Chiropractic Patient Education Prompters – Table Talk Grows Your Flock

Imagine this scenario:

Written on a white board near the chiropractic patient adjusting area:

Last to show and the first to go.

Patient: Hey Doc, what does that mean, written on the white board there?

Doctor: Hi Sam, glad you asked. Just a reminder for me to explain that pain usually shows up after a health problem is present for a period of time, and usually goes away or lessens during the early part of our program of care. In other words, the pain can go away but the issue that caused it can still be present.

Patient: Oh, I got you! So, even though I am feeling much better, I better stick with the program, is that it?

Doc. Yep!


You know patient education is important. It improves outcomes. It improves retention. It improves referrals.

This is a simple procedure to improve your patient education: Assign a creative staff member the task of writing images or sayings that prompt the patient, or prompt you, to talk about a health subject. That’s it!

It prompts TABLE TALK.

Table talk is the BEST form of patient education and, for that matter, promotion. It comes from you, the doctor, during the most transformative time in your office.

Here are a few sample subjects you could post on a white board near your adjusting table:

  • How does chiropractic work?
  • Above Down Inside Out
  • Dr. You
  • Does chiropractic help with headaches?
  • Last to Show First to Go
  • Time, Repetition, Effort! [It takes time to restore your health, it has taken a long time for you to get into this condition. It takes repetitive work, like orthodontics. We will give you our best effort, you will have to do the same,]

Add a drawing now and then:

  • How is pain like an iceberg? (Draw an iceberg. [Iceberg Symptoms on top of the water, cause below in the water.]
  • How is spinal health like a rusty hinge? [This is when your vertebrae wears away when it becomes stuck.]
  • What happens to your tires when they are out of alignment? [Disks wear out faster like tires out of alignment.
  • Car Parked a garden hose. [When the hose is stepped on or kinked the water does not flow 100%. The same is true when you have a subluxation and your nerves are impinged. This affects everything your nerves are connected to.]
  • Safety Pin.
  • Orthodontics.

Just so you don’t get too serious, add a joke now and then:

  • I had to turn down the landscape company today…

****They wanted too mulch

  • The bartender says “Sorry, we don’t serve time travelers in here.”

****A time traveler walks into a bar.


This procedure doesn’t cost you. Like chiropractic (or our consulting!), it pays!

But only do it for two months at a time, otherwise it will lose its novelty for you, the staff, and patients. Run it 2- 3 times each year.

Once a month, meet with your team and come up with some new patient education prompters. This is also another way to educate your team in the process.

Keep the conversation going.

The more they know, the further they’ll go.

And seize the future.


Improving Patient Follow Through: The new patient log and checklist

Working with different offices, we are always reminded of the fundamentals that apply universally. For example…

Once your patient has committed to getting better, it is your job, and everyone else on the team, to help them achieve their goals.

But in the busyness of everyday office interactions, essential steps along the way can become abbreviated or dropped out altogether.

At one office I recently visited, the patient visits and income were diving downward on a monthly trend. And this was occurring even though the new patient volume had been pretty steady.

When I inquired with the front desk staff, they told me that patients were sick, had money problems, were busy, and blah blah blah.

I asked if this was a new phenomenon. Did patients suddenly become poor, was there a new pandemic? What?

Didn’t get any real answers, as they were busy on the phones doing recalls trying to get people back in the office. The doctor wasn’t sure what was happening. To his credit, he loves adjusting and focuses on providing outstanding care – which he does, usually at a high volume.

Long story short, after investigating, I discovered that the doctor had changed up his treatment procedure slightly, and staff positions had changed. As a result, new patient financial consultations had dropped out. The patients had been getting excellent care but had no idea about their payments and were only scheduled for one visit at a time.

This was a pretty big change! A critical procedure just silently disappeared without anyone really noticing. (Sometimes it is hard to see the forest for the trees. Plug: Consulting doesn’t cost. It pays!)

Everyone at the office is a veteran, hard-working, and goal driven. A great team. But this missing procedure was costing them thousands and preventing patients from getting the full benefit of care.

We implemented several solutions that have worked for other offices.

One solution was the New Patient Log and Checklist. I gave them a sample to customize. It is a lined sheet on a clipboard. Each new patient is listed vertically on the left column, followed by other columns stipulating key actions that should occur on each patient. The Log would include such things as:

  • Report of findings and Tx Program.
  • Multiple appt. card.
  • Financial Consult.(When, by whom.)
  • First adjustment call.
  • Attend NP workshop.
  • Source.
  • If referred by patient, what is pt.’s name?
  • Thank you card to referring patient?
  • Type [ WC, PI, C, etc.]

You could add more columns, but the most vital aspect of this Log is this: it must be assigned to someone. You and the team can review the NP Log during your morning meetings or at weekly team meetings.

One of the lessons here is to always look for what you and your team are doing or not doing before you look to the environment for why your practice may be slipping – or booming!

And help your patients achieve their health goals by ensuring that they complete all the steps necessary along their health journey to achieve their goals.

Stay Goal Driven for a happier future!


PTC and the Subtle Art of Being There

It was in the 80s at a Parker Seminar, which was in Reno that year, that I first heard the term.

In the opening session, Dr. Jimmy Parker talked about PTC. I was attending as a guest with a chiropractor who introduced me to chiropractic. What an introduction!

Dr. Parker explained that PTC stood for Present Time Consciousness. (Parker had quite a few of these abbreviations!) He explained that a doctor could deliver a much better adjustment if their attention on the patient were in the present time, not thinking about past issues or on future concerns.

I have come to learn that this is a vital but easily overlooked skill.

You can tell when someone is 100% paying attention to you, or maybe not quite, or maybe not at all. And this makes all the difference in the patient’s trust in you, how long they stay with you, and whether they refer others to you.

But maintaining PTC can be challenging in a high-volume chiropractic office or any health office. How many thousands of adjustments does it take until all patients start blending into to one?

A doctor who worked with Clarence Gonstead told me about one evening when he was shadowing Dr. Gonstead. It was around 9 p.m., and the reception/waiting room was full. The doctor said to me that he exclaimed to Dr. Gonstead that his waiting room was still filled with patients. He said that Dr. Gonstead turned to him in the hallway before they went in with the next patient and said, emphatically, “No. I only have one patient, and that is the one I am with now.”

That sounds like he was present with each patient, and perhaps that is at least one reason he was so successful as a chiropractor.

