block should have a goal. The work you must do and the procedures you use should all focus on the desired outcomes.

No interruptions. As harsh as this may sound, unless there are emergencies, don’t allow yourself to be distracted during the block of time dedicated to doing your work. Schedule a brief period during the day to return to the unplanned issues.

Cluster booking. Schedule blocks of time for similar activities close together. The general idea is to keep you doing what you are doing until you are done. For example, seeing 3 patients and then waiting for 10 minutes before seeing 3 more slows you down and takes you out of the Flow. The idea of Flow is not new but recently refreshed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his book, FLOW. Flow is a mental experience when you are so lost in your work that nothing else matters – you are in the Zone. It is when you are “Lost in Service.”

Cluster booking can also be applied to other services: specific therapies or rehab, a Thursday morning for seniors, or a Mom’s Saturday morning with kids. Once you are in the Flow, you become more productive.

Prioritize: Take care of the Important and Urgent tasks as you must, of course. But do not neglect the Important but Not Urgent projects. This comes from Stephen Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, and Eisenhower before him. Covey notes that the more time spent on Important but Not Urgent projects, the less time needed for urgent matters.

Sort out the tasks – The 4 D’s. As you review your inbox or new tasks that come up, sort them along these guidelines:

  • Do them now.
  • Delegate them.
  • Delay them.
  • Dump them.

Many of these points, and others, are covered in my book, The Goal Driven Business. We also worked these over in our Practice MBA program.

Yes, I still daydream. I recommend it. But now, I just schedule it!

Seize your future,



If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals, there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my new book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business building methodology

The Goal Driven Business,  By Edward Petty

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How to Add Extra Services to Your Chiropractic Healthcare Practice

two men discussing chiropractic therapy equipment

Avoiding Hidden Expenses in Scaling Your Practice

Do you want to improve your income and the quality and quantity of your services?

One strategy is to add a therapy machine — or another one — to your practice. You could also bring on another provider. This could add more services per visit and more visits per week, improving your income and the outcomes you get with patients.

Makes sense, right?

In theory, yes. In real life, not so much.

Properly implemented, more services from machines or providers can improve the quality and quantity of outcomes and improve the bottom line. However, the implementation must be done correctly. And often, it is not.

I have seen chiropractic clinics with the largest room in the office filled with therapy equipment that was rarely used. I have had heated discussions with doctors who would buy more equipment when they were not using what they had just purchased. And if the equipment is used, often there is insufficient staff or resources elsewhere: no one running the front desk department, marketing is sporadic, and patient treatment and financial plans are rarely or poorly done.

This gets even worse when hiring associate doctors. You have heard the stories, so I won’t elaborate. Group practices can work well, and we recommend them. In fact, I don’t know of one chiropractic management company with more combined experience working with associates than we have. Multiple-doctor clinics are one of our specialties. But they have to be done correctly, and they rarely are.

Let’s look at three principles to help you implement additional services correctly.


More therapy and more providers will not take the place of quality and well-organized services.

By expanding your services, you can dilute your unique selling proposition!

Starbucks did this back in 2006. They kept introducing new products, which devalued their primary brand. The baristas had difficulty keeping up with all the new products. They had to become fast-moving technicians rather than friendly conversationalists with the customers. Their statistics decreased until they simplified their services and focused on their core values and services. *

Before you add machines and providers, focus on your core services and improve those, which will also enhance your bottom line.


More services can add more complexity. Richard Koch is one of the researchers I quoted in my book, Goal Driven Business. He says: “Because business is wasteful, and because complexity and waste feed on each other, a simple business will always be better than a complex business.”

A therapy unit, for example, even if it is “unattended,” requires supervision by the staff and you. And who will do it if it requires someone to apply the therapy? You can see the extra expense once you work out the details and the math.

Complexity can hide overhead. So, when adding more services, beware of adding complexity and keep the services as simple as possible.


A larger business provides more services and can generate more income. While Richard Koch recommends simplicity, he also supports growth:

“Because scale is normally valuable, for any given level of complexity, it is better to have a larger business. The large and simple business is the best.”*

Add more services to your practice, but keep these three points in mind:

  1. Improve what you have. First, focus on and improve your skills and those of your team. Invest in your team and yourself. This will enhance your bottom line and your services. Your goals are expertise and mastery.
  2. Keep it simple. Always work towards simplifying your procedures and your patient’s experience.
  3. Scale. Add services and scale your business. But first, plan it out ahead of time, examine the extra time, effort, and costs involved, and manage it well. (You can have us help!)

Keep expanding — but keep improving first. And keep it simple.




* The 80/20 Principle (Richard Koch)


If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals, there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my new book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business building methodology

The Goal Driven Business,  By Edward Petty

goal driven business buy now button

Optimizing Chiropractic Front Desk Procedures for Patient Retention

patient reception in chiropractic office

What kind of check-in and check-out procedures do you have?

How you do these procedures can make an enormous difference in your patient retention, referrals and office visits.

Your health care front desk needs to schedule patients and collect their payments, but when should they do this – when the patient checks in — or leaves?

If your chiropractic practice is insurance-centric, the front desk can become an extension of the insurance department. When this is the case, collections and scheduling are often done first.

I have seen this occur in many offices.

I recently visited a practice office where patient retention had been declining. I noticed that the patients came in, stopped off at the front desk, made payments, and were confirmed for the next appointment. Then, they waited to see the doctor. After their adjustment and treatment, they often zoomed out of the office, headed to their next destination with an occasional “bye” from the front desk.

