The Problem With Seminars

the problem with seminars

I am all for seminars. Been to many myself. I know I have gotten useful information and, no doubt, have benefited from them.

But, their usefulness is often wasted.

I just talked to a business owner that came back from a seminar he and his doctors and staff attended. He told me that they have started hitting their best-ever weekly numbers. His office manager told me that everyone is excited.

For now.

I have seen it time and time again… go to a seminar, get stoked, come back, numbers go up for a month or so, and then everything returns to how it always was. In essence, the seminar was only a short-term, “acute care” fix that addressed symptoms. Nothing was really improved or corrected.

There is a solution on how to benefit the most from seminars. I discuss it in my book, The Goal Driven Business, from which most of this article is quoted from. The following is a story related to me from a chiropractic staff member a few years back:

“Our office was really slowing down last year. So, the owner decided to take everyone out of town to a weekend business seminar. The speakers discussed new and efficient methods for doing our work. It was entertaining and informative. Plus, we also gained some great marketing ideas. It was a fun seminar, so we were all excited when we returned to work after the weekend.

“On Monday, we agreed to get together at lunch to discuss how to implement what we learned. Some staff members had to take care of urgent matters first, so our lunch meeting started 30 minutes late. Once we finally got together in the break room and started eating, we began a good meeting, but then customers begin arriving for their afternoon appointments. We had to call the meeting to an end without getting through very much of our agenda, but we agreed to continue the meeting the following week. Turns out, we never did meet again about the seminar.

“But we were still pretty motivated from the out of town trip to the seminar and, as I recall, we had one of our best months ever. It’s my job to clean the break room and, after a few months, I noticed that the binders of information we received at the seminar were never opened; so I stored them for future reference. Now it is almost a year later, and everything is pretty much back to the way it was before we went to the seminar. Some of us are a little burned out and I don’t think we ever did implement anything from that seminar.”

Sound familiar?

I bet it does. I have seen it play out almost exactly the same way countless times. Starting, and not following through. No management and marketing system is set up, and no time scheduled to ensure the system is followed, and no lasting improvement is realized.

And I am sure, for most of us, this phenomenon applies to our personal lives as well. For instance, how is your exercise program coming along? Hmm? You’ve set goals to work out more often and eat better, right? To work ON your body, not just in it. Yet, my guess is it’s been pretty hit and miss.

We want to improve, we make improvement goals, but what happens? Why can’t we achieve them? Consistently. Is it that we’re all too busy? Too lazy? There seems to be no solution, so we accept our condition and do our best.

Yet, there IS a solution, and it’ll seem like science fiction—but, it’s actually a science fact.

The Goal Driven System of Business Development covers 20 Big Shifts, or actual office adjustments, that need to be made to reach your goals — and stay there. It takes you out of the Practice Roller Coaster that forces you to finally “settle” and accept a lower level of success because the stress of the ups and downs becomes too much.

Here’s how to get the most out of seminars from The Goal Driven Business.

goals lab goaldriven.comBIG SHIFT #1: Introducing the Goals Lab
You can’t improve your car while you’re speeding down the freeway. You must take it to a mechanic at a garage. Athletes and musicians alike spend time away from their audience to practice their game skills or their music, always improving their performance. Businesses need to do this as well. But where? And when?


The answer is you need to create a Goals Lab where you go to work on your business.

Your Goals Lab is a special place, a laboratory, an oasis for change. Here, you can think, study, learn, practice, become inspired, and have conversations. Here is where you go to reset your thinking and improve your actions—and the actions of others in your office as well.

I call it the Goals Lab, but you can give it another title, if you wish. Whatever you call it, this is the first Big Shift you’ll take on your journey to achieving your new goals.

Goals Lab to engineer your best route to your goals,

Why do you need a Goals Lab? Because you simply cannot focus on the other Big Shifts when you are in your office, juggling customers, staff, bills, phone calls, emails, vendors, and everything else that consumes your energy and brainpower.

