Medicare, Chiropractic, and Computer Generated Notes

Is Your Office Looking Into Computer-Generated SOAP Notes? Read This FIRST before you invest your cash!

Thinking that your documentation could use an upgrade? You are probably right, but before you invest in a software generated note system, know that Medicare frowns on most such programs and they could actually hurt you in an audit.

As we have been saying for years, there is no good shortcut out there for doing documentation. You have to follow Medicare’s guidelines and just because your software generates a half page typed SOAP, you may still be missing the mark.

According to ChiroCode Institutes recent alert:

Medicare carrier Noridian Administrative Services recently updated and reprinted a notice on Chiropractic Software-Generated Documentation. Apparently, the piece was generated because Noridian has seen an increase in the use of software-generated documentation for chiropractic services.  Here are a few key areas where software can begin to go wrong (according to Noridian):

– In general, most computerized documentation fails to provide individualized information necessary for reimbursement.

– Software-generated documentation is commonly identical to the letter, comma and space for different patients, with only minor word changes; therefore, it does not reflect medical necessity.  Services supported by repetitive entries lacking encounter specific information will be denied.

– Software-generated documentation often repeats the same phrases and sentences by simply rearranging the words to make it appear as if new information is being disseminated, but when compared to prior days notes, reflects the same or similar concepts.

You can read the whole article here: The article contains some humorous (at least to me) examples of  how the software, while randomizing text, generates almost identical SOAPs for different patients on different days.

Getting a Medicare CERT audit? Don’t send in your records without calling us first. See our website for more information on our exclusive Medicare Pre-Audit Documentation Review. LINK

Chiropractors – If You Get a Medicare Audit, Do You Know What to Do Next?

Are You Prepared?

If You Get a Medicare Audit,
Do You Know What to Do Next?

If you haven’t already heard, CMS Medicare has launched a massive audit project aimed at chiropractic offices around the country. Executive Order #13520 “Reducing Improper Payments and Eliminating Waste in Federal Programs” has unleashed a random attack of chiropractors aimed at recovering an estimated $174,100,000 in over payments.

Medicare has hired two companies to start auditing chiropractors. There is no way to know if you will get a request for an audit, but I can tell you this from being on the road: very, very few clinics will pass a Medicare audit based on the documentation that I have seen.

That’s not to say you aren’t providing proper, necessary care. Far from that. The Medicare documentation requirements for the physician’s signature alone are three pages long.

So What Should You Do?

PM&A is prepared to help you. We have had 25 years of experience with Medicare audits and appeals. If you get a request for an audit, DON’T freak out. Do this instead:

  • Do not ignore it! You have 30 days to respond.
  • Do not let your staff photocopy and send the records out blindly!
  • Call our office immediately and request our special MPDR Program: MEDICARE PRE-AUDIT DOCUMENTATION REVIEW

We will come to your office & go through any requested records with a fine-tooth comb to assist you in ensuring that you have complete documentation for all services rendered, that each date of service is properly documented, that all PART forms are complete, and that active care modifiers have been properly used.

We will go over each entry in the chart with the treating doctor to ensure that every requirement of Medicare documentation is met for the service you rendered. If addendums need to be made, we’ll ensure that the addendums meet or exceed Medicare requirements.

We will also draft a follow up and Medicare Compliance Plan for your office for any areas that need to be corrected so that you can avoid potentially devastating pre-payment future audits or fraud charges.

We have successful fought AND WON on numerous Medicare audits. No other chiropractic management company can say that. A bad Medicare audit can cost well over $100,000 and thousands of staff hours – and more importantly, hurts your patients and their right to chiropractic coverage.


Medicare Audit Emergency Response Number:     920.459.8500

The MPDR is available to chiropractors in WI, MN, IL, IN, & ND only. This is an emergency response program and slots will be limited to PM&A clients first, then first come. Do NOT send records without calling us first.

The MPDR program covers up to two full days (20 hours) in your office, plus limited follow up. The cost is $4,800 prepaid. PM&A management clients can receive a 20% discount if they are active and current members.

Call for terms and conditions for this service. 920.459.8500