I have seen more than a few techniques, or hacks, that help keep doctors, and support staff, in the present with each patient. For example

  • Completing the visit.  Some doctors soundly end each visit, often confidently saying, “That was a good adjustment, and I am satisfied.” Ending one visit before starting the next visit creates a micro-break, a little space between visits.
  • Break up the day. Different approaches to breaking up the day seem effective. For example, busy offices usually have varied but ritualized lunch breaks. These might include such activities as weight training or exercise, marketing, team workshops, lunch with the spouse, guitar practice, you name it. Mid-morning and mid-afternoon 5-minute breaks can also be helpful. (Stay away from social media!)
  • Remove distractions. You want to remove distractions that can pull your attention to future challenges or past mix-ups.  Pre-shift and short weekly meetings can be helpful in this regard by sorting out administrative issues so that you are free to focus on patients – in the present.
  • Cricket clicker! I remember one doctor telling me that he used a steel clicker, a “cricket clicker.” He would click the clicker just before the next patient visit, which would help him mentally begin the next visit.  (Whatever works!)

I suspect that this is a high-level technique. One for the masters. It can’t be canned. Perhaps it is beyond technique. When accomplished, when you are totally present, the patient innately feels that you are there for them and them alone, and this perhaps speeds their recovery.

I would be interested to know how you maintain Present Time Consciousness. You can add your thoughts here on our blog.

Staying engaged in the present for a better future!


The power for creating a better future is contained in the present moment:
You create a good future by creating a good present. (Eckhart Tolle)

In Praise of Geekiness

Are you a chiropractic geek?

Are you a health geek?

Here is Merriam Webster: Geek: “…a person with a high level of knowledge or skill in a field…” “an enthusiast or expert especially in a technological field… [The word geek has] seen increasing use with positive connotations, showing membership in a specialized group (film geek, beer geek) rather than social awkwardness.”

I like the word geek because it indicates someone who specializes in a field and is so engaged that they are not especially concerned with keeping up with what is accepted conventionally. In other words, they are a bit of a rebel.

Steve Jobs, for example, was a geek. A core value of Apple was a “power to the people” idea, that anyone could have a personal computer, not just the big corporations.

Wouldn’t Clarence Gonstead have been a geek? It would be difficult to find many chiropractors who were, or are, as engaged in chiropractic as he was or worked as hard.

I remember years ago when talking with a chiropractor over lunch and all he could talk about was the X,Y,Z axis, something about Euclidean geometry, and bilateral symmetrical function. I was trying to keep up! But there he was, in practice for over twenty years, talking excitedly about the last few patients he had seen. He was a chiropractic geek, for sure.

He also had a million-dollar practice with a very strong practice manager.

Great athletes are geeks in their field, studying and training harder than most. Same with musicians or chefs.

But it is easy to get distracted from your game. Collections, bills, staffing, procedures, marketing, insurance, taxes, and everything that goes along with running a business can cut into your productivity and dilute your concentration on your services.

Don’t let it.

Only the offices that give the highest quality services and deliver the best outcomes will survive, let alone thrive. Organize your administration such that it does not dampen your eagerness to engage with each patient, and continue to study and enhance every detail of your clinical skill.

And as a plug, this is why I wrote the Goal Driven Business – to help doctors be doctors, unfettered by administration, and free to express their skills and interests in their profession.

Organize your office so that you can focus on the science, art, and philosophy of your profession. Do so that you can look at chiropractic and its results newly each day, as if you just discovered its powerful potential to help people become healthier. Go deep on every level and rediscover your profession again, for the first time.

Be a geek.

Goal Driven to seize the future,


Case Management for Better Service and Retention

Start Each Day with Service First

Do you want a fast, simple and very effective procedure that

  • Improves patient retention
  • Improves patient referrals
  • Improves patient service
  • Improves team coordination and morale.

Beginning Each Day With Service Goals for Each Patient

Too often, we start our days by first looking at the appointment book when the patients are already waiting for us. The staff may not know what special needs each patient has, or they may have been told something by a patient that should be passed on to the treating chiropractor.

A brief review of each patient can help coordinate patient services with the entire team.

Case Management Meeting Procedure

Meet with your team about 20 minutes before you see the first patient each morning. Review the patients individually that are coming in that day. You may not need to go over every patient, especially if you have a full book.

Discuss each patient and what the goal of their next visit should be. Do they need therapy or rehab procedures? What kind? Is it time for their progress exam? Did they voice a concern to a team member that you need to know about? Do they need another financial consultation or educational materials? Should they bring in their spouse?

You can also discuss new patients – what do we know about them? Are they a friend of Rihanna or Marge Simpson? Do they live in the high-rent part of town or in a trailer down by the river? Are we all looking forward to meeting them?

More Than Case Management – Keeping It Fun.

Aside from case management, the morning meeting helps get the day started. Everyone can see how each other is doing, say Hi, and be on deck all set for the day.

I have seen chiropractic offices do short exercises (practice what you preach!), such as a plank or wall sit exercise.

I have seen jokes told. For example, everyone is assigned a spot on the Bad Dad Joke Rotation. One joke per day. The most joke for the week (the best one) gets free lemon and beet juice!

You can set reasonable goals for the day – new patients, visits, case completions, etc.

You can add a motivational quotation or review the mission or a core value.

I have personally seen this applied in many offices. Often, the primary chiropractor would get to the morning meeting first, and anyone who came in late was duly noted!! One office did this procedure in the morning and then again before the afternoon crowd came in after lunch.

Assign this as a procedure to your manager, case manager, or front desk coordinator. But make sure you support it 100%.

I have seen case management meetings work for a few months and then, like many procedures, fall by the wayside.

It only works if it is done.

In the end, everything we do is to help each patient reach their goal of better health, and this is the ultimate goal of case management meetings.

Over to you!

Carpe Posturum! (Sieze the Future)


Goals, Motivation, and Discipline

“People often say motivation doesn’t last.
Neither does bathing — that’s why we recommend it daily.”
(Attributed to Zig Ziglar)

I want to thank you for continuing to subscribe to this newsletter.

It has morphed into a kind of Tuesday’s Tips for Goal Drivers.

It includes weekly practice development tips, reminders, nudges, and even sometimes…insights. We include what we have seen that works, or doesn’t, in all types of chiropractic and other offices.

This newsletter has gained momentum over the last year from the publication of my book, The Goal Driven Business. It is written for that part of us that strives to achieve our goals.

The value of goals just can not be overstated. But “goals” cover a wide range of concepts and so can become confusing or even worse, boring.

But by frequently reconnecting with WHY you do WHAT you do, what you do becomes easier and more effective. And even more fun.

