Vaxxed – The Movie and Questioning Authority

I just watched Vaxxed, a new movie about the relationship between vaccinations and autism, the CDC (a federal agency, the Center for Disease Control and Protection), and Big Pharma. It has limited showing across the U.S. and is currently playing in Milwaukee until today (June 30th). (Downer Theater)

Most of the film quotes M.D.’s and PH.D’s, except for a few stories by the parents of vaccine injured kids. Some of the clips show M.D.’s over time as they discover a link for themselves.

A key element in the film centers around an admission of the key research scientist, Dr. William Thompson who, after working for the CDC, claims that he is now a whistleblower. He says that data was manipulated and evidence was destroyed to cover-up a direct link between certain vaccination protocols and autism. “I have a boss who is asking me to lie… The higher ups wanted to do certain things and I went along with it…” [paraphrased]

After the movie I did a fast Google and found: “Autism rates soar, now affects 1 in 68 children…” from USA Today, 2014.   It occurs 4-5 times more in boys than in girls, according to Wikipedia. In 1995 it was 1 in 500, and back in 1975 it was 1 in 5000. (

Vaccine rates have also soared – 49 doses of 14 vaccines before age 6. CDC schedule. 2 With both numbers soaring, there is at least a correlation.

But my attention is on the money. It is no secret how many Big Pharma lobbyists work in Washington (about 2 to 1 for every member of Congress) – or how profitable the pharmaceutical industry is, or how much they spend to influence government, doctors, and the public.

And it is also not an odd coincidence that the head of the CDC when Dr. Thompson was doing research on vaccinations, Julie Gerberding, gets hired by Merck. She was put in charge of Merck’s vaccine division. Big surprise!  Merck had or has 12 vaccines on the market, including Gardasil – a vaccine India is suing Merck for in the deaths of girls. It is hard to tell how much she is making, but one report shows that she just cashed in Merck stock for over 2 million dollars.

You may remember Merck, the company that produced Vioxx that killed 38,000 Americans, maybe more. Merck finally pulled the drug in the early 2000’s. And there were cover-ups and whistleblowers back then too. Dr. David Graham who worked in the FDA, (Food and Drug Administration) testified that “Nearly 60,000 people may have died.”  After his testimony, Graham was publicly criticized by the FDA. He later sought help from a whistleblower protection organization. It is dangerous to be a whistleblower or to go against powerful interests!

But you don’t need to be a whistleblower to connect the dots. From cigarettes to finally aspartame, people are gradually seeing that what is popular is not always what is healthy or in their best interest.

Yet, with enough money, consent can be manufactured through Big Data and Big Marketing. It can do it subtly and in a thousand different ways.  Public Relations is a science and is becoming more sophisticated every day and unless you do your homework and have an open mind, and QUESTION AUTHORITY and CONVENTION,  you may be like someone who supported invading Iraq because Sadam Hussien caused 9/11. ( Even two years after 9/11: “Nearly seven in 10 Americans believe it is likely that ousted Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the Sept. 11 attacks…” USA today, 9/6/2003)

So, yes,  I recommend the movie Vaxxed and draw your own conclusion, but more importantly and always… question authority.

“You don’t need a weatherman –  To know which way the wind blows.”  Bob Dylan

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About Edward Petty

Consultant with Petty, Michel & Associates, Author of Marketing Manager System, the Goal Driven Business Father and grandfather, husband, student, active in athletics, and in health and environmental causes.

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