Chiropractic Promotion: “Do Your Part”


This is a patriotic themed promotion for chiropractic offices in the U.S. It can be used in conjunction with the 4th of July, Labor Day, Memorial Day, or any other day that strikes a cord of national duty.

Its purpose is to educate patients and non patients to understand that by getting healthier, the country and economy will benefit. Someone who is healthy is more productive and less of a burden on our disease care medical system. A healthier person contributes more to our national, and local, economy.

The theme of this promotion is that getting healthier — and getting others healthier — is somewhat of a patriotic duty, particularly in these hard economic times.

How To Do the Promotion
You can set aside a day or a week to hold a special promotion for your patients to encourage them to schedule their family and friends to come in to your clinic for an introductory service.

1. Team Talk. Talk to the staff and go over the promotion with them. Take their suggestions and consider including them.
2. Plan and Schedule. Set a date and plan out the particulars.
3. The Reason. Go over the reason behind the promotion and how the promotion can help fulfill this purpose.
4. Posters. Place poster in the office.
5. Coupons. Hand out coupons to patients individually. Sign each one, with a date issued. You can even write the name of the guest of the patient on the coupon.
6. Newsletter. Write a notice in your office newsletter.
7. Word of Mouth. Talk it up with all of your patients.
8. Delegate a staff member to be the Do Your Part Coordinator to help implement this program, and to be its cheerleader.
9. External. You can also promote this is a small town newspaper, insert, and or on your web site. Adjust the text of the poster slightly and placed at local coffee shops, hair salons, etc.

And, you can Do Your Part by helping your patients and community do theirs.

Sample Poster.

Sample Coupon.

(Active Clients can go to their Member’s site for the customizable word articles – by June 20. )

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About Edward Petty

Consultant with Petty, Michel & Associates, Author of Marketing Manager System, the Goal Driven Business Father and grandfather, husband, student, active in athletics, and in health and environmental causes.