I thought there were several weaknesses to this approach, but I wanted to see what other successful practices were doing. We asked other practice managers how they handled their check-ins and check-outs.

Chiropractic Manager Surveys

One manager from an established 2-doctor chiropractic office said:

“We have a check-in/check-out system but scheduling and payments are done together at check-out. This works better for our office flow. The patient walks in, heads right on back and grabs a table for their appt, unless they have an exam or something similar that we need to take them into a different room. Then when they check out, they schedule their next appt, or several future appts at once, and we collect payment if they owe anything.”

Another manager of an office with multiple doctors said they preferred to collect patients’ payments and update their scheduling when the patient checked out.

  1. You give them the feel that their care is more important than the money.
  2. The last thing they hear when they leave the office is ” we’ll see you on such and such a day at such and such a time”! “And by the way bring your kids in.”
  3. What happens if their services are more or less than what you collected for??? Now you have to alter their charges.
  4. If you have pre-scheduled them and they need additional or less services you are now going to have to change the scheduling.
  5. #3-4 causes confusion and messy records.”

I think this only makes sense. Let’s zoom in:

The check-in. The front desk needs to be welcoming to your patients who endured challenges just to make it into your office that day. This is a win for everyone, and the initial greeting acknowledges the patient’s effort to make it in. Then, any and every barrier should be removed to get the patient back to see their doctor and provider on time.

The check-out. Here are a few vital transactions that can take place:

  • Validating the benefit of their recent adjustment and treatment. “So glad you made it in today for your care. Every visit helps and builds on the last one.”
  • Confirm their schedule, or schedule them for the next month, or longer.
  • Go over any payments that might be needed.
  • Quality control. Should the patient mention any doubts or concerns, the front desk can either direct the patient to the doctor for a fast consultation, or to Patient Accounts, if there is a finance concern, or note it to be addressed on their next visit.
  • Marketing. Encourage the patient to schedule an appointment for a family member or friend to come in for a no-charge consult or an upcoming event, such as a new patient lecture or special promotion.

Every office is different and you should always customize procedures to best suit your situation.

But, the following applies in all cases:

  • Your patients are your guests. You invited them.
  • Treat them as you would a friend visiting your home — with a warm welcome and then, when they leave, a thank you for coming and a sincere wish to see them again soon.

Keeping the goals in mind,



If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals, there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my new book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business building methodology

The Goal Driven Business,  By Edward Petty

goal driven business buy now button


Build a Better Chiropractic and Healthcare Practice by Serving Kids

How and Why to Develop Your Chiropractic and Healthcare Pediatric Practice

Anyone who does anything to help a child in his life is a hero! – Fred Rogers

Last week I talked about the importance of caring for our children’s health.

Not only is it needed like never before, but the evidence is clear: chiropractic helps kids. For example, one study in 2019 of 2001 mothers showed that 82% reported definite improvement of their infants, and 95% reported feeling that the care was
cost-effective. *

The evidence is out there, and even more, so is the personal testimony of so many grateful parents.

But in addition, promoting better health for children in a chiropractic or independent healthcare practice can create positive effects on generating new patients and retaining existing ones.

Regardless of the demographics or niche of your practice, including care for kids can enhance your practice and attract new patients.

Here are some suggestions on how and why to do so:

1. Family-centered care. Emphasizing pediatric care creates a family-friendly image for your practice. Parents are more likely to choose a healthcare provider who can address the health needs of their entire family, including children.

2. Community engagement. Engaging with the local community through educational workshops, seminars, or events focused on children’s health can position your practice as a community leader. This involvement helps raise awareness about your services and can attract families seeking comprehensive healthcare.

3. Word of mouth referrals. Happy and satisfied parents are likely to recommend your practice to other families. Positive word-of-mouth referrals from parents who appreciate your focus on children’s health can improve new patient acquisition.

4. Specialized services for children. Offering specialized services or programs tailored for children’s health needs can set your practice apart. This could include services for issues such as:

o Posture

o Sports injuries

o Musculoskeletal development

o And other concerns, such as earaches, bedwetting and issues from toddler tumbles!

5. Educational Content. Share educational content on your website, social media, or through newsletters that focus on children’s health and wellness. Most people just don’t know how effective chiropractic can be for children. By providing valuable information, testimonials, and case studies, you position your practice as an authoritative source and can attract parents seeking reliable healthcare information for their children.

6. Collaborate with schools, daycares, and mother’s groups. Partnering with local schools, daycares, or community organizations to provide health screenings, workshops, or informational sessions for parents can create valuable connections and increase visibility in the community.

You might consider tying a kid’s promotion with a monthly observe or holiday. Each promotion could include a posture check or a free screening. For example:

  • February 7th is National Girls and Women in Sports Day. Provide a special screening for girls in sports, or a workshop from a local athletic coach and yourself.
  • March 17 is St Patrick’s Day. This is a great time to have a Leprechaun Appreciation Day. Bring the kids in for a screening and provide contests.
  • April is Foot Health Month. For those of you that provide orthotics, you can have a foot scan.
  • May. May is National Correct Posture Month. Offer posture screenings for the entire family.

There are many possibilities, and these are just a few. Work with your team and have your marketing assistant put together a plan for this spring.

And if you don’t have a marketing assistant or manager, you should! Please contact me and I can give you some ideas on how to develop this essential position.

