National Chiropractic Health Month

I guess I missed the memo on this one. Maybe you did too.

October has always been Spinal Health Month as recognized by the American Chiropractic Association.  Apparently, this year it is changed to National Chiropractic Health Month.

You can still call it Spinal Health Month if you want, but either way, it is a good opportunity for you to use this as an extra motivation to get the word out about your services and chiropractic.

According to the ACA website, they are focusing on headaches this year.  They have some nice down-loadable pamphlets and brochures you can use. ACA headaches

Depending on your other promotions, I would announce that October is National Chiropractic Month as recognized by the American Chiropractic Association.  In conjunction with the ACA and the National Chiropractic Month, you would like to invite all patients to bring in their families and friends for a no charge chiropractic back and neck screening.  You can change this to a no charge chiropractic consultation, conference, or whatever you feel comfortable with.

A poster can be helpful in prompting a dialogue between the patients and the doctors and staff.  A poster can also be placed at local coffee houses, faxed to office managers at friendly businesses,  to support groups, and of course, handed to patients as fliers.  You can also place a notice in your patient statements and send out a press releases to local papers.

Here is a sample: LINK

You can also make a banner that says:

October is National Chiropractic Health Month
Bring in your family for a free posture screening. See the Front Desk for details.

This can be placed on the outside of your office, or on the inside. The banner can be a small one on paper, 3-5 feet, or a large one that can be used year after year.

Note to PM&A clients. You are welcome to edit these posters and fax us the changes and we can send you a new poster. We can also send you the Word file so you can make your own customizations.