Electronic Health Records and Chiropractic

There is more and more attention being placed on the topic of Electronic Health Records. For those of you who are not familiar with this subject, you can find basic information on the web sites of CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) and of course, Wikipedia.  There are other sources, but reader beware: many have ties to software companies (and their advertising and promotional distributors) that are trying to make a case for buying expensive software now.

Here is a Q&A with Dave Michel and one of our clients regarding this subject which may be helpful in understanding what is going on:


Dear Dave,

Dr. H wanted me to e-mail you with some of our questions and concerns. We are hearing a lot of different things the more people we talk to about it. We are hoping that you can shed some light on the situation. Here are some of our questions:

Is the deadline for reimbursement this October 2011? Or do we have until October 2012?
There is no deadline at this point. It is not a requirement and, even if it is, there will be an exemption for small offices (usually less than 10 FTEs).

Is there a checklist of things that need to be completed in order to be compliant? Do we need to have digital x-ray in order to be compliant?
Yes, there is a checklist. If you google CMS EHR Incentive you will find a couple on the CMS website (skip software vendor websites …). Digital x-ray is NOT a requirement.

Is it a tax credit or would we receive a reimbursement check? Will it just cover the EHR software or will it cover equipment upgrades/replacement as well?
Beginning May 2012, you would be possibly eligible for up to $18,000 per year in incentives paid as a check to each provider. The limit would be based on 75% of your prior year’s Medicare reimbursment. IF you are “an eligable provder” and you have demonstrated “meaningful use”.

How much should we expect to spend on this process? And how much will we get reimbursed? Is it a percentage or the exact amount? And is it a guarantee?
Great questions. EHR software for chiros ranges between $2.5 – $27k. Add to that the cost of conversion in your office (thousands) and the reduced efficiency (eg if the new program adds 2-3 minutes to each patient encounter). This is going to be a big process.

Dr. H  wants to know “what happens if we don’t become compliant?”.
Nothing. Yet …

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer our questions.
No problem! Bottom line (if you haven’t picked up on this so far …): I am not a fan of any of the EHR programs currently out there. They either add too much time to each patient visit or they produce a SOAP note that would not pass an audit / records review. There is NO guarentee that Big Government is going to be mailing out $44k checks to each provider for doing something that will really not improve the heath care delivery system

Most of what you have seen are from companies marketing their products (seminars, EHR software, etc). There is NO mandatory deadline (yet) to convert to EHR and so far, I have not received confirmation from CMS that chiropractors will receive any money or incentives to convert to EHR. I do have a letter in to CMS to get an official word and will let you know. It does not make sense to me that CMS will give each chiropractor $44,000 to convert to EHRs when the CMS program is going broke. But I will let you know.

For questions about EHR, feel free to contact Dave at Dave@PMAworks.com

One thought on “Electronic Health Records and Chiropractic

  1. Thanks for clarifying. I hate to spend the 7k I hear about since I am bearing retirement, and I really do NOT expect to get the promised money.

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