Carpe Deum,



*Maternal Report of Outcomes of Chiropractic Care for Infants: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0161475418301453

Pediatric and Prenatal Chiropractic Research


Let’s Hear It For Chiropractic and Kid’s!

Petty Michel and Goal Driven Donation to Wisconsin Chiropractic for Kids How to support the health of our children

“History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children.” Nelson Mandela*

Here in Wisconsin, the Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin, the primary chiropractic association, is sponsoring a Kid’s Day next week, which we are supporting.

Also, I am supporting it with donations from the sales of my book. Please consider contributing directly to the C.S.W. or buying my book (or 20 of them!).

If you look into it, how we treat our kids in the 2020s is probably worse than in decades past. The Styrofoam-like food, the toxins such as Glyphosate and Phthalates in our breakfast cereal, the nano plastics now in our blood, the sugar and seed oil, the escalation of Pharma drugs and shots, the social media, the list goes on and on.

Just look at the stats for health care in America, those that you can find. They are abysmal and getting worse. (I have links to some listed below.)

There are plenty of sources to learn about how we treat our kids, but as you can imagine, they are hard to find on regular internet searches. It’s a little like trying to find the truth about cigarettes or asbestos in the 1950s — you almost have to search out whistleblowers to find out what is truly going on. An e-book that was published in 2018 called The Sickest Generation, by Children’s Health Defense, is a good place to start. (Link below)

People in your community aren’t going to hear too much about this from the media or most corporate-paid doctors – though more independent physicians seem to be speaking out. This is why your work is so vital.

As a side note, promoting health care for kids can build your practice. Helping children get healthier is a great marketing and practice-building strategy.

But first and foremost, the primary reason to see kids is to help them stay healthy.

Chiropractic care can help young children with the bumps and tumbles they take as they grow. Young athletes especially benefit from adjustments. Other independent and naturally oriented health providers, such as those practicing acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, and functional and integrative medical providers can also be of great help.

But beyond chiropractic adjustments, education and support for a healthy chiropractic lifestyle is fundamental. Educate the parents and help the kids.

Consider contributing to the C.S.W. Kids Day program.

Also, consider encouraging your state association to develop a kids’ program, and if they already have one, please contribute to that.

Ed Petty


Link to Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin: https://www.chiropracticsocietywi.org/chirokids-day

Link to The Sickest Generation published by Children’s Health Defense, https://childrenshealthdefense.org/ebook-sign-up/ebook-sign-up-the-sickest-generation/

More links to references:

From The Sickest Generation

American children have never been sicker. Over half (54%) are suffering from one or more chronic illnesses.

The “4-A” disorders—autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, asthma and allergies—have experienced meteoric growth, affecting children’s quality of life and con­tributing to premature mortality.

U.S. children are far more likely to die before their first birthday than infants in other wealthy countries and life expectancy is falling, driven largely by rising death rates in adolescents and younger adults. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in teens, half of whom are reported to have at least one mental, emotional or behavioral disorder.

The proportion of public school children using special education services is skyrocketing, with estimates ranging from 13% to 25% of school populations.

Mystifyingly, there is almost no outcry in medical, public health or government circles to find answers and solutions.


A Million-Dollar Chiropractic Healthcare Practice — and More in 24


When in doubt, paddle out!

We have been refining our Goal Driven System of practice development.

After our management training program completed with outstanding practice managers, it is clear to me that most offices can achieve 6 figures in income.

But why aim for a million dollar (or more) chiropractic practice? Good question!

Because you can. Because it is a challenge that you are worthy of.

Because, in the pursuit of this goal, you and your team will demonstrate your competence. And competence is an internal goal and a need we all want to demonstrate.

Behavioral Science in Practice Management

I cover the concept of Self-Determination Theory in my book, the Goal Driven Business. Much research has been done on what drives us and motivates us to achieve our goals. According to work done by Edward Deci and others, there are three motives we all have:

  • Autonomy (Independence and self-governing.)
  • Competence (Skill and effectiveness at getting something done.)
  • Relatedness (Being part of something bigger.)

These internal needs motivate us more than our motivations to receive external rewards or avoid punishments. Despite conventional “management” practices, external “incentives” only work in the short term. In fact, the promise of extra money and bonuses, like threats, can be detrimental to performance.

There is a right way to provide bonuses — we cover this on our Goal Driven Programs.

Competence in your Chiropractic Team

I want to focus on competence, though autonomy and relatedness are as powerful.

Here is a quote from one of Deci’s books:

“Decades ago, the personality psychologist Robert White wrote a compelling paper about “The Concept of Competence” in which he argued that people yearn so strongly to feel competent or effective in dealing with their environment that competence could be thought of as a fundamental human need.

“People, impelled by the need to feel competent, might engage in various activities simply to expand their own sense of accomplishment. “* (My emphasis.)

What does this mean?

We all want to demonstrate what we can do and even test the limits to see if we can do more. Look at children and the explorations and exploits they attempt. Think of your own crazy youth and all the dumb dares you accepted!

But we become domesticated as we enter adulthood. We censor our drives, curb our enthusiasms, and our purposes ebb.

But the intrinsic drive is still there – an ember that can be stoked.

Getting Stoked

Like the surfers say, the feeling of being stoked is exhilaration and joy. The feeling is worth the effort and losses.

Demonstrating your competence results in the Stoke. But you can’t demonstrate your competence or feel the Stoke if you don’t set big goals and then go for them. You enter a challenge, a contest that pits you and your team against the obstacles to your goals.

