How Do You Start Your Day in Your Chiropractic Healthcare Practice?

bright yellow sunrise with a green grassy field

Morning Case Management Meetings

Does your day get off on the right foot, each and every day?

Are you and your team fully prepared when the patients start coming through the door?

Importance of Discipline

Arriving early and conducting Case Management meetings demonstrates discipline, which is crucial for business success. As Jim Collins states, “Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice and discipline”.

Starting your day in a chiropractic healthcare practice with a morning case management meeting can significantly improve patient care, increase efficiency, and foster team cohesion. Here’s a summary of how to implement this practice:

Morning Case Management Meeting

The meeting should be brief, lasting about 10 minutes, and involve the entire team. Key components include:

1. Assign a Case Manager: Usually the Front Desk Coordinator, responsible for organizing and leading the meeting.

2. Review Appointments: Distribute the day’s appointment sheet to all team members.

3. Discuss Patient Goals: Go through selected patients, addressing:

– New injuries or concerns
– Scheduled progress exams or x-rays
– Patients transitioning to maintenance/wellness care
– Upcoming events like Patient Appreciation Day

4. Optional Office Review: Briefly discuss monthly numbers, marketing plans, and set goals.

5. Team Check-in: Ensure everyone is prepared for the day and maintain a positive atmosphere.

Benefits of Morning Meetings

– Enhances patient care quality
– Increases patient volume and referrals
– Improves organization and communication
– Sets a positive tone for the day

By implementing this morning routine, chiropractic practices can ensure they’re prepared to provide world-class care and maintain a goal-driven approach to their practice.

Stay Goal Driven


To read the full article and download the Sample Checklist go [HERE]

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