Why You Should Keep Smiling in Your Chiropractic and Healthcare Office

receptionist at chiropractic office working with a customer

More Chiropractic Jokes Please!

In the late 80s, when I took my son to his first adjustment, I noticed bold but innocent cards on the doctor’s front desk counter.

They said, simply, KEEP SMILING.

Over the years, I have often seen this card at chiropractic events and offices – almost as a chiropractic tagline: KEEP SMILING!

I would love to know the history of this phrase, and if anyone knows, please come over to the Blog and explain it, or hit reply with the info and I’ll share it with your permission.

I have seen it on a chiropractor’s envelope from the 20’s, so I know it goes back a while.


Getting those smiles out will improve your mood and improve your health.


Something the chiropractors of the 1920s and before knew.

“When you smile, your brain releases tiny molecules called neuropeptides to help fight off stress. Then other neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin and endorphins come into play too. The endorphins act as a mild pain reliever, whereas the serotonin is an antidepressant. One study even suggests that smiling can help us recover faster from stress and reduce our heart rate.”*

Try right now — SMILE!

See! It works.

OK then, DON’T SMILE. Gotcha. It works. :- )

Smile, laugh, and the whole world smiles with you. Frown, and you frown alone.


But smiling can also improve your practice.

A happier office will have better performance.

“Smiling can have a positive impact on our performance at work. Research has shown that when we smile, we experience a boost in mood and a reduction in stress levels. This can lead to increased productivity and better performance on tasks.”*


Old School Trick: Front Desk Mirror

Place a mirror facing towards the staff on the front desk. It should be so that it can be seen by whomever is working at the desk and answering the phones.

Place a caption on the bottom of the mirror. Something like: SHOW YOUR TEETH!

People can tell if you are smiling when they talk with you on the phone.

Morning Meeting Jokes

For your morning case management meetings, one person is assigned to tell a joke. The next day, it is someone else’s turn to tell a joke. Each team member must tell a joke.

Yes, the jokes are usually dumb, and it can be embarrassing. But it is also can be funny!

And besides, there is B.J. Palmer’s Rule Number 9:

“Don’t take yourself too damn seriously.”

So, that’s it.

Don’t be so serious!

Smile more, and you’ll find more things to smile about.

To help get you started, I found some chiropractic jokes and put a few of them below. More are on our Blog. (Also added an acupuncturist and dental joke.)

Have a funny day!



Some bad jokes!

I never believed that chiropractors could solve my back problems.

2 weeks later, I stand corrected.

Did you hear about the chiropractor who got in trouble with the IRS?

It was for back taxes.

What do you call two chiropractors who’ve got each other’s backs?


My chiropractor and I got into a terrible fight in the middle of my neck treatment.

Now I have to spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder.

What’s the difference between a chiropractor and a proctologist?

You go to one if you need your finger cracked and the other if you need your crack fingered.

I went to the acupuncturist the other day.

When I got home my voodoo doll was dead

Be kind to your dentist.

He has fillings too.

My chiropractor is serious as hell.

But he still cracks me up.

“But Quasimodo, what makes you think you need to see a chiropractor?”

“Oh, it’s just a hunch…”

I go to the chiropractor because my wife told me to.

At least I assume that’s what she meant when she said, “Prove to me you have a spine.”

I had to quit going to the chiropractor …

I felt he was always trying to manipulate me.

Does anyone remember the joke I made about the Chiropractor?

It was about a weak back.

Went to see my chiropractor for the first time in a long time.

First thing he said when I walked into his office was “Glad to see your back!”

How many chiropractors does it take to change a light bulb?

Only one, but it takes 24 visits.

Good friends are like chiropractors.

They have your back and set you straight.

Don’t ever let a chiropractor tell you a joke.

It’ll hit your funny bone.

One thing I have learnt this year is to never trust acupuncturists

They’ll stab you in the back the first chance they get.

My dentist mocked me today, saying that even though he’s much older than me, he has healthier teeth.

I said it must be because he has the better dentist.