Paddling out to catch a wave, a surfer exerts tremendous effort. As they struggle to get out, they need to go through wave after wave crashing in on them until they are finally out far enough to wait to catch the right wave. Waiting, and then finally finding one that no one else is trying for, paddling hard to catch it, and often failing. And sometimes getting caught “inside,” with waves crashing down on them, pushing them into the depths or scraping on the coral reef.

But making that one ride as you smoothly glide over the ocean is a feeling that can last a lifetime.

Any adventurous activity is not for the money. It is to satisfy an internal need—the Stoke.

Improving Competence in Your Chiropractic Practice

Achieving big goals requires big motivation, and improving competence is one way to do so. Here are 6 approaches to improve your competence and that of your team to help you hit your super big goals this year:

  1. Be a coach. Schedule in-office training, seminars, webinars, courses, advanced training, and books for yourself and your team
  2. Feedback and support. Regular Coaching Reviews.
  3. Recognize the wins. Acknowledge and celebrate employees’ achievements and contributions. Including your own!
  4. Challenging goals. Set up tasks and projects that challenge you and your team. Let your team take ownership. Keep it fun.
  5. Go for a million (or 5 million) dollar practice.
  6. Get a coach. Suit up, commit, and be a player.

Remember, you are more than a doctor, provider, and support professional. You are also an entrepreneur and part of an entrepreneurial group.

You are an adventurer!

So set big goals and get out there. Go for the Stoke!



Why We Do What We Do, Edward L Deci, Gagné, M., & Deci, E. L. (2005). Self-determination theory and work motivation. Journal of Organizational behavior, 26(4), 331-362.


2024 – A Good Year to Be Braver in Healthcare, Chiropractic, Business, and Life

2024 – A Good Year to Be Braver in Healthcare, Chiropractic, Business, and Life

GoalDriven.com in 2024 for chiropractic healthcareGood Morning Lake Michigan! Jan 2, 2024

How to Be Braver

This is going to be a good year to be brave.

There are a couple of reasons:

First, there is — and will be — a lot happening in the world and the US. Whew! We got the wars, the elections, the economy, and the behind-the-scenes agitation sowing distrust and division. I don’t need to enumerate. But bravery will help us all.

Second though, it’s a great time to go for it and reach your goals. And why not?

Isn’t that what bravery is? Sticking to your goals, regardless.

Isn’t bravery about caring – caring about where you want to go — and why?

It’s the straight arrow commitment to our destinations — what we want for ourselves and those we care about.

There are many distractions thrown in our way and overcoming them is courageous. But really, it is just sticking to it.

We have our own odd fears, ideas, and biases that can preoccupy us and dampen our cheerful vigor. And there are the odd fears, ideas, and biases of people close to us that can slow us down. And these are kept in constant agitation by the reporting of the factual tragedies and horrors that go on daily. Good news doesn’t sell newspapers. Scandals, sensationalism, and fear-inducing headlines sell.

Our attention, and your patient’s, is manipulated. Look at this, but don’t look over here. Watch out for that person, politician, or virus, be careful, and shelter in place.

But we are not made for shelters. We are explorers and entrepreneurs. We are innovators and dreamers.

As an entrepreneur or working in an independent business, you get hit more than people who work as employees of corporate-controlled businesses. You ‘ll need to be braver than others.

But of course, you are.

Over the last couple of weeks, I had the chance to read through parts of two books. One, by Walter Issacson, on Elon Musk. Great author, he also wrote a biography on Steve Jobs, which I loved. Musk’s grandfather was a chiropractor in Canada, by the way, and his entire family were adventurers. Another book I gave to my granddaughters, and we reviewed in our MBA program, by Reshna Sanjani, called Brave, Not Perfect.

These books and the people in them reminded me that bravery, while not easy, is simply sticking to our goals.

I was also reminded that it’s very difficult to make it on your own.

It matters who you associate with. Loners do not achieve goals. We make our progress with the help of other people.

Don’t let the environment comprise your connection to truth, compassion, and your goals.

Be braver. Help others reach their goals, and don’t be too shy or proud to reach out for assistance.

We’re here – and want to help you achieve your goals. (Contact us about our new programs fore this year!)

It’s 2024. Let’s go!!

Ed Petty, Edward Petty, GoalDriven.com, chiropractic

Ed Petty — Let’s Go!

Goals for the Present

Goals for the Present

Goals are about the future.

But sometimes, they are about the present – and respecting the past.

December is one of those times. There’s a distinct vibration that moves in this time of year, subtle waves of friendliness that sparkle like Christmas tree lights. Almost an instinct — whether connected to a Sunday service before the 25th, a Jolly Old Saint Nick, the candles of Hanukkah, or the winter solstice, we feel a sense of fellowship during this time of year.

With the traditions of other cultures over the millennia, people have gathered with a Spirit of compassion and celebration. People even take time to pause in war.

One example was the Christmas Truce of 1914 during World War I, when soldiers from opposing trenches laid down their weapons and initiated an unofficial ceasefire. The truce began on Christmas Eve and continued into Christmas Day, with soldiers exchanging seasonal greetings, singing carols, and even venturing into no man’s land to fraternize with the enemy. Troops from both sides shared food, tobacco, and souvenirs and engaged in impromptu soccer games.

I think this speaks to our fundamental nature, that we are supportive and kind when unprovoked by the agitations of those who might profit from our conflicts.