Why you do what you do is your motive — or your motivation.

Motivation to achieve your goals is senior to organizational procedures — but still needs organization to support its drive. When organization fails, as it often does, motivation is weakened. And organization is directly dependent on having the discipline of doing what needs to be done.

I don’t see the subject of discipline brought up too often in practice management conferences or discussions. It’s embarrassing, perhaps. Whether it is coming in late to see patients, not doing a thorough case review, or neglecting your support team, the little oversights can take a toll on our motivation.

Attending new seminars can give you a temporary buzz and momentarily motivate you. But unless you and your team have the discipline to stick to your values and procedures, the drive to your goals will lose its energy.

In his book Good to Great, Jim Collins talks about how successful businesses create a culture of discipline. He says, “It all starts with disciplined people…Next we have disciplined thought. You need the discipline to confront the brutal facts of reality, while retaining resolute faith that you can and will create a path to greatness.” “Finally, we have disciplined action.”

In a less academic way of saying the same thing, Mike Rowe said, “Work ethic is important because, unlike intelligence, athleticism, charisma, or any other natural attribute, it’s a choice.”

The way to stay motivated is to stay true to your mission, values, and procedures and to frequently take time to face the “brutal facts” of your performance and your WHY.

Like bathing, the process never ends… and keeps you clean!

Seize your future,


Reactivation: Fast, easy, and healthful promotion.

This promotion has rarely failed. It is simple, fast, and not gimmicky. It is aimed at patients who have not been in for a while.

Patients drift off, and life gets in the way, but your patients still know you, like you, and trust you. And, like all of us, they could now use a nudge to improve their health.

So why not send them a personal letter? In your own words, tell them to get their rear back in here so they can stay in the best of health for the winter months.

Special promotions work best if they are linked to a genuine cause. In this case, the cause is National Chiropractic Month and also the fact that you have a sincere desire to ensure that people you have seen in the past continue to do well.

Special promotions also have an offer. It could be a free service or a discounted service, or the fact that your payment will serve as a donation to a worthy charity. It could also just be special Halloween organic pumpkin cupcakes from your local bakery (give the business a plug for a discount!) when they come in.

Make the offer for the entire month of October, or perhaps just for the last week.

Headline the letter with something like

It’s Chiropractic Checkup Time

October is National Chiropractic Month

You can then, for example, use your own words to say:

Our records indicate that you may not have been in to see us for a while. If that is the case, I’d (for multiple doctors – we’d) love to see you and like to offer you…[your offer.]

Remember, postural and spinal problems are often present long before any pain occurs. Therefore, getting a periodic chiropractic exam is good health insurance to ensure you remain healthy. Chiropractic is great for helping with back pain, headaches, arm and leg pain, and many other problems.

But even if you aren’t experiencing pain now, don’t wait until you have a problem. I sincerely believe the old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

You can also encourage them to make appointments for their family and friends.

Even if you have all the patients you can handle, this is still a good reminder for those you have seen to stay healthy.

Because that is their goal as well as yours.

Seize the future,


Staff as Support Professionals and Experts

staff experts as professionals“No company, small or large, can win over the long run without energized employees who believe in the mission and understand how to achieve it.”
Jack Welch, former CEO Boeing

There is a direct relationship between motivation, skill, and the outcomes achieved in your practice.

One doctor we work with told me that, after being in practice for over 30 years, he is now getting better results than ever before. I have watched him continue to train, study, and practice his skills over the years. As a result, he feels he is on a whole new level of expertise. He has discontinued most of his external marketing efforts. He routinely sees 100 visits per day and has brought in another doctor to help.

But you, as the doctor, are only ½ of the equation. The other half is your staff. Even if you are the best in your state, if your team is not equally as skilled and motivated in their areas, the quality and quantity of your services will be impacted.

You want everyone on your team to be professionals on the road to becoming experts.

They may not know that this is what is expected. Perhaps they consider their job is, well, just a job. Some doctors refer to their staff members as secretaries or girls. I know! The early 1960’s still lingers.

A Big Shift from Employee to Expert

Make a shift in how your employees view themselves and how you view them as well.

I have been recommending to doctors that when they interview potential employees, they let them know that in 1 year, they are expected to give part of the lay lecture to patients on health care.

I also recommend that staff study and report what they learned at staff meetings. This lets them know that they ARE professionals, should be knowledgeable and need to take responsibility for what they know.

Also, teaching is another approach to learning, as in the adage: “To teach is to learn twice.”

To stress the importance of training, I sometimes ask a staff member to answer some basic questions about chiropractic when I am at a team meeting. For example, I might ask them to define “subluxation,” or “what are the effects of a subluxation,” or what does “pain is the last to show and the first to go” mean? Often, the staff member stumbles or can’t answer. After a tense moment, I lower my head and look at the doctor. Then, I help the staff member with the answer so they don’t feel bad.

I teach a specialized exercise program part-time. Have for years. I have learned that the student’s performance is directly linked to how well I have taught them.

Your Employees are Your Students

Your employees are your students. This is often overlooked by clinic owners and here is why: they are focused on just 2 roles — doctor and owner/entrepreneur.

However, there is a 3rd role most doctors are reluctant to fulfill, which is the manager or CEO.

As CEO, you are responsible for the training and coaching of your team and hence, their performance. This is a style of management sometimes called Servant Leadership or Servant Management.

You want and really need an expert support team. A team of experts support the doctors will greatly improve the quality and quantity of services and make your life much easier. To achieve this, you’ll need to take on the CEO role. At first, this may seem to add extra work to your already busy week. But in time, things improve.

Done right, you will have a Goal Driven Practice driven by a Goal Driven Team. Still, there are real barriers to becoming a Practice CEO and creating a support team of Goal Driven experts.

Look for our new program in 2023 where I will teach the Fast Flow CEO System as part of several Goal Driven trainings for next year.

And if you haven’t purchased The Goal Driven Business yet, do so. Required reading!

Seize your Future,


If you are interested in being part of a limited number of offices trained in Goal Driven Management and the Fast Flow CEO System, click here for updates in the months to come.[ special email category]

The Value of Creating a Practice Community

Where everybody knows everybody else’s name

Do your patients consider your practice so cool that they want to hang out with you more?

Do they come in early just to soak in the vibes and chat with other patients?

Do you have a practice club?

There are sizable benefits to creating and sustaining your own practice community. The fact is you probably loosely have one already. It is a rich resource that, if better organized and cultivated, can improve patient retention and referrals.

