15 years!
Actually, seems much longer as our relationship goes back to the great and honorable Dr. Gaylord Culp of Lake Geneva. And what a grand privilege that was – he was a master Chiropractor.
And then I bumped into you again as the office manager at the renown Wheelock Clinic in Burlington. WI. A dynamic multiple-doctor office that is still going strong.
You certainly had good experiences with solid chiropractic with these doctors and at these offices so there was no doubt in my mind as to your credentials. You were Chiropractic Assistant of the Year here in Wisconsin too… back a few years it was!
A person can have credentials and training but these are minor compared to the exceptional and outstanding qualities of character that you have demonstrated. It is too rare to find people who have the personal ethics and courage and selflessness to continue to provide support services through thick and thin, day and night, when needed, as needed, year after year.
In a quiet corner of the world your industriousness has been unflagging…and directly and indirectly because of you and your work, hundreds if not thousands of people are living better lives through better chiropractic offices.
You are always ready to provide us consultants, our clients, and our company with fast service any time.
We don’t say this enough, but your continued support has made a difference to all of us and so many others. But here it is, on your 15th Anniversary:
Thank You Linda. We love you.