As a practice and business goal for your chiropractic and healthcare office, I suggest that this week and next, focus on the present and appreciate the many accomplishments of the past year. Consider your blessings – your patients, profession, teammates, and family.

The Future Can Wait

For now, take time for some gratitude and have a cup of kindness and good cheer.

And play some Christmas jazz. Man!

Below is a link to some mellow Christmas Jazz – 4-hour playlist. Christmas Jazz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dbgx5ChU3ZM

Carpe Diem,


Don’t Let Old Acquaintances Be Forgotten in Your Chiropractic Practice

Strengthen Your Network in December

“Remember, George: no man is a failure who has friends.”*

Three weeks till Christmas!

Yikes! Let’s make the most out of this month before we get into the fast lane of the New Year.

Take this month to connect and reconnect: patients, referral sources, team members and stakeholders, family friends – those dear to us. Share some good tidings and joy. Here are some ideas:

1. Keep the show on the road. While ensuring that everyone has time off, try to keep the lights on, the tables warm, and the greetings friendly all month. Anytime you close for a period of time, you can lose momentum. If you are closed for a few days, PACK the days you are open with visits! Remember:

Health Never Takes a Holiday!!

2. Thank You’s to referral sources. Plan to get out and thank all your external referral sources. Show your appreciation: cards, cookies, and guest passes for intro services! Keep your network active. Remember:

“Your chiropractic healthcare practice is a network of relationships created and sustained through communication and service.”**


3. Thank You’s to your patients. Show extra appreciation to your patients. It takes some courage and effort to venture out to see you for care. They are taking responsibility for their health, even though they may not follow all your recommendations. Have an appreciation party, send out greeting cards, give away poinsettias to families, or offer eggnog and treats from a local independent store with the store’s promotional sign.

4. Your Team. Look at your Profit and Loss for the year. If you have any extra dough, privately reward individual team members with a bonus. If the cupboard is empty, let your team know, but give them something. And THANK THEM!

5. Your Family. Don’t forget your family! Heavens! They deserve something for putting up with you this year! (lol)

6. The Spirit! Lastly, be filled with the Spirit of the season. You can watch It’s a Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart. Again!

The New Year will come at us fast… so take this time to absorb all the merriment, comfort, and joy you can so you’ll start fresh and filled with renewed energy in January.

So consider the actions above and Don’t Be Forgotten!

Should old acquaintance be forgot – and never brought to mind?

Should old acquaintance be forgot – and old lang syne?

With friendship,

Ed and all of us at PM&A

*from the movie, It’s a Wonderful Life
** from the book, The Goal Driven Business


If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals,
there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my new book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business building methodology

The Goal Driven Business By Edward Petty

goal driven business buy now button

Chiropractic Healthcare Patient Scheduling During the Holidays

Health Doesn’t Take a Holiday

[scheduling tools below]

Is this December going to be better than the one last year?

If so, you want to make sure that the momentum of your patient’s care does not slow down. You want to keep them on their healthcare programs these last few weeks of 2023 and into 2024.

It is a festive time of year for family, friends, and Auld Lang Syne.

But through it all, health does not take a holiday.

Your patients still brush their teeth, take showers, and sleep. They should also stick to their treatment program, their exercise program and stay on track to better health. You and your team can help them do this.


As a subscriber, I have two gifts for you that can assist you in helping your patients stick to their schedules. (Links to access them are below.)

  • A tent poster that says: Health Never Takes a Holiday. Download it and print copies for the front desk or other areas to remind patients that…Health Never Takes a Holiday.

  • A scheduling calendar for December. Linda designed a scheduling calendar for our clients.

She says:
“The goal is to keep your patients as close to their treatment plan as possible during the hustle and bustle of the holidays! I have used monthly calendars in the past and, believe me, they help with patients keeping their schedules.

“The link will take you to a sheet with 4 monthly calendars per sheet for December – a calendar for each patient to keep track of their schedules.

  1. Download and save the file to your computer.
  2. Customize your name on each section of the calendar.
  3. Print out the sheet and cut it into fours. Have a stack available at the front desk.
  4. Schedule the patient in your system.
  5. Write in the times of their appointment on the day that you are scheduling them and give it to the patient.”

We all can use support and help to keep to our goals. As long as you are friendly and have the patient’s health in mind, they’ll appreciate your scheduling efforts.

In fact, it shows you care!

Enjoy the Season – encourage your patients to do the same. Just lock in everyone’s schedule and help them keep it.

Seize better health throughout the Season!




If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals,
there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my new book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business building methodology

The Goal Driven Business By Edward Petty

goal driven business buy now button


Don’t Turn Your Staff or Yourself into Bots in Your Chiropractic Healthcare Practice

Goals First, Then Procedures in Your Chiropractic Healthcare Practice

I asked the office manager if I could review some of the staff’s job checklists.

I had observed a staff member training another on how to use a therapy device on patients. Their attention was on the equipment, how to position the patient and where to place the electrodes.

So, I looked with interest at the job description and checklists about placing patients on therapy. The therapy checklist listed all the procedures – what wire went where, what position the patient was to sit in, etc. But something was missing.

The goal, the outcome, of the checklist was not defined.

There was no mention anywhere about the purpose of the therapy, what it does, why to use it. And worse, there was nothing about the patient as a person. The checklist did not say how to introduce the patient to the procedures – and how to educate them on what it does. It might as well have been instructions on how to hook up jumper cables, wire a sump pump, or fill out tax forms.

I went over this with the practice manager and later was told that the staff were now spending more time with the patients explaining therapy procedures.