Management companies and consultants may have advised you to work on your business, not just in it. While the idea of working on your business, as opposed to in it, is a clever and useful concept, I have rarely seen it applied consistently or comprehensively. Why? Because real business improvement can be more demanding than meets the eye. It is a separate activity that requires its own distinct time and place, and it has its own rules which must be followed to be effective.

I use the term Goals Lab because it is a virtual location that you visit to improve business performance. As an example, you spend most of your time with your car driving it. But you also take time to take your car to a special place where you let a mechanic work on it.

Not knowing about this place, this Goals Lab, its rules, and how it operates, is a fundamental reason why all your management books, marketing manuals, and practice improvement notes from seminars rarely get implemented.

Your Goals Lab has been mostly hidden from you. It almost has a fourth-dimensional location, which is outside the time and space continuum.”

Why don’t we spend more time on improving the business, not just working in it?

This is the real question, and it is answered in the book, The Goal Driven Business. You can read about it now, or wait for my next article where I explain WHY business improvement is so difficult and what to do about it.

Meanwhile, keep improving.


Learn more about book and get it here:

the goal driven business by edward petty

The Mental Immune System

mental health, immune system,

A healthy body has a well-functioning system to protect it or make it physically immune from disease. I am sure you have seen this occur with your patients as you adjust and treat them.

But there is no doubt that the mind also affects the body. In your practice, could you improve your patient’s mental immune system? Of course, and already do. I am sure you bolster your patient’s mental immune system even though you or your team may not have looked at it this way. Providing your patients with genuine positive feedback and showing them gratitude for their regular visits can go a long way in enhancing their mental well-being.

A mental immunity system would help individuals be protected, or immune, from negative influences or circumstances in the environment. This would be the ability to “roll with the punches” and keep one’s stress level low despite potentially stressful situations. You can’t be expected to help your patients achieve this in all areas of life, but you can help them with this regarding their health.

Your patients and clients are under a constant deluge of frightening and drug-related messages that can be demoralizing and lead them to less than optimum health choices. There is not much incentive for large corporations to promote exercise, eat organic food, take vitamins, and encourage people to be nice to their neighbors. Instead, there is more money in promoting drugs and fast food, and beer. It took a long time and great expense to stop cigarette advertising, but pharmaceutical advertising has now taken its place.

So, it is for this reason I recommend positive health advertising to your patients regularly. The more they know and understand how to maintain their physical health, the better prepared they will be to critically interpret the corporate advertising of products masquerading as “healthy.”

Here are some methods to improve your patient’s mental immune system regarding health:

  • Extraordinary customer service. Through empathic communication, get to know your patients so that they know you care about them and can trust you. You are in their corner and have their “back.”
  • Positive reinforcement. Genuinely recognize their good efforts to improve their health and any positive responses to your program of care.
  • Table Talk. Listen to their stories and provide quick positive educational tips about health related to their story.
  • Educational themes. Pick an educational them each week and have literature for patients.
  • Patient successes. You can include notable case successes with your education themes each week or each month. Spread the good news!
  • Lending Library. Stock your book shelves with books on subjects you would like your patients to read. Encourage your patients and staff to study. (See a sample list of books we selected a few years ago over at
  • Workshops. These can be done virtually or in person.
  • Newsletters. These can be electronic as well as hard copies by snail mail. They help “keep the conversation going.”

You are the positive lighthouse of health in a storm of gloom and unhealthy corporate products. You can improve the physical immune system of your patients by also improving their mental immune system regarding health.


the goal driven business by edward petty

buy the goal driven business by edward petty

Image from: Kellogg, Yevgenia Nayberg

KINDNESS and the Strength of Your Practice


"a practice is a network of relationships that is created and sustained through communication and service.

A practice is a network of relationships
that is created and sustained through communication and service.

I have used this definition for ages.

Customers, potential patients, and clients, seek you first and foremost for your services and results. This could be relief from a troubling condition, or perhaps general wellness care. Therefore, in marketing, you want to promote that you can deliver the outcomes people are looking for, and prove that you can produce them. There are many ways to do this, but this is the basis of direct marketing.