*Grin and Bear It! Smiling Facilitates Stress Recovery-  https://www.psychologicalscience.org/news/releases/smiling-facilitates-stress-recovery.html

*Smiling: The Surprising Benefits You Never Knew About – https://psychologily.com/benefits-of-smiling/

*New Study Suggests Smiling Influences How You See the World-https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-right-mindset/202008/new-study-suggests-smiling-influences-how-you-see-the-world

*The Health Benefits of Smiling-https://intermountainhealthcare.org/blogs/the-real-health-benefits-of-smiling-and-laughing


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The Patient Handoff

doctor and two women introductions.

Improving your patient’s experience.

There are subtle and brief moments in your practice when you and your team can earn or lose your patient’s trust. It can make the difference between your patient agreeing to your care program or finding a reason to delay the decision.

Excuses can be easy to dream up. There are hundreds of reasons why someone can’t, or won’t, agree to a care plan or follow through with their care. But the reasons presented may not be the actual ones.

Surveys show that customers cease their relationship with a business when they experience an attitude of indifference on the part of the employee or business. People hate to be ignored.

You know this, so you ensure you and your team communicate well with patients at the front desk and during the report of findings and case presentation. These are obvious communication events.

But just as important, but not always as obvious, is the communication that occurs when the patient is transferred from one staff member to another.

This is called the Patient Handoff.

For example, the doctor has spent time reviewing the exam and imaging findings with the patient and correlated them with their history. The doctor explains the health issues and the care plan to the patient. The patient nods in agreement. With other patients now waiting to be seen and the doctor feeling rushed, the doctor may leave the patient and ask another staff member to schedule the patient for care and to work out their finances.
It would take another 3-5 minutes for the doctor to introduce the patient to another staff member and relay the key information to them in front of the patient. It would be minutes well spent.

“Hi Betty (Patient Accounts Specialist). This is Sam. He works out at the same gym as I do over at Acme Fitness. He wants to keep up with his workouts so I have worked up a treatment plan to help him recover from low back injuries. I’ve included the info in the back (hands written report to Betty). Could you schedule him for his appointments and discuss his payment options?”

“Sam, any questions or comments?”


“Ok, great. I look forward to working with you here at the clinic and also at the gym. See you soon.”

After the report of findings is a handoff event that can be too easily cut short or skipped altogether. Another handoff I have often witnessed omitted entirely is introducing the new patient to their therapy and rehab services.

We are all in a hurry, but these patient care transition points hugely impact how your patient experiences you and your clinic.

In sum, patient handoffs help with the following:

  1. The continuity of care ensures that the patient receives consistent and appropriate care throughout their treatment plan.
  2. Minimizing misunderstandings or errors in their care.
  3. Improving your patient’s satisfaction and trust in you and your clinic.

Take time to do thorough patient handoffs, and you will see retention improve, referrals increase, and happier patients.

Working towards a healthier future,


What Do You Think of When The Phone Rings?

This New Year has reminded us of a powerful fundamental principle in practice management and marketing.

It started with an office out West. 2020 was a bad year for them. There was COVID, of course, but there had also been repeated staff turnover and other issues. A once busy office in an upscale mall, it had seen better days. The doctor, staff, and I just could not find a way to get the office going like it once was. New patients had decreased to a trickle. We tried one thing and then another – nothing worked. With little fanfare, sometime in late fall, the lead doctor finally resolved a long-term personal challenge that had been haunting him for years. Not much seem to change in the office, but when I got the numbers for January and plotted them, they were literally off the chart. Somehow, doing nothing really that different, the office saw its highest number of new patients since it began, over 20 years ago.

Just last week, we had another reminder. Over in another part of the country, an office had been struggling with some recent procedural changes, and December and January (last month) saw its lowest new patient numbers in years. Ordinarily a high volume two doctor office, the first week of February wasn’t looking any better. We got together on a conference call to sort things out. Then, the team got together for a comprehensive meeting with doctors and staff and worked out confusions and log jams, focused on the mission and its WHY. Just a few days ago, the second week of February, they reported their highest number of new patients in months.

What does this tell us?

A few years back I wrote an article that I think explains this phenomenon.

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What Do You Think About
When the Phone Rings?

You are sitting there, trying to finish your notes. You hear your phone ring. You are a bit behind. Maybe slightly irritated by an arbitrary denial of an insurance company and you haven’t yet planned out tonight’s evening with the family, spouse, or friend.

The phone rings again.

What are your thoughts? What are your feelings?

Do you kinda wish it wouldn’t ring? Is it a bit of an interruption? Do-you-just-want-to-answer- the – dang-phone-to-stop-the-ringing-so-you-can-get-back-to-your-work?