There’s a deeper principle here. Steven Covey has a great video on getting his son to take care of the lawn over the summer.

Rather than giving him procedures on what to do, he pointed to the neighbor’s lawn and had him notice that it was green and also clean. He then pointed to their lawn, which was becoming brown and littered. He told his son that all he had to do was keep their lawn Green and Clean. He didn’t care how he did it. He might want to use a hose and sprinkler or use buckets. The specific procedures were up to him. But the goal was –green and clean.

It is an entertaining story on video — the link is below on our blog. The son finally got the idea and worked out how best to take care of the lawn.


Checklists are useful for training, agreeing on who does what, and preventing key procedures from being overlooked. Please use them. We’ve used them for 30 years. (If you need help please contact us!)

But they should always begin with the goal, the outcome of the sum of the procedures. What do these series of procedures produce – and what is their mission?

If you just focus on procedures, you and your team might as well be algorithms, computerized, and repetitive functions that occur electronically. Like an Internet robot or bot! By omitting goals first, you may minimize the innate creativity and power of everyone, including yourself.

On the other hand, if you challenge yourself and your team to define the WHY for each major and even minor procedure:

  • The procedures will be better applied.
  • You and your staff can find ways to improve the procedures.
  • You will be touching upon and rekindling the innate creative force we all have.
  • Your work will be more meaningful…

…and more fun.

Seize the Future


Green and Clean Video


If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals,
there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my new book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business building methodology

The Goal Driven Business By Edward Petty

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Where Are the Leverage Points in Your Chiropractic Healthcare Practice?

Find them, invest in them, and see your practice improve.

One of the aspects of practice development that you become familiar with after 30 or so years in the field is the concept of Leverage Points. Once you can spot them and work out methods to take advantage of them, your practice significantly improves.

According to Donella H. Meadows, Ph.D., leverage points “Are places within a complex system (a corporation, an economy, a living body, a city, an ecosystem) where a small shift in one thing can produce big changes in everything.” *

using leverage in chiropractic healthcare management


Ms. Meadows lists 12 levels of increasing effectiveness where leverage might be found. The top levels that can make the most significant changes are:

  • Goals
  • The mindset from which the business arises from
  • The power to transcend assumptions and accept new goals and values.

This is the Above Down Inside Out shift that can ignite the Innate power in a practice.

I have seen this when the clinic owner or team member becomes extraordinarily inspired and motivated, filled with a sense of mission. I also have noticed this in offices that shift from an entrepreneurial practice that is entirely dependent upon the owner to a systematized and goal-driven business.


Adding a scribe or clinical assistant can be a practical example of utilizing a leverage point in a more tangible application. This might allow you to see an extra 10 patients a week and provide better service with less stress. In the end, you would have a positive Return on Investment for what you paid for the extra help.

Another example might be a situation where your front desk can’t keep up with check-ins, check-outs, call-ins, questions, data entry, cash collections, marketing reminders, and just being friendly. By adding the right person at the front desk, even a part-time during prime time in the afternoons, your volume might surge. (I have seen this.)

For a marketing example, you might be next door to a gym that sees hundreds of people each month. You could leverage your location with just a little effort to create a very beneficial relationship for their business and yours.

There are many examples of finding areas of your practice where the return will be positive when given more support.


In my experience, the number one leverage point is management.

As a practice grows, the admin tasks multiply exponentially. These start to fill up the doctor’s time, and eventually, growth hits a plateau.

By adding someone to take care of office administration or clarifying the duties of someone currently in that role, you can better concentrate on service, production, and leadership.

As a result, revenue increases and stress decreases. Proper training for the manager is essential and, unfortunately, usually absent.

As an aside, we are solving this now through our Practice MBA program. We are just a little more than ½ way through the training, and I am both impressed by their work and proud to be helping them become Goal Driven Managers.

But leverage points could be anywhere. Even between your ears! (haha!)

Look for where you might find a log jam or an untapped resource. Invest some time in supporting that area and see if that doesn’t make a big difference in practice.

You have untapped power in your business just waiting to be leveraged.


*Reference https://donellameadows.org/a-visual-approach-to-leverage-points/


If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals,
there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my new book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business building methodology

The Goal Driven Business By Edward Petty

goal driven business buy now button

How to End on a Win Each Day in Your Chiropractic and Healthcare Practice


Remember that time you were leaving for work in the morning and just as you were about to leave, you couldn’t find your keys? (It might have been your wallet, purse, or important papers.) As you tried to quell your rising panic, you thought – what if I am late? What about the patients? What if I have to call a cab, a Lyft or Uber? All the alternative scenarios and plans start weighing on you. Worried, distraught, you get ready to call the office when…there they are! Your keys, papers, the vital components to your daily life and you make a joyous reunion. And you are on your way.

That was a big win.

Five minutes later, you have forgotten the entire dramatic event. As if it never occurred.


Many patients who have had pains or discomforts for years, after finally experiencing relief thanks to your chiropractic care, take it almost for granted after a day or so. Even though it was a big win.

You, too, begin to experience the daily Miracles as Usual as commonplace. You and your team become accustomed to them.

And worse, we can let the “negative few outweigh the positive many.”


Our minds are wired, especially business owners, to be alert for dangers, threats, and failures. And because of this, we overlook the accomplishments, the successes, and the wins we all have.

They happen every day. We get work DONE… when we might have just let it slide. We take the extra time and make the extra effort, even as no one notices. We make it happen.