Next to results, your patient wants to be understood. They know that no matter how competent you are, unless you really understand their condition, you may be applying the wrong remedy. Plus, you may come across like you really don’t care. You show how much you care by seeking to fully understand how they feel about their condition. This is called deep empathetic communication – feeling how the other person feels.

I think just being genuinely interested in the other person brings about this kind of communication and feeling on the part of the patient that you do care.

This type of communication determines the quality of the relationship. But I believe that it can go deeper. Let’s look…


Kindness is more than empathy.

It acknowledges not just how the other person feels, but in fact, that the other person is privately fighting their own personal battle.

Every one of your patients is suffering — to a greater or lesser degree — though they may not fully confess it. Yes, people are tough. They must be. But when they see you, they hope that you will understand their struggles, their fears and their challenges.

There are many ways you can let them know that you grasp their situation. Most of all, seeking to understand their feelings and letting them know you, now, have a better sense of what they are talking about is sufficient. You can repeat some of what they said to emphasize that you heard and understood them. You can let them know you have experienced something similar, if you have, and sometimes, as appropriate, touching them on the shoulder compassionately can go a long way.

But there is no gimmick that expresses kindness – it is just deep human empathy.

Kindness doesn’t cost you anything, except a few moments of present time consciousness and mindfulness. Yet it strengthens trust, alleviates fear, and can help your patient improve faster.

You want to be a positive coach. But in the beginning, all your advice, adjustments and treatments, education, scheduling, and payments, must be based upon the trust you earn from your patient simply through your empathy and kindness.

Patients will seek you for your services, but they will stay with you because of their relationship with you.

Deliver excellent outcomes and promote them, initiate and maintain empathetic communication, and be kind. Include these as your goals in your mission, core values, and complete outcomes and see your practice and business grow.

Edward Petty

“…in the world, what counts more than talent, what counts more than energy or concentration or commitment, or anything else – is kindness. And the more in the world that you encounter kindness and cheerfulness … the better the world always is. And all the big words: virtue, justice, truth – are dwarfed by the greatness of kindness.”

Stephen Fry (

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How To Develop Your Niche for Greater Profit and Better Care

Develop Your Niche for Greater Profit and Better Care with

You can try to sell ice water to Eskimos or sandbags to desert dwellers, but you would go broke.

You need to offer your services to those specific people who would want them. The more you do this, and the better you do this, the larger your customer volume will be and the more profitable your business will become.

So, what is your market? Who are those people who want to see you or are looking for what you have to offer?

It is people who want to relieve a health issue more naturally.

And this market is growing and certainly becoming more motivated.

You wouldn’t think it, though. The media would have you believe that everyone is spending their time in drug stores, behind masks, maintaining social distancing.
The governmental “agencies,” looking out for us, are warning us about new “variants” that are “surging.” But, what is apparent is what is NOT talked about!

What is that you ask? Oh, that would be Health!

Do you hear them talk about better food, more exercise, more sunshine, better nutritional support, or natural health care services? How about proven medicines already in the public domain? I don’t think so.

Why not? Well, I don’t know, it might have something to do with …money.

This may not seem marketing-related, but I think that it is essential to examine the environment that your market is dealing with. The people who want natural solutions to their health issues, those that you want to reach out to, find themselves in a sea of conflicting, even frightening, messages.

We can look at the ongoing debacle in Afghanistan. Scared civilians falling out of airplanes after we spent over two trillion dollars and the lives of 47,000 civilians over in Afghanistan. Why? Well, money. (1)

Was the “war” a failure? Not for the stock market, especially for Lockheed Martin, whose stocks increased 1,236 percent since 2001. Other weapons companies like Raytheon, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, and others all saw their stock climb. (2) So, the Afghan war was a success – for these companies and their CEO’s and stockholders. Selling the idea of stopping terrorists was a profitable campaign – for some.

Could there be a parallel scenario with drug companies? Could the government be working at the behest of another industry besides the Military-Industrial Complex? Well, for its COVID vaccine alone, Pfizer expects to generate 33 billion this year. (3)

In both cases, it was the marketing use of FEAR that justified enormous changes in our lives. Fear of terrorists, fear of a virus.

