Procedures Follow From Principles

Many times we work with chiropractic clinics that have offices procedures that just don’t work that well for them.

Sometimes, the procedures aren’t being applied all that professionally and we can help the doctor and staff improve the execution of these procedures.  But often the doctor is trying to implement an office procedure that, like a shoe on the wrong foot, doesn’t fit.

You should learn about different approaches to patient and practice management and marketing. Give these different procedures a go. But in the end, you have to find out what works best for you and your team.

What you want to look for are the principles behind the procedure. Work with the principle and then you can discover the procedure that best works for you. Then, you have to be come expert in it through determined practice.

Take a boxer: you’re trained to keep your arms and fists close to your head as a guard against your opponent’s strikes hitting you. Good procedure. Makes sense.  However, every boxer has their own unique physical make-up and has to work out, in the end, their own style of fighting.

For example, one fighter, Chuck Lidell, has won many fights and is a former light heavy weight champion. If you watch how he fights, he rarely covers his face and fights with his arms out and his head wide open.   This goes against common boxing procedures.

However, he does apply the basic principle: protect the head from blows. His procedure is to stay out of range from the opponent’s blows, requiring the opponent to move forward with his whole body to land a strike.

Some years ago, one seminar company was promoting the 4-5 day report of findings. It had its merits; however, few doctors that we saw could actually stick with it and make it work. The principle, however, was educating the patient continuously at each visit to help them understand the need for continued adjusting and care.  From this principle, many different and effective procedures can be worked out.

When procedures are not working in your office, you may be trying to pound a square peg into a round hole. Work with your coach to help you tailor the procedure effectively. Your coach can help you customize your procedures so that they work and work for you.

No two boxers fight the same and no two jazz pianists play exactly alike. But each follow key principles and apply them expertly in their own style to become the best.

Customize the procedures in your office to fit your style, just make sure the key principles are not bypassed. Work to learn the fundamentals behind each procedure. This will help you develop procedures that work for you.  Then, practice your procedures and maintain continuous attention to detail.  Continually work on improvement. This is how you become an expert and create a prosperous business.

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About Edward Petty

Consultant with Petty, Michel & Associates, Author of Marketing Manager System, the Goal Driven Business Father and grandfather, husband, student, active in athletics, and in health and environmental causes.

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