In an otherwise cold and frightening world, we help others through our actions — and even by our positive presence.

And the world reinforces the negative. Sensation drives all media. It “click baits” us, like emergency flagmen calling our attention to the as-yet-unseen car wrecks ahead of us.

But amidst the world’s chaos, the dramas of our patients, and the struggles of our own lives, we are here to help, and to whatever large or small degree we do, that is a win. We contributed something good into the world that day.

But our wins are easily overlooked. First, by ourselves, and second, by others.


So… don’t let this happen. You can change this! Change it in your practice and change it at home.

And if you do, you will create a more healing atmosphere in your practice and love in your life. Your day will end better, and your next new day will start fresh with greater cheer.

  1. At the office, after the day is done, ask the staff to tell you about at least one success they had! Listen. Applaud or cheer or hug. Hurrah! Tell them about an accomplishment you had!
  2. And when you get home, and get a moment with your spouse or kids, ask them to tell you about a win they experienced.

You are doing good work. You are helping people. So are others with whom you work and live.

Recognize and celebrate this, and at the end of each day, simply ask each person with whom you work to tell you and the others their win or wins and cheer for them. Let them do the same for you.

You deserve It – and so do they.

End on a win.


PS I was reminded of this at the recent Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin conference in Wisconsin. One very successful doctor with whom I had the privilege of talking to mentioned that at the end of the day, he would meet with his team and acknowledge a win each of them had. I too, years ago, had done this with a team I had worked with, but as the world turns, I’ve let this very successful procedure drop aside.


If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals,
there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my new book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business building methodology

The Goal Driven Business By Edward Petty

goal driven business buy now button

End of Year Preparation for Your Chiropractic and Healthcare Practice

From the front to the back of your practice

As farmers know, you must plan ahead and then work your plan. That is part of the Law of the Farm we discussed last week.

This is a short and fast reminder of some activities to consider as we enter into the last two months of the year:

  • Marketing – The front end of your practice. Keep it hopin’!

  • Business — The back end of your practice. Organize for the future.


With good scheduling and planning, there is no reason for disappointment in production for November and December. To help keep the atmosphere thankful, cheerful, and productive, here are a few promotional ideas:

Thanksgiving (U.S.A.) Turkey giveaways have been popular with many practices. The basic idea is to refer a friend and enter a drawing for a free turkey.

Thank-a-Veteran Day. Veterans Day – November 11. Special promotions, including free or discounted services or donations to local veterans’ organizations.

Donation Drives. Holiday time always brings an increased demand for helping those less fortunate. Within your office, you can set up a collection area for donation programs in your area.

Girl’s Night Out. This is a shopping/gift exchange that can take place in your office that builds community and helps generate referrals.

Poinsettia Give Away. Give away free poinsettias, one per family. Include cards with a gift certificate for family members or friends for your services.

Your External Referral Network. Deliver a fruit basket or other present personally during December with a card of thanks and mention how you are looking forward to another year working together for better health. Your External Referral Network would include any person or organization that referred a new patient to you, where you gave a lecture or screening, or in any way directly contributed to your office.

Patient Appreciation. Have a party. Your patients are part of your practice and health community. They are a select group of like-minded health seekers. Bring them together, recognize their efforts to improve their health in 2023 and 2024, and encourage them to help others do the same. Everyone gets Guest Passes to hand out to family and friends when they leave. (I still love the Flying Elvis’ coming in for a big patient appreciation party one office used to have!)


Once you get your marketing plan worked out and in gear, take time to review the business situation of your chiropractic or healthcare practice. These behind-the-scenes details are important but not always urgent! They are pretty obvious – this is just a reminder!

Accountant. You will want to meet with your accountant to review your financial statements, including your balance sheet and profit and loss. There have been changes to retirement laws, so check with them about how they may affect you. Review your tax situation and explore strategies to minimize it. Ensure that all tax-related documents and filings are up to date.

Legal and Licensing. Check the status of licenses and permits and renew them as needed. Consult with your attorney to review contracts and legal obligations.

Employee benefits. Consider benefit reviews as well as bonuses.

Payors. You’ll want to review your insurance contracts and dump any that don’t bring a good return.

Fees. Take a look at your fees and make any adjustments that are needed.

Compliance. This can be delegated, but ensure that you at least minimally meet basic HIPAA and OSHA standards. You can check with your local state association for recommendations for these and any other requirements.

Budget Planning. Work out a general budget for next year that incorporates all the findings from your financial review and business goals.

This is not a complete list, of course.

Preparation is working on your business, not just in it, but it is just as essential.

Let’s end the year prosperous and secure for the future.



If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals,
there are reasons — many of which are hidden from you.

Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my new book, The Goal Driven Business.

goal driven business building methodology

The Goal Driven Business By Edward Petty

goal driven business buy now button

How to Grow a Chiropractic and Health Business

How to grow a chiropractic business

I was recently invited to my son’s wife’s family’s apple butter cookout. Yep, that’s right, cooking apples over an open fire. It’s a tradition.

It is also apple harvest season up here in the northern Midwest. You got yur Honey Crisps, Honeygolds, Snowsweet, Fuki, Jonathans and others. Lots o’ apples!

Harvest time.

I bring this up because, well, it applies to your office. Here’s how:


There is a metaphor called the “Law of the Farm” or the “Law of the Harvest.” Stephen Covey refers to this in his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. (I include a link to a short video below)

The concept comes from the observation that apples come from farmers farming. An apple orchard requires tender, loving care over the entire year from growers who plan and carry out disciplined regular work to ensure a bountiful harvest.