Essentially, your thought is “Stop.” It is: “Don’t call me.” “Phone, don’t ring, don’t interrupt me!” I am sure this has happened to you – even if ever so slightly or subconsciously.

Now, imagine if your front desk has these thoughts when the phone rings?

To some degree, even the most devoted and hard-working staff can reactively feel put upon by phone calls. Or, in fact, by walk-ins. Or, in fact, by any patient encounter. I have seen this happen on the front desk when the doctor was busy with patients. But remember, this can happen with even the most ethical team member, including you! I have seen doctors do this often. (Extreme examples: “Oh, only two patients coming in on Saturday, go ahead reschedule them. It is MY office, and I can do what I want.”)

Our thoughts can and do determine our behavior and affect how we treat others. Our environment mirrors our thoughts.

Going back to your front desk, realize that the staff on the front desk have tremendous control over the office, nearly as much as the doctor does. The front desk can be a magnet for your patients and attract or repel them.

When the phone rings, you want your front desk, and all staff, including yourself, thinking “YES.” “Call me. Phone – ring now!” “I can hardly wait to talk to this person and see how they are. I am interested in them and how they are doing. I want to help get them to come in for care — and their family too.” “They must be really really cool and nice if they are calling us.” “I WANT to know more about them.” “I am grateful for their call and appreciate the effort they made in calling us.”

These are good thoughts. These are positive thoughts that can help bring in more patients.

You can practice this with your staff at a team meeting.

For example, someone acts as the prospective patient calling. The person acting as the front desk assistant should answer the phone with the attitude of really not wanting to talk to the person. Act it up. This can be funny. Try it a few times.

Then, do the same rehearsal with the front desk assistant positively anticipating the phone call, wanting the phone to ring, and then eagerly answering and talking to the prospective patient.

Keep the role-playing brief. You can and should do it again. It should be fun and act as a reminder to one and all that we should want to meet new people, talk to existing patients, and look forward to phone calls. We can always dismiss the occasional telemarketer or wrong number.
This can also be rehearsed in other types of patient encounters, from taking the new patient back to the exam room, sitting down to do a financial consultation, or checking a patient out and collecting their payments.

And speaking of how our environment does mirror us, here is a little trick you can use. Get a real mirror, about 4 inches by 4 inches, and put it at the front desk counter so that the team member can see it. You can write something on it like: “Are My Teeth Showing?” “Am I Smiling?” And staff, you can also put one of these in your doctor’s office on any day that he is feeling grumpy. It applies to us all.

So, the next time the phone rings, smile. Be interested and curious in who is taking the time to call. Make your thoughts happy so they help create an office that is brilliant, colorful, and full of happy patients.


How to Deliver Goal Driven Extra-Ordinary Customer Service (Part 2 of 2)

“Our future will be our results.”     Clarence Gonstead, D.C.

How do we overcome these barriers to extra-ordinary service?

Let’s first define “service.” Service in a professional service firm or professional practice includes two categories:

A. Outcomes. These are the results from the provider.
B. Customer experience. This comes from what the customer experiences as they move along their pathway through your business.

Let’s begin with your goals.

1. Define and Commit to Your Highest Goals.

To create world class outcomes and service, you first need to review your most senior goals. Then, you have to ensure everyone understands them, agrees to them, and commits to doing everything possible to achieve them.

Setting purposeful goals over a lunch meeting does not take into account the sacrifice and effort that will be necessary to achieve them. You may commit to your own goals, but like New Year’s resolutions to go to the gym, you get distracted and discontinue after a few weeks. Some of your team may say they understand the goals – even agree to them – but in fact are only passengers along for the ride.

So, you should review and recommit to your goals each week. Be insistent, allowing for shortfalls now and then, but not compromising in the long run. Be true to your goals or make new ones. Spend time on these three:

a) Mission
This is the purpose of your office. It should be short and to the point and should include something about excellent service and outcomes and helping as many as possible.
b) Core Values
These are the standards for professional behavior and performance. List what values you consider most important in providing health care.
c) Patient Outcomes
Define where you are taking your patients. Relief care only? Or are you taking them further to better health and wellness?

Be true to your goals.