But here’s the thing: You can scare all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot scare all the people all of the time.

There is a large percentage of the population that want better health naturally and do not necessarily buy into fear-based propaganda. In fact, the constant omission of health solutions amidst the drumming for drug solutions may just motivate health-oriented people to more staunchly pursue better health!

Look at the sales of organic food. As you can see from the graph below, organic food sales have been on a steep uptrend. Sales of organic food were 16 billion in 1999, and has been rising continuously, reaching 106 billion in 2019. (4)

And here is a more recent chart of health supplements and their expected rate of growth (5):

These consumers want better health. They don’t want poison. Big Tobacco was clever with its marketing strategy and fought hard, but it eventually lost. Monsanto (Bayer) has worked every angle, but it too is slowly losing its fight to keep Roundup, which contains a cancer-causing chemical called glyphosate, in the marketplace.

Though not broadly promoted, Big Pharma companies have been fined billions for their illegal activities, including killing people (Merck, Vioxx).

Your market is right there, with you. They may not all be speaking out, but they know, or at least sense, that something is not right. And, they want better health.

Almost every office we work with has been seeing their numbers rise over the last year or two. Why? I want to think our coaching and new systems have something to do with it, but the fact is, your market is hungry for trustworthy health solutions and providers.

You don’t have to froth at the mouth against Big Pharma, but you certainly can stand up for natural health. This is your province. You own it, and always have. So let your community know that you are on their side for health, natural and wholesome, without additives. Peer reviewed for thousands of years!

They are looking for you. Just let them know where you are, who you are, and what you can do for them. (You can also add, WHY you do what you do!)

Here are few steps to better engage your niche – and help more people:

  1. Position yourself as a natural healthcare office, clinic, or facility. “See us to feel better and be healthier — naturally!”
  2. Celebrate your patient and client successes. Be happy with your patients. They may underappreciate their health successes. Most do, in fact. Be their cheerleader and give them positive, but genuine, support for their health improvements.
  3. Get their OK, in fact encourage them, to Share the Care.
    1. Patient testimonials published on all media – website, social platforms, even YouTube.
    2. A homemade monthly newsletter from you.
    3. Case histories you talk about
    4. Staff successes! Patients look at how cool the office is. If the team says it’s great, well, it probably is!
  4. Take time to study your market and the environment it is dealing with. Yes, this will take time. But you are a professional and a leader. To educate others, you need to be educated yourself. Study the science, get the verifiable stats, the first-hand reports of others, and draw your conclusions. No one is sitting out this game. You need to be prepared.

There are many different methods you can use to tell people where you are, who you are, and what you can do for them. But know that they are out there, people who want healthier solutions to their health issues. This is your niche.

And they are looking for you right now.

Seize the week and help more people.



And buy my book – The Goal Driven Business. Read and use it. It will help take you to your next several levels!

Download the PDF [HERE]

Yearly Goals…Be a Homesteader

Practice and Business Goals Petty Michel

Sometime back in the late 1800’s, my great great grandfather homesteaded land in Oregon. The way I understand it, he found a plot of land he liked in the southern part of the state. This was his goal. He and his wife then settled on it.

You too can be a homesteader.

You have a chance to stake out your own plot in 2019. You can define where you want to be in the future… and then work it so that it is yours. And if you don’t, well, you will still be somewhere, just not where you want to be.

Life is this river and it just keeps rolling, and we are on it. We are not leaves floating rudderless. We have some choice about where we want to be 12 months from now. We can set a course and navigate and sail or row or jump out and paddle ourselves to where we want to be.

This is why we set goals and a course of action. We don’t want to wind up broken and dead on the rocks, or stuck idle in a rancid stinky lagoon that goes nowhere!

But when you do set goals for your business, or even for your career, they are often too lop-sided. They are not holistic. You might say that they are symptomatic. We may only shoot for the amount of money we want to make. This isn’t bad, it just isn’t enough. It is too superficial.

If you want to make more money, you have to see more people. If you want to see more people, you have to take better care of them. To do so, you have to improve your services. To do this, you have to improve your expertise and the expertise of others who see your patients. Lastly, you can’t be an old grouch, unhappy with a poorly managed personal life.