Aside from occasional droughts or freezes, if your harvest is poor, it is not because of the “apple spirits,” or that maybe you had a bad childhood. It is because one or more of the necessary preparatory actions needed to produce the apples were not done.

There are no shortcuts. Getting angry with the apple trees does not help.


The Law of the Farm, or the Law of the Harvest can be applied to your practice in the following ways:

  1. Long-Term Planning. Just as a farmer plans their crops well in advance, a business should set clear goals and strategies for the future. This includes defining your mission, the key values of your team that determine its culture, the outcomes, and production goals.
  2. Investment and Resources. Just as a farmer invests in seeds, land, and equipment, you must invest in your resources wisely. First and most important, invest in your people, including yourself: training, coaching, and hiring. Marketing, in one form or another, is always a necessity. Updating software and equipment, occasionally, or the décor of your office is also an investment.
  3. Consistency and Diligence. Sticking to what works is vital. This is why I recommend job checklists as part of the Goal Driven System. It takes discipline to keep doing what works, but consistency brings about confidence in your patients and your team. Daily tasks and routines are like tending to crops regularly.
  4. Patience and Adaptation. Just as a farmer must wait for crops to grow and adapt to changing weather conditions, chiropractic practice owners must be patient and adaptable. Success may not come immediately, and you will face unforeseen challenges. Being able to adjust strategies and remain patient when unexpected failures occur is critical.

Looking at your practice as something you need to grow to produce excellent outcomes is a useful exercise.

Patience can be tough to master as a business owner when you have invested everything on the line. But if you have done your preparation, as all farmers must do, most of your concerns are for naught.

The Law of the Farm is a principle from which you can draw many associations to your practice. As an exercise, you might discuss this with your team: How can we apply the Law of the Farm to our practice and improve our service?


Similarly, happy patients, completing their chiropractic or healthcare treatment program, being relieved of pain, healthier, and referring others do not come from the new well-advertised social media ad campaign. All the shiny new ads and promotions don’t make up for the Law of the Farm.

There are no shortcuts.

You reap what you sow — and nurture and take care of.

We are all farmers!


PS I also discuss this in The Goal Driven Business, #15 Goal Driven Principles, page 262 Be a Farmer: Grow Your Business and Your Customers

Watch this short video about the Law of the Harvest.


How Gratitude Can Improve Chiropractic and Healthcare Practice Performance

Be a Good Finder

One business owner (a dentist this time, not a chiropractor) I worked with years ago seemed to always be in a bad mood.

He was quiet and basically ignored his staff. His opinion was that he paid them to work, they should work hard, and that was it. But his office wasn’t doing well, so he called me in. I made several visits to his office, each time simply working to improve empathetic communication with his team. I coached him on listening to each staff member and to simply acknowledge them for their contributions.

A few months later, we saw his practice grow. Numbers were headed up!

I remember this because he was always complaining to me that I wasn’t doing anything for his office! His constant criticisms and lack of appreciation were the real problem, but he didn’t see it. While I was countering his abusive lack of gratitude for the support he was receiving from his staff, I tried to coach him on his issue.

Apparently, he was a good dentist, but to his strife and possible forever struggles, he was both a poor clinic director and student.


Employee Performance

So, I just want to mention and remind us all how important it is to be grateful and express gratitude.

When gratitude is expressed to others, many benefits occur. A simple “thank you” goes a long way in improving the morale and ultimate performance of others. Of course, it must be genuine. Counterfeit praise is easily seen through and can do more harm than good.

According to Tom Rath, co-author of How Full Is Your Bucket, “Gallup polling has revealed that 99 out of 100 people say they want a more positive environment at work, and 9 out of 10 say they’re more productive when they’re around positive people.”

He points to research that shows when a work team has more than three positive interactions with managers for every one negative interaction, it is significantly more likely to be productive. The point is not to keep managers from correcting or reprimanding but just to express more praise.


Gratitude is Good Health Care

“The practice of gratitude can have dramatic and lasting effects in a person’s life,” says Robert A. Emmons, professor of psychology at UC Davis [my alma mater!] and a leading scientific expert on the science of gratitude.

“It can lower blood pressure, improve immune function and facilitate more efficient sleep. Gratitude reduces lifetime risk for depression, anxiety and substance abuse disorders, and is a key resiliency factor in the prevention of suicide.” **

According to UC Davis Medical Center, “Gratitude is associated with higher levels of good cholesterol (HDL), lower levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), and lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure, both at rest and in the face of stress. It also has been linked with higher levels of heart rate variability, a marker of cardiac coherence, or a state of harmony in the nervous system and heart rate that is equated with less stress and mental clarity.

“Gratitude also lowers levels of creatinine, an indicator of the kidney’s ability to filter waste from the bloodstream, and lowers levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of cardiac inflammation and heart disease.”**


Be a Good Finder

You don’t have to have a PhD to understand that people respond well when they are noticed for something they did well.

So, this newsletter is just a reminder.

And I know that some of you, chiropractors, acupuncturists, dentists, vets, Vitalistic or not, have experienced the phenomenon of quantum entanglement with your patients – or even with your team. Being a “good finder,” creating positive relationships, and thinking positive thoughts about others — if genuine — often do bring positive effects. I have seen it, and I am sure you have too.

So, be a Good Finder…

…and More Good will find you.