People want to be part of something larger than themselves. This includes belonging to a group whose values they share. Edward Deci, Ph.D., says it is an intrinsic, innate motivation we all have.

A practice club, or organized community relations program, strengthens your connection with each patient. But in addition, it builds relationships between your patients and even non-patients who are supportive of your practice.

I grew up in a small farm town. We had a very busy barbershop. It was always full of men, smoking cigarettes and talking to the barbers – and each other – about the comings and goings of our small town. I think my dad dropped in at least every other day. The barbershop had created its own interactive and slightly exclusive club.

As a more organized example, the motorcycle company Harley-Davidson established the Harley Owners Group, nicknamed HOG. You must own a Harley motorcycle to belong, and then you are eligible to attend many events the company sponsors and receive discounts on all its products. I know a few HOG members, and they are loyal to the brand and share a bond with each other. And they are active, servicing their bikes and using Harley products.

Organizing Your Community

You can sponsor your own “rallies” and probably have. Patients attend, see you and your staff outside the office, and get a chance to talk. But even more, they can connect with other patients. This is how your practice network strengthens.

You can better organize your community by delegating someone to be your Community Services Coordinator for a few hours every month. They would plan and implement various events, with everyone on staff would participating.

In addition, they could start an online club, such as a private Facebook Group. Your patients would be invited to join, as well as local businesses who share your values.

In my experience, most community-building efforts rarely amount to much because there is no one in charge to keep the group energized. Events are “one and done,” with little follow-up. This contributes to the Practice Roller Coaster effect. They do work at generating referrals and improving retention, for a while, but the energy created ebbs away.

Authentic newsletters, events, phone calls, a social media group, success stories, and special bonuses help keep the community humming along.

Network Effects

Network Effects is an economic term. It simply means that the more people use a company’s product or service, the more valuable it becomes. The larger your network becomes, the better the service improves. And the better your services improve, the larger your network becomes.

It is momentum related. Think of a flywheel or pushing a car with a dead battery. (ugh). Once you get it going, the going gets easier.

From my favorite HOG advertisement:

“It’s a free country. Live like it.
Screw it, let’s ride.”

And also,

Seize your future,


Want to improve your community building? Schedule a call and we can look at options. To schedule, go here.

In the Sierra’s

Brutal Economics: A hidden expense.

You have more expenses than you’ve probably considered.
Your biggest expense, like that old poster you have had in your reception room since 2012, has become invisible.
What is this big expense?
Well, one of the goals we work with in the Goal Driven System is the Full Capacity Goal.
This goal can be easily overlooked as we are focused on patient care, reimbursements, staffing schedules, vacations, and a thousand other tasks that require our attention.
The reason the use of goals is so effective in practice management is that they help you see the Vital Few from the Useful Many. (These terms are often used in reference to the Pareto Principle of 80/20.) The Vital Few are those factors (20% or less) that produce 80% (or more) of the results.
If you are not operating at close to full capacity, you are wasting money.
For example, if you could see, 160 patients in a week, given your schedule and good support, at $65 per visit, that would equal $10,400 per week. On a monthly basis, this would work out to be 640 visits and about $41,600 in revenue. This would be 100% Full Capacity.
You know from experience that your expenses are a lot higher than most realize. First, there are fixed expenses that you must pay out regardless of the performance of your business. And after everything and everyone is paid, after all accounts are settled, what is left over is yours.
At 70% capacity, that is not much. At 50% capacity, that is nothing.
Of course, you don’t focus on stats and money when you deal with patients as a doctor and as care givers.
But as a business owner, you must.
Numbers, analytics, Key Performance Indicators –– these make up your scoreboard and give you the best feedback to help you manage the performance of your business.
We carefully analyze our clients’ numbers each month and encourage they do the same. We also plot them on graphs and charts to notice trends. These are our x-rays.
Lately, we have realized that there is one number that gets overlooked in the hustle and bustle of business management. That is to what degree the office is operating at its full capacity.
In Goal Driven Analytics, we have been testing a “business capacitometer.” It displays, much like a speedometer or tachometer, the percentage of full capacity that the business is operating.
But you can easily do the same. Here is how:
  1. Weekly Visits. Determine the maximum number of visits you could see comfortably each week if you were reasonably supported with software and staff. ______
  2. Full Capacity Goal. Multiple this by 4 (I know, 4.3 is more exact): ___ This is your Full Capacity Goal.
  3. Percent of Full Capacity. At the end of the month, divide the number of visits you saw by your full Capacity Goal and you will get the percentage that shows you how the efficiency of your practice. E.G. You FCG is 800 and you saw 600 = 600/800 = 75%
Work towards maintaining 90% or above. Find the capacity constraints and remove them.
This is also very helpful if you have multiple providers – other associate chiropractors, massage therapists, other services, even your rehab or therapy departments. After agreeing on what volume would be full capacity, each month they can see their level of performance.
Last note: It is not about the statistics. While stats are your best indicator, remember … it is not the stat that is important — it is what they represent. A helped person!
Seize the Future,


STARTING your day- Goal Driver procedure: Case Management

We are starting a new month… and the 2nd half of the year.

For all doctors and practices, the action of STARTING is important.

In fact, how you start your day is more important than you might realize.

Too often, I have seen doctors rush into the office in the morning and not greet their support team. I have even seen doctors come in late after their patients had been waiting to see them.

In most cases, the doctor’s attention is already somewhere else and not on STARTING the day with their team. They are still CONTINUING from the previous day so that workdays seem to blend together. Mentally, I am sure this brings about extra stress — feeling like work never ends or that you must toil endlessly on an assembly line that you have no control over.

Instead, make each day new. Yes, this is a cliché, but that doesn’t diminish its importance. You create your new and unique day. If you don’t, today just blurs into a continuation of earlier days.

It really all goes back to GOALS. You should START each day with the end in mind.

Goal Driver Procedure: Morning Case Management

We recommend that you start the day with your team 15 minutes before patients come in. Review the numbers and flow for the day, and coordinate patient care. This is a kind of case management meeting. Set goals for the office for that day. Tell a joke.

Morning case management meetings are a great tool to help improve the performance of your practice. Assign this to your manager, put it on a checklist, and make sure it gets done each day.

Now, for a joke: What sits at the bottom of the sea and twitches?

A nervous wreck.

(Let that sink in!)

Carpe Posterum (Sieze the Future)


Where Everybody Knows Your Name: Creating a Chiropractic Community

Used to be a popular TV program called Cheers back in the 80’s. It was modeled after a bar in Boston with the same name. As a situational comedy, Cheers presented a familiar group of customers who came to the bar to have a drink, but also to relax, socialize, and have good cheer.