2. Outstanding Outcomes Come from Expertise

Because of your clinical skill, you can produce wonderful outcomes. But can you do even better? Here are some masters in their field as examples of professionals that never stopped improving their craft:

Music: Pablo Casals

Pablo Casals was a cellist – regarded as the best that ever lived. He was born in 1876 in Catalonia, Spain. In 1963 he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President John F Kennedy, and in 1971, two months before his 95th birthday, he performed for the United Nations and accepted the U.N. Peace medal.

Casals was talented, but he practiced daily. There is a story about Casals and his training regimen:

He [Casals] agreed to have Robert Snyder make a movie short, “A Day in the Life of Pablo Casals.” Snyder asked Casals, the world’s foremost cellist, why he continues to practice four and five hours a day.

Casals answered: “Because I think I am making progress.”

Food Preparation: Chef Jiro Ono

If you want and value good sushi, Chef Jiro Ono is your guy. He was 92 at the time of this writing. He still works in his small restaurant in Tokyo that holds only 20 people at a time. The waiting list can be over a year. Still, at his age, he works on perfecting every aspect of the sushi, from selecting the exact right fish early at the fish market, to the exact texture of the rice. And every night he considers how he can improve on that day’s production. He is considered the foremost sushi chef in the world. (Jiro Dreams of Sushi, David Gelb 2011 documentary, Wikipedia)

“Once you decide on your occupation… you must immerse yourself in your work. You have to fall in love with your work. Never complain about your job. You must dedicate your life to mastering your skill. That’s the secret of success…… Even though I’m eighty-five years old, I don’t feel like retiring.” Jiro Ono (Jiro dreams of sushi, 2011)

Health Care: Clarence Gonstead

Clarence Gonstead was a chiropractor, born in 1898 and grew up in Wisconsin. In 1923, Dr. Gonstead graduated from Palmer Chiropractic College and began practicing. In 1939, he built a new chiropractic office in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin.

Because of the growth of his practice, a new Gonstead Clinic of Chiropractic was completed 1964. It was a two-level facility with 29,000 square feet. In 1965, adjacent to the new clinic, a full-service motel was built. Gonstead’s reputation as a remarkable chiropractor had spread beyond the United States and he had patients flying in from all over the world. To assist these patients, he set up a limousine service between the Madison, Wisconsin, airport and the Gonstead clinic about 30 miles away. Patients with their own private planes could fly in and land at Gonstead’s personal airport located next to his home on the outskirts of Mount Horeb.

With no marketing, his practice grew so that that he was seeing over 250 patients per day, working six-and-a-half days a week. He often treated his last patient at 2:30 in the morning.

Gonstead studied and improved his craft. He was not, as a founder of a chiropractic college would later say, a “commercial chiropractor.” He was focused on results and said: “Our future will be our results.”

Eventually, he began teaching others his system which is now recognized around the planet as one of the most effective and popular forms of chiropractic technique. He encouraged other chiropractors to study and to “Practice. Practice. Practice. Never stop.”

So, be like Jiro, Pablo, or Clarence! Use “deliberate practice” and look to see how you can improve your skills and methods so that your customers can achieve their goals faster and better.

Never stop improving your craftsmanship.

3. Delegate Administrative Duties to a Goal Driven Team

It is almost impossible to focus on excellent patient outcomes and run a growing business at the same time. You need a strong support infrastructure. This means professional team members that are trained and motivated to apply procedures that are both simple and effective.

Chiropractic works. Not having a smooth-running support structure is the primary element that is in your way from developing your practice to its full potential.

This has been the major focus of our work over the last 30 plus years. We have found that the better the support, the better the outcomes and the happier the doctor and staff.

Improve your people and systems.

4. Create an Upbeat and Supportive Work Environment

“If you go into any organization that’s customer-facing, you can tell in five minutes when the employees are feeling abused. They retaliate on the customers.”   Jeffrey Pfeffer, professor at Stanford University

The way the employees are treated directly affects the service that they will provide to the customer.

Sure, work can be stressful at times. Maybe someone snaps at someone else. This happens in any high-performance activity. But as long as we all share the same mission and values, we can address our personal slights to each other and move on.

It is everyone’s responsibility to create a cheerful work environment for each other. If you are having fun, so will our patients.

Smile more — and make work fun!

5. Give Your Patients Information. Educate Them!

“If I’d asked customers what they wanted, they would have told me, ‘A faster horse!’.” Henry Ford.

