Bruce Lipton and Physician Health Thyself

Edward Petty with Bruce Lipton, PhD petty Michel and associates

Edward Petty with Bruce Lipton, PhD – – Petty Michel and Associates

Why doctors should stay Innately positive and healthy

Chiropractic is more than a mechanical act to improve a patient’s health.

I remember years ago attending a Parker seminar when Dr. Jimmy was still alive and seeing a large drawing describing “Innate to Innate.” A concept I believe he may have learned from Thurmond Fleet who developed Concept Therapy.

Bruce Lipton, PhD, is a cellular biologist, has taught at University Wisconsin Medical school, at Stanford, as well as Life Chiropractic College West. I have heard him speak on several occasions, read his books (Biology of Belief) and consulted with him personally about my book (The Goal Driven Business.)

I think Dr. Lipton expresses the concept of Innate scientifically:

There’s a concept in quantum physics called “entanglement,” which is when one energy source entangles with another so that they interfere with each other. This interference can be positive and harmonious, as with energy healing, or it can be negative.

Physicist Amit Goswami published an article in a physics journal showing that entanglement affects people. He had two people meditate together and then separated them into two chambers where they couldn’t see or hear one another. When one person had a light strobed by his eye, it caused the firing of a certain frequency in the brain. Remarkably, at the same moment, the other person’s brain also fired, even though he never saw the light. This proves what we intuitively knew, that the energies of people can affect one another.

What Goswami’s study demonstrated is that when two people become entangled, one person will conform to the energy of the other person. When one of them is a healer whose cells are vibrating at a higher level, the client’s cells become entangled, and their energy is lifted. That’s why that old saying, “physician heal thyself,” is so important, even though most don’t understand it: If the physician’s energy is going to influence or, in scientific terms, “entrain” the patient’s, the doctor’s must be higher. (source on blog)

I have seen examples of this in many of my office visits over the years. You might have an interesting discussion with your staff at a team meeting about how the “vibes” of the office affect the patients.

Has anyone pulled a patient file and the patient suddenly called? Have you ever had a great team meeting the phones start to ring? Have you seen a patient improve just because you felt connected to them?

So, please stay healthy and stay positive, in alignment with your greater purposes and greater powers.

And pass it on.





Get New Patients By Just “Concepting” Them

The stories exist.

It is not talked about much. Most offices don’t know about it, and those that do, often just take it for granted.

But we have seen it happen and it never fails to amaze.

One office I worked with had been doing badly with new patients and office visits. It was March and numbers had been declining since the previous summer. They had tried about everything – new marketing procedures, new staff, but nothing was working.   It was a three doctor office – all good chiropractors and the support team was great.  But everyone was exhausted at trying to increase the volume. They all looked haggard and disillusioned.

The senior doctor and I worked out an ambitious plan to solve the problem. We decided to hold a staff meeting to go over our ideas with everyone.  The meeting lasted about an hour and a half. Everyone brought their lunch and we talked.  We discussed items on the plan and followed an agenda the doctor and I had put together. At the end of the meeting, the mood of the office seemed to change.

Then, the phone starting ringing.

Literally, off of the hook. Existing and inactive patients starting calling in for appointments. I remember that the front desk team scheduled at least 4 new patients before I left that afternoon.  By the time I left, what had been a sullen office in the morning was now an exuberant and festive party of healing in the afternoon.

I am really not exaggerating. Looking over their numbers at the end of the month, the doctor and I noticed that they had their best month ever for office visits and new patients.

Their success was not due to a new marketing or management procedures.  It was because of something magical.

This magical thing – you too have it. You have probably even experienced it a few times. It is not always easy to acquire, but never the less, it is there. If you can grab it, harness it, it will help you towards your dreams.

Our webinar this Thursday, November 15 will cover 8 solid steps to uncovering your magic that can help you boom your office – and your life.

The power that made your practice is the power that can heal and grow your practice.

Learn how this Thursday.

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