Patients come into your office to improve their health and find relief from discomfort. But they are also looking for something more.


Remember that a practice is a network of relationships created and sustained through communication and service. That’s my definition. There are other definitions, I’m sure, but at the foundation, communication is critical.


It can be a lonely world where there seems little time for real communication – or friendship.


You are more than a doctor, and your staff are more than just support professionals. You and your entire team are part of a caring family, a community of like-minded people who are committed to health and helping each other achieve it.


Creating a community is a big deal in businesses now. For good reason… Belongingness has been identified as an intrinsic motivation we all have, according to Self-Determination Theory. But it can be contrived and gimmicky if it is not genuine.


In the best offices I have visited, staff and doctors formed a work family… genuinely caring for each other as well as for their patients. The patients were also included in the family. Sometimes, I would see them spending too much time gabbing at the front desk or bringing fresh produce for the doctor from their garden. I would even see patients just stop by the reception area to chat amongst themselves, catching up on shared concerns and local news.


Yes, the best practices have policies and procedures. These are the systems that help ensure fast and efficient service in high quantity with high quality.


But procedures cannot take the place of a real person interested in and caring for another person.


In very lay terms, the spine is the structure that supports and protects the function of the spinal cord. It is the function that counts, that comes first.


Many offices have their function impeded by tangled up, omitted, or unfollowed procedures and policies. You definitely need a strong infrastructure to have a prosperous low stress business. But the reason, the goal for good systems includes having good communication with your patients and each other.


There are many troubling issues we all face. Make your office a place where people want to go for better health and better friendship.


A place where everyone is glad you came and where everybody knows your name.




Theme from the sitcom Cheers
“…Making your way in the world today takes everything you’ve got.
Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.


Wouldn’t you like to get away?


Sometimes you want to go


Where everybody knows your name,
and they’re always glad you came.
You wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same
You wanna be where everybody knows
Your name.”


Carpe Posterum (Sieze the Future)



Your Best Business Investment: Did you make First Adjustment Calls?

When was the last time you called your patient after their first adjustment?

We’ve advised this for years, and it is one of the many items on our Marketing Checklists. The procedure was simple: the staff handed the doctors a slip of paper with the names and numbers of patients who had their first adjustment that day. Then, on the way home, the doctor would give the patient a call to see how they were doing. I remember hearing from the staff that the patients loved getting a call from their doctor and felt it was an extra effort to ensure their well-being personally.

I was reminded of this when my wife, Barbara, took a phone call from the MD from whom she recently received a light skin surgery. She was impressed and delighted. (“Wow,” she said after the call. “I think I’ll call to schedule more surgeries this month!” She’s funny!)

But we live in a world where we are becoming more insulated from each other. We almost interact as much with Artificial Intelligence, electronics, and automation as with live people. Automation runs our shopping, our money, and our communication, even much of our medical care.

I just read a report this week that Google suspended an engineer from work who said that an AI program at Google was now sentient (conscious). He said that he had “startling talks” with a chatbot program.* And never mind the masking, social distancing, and lockdowns which I am sure we haven’t seen the last of.

It seems that honest, caring, and genuine interest from a live person, especially from someone who knows us, are vanishing human qualities.

And this is the niche where you and your team are uniquely qualified to own.
As entrepreneurs, we focus on business matters – we look at our scoreboard, analyze the numbers, and review our accounts receivable. We look at how we can grow our business and improve the bottom line. And all that is fine and part of our job.

But all the numbers, the paperwork, all the administration and marketing are for nothing if the personal connection you have with each patient is absent.

And this is what makes your service exceptional – the quality of connection you and your team have with each patient. The genuine interest in and authentic care for each patient, and the outcomes you deliver, are the heart and soul of your business.

Improving this is the best investment you can make for long-term success.

Carpe Posterum (Sieze the Future)


(Yahoo News)

Those Numbers: Do You Manage by Emotions or by Goals?

scoreboard for statistics

It’s Monday morning. The staff is getting the office ready for the new day. And while doing so, they are wondering… “How is the boss’s mood going to be today?”

They are taking their cues on how the day will transpire based upon, at least in part, your emotional state.

Your team, as well, will often be tempted to manage their roles in the office emotionally, based on the circumstances in their personal lives.

There is nothing wrong with positive emotion. Emotion is a feeling “a mental reaction subjectively experienced” (Merriam-Webster). Some are more positive than others, such as joy, delight, cheerfulness, and others are more negative, such as anger, grief, and fear.

But emotion is reactive. Setting your sights and working for goals is proactive.

Your Scoreboard

Your practice numbers show you if you are headed towards your goals or away from them.

They can predict what needs to be done to improve your business and achieve your goals. They also keep everyone on your team informed on the status of the practice and included in its management.

There is a right and wrong way to use your numbers to help you achieve your goals.

There is, in fact, an entire methodology on how to use statistics to improve business performance.

Large companies use analytics to manage and improve their production in formal processes such as Kaizen, Six Sigma, and Total Quality Management.

In the Goal Driven System, we use a simplified version called GAP, the Goals Achievement Process, which works just fine.

At the beginning of each month:

  1. Review. Review your key numbers monthly at staff meetings. (This can also be done weekly to check on your progress.)
  2. Notice and support. Notice where the numbers went up. Then, plan a couple of action steps to support the areas that went up.
  3. Notice and fix. Notice where the numbers went down. Then, plan a few action steps to fix the areas that were down.

Remember that numbers by themselves are nothing. They are symptoms or representations of the quality and quantity of your outcomes. Don’t get so caught up with the “stats” that you lose sight of what the numbers represent. Expecting the numbers to improve without confronting and enhancing the factors causing the numbers is at best ineffective and, at worst, can be abusive.

But numbers can assist you and each team member to stay focused on the goals: your office mission, its values, and its outcomes.

In a Goal Driven office, your team takes its cues from the office scoreboard.
There is an art and a method to capture, display, read your statistics and apply what they tell you. This is not adequately taught to most doctors in business – or to employees. Yet managing by numbers is a fast and very effective method to keep your business improving.

We are creating a short training course to remedy this called Goal Driven Analytics for the Chiropractic Practice. Subscribers to this newsletter (you!) will be the first to hear about it.

In the meantime, stay true to your goals, and use your scoreboard to help you do so.

Seize the Future


Improve Patient Retention Through Gamification

winner running through the finish line

It all comes back to goals – helping patients achieve theirs.

