Chiropractic Health Never Takes a Holiday

AUTHOR NOTE:  The links below are now working…. if you have a problem accessing, please contact Linda at 262-749-0221.

This is a busy season, isn’t it?

But, usually a productive one. Although there are the usual complaints, in the big picture I think we all do very well. For the most part, we accomplish many good deeds during this time.

First, there is the Spirit of Christmas – which is always a good thing. Regardless of how devout you are to Christ’s birth, different religions and different cultures recognize this time in their own way. We are all maybe just a bit nicer to each other, or at least called upon to think about having more compassion for each other.  Tragedies also remind us of this.   In my opinion, the Spirit of Christmas transcends all religions.

Then, there are the reunions. Family and friends get together. Hectic? Usually. Messy? Often. Sometimes agitating? Yes.  But still, it is a time for meeting together and talking and eating and sharing. And loving.

Did I say eating? Yes. That is usually yummy good, as long as we do not over indulge in too much or too bad food.

 NOW TO A PRACTICAL PRACTICE MANAGEMENT SUGGESTION: Don’t’ forget to politely remind your patients – “This is NOT a time to fall off the Wagon of Health!”

Health Doesn’t Take a Holiday

Embrace this time. Have fellowship, share kindnesses – and have yourselves a Merry Little Christmas. But maintain your health and insist your patients do as well.

Keep them to their appointments and schedule them through January.

The links below direct you to pdf posters for examples.   They say: “Health Never Takes a Holiday.” You can place these on your front desk and in your adjusting rooms to remind patients to keep to their schedules and to get scheduled if needed.

Clients may go to their members’ site and pull down the same files as customizable Word posters. There is a link for that below.

If you are not a client and want a Word file, just let us know.  We will get you one.

Use them if you want, or make your own.

Also, just for fun there is a link to a poem adapted from “The Night Before Christmas”: “Twas the Day Before Christmas.” Not sure who wrote and would like to know for attribution.

Now, if you think about it, what is the most important element to real health care?

… (thinking)….

Getting adjusted? Eating right? Exercising right? Yes, all these and more.

But even more fundamental is doing them. And to do them, you need to schedule them. This is why I place such an importance on the dynamic nature of the Front Desk. If patients are not scheduled, they don’t come in, and nothing else can happen.  Too obvious, but often overlooked or under stressed.

In the real world, the best guarantee for chiropractic health is the SCHEDULE.

From all of us at PM&A

Have yourself a merry little Christmas, and
May your hearts be light …


Health Never Takes a Holiday (PDF)

Health Never Takes a Holiday-2(PDF)

Links to the members site for the fully customizable version of Health Never Takes a Holiday. (You will need to enter your user name and password.)

Health Never Takes a Holiday (DOC)

Health Never Takes a Holiday-2 (DOC)

Chiropractic Christmas Poem – “Twas The Day Before Christmas”