You are in the business of improvement! To improve people, you also have to improve your business. To improve your business, you have to improve the professional skill of each member of the business. Lastly, each member of the team has to work on self-improvement.

Make these into your goals.

DRIVE each other to achieve these goals.


IF this is done, how could you – or anyone lose? Everyone wins.

So, to keep it simple, see the attached worksheet. Set your goals for each area, and every three months, ESCAPE to a place where there is no interruption, your “laboratory,” to confront how you did and make any necessary adjustments to your plans and continue your journey to your yearly goals.

Yearly Goals Worksheet — Link

Set aside 2 or more hours at the beginning of the year and the beginning of each new quarter (3-month period) to review your past and set new goals.

To do this, you must get away. Turn off the phones and remove ALL distractions. You are going to your Goals Laboratory and humbly review the past and boldly make new plans for the future.

You will fall off the rails, so every three months, you will have already scheduled time to review your failings and triumphs and reset. You can now get back on track and re-plan and go forward to the next three-month marker.

Use the worksheet to help you have a Goal Driven year.

Good travels and Bon Voyage.

— Ed

Yearly Goals Worksheet

Driven to Excellence – Happy Father’s Day

I’m facing the “BIG 60” in just a couple of days.  With that, back in April, I decided to take on the Great Cycle Challenge, which is a bicycle challenge during the month of June for Children’s Cancer Research.  My goal was to ride 60 miles during the month of June with 60 friends sponsoring me at $10.00 each to raise $600.00.

This challenge has been more eye opening than I had anticipated.

I haven’t really done much bike riding in probably 35 years.  The peaceful rides through the countryside along the White River Trail in Lyons have given me time to reflect on much more than raising money for Children’s Cancer and/or the fact that I’m turning 60.

Each day, while riding, a thought would pop into my head of someone I knew that has had to face cancer.  When my (ars) began to pain me…. I would think of those going through treatment and the challenge they face each day of their cancer treatment journey.  I would think of the challenges each family faces as their loved one struggles through the pain and how it really affects the whole family when one is afflicted.  I would think of those that have lost the battle to this horrible disease.  This was motivation enough for me to continue the ride returning to the comfort of my home.

Usually allowing a day in between rides to rest and rejuvenate today was different… I rode 8 miles yesterday and set out for 8 today.  Passing the half way mark the ride again became uncomfortable to say the least.  Again, I tried to focus on something other than the pain.

Immediately,  “DRIVEN” came to mind.  My mind pondered that word for a moment…thoughts racing to my head.

  • Driven… I recalled a recent article written by Ed Petty referencing David Goggins* with goal setting and being driven as a way to reach our goals. Moving out of our comfort zone through the pain and on to greatness.
  • Ed…I first met Ed Petty approximately 30 years ago. I was working in a Chiropractic office in Lake Geneva, WI for Dr. Culp(another great mentor might I add).  Ed had just moved to this area and was seeking out clients.  Little did I know that fast forward to today I have been working with him for almost 17 years.

When I have a birthday I often reflect on the past, where I’ve been and where I’m headed.

Ed has been an instrumental piece in my life providing me the motivation, knowledge and guidance to become a better person both personally and professionally.  He has helped me develop good communication skills, encourages a healthier lifestyle, and is there to listen when faced with a personal challenge.  Ed was one of the first people I was able to reach when my husband was killed at work just over 7 years ago.  I’m sure my call came to him as a shock as much as the call I received did however during that brief call he calmly presented me with two options.  “You can choose to wallow in your loss and look for sympathy from those around you or you can face the challenge and move forward.”  Again, that “driven” attitude to move outside our comfort zone at the forefront.

  • Father’s Day…. Ed while he is not my father, and really knows nothing of my childhood, has been a guiding light in my life for the past 30 years. Encouraging, teaching, coaching, and mostly being a friend. Ed has “DRIVEN” me to Excellence. And I am eternally grateful!

Happy Father’s Day to all those that Drive you to Excellence!