Last week I discussed improving patient retention through excellent onboarding.

Onboarding is a 21st Century term meaning, in this case, those actions you take with a new patient to introduce and orient them to their new service. The analogy would be a new passenger coming “on board” a new boat. (The link to this article is below.)

The other activity I mentioned that can improve patient retention is also a 21st term: “Gamification.”

Merriam Webster says gamification is: “the process of adding games or gamelike elements to something (such as a task) so as to encourage participation.” The concept is not new, but it has become a science and is integrated into all video games. I cover this in detail in my book, The Goal Driven Business, which I recommend you purchase and use. (Link below.)

Games are native to our species. Even to puppies, as you see them rolling over each other. Kids love to play with their parents, and as they get older, with other kids, and then enjoy organized sports. The Olympic games began, according to one source, in 776 BCE. We love our games, and perhaps, we need them.


A game poses a challenge where you can overcome barriers and demonstrate your grit. If you win –hurray! Winning is the prize, but sometimes you also receive an award.

In ancient Greece, winners received an olive wreath as a crown. In modern Olympics, the winners receive bronze, silver, and gold medals. In some martial arts, as you advance in your skills, you are awarded different colored belts. When you graduate from college, you receive a nice certificate you can hang on your wall to impress your relatives! (sarcasm)

Your patient has accepted a challenge, along with you and the entire clinic team, to achieve certain health goals. So why not acknowledge or even reward the patient for completing specific benchmarks along the way?

Years ago, I recall some offices would have a special short ceremony for their patients once they completed their program of care. First, the staff would help the patient don a black robe used in graduation ceremonies and a graduation cap (mortarboard) and tassel. Then, they would take a polaroid snapshot (a brand of camera that produced instant hard copy photos) with the doctor and the patient in their graduation garb, give a copy to the patient and attach another to a bulletin board. I have even seen this in a hospital setting, just without the robe!

In Your Practice

Gamification can be applied in your office in many ways.

For example, after completing their 6th visit, the front desk could award patients a silver star sticker. After the 12th visit, they are awarded a gold star stuck to a coffee mug with the office name and logo. Finally, after completing their care program, the patient could receive a diamond star attached to an office t-shirt.

Gamification aims to keep everyone engaged in the “game” of achieving health goals.

One approach to bringing this about is to have a team meeting and go over this idea. Encourage unbridled creativity! Use the best ideas that make the most sense and run the program for three months on a trial basis. Set goals (and awards) for the team for percentages of patients completing their programs.

All these are examples of gamification. But even a “Glad you made it today Mrs. Jones. Good to see you and your daughter” is a kind of an award. Unfortunately, in life, we are rarely recognized for our accomplishments – and mostly for our errors.

So, compliment your patients for their courage to improve their health. It is a big deal and a major accomplishment that they even show up, let alone follow through with their care.

After all, games are fun. So, let the games begin!


Link to Onboarding Article

Link to The Goal Driven Business

Chester Wilk Was Not to Be Bullied

A chiropractor that stood up for chiropractic.

chester wilk: a chiropractor that stood up for chiropractic

THIS IS A SPECIAL NOTE OF THANKS and a tribute to Chester Wilk, D.C., who passed away just a few days ago.

Dr. Wilk was the Wilk in Wilk versus AMA, the case where a federal judge ruled in 1987, based upon evidence, that the American Medical Association had been attempting to “contain and eliminate” the chiropractic profession.

Dr. Wilk and four other chiropractors first filed the suit in 1976. Doggedly pushing it along, Dr. Wilk, colleagues, and attorneys had to keep fighting even after the ruling against the AMA. From Wolinsky’s book, Contain and Eliminate:

“Wilk had earned a reputation as a street fighter. In 1974, he’d written a book of his own, Chiropractic Speaks Out: A Reply to Medical Propaganda, Bigotry, and Ignorance. In it, Wilk made a case for the validity of chiropractic based on scientific research, and he attacked the AMA for trying to stop chiropractic education and block insurance and Medicare reimbursement for chiropractic services. “Chiropractic is not a cure-all, but neither is medicine,” Wilk said.”

“The case was finally settled in January 1992. The amount of the settlement is under court seal. The settlement went toward attorney fees for Wilk et al., plus additional funds went to support a center for disabled children run by a chiropractor in Kentucky and the chiropractic schools with a request from the National Chiropractic Antitrust Committee led by Dr. Chester Wilk, which raised funds for the suit, that the colleges earmark the windfall for research. Not all did.” (Wolinsky)

I had the honor of having lunch with Dr. Wilk and his wife many years ago in Chicago. Later, in 1996, we both presented at a seminar hosted by Petty, Michel, and Associates to doctors and staff here in Milwaukee.

He was not flamboyant and seemed unassuming, but to me, he had a steely commitment to chiropractic, and I could see that he was not someone to be bullied.

Were it not for Dr. Wilk, and many others that worked with him to defend the profession of chiropractic from the illegal acts of the American Medical Association, you might not be where you are now.

The story about the Wilk’s case is a lesson for us all and an example well set.

And whether you are a chiropractor, work in the chiropractic field, work in any health field, or pursue healthy solutions for yourself and your family, no one or no organization has any right to suppress health information from you.

Dr. Wilk was not to be bullied or silenced, and neither should any of us. He stuck to his goals through thick and thin.

Please take a moment to pay your respects to this humble man and how we can continue his work.

Seize the Future!


PS links:

Dr. Chester Wilks Book: Medicine, Monopolies, and Malice

Wolinsky book: Contain and Eliminate

More info about Dr. Chester Wilk

Dr. Chester Wilk at Petty, Michel and Associates seminar discussing the Wilks vs AMA trail in 1996

Mr. Ed Petty at Petty, Michel, and Associates seminar discussing practice development.

Which is Better for You: Direct Marketing or Indirect Marketing?

Last week I sent an email with a link to Ode to Joy.

Ode to Joy is from Beethoven’s 4th movement of his 9th symphony, considered one of the top three symphonies ever created.

It was a short 5-minute rendition. It is beautiful and evocative – listen to it again. (Link below.) Plus, its performance was a masterpiece.

But it was actually an ad.

It was a brilliant advertisement for a Spanish Bank. It was promoting Sabadell Bank’s 130th year anniversary in 2012. According to one website, it has had 90 million views since 2012, while another posted in 2015 has received over 18 million views.

That is a lot of exposure. But does it generate new business?

This type of advertising is called brand marketing, or what I call indirect marketing. It is the opposite of direct marketing. Direct marketing, also called direct response marketing, tries to generate an immediate response. Knowing the differences will help you manage your marketing and make it more effective for your particular situation.

