Be the Ripple in your Chiropractic and Healthcare Clinic

guitar player overlooking a city. One of the best chiropractic offices we have had the pleasure of working with has the subject of this email as its theme: “Be the ripple.”

Today’s newsletter comes out early so you can listen to music while you go to work, while you are at work, and after work.

Music is therapeutic and fun.

“Music has real health benefits. It boosts dopamine, lowers cortisol and it makes us feel great. Your brain is better on music. (Alex Doman. TEDx talk, CEO Advanced Brain Technologies)

The tune linked to below has artists from around the world playing together, from Playing for Change: Ripple.


“We never know how far-reaching something we may think, say, or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow.” (B.J. Palmer. Developer of Chiropractic)

Be the change, create the ripple, and seize the future!

Jimmy Buffet playing for change, ripple