Of course, you give people want they want – what they consider urgent and important.

But people didn’t want a faster horse, they just wanted faster transportation. Horse, car, airplane… they wanted to get to where they wanted to go – faster. They just didn’t know about how simple, fast, and easy a Model-T was.

You must show them through education that you have what they want and need.

Most offices provide relief. That is what the patient is aware of and willing to pay for. But since you are providing a product that is not tangible using procedures that are invisible, your customer may have a difficult time understanding anything beyond the “quick fix.”

They may know they want more but lack the understanding of what is available.

I know I need to pay my taxes, but what I really want is to pay as little as possible. I also would like to contribute to my children’s education. With some education, my accountant could make me aware of different strategies that would take me to my full goal.

“Customers are thirsty for more information and knowledge,” according to studies by ThinkJar, a customer strategy consultancy.

To deliver your best and complete outcomes, you need your patient’s motivation to do so. It is a path and a partnership that you travel together.

The better that they understand their condition and your unique remedy, the easier it will be for you to help them achieve the best outcome possible.

The more they know — the further they’ll go!

6. Making the Patient’s Experience Extra-Ordinary

Making the patient experience “WOW” takes a team effort.

If studies show that customers discontinue a service mostly because of a lack of interest on the part of the service provider — and your own personal experience validates this fact, then the solution is simple. Just be genuine and interested in your patients. Be empathetic. Take the time to be totally present, in the “now,” and have “present time consciousness.” You only have 1 patient, and that is the one you are with, or about to see.

Then, when you practice with your team at team meetings, focus on this: the level of honest interest, curiosity, and care.

Practicing scrapes off the “barnacles” that attach to us all as we soldier through our work days. Here are some training tips for working on improving customer service with your team:

a) Review the Customer’s Journey

Lay out the pathway to and through your services. Do this with your team.

This begins even before your patients contact you. Who are they? Mom’s, seniors, kids? What brings them to you? What other solutions have they tried before they came to you? Get to know them and empathize with their condition.

b) Flow Chart

Then, list the sequence of actions, or a flow chart of what occurs from first contact through their first service and leaving. Drawing this out with your team will expose many areas for improvement.

c) The Walk-Through

Against this flow chart, you and your team can now look at where you can add more benefits for your customers.

I have found that practicing a “walk-through” reveals many hidden plusses – and embarrassing weaknesses, in service. The doctor or a team member takes on the role of a customer. They then travel some portion of the patient pathway with the usual team in their roles, acting as if they are dealing with an actual patient.

You are guaranteed to find areas where service can be improved.

d) Add More Value

Bain Consulting, an international management company, identified 30 different elements of value relative to consumer needs in an extensive study. They categorized these customer values into four categories:

    • Functional values, such as quality, variety, time efficient, simplicity, reduces effort, and reduces cost.
    • Emotional values, which included entertainment and fun, aesthetics, rewards, and attractiveness.
    • Life Changing values which included affiliations, community, and greater purpose.
    • Social Impact. An industry example was Tom’s shoes, a shoe company that donates a pair of shoes to underprivileged for every pair purchased by a customer.

In their research, Bain noticed that the companies that had the highest ratings on the most values had more loyal customers than the rest. They also found that these companies had faster revenue growth than others.

Good service pays. Great services pay even better!

With this in mind, look again at your flow chart and notice where you can add more value to your services. Start with the direct service to your customer, the “functional” areas of your business. For example, how could your customers receive their services:

  • Faster
  • More conveniently
  • Less expensively
  • With less effort
  • With greater simplicity
  • Receive child care while in the office
  • And also acquire a understanding their condition and their care program

In the next category that Bain used, what kind of “emotional” values could you add, including:

  • Fun and entertainment
  • Rewards
  • Design/Aesthetics
  • Attractiveness
  • Reduced Anxiety

The next two categories relate to higher purposes. “Life changing” and “Self-transcendence,” including:

  • Affiliation/belonging – Create a wellness or health club, have patient barbeques and get togethers.
  • Social Impact – Schedule yearly events to help the less fortunate, clean-up drives, and health and environmental causes.

In the years to come, Customer Service will take the lead in all your marketing efforts and will be the factor that sets you apart from comparable alternatives.

Edward Petty