Direct Marketing

The goal of direct response marketing is to generate qualified prospects that respond to an offer. When you receive a card in the mail that promotes a free dinner about retirement funds, the company that sent you that mailer hopes you reply and attend the dinner and accompanying talk. At the dinner, a speaker gives a presentation with the hope of scheduling you for a private consultation later that week. When you see an ad on Facebook for a free manual, the advertisers intend that you respond and order their manual. The distinguishing characteristic of direct marketing is numbers – you can quantify the results of your marketing efforts.

Indirect Marketing

The goal for indirect, or brand marketing, is for the name of your business to be well known and well thought of. When you volunteer at the local food bank, co-sponsor a kid’s little league team, or simply provide excellent customer service, these are all examples of indirect marketing. The results of indirect marketing are difficult to identify immediately.

Until you are in Stage 4 in the growth of your business (about 75% or more full capacity), most of your marketing efforts should be direct marketing. Indirect marketing supports direct marketing, but even if your entire town knew about your business and thought highly of it, there is no guarantee that anyone would come to see you as a customer.

Handing out your business card to someone would be an example of indirect, personal brand building. However, handing out your business card with a handwritten note on the back that said something like “N/C screening in May for Joe M. Dr. EP” might be an example of a direct response marketing.

Marketing Mix – Direct, Indirect, and Internal, External

Another factor to consider in managing your marketing is how much should be directed externally – to non-patients and customers and how much should be directed internally to your existing and former patients and customers.

It has been my experience that too few practices are industrious enough with marketing to and communicating with their existing and former patients.

Below is a chart that gives approximate percentages of how to balance your direct and indirect marketing for your practice. I have divided the development of a business arbitrarily into 5 Stages. Figure each Stage to be about 20% your full capacity.

Telling your story and the successes of your services should never end, regardless of how successful you are. Change your marketing strategies depending at what Stage of development your business is in — but keep marketing.

Carpe Posterum (Seize the Future),


Ode To Joy

What You Must Do Before You Try to Improve Your Practice

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Will Durant

Too often, we stop doing what worked and yet wonder why our business isn’t doing as well as it had in the past.

When I would visit an office that wanted to improve, I would initially ask them what they were doing when the office was performing better?

The staff and doctors would pause, think, and gradually, the answers would begin. “Well, we used to call the new patient after the first adjustment…” “We used to have a radio program…” “We used to send out birthday cards… “We used to ….”

After each answer, I would ask, “Well, are you doing that now? The answer was usually “no.”

If business is improving, if the scoreboard shows that you are having a winning season, why stop doing what is working?

Keep doing what works!

This may seem obvious. It is. But we all fail at this one time or another, so it bears repeating.

What keeps us from continuing to do those things that are most successful? Boredom, staff turnover, or a momentary crisis when many procedures get washed overboard.

All offices suffer from what I call Procedural Atrophy – a gradually wearing away of what works. The result is only the very minimal procedures that keep the doors open are performed. Progress exams are no longer done, and the front desk no longer smiles when answering the phone.

The Goals Achieve Process – Now You Can Improve

You want to improve your business – provide better service, increase revenue, decrease stress.

But first, ensure that you are still doing what you were doing when you were doing well. Keep applying your successful procedures!

THEN, make improvements.

Various organizational processes are used in large companies that entail a sophisticated method of improvement, sometimes called Kaizen, Six Sigma, and Lean. Kaizen is a Japanese process developed by an American, but you can earn a “Black Belt” in Six Sigma. (I know. Confusing! People get paid big bucks for this stuff!) We have a very simple improvement process called the Goals Achievement Process outlined below.

  1. Review your numbers for the last few years.
  2. Notice when you were doing better.
  3. Make a list of the procedures, projects, and policies that were successful then.
  4. Also, include the level of your motivation and your attitude, and what you were doing to keep you inspired during those times.
  5. Get the successful procedures on checklists for your team to implement and ensure they are done again.
  6. Assign your manager to ensure that these procedures stay in place.
  7. Do a version of this each month, over and over.
    1. Review what worked and what didn’t the prior month.
    2. Check what procedures weren’t done or done well, or need to be improved, or discontinued
    3. Make a 4-6 step plan for the new month to improve those areas that need improvement.
  8. Optional: Use a professional coach/consultant to help you keep everything on track and improving!
  9. Also, read The Goal Driven Business.

In an entrepreneurial practice (the Personality Driven Practice), the owner is good at using their creative energy to get things started. And while this burst of energy is essential to start a business, it usually doesn’t continue once the “newness” wears off. So, they go in search of a new “shiny thing” to implement or try in their Practice.

A Goal Driven and systematized business works both creatively and methodically to become expert at doing the same procedures over and over, each time as if it was the first time. There is a vast difference between the amateur or serial entrepreneur and the expert who is still training and working to improve.

As Clarence Gonstead said: “Practice. Practice. Practice. Never stop.”

Stay on the Rails

It helps to think of your business as a train. You gradually build up speed and momentum. Keep doing what is working and keep it on the rails. Then, improve it.

Have a great week!


A new review for the book The Goal Driven Business:


Throughout the years of my Practice, Ed has helped coach our staff and change our thinking from “personality” driven to “goal” driven – allowing my office to stay open and profitable whether I am here or taking time off!

This book is so easy to understand and gives you real steps to take now in your business. I highly recommend this book to anyone who currently owns a business, is thinking about owning a business, or is a manger of a business!

Donna Brown, D.C.
Business Owner, Group Practice

Are Your “Engines” Driving Your Practice?

A service business needs 5 different engines to become a Goal Driven Business

Five engines drive your business to its goals.

If these are installed and firing at 100%, practicing will be enjoyable and profitable. When these engines are not fully performing, the daily demands of running a business shift to, and fall upon, the owner.

These engines are functions and characteristics of a dynamic team that drive the practice toward its goals.

Many offices that seem to be doing well are driven by heroic owners fighting each day to grow their practices, and not by their engines. But this isn’t easy to sustain. At some point, it becomes too much, and they settle into a comfort zone below their abilities. As a result, their long-term goals remain unfulfilled.

This is the plight and path of the entrepreneur – brave, independent, but too often without a map on how to build a strong business that drives itself.

The five engines that drive a business to its goals are:

  1. Marketing
  2. Leadership
  3. Management
  4. Service
  5. Personal Integrity

I want to begin passing on tips on the marketing engine– what is working now and my best estimation of what will be working in the future. Marketing is vital, for without paying customers, the other engines won’t work and aren’t needed.

But before I do, I want to invite you to look at your business and gauge the health of each of your engines.

You can do this by reviewing how successful you are at achieving each engine’s outcomes (goals) and giving them a grade from one to five (1-5). 5 would be the point where the engine is achieving its goals.

  1. Marketing. Abundant new patients and goodwill with local allied businesses, organizations, and your community. A waiting list practice. (1—5: ___)
  2. Leadership. A business with clearly defined goals that are agreed upon and pursued happily. (1—5: ___)
  3. Management. Expert team members, acting as an expert team, implementing simple but effective procedures. (1—5: ___)
  4. Customer Service. Customers (patients, clients, customers) who are extraordinarily satisfied with the services they receive and their outcomes. (1—5: ___)
  5. Personal Integrity. Each team member is happy because of the positive and and responsible manner in which they manage their personal lives. (1—5: ___)

By grading each engine’s “output,” you can immediately see what needs the most work.

But these engines do not work independently. One affects the other so that there is a synergy created. As one improves, so do the others. The opposite is also true – the more one engine dies down, the more the other ones do as well.

It could be said that everything begins with leadership, and that may be true. But unless you are marketing your services, there will be no one to lead!

So next week, let’s look at a few effective marketing strategies and tactics that will help drive your business to its goals.

And by the way, how to achieve a 5 for all your business engines is described in The Goal Driven Business. If you haven’t read it yet, I encourage you to do so.

A great new February to you all,


The Problem With Seminars

the problem with seminars

I am all for seminars. Been to many myself. I know I have gotten useful information and, no doubt, have benefited from them.

But, their usefulness is often wasted.

I just talked to a business owner that came back from a seminar he and his doctors and staff attended. He told me that they have started hitting their best-ever weekly numbers. His office manager told me that everyone is excited.

For now.

I have seen it time and time again… go to a seminar, get stoked, come back, numbers go up for a month or so, and then everything returns to how it always was. In essence, the seminar was only a short-term, “acute care” fix that addressed symptoms. Nothing was really improved or corrected.

There is a solution on how to benefit the most from seminars. I discuss it in my book, The Goal Driven Business, from which most of this article is quoted from. The following is a story related to me from a chiropractic staff member a few years back:

“Our office was really slowing down last year. So, the owner decided to take everyone out of town to a weekend business seminar. The speakers discussed new and efficient methods for doing our work. It was entertaining and informative. Plus, we also gained some great marketing ideas. It was a fun seminar, so we were all excited when we returned to work after the weekend.

“On Monday, we agreed to get together at lunch to discuss how to implement what we learned. Some staff members had to take care of urgent matters first, so our lunch meeting started 30 minutes late. Once we finally got together in the break room and started eating, we began a good meeting, but then customers begin arriving for their afternoon appointments. We had to call the meeting to an end without getting through very much of our agenda, but we agreed to continue the meeting the following week. Turns out, we never did meet again about the seminar.

“But we were still pretty motivated from the out of town trip to the seminar and, as I recall, we had one of our best months ever. It’s my job to clean the break room and, after a few months, I noticed that the binders of information we received at the seminar were never opened; so I stored them for future reference. Now it is almost a year later, and everything is pretty much back to the way it was before we went to the seminar. Some of us are a little burned out and I don’t think we ever did implement anything from that seminar.”

Sound familiar?

I bet it does. I have seen it play out almost exactly the same way countless times. Starting, and not following through. No management and marketing system is set up, and no time scheduled to ensure the system is followed, and no lasting improvement is realized.

And I am sure, for most of us, this phenomenon applies to our personal lives as well. For instance, how is your exercise program coming along? Hmm? You’ve set goals to work out more often and eat better, right? To work ON your body, not just in it. Yet, my guess is it’s been pretty hit and miss.

We want to improve, we make improvement goals, but what happens? Why can’t we achieve them? Consistently. Is it that we’re all too busy? Too lazy? There seems to be no solution, so we accept our condition and do our best.

Yet, there IS a solution, and it’ll seem like science fiction—but, it’s actually a science fact.

The Goal Driven System of Business Development covers 20 Big Shifts, or actual office adjustments, that need to be made to reach your goals — and stay there. It takes you out of the Practice Roller Coaster that forces you to finally “settle” and accept a lower level of success because the stress of the ups and downs becomes too much.

Here’s how to get the most out of seminars from The Goal Driven Business.

goals lab goaldriven.comBIG SHIFT #1: Introducing the Goals Lab
You can’t improve your car while you’re speeding down the freeway. You must take it to a mechanic at a garage. Athletes and musicians alike spend time away from their audience to practice their game skills or their music, always improving their performance. Businesses need to do this as well. But where? And when?


The answer is you need to create a Goals Lab where you go to work on your business.

Your Goals Lab is a special place, a laboratory, an oasis for change. Here, you can think, study, learn, practice, become inspired, and have conversations. Here is where you go to reset your thinking and improve your actions—and the actions of others in your office as well.

I call it the Goals Lab, but you can give it another title, if you wish. Whatever you call it, this is the first Big Shift you’ll take on your journey to achieving your new goals.

Goals Lab to engineer your best route to your goals,

Why do you need a Goals Lab? Because you simply cannot focus on the other Big Shifts when you are in your office, juggling customers, staff, bills, phone calls, emails, vendors, and everything else that consumes your energy and brainpower.

Management companies and consultants may have advised you to work on your business, not just in it. While the idea of working on your business, as opposed to in it, is a clever and useful concept, I have rarely seen it applied consistently or comprehensively. Why? Because real business improvement can be more demanding than meets the eye. It is a separate activity that requires its own distinct time and place, and it has its own rules which must be followed to be effective.

I use the term Goals Lab because it is a virtual location that you visit to improve business performance. As an example, you spend most of your time with your car driving it. But you also take time to take your car to a special place where you let a mechanic work on it.

Not knowing about this place, this Goals Lab, its rules, and how it operates, is a fundamental reason why all your management books, marketing manuals, and practice improvement notes from seminars rarely get implemented.

Your Goals Lab has been mostly hidden from you. It almost has a fourth-dimensional location, which is outside the time and space continuum.”

Why don’t we spend more time on improving the business, not just working in it?

This is the real question, and it is answered in the book, The Goal Driven Business. You can read about it now, or wait for my next article where I explain WHY business improvement is so difficult and what to do about it.

Meanwhile, keep improving.


Learn more about book and get it here:

the goal driven business by edward petty