Chiropractic Newsletter-Doctors Column
Category Archives: Patient Education
Chiropractor: Are You a D.C. or a D. S.?
Whether you are a D.C. or a D.S. makes a big difference in your patient retention and patient referrals.
Many years ago we were working with a chiropractor who, while he had a great practice, couldn’t manage it worth a damn. Even so, because his patient retention and patient referrals were exceptional, he had a high volume practice.
As we worked with him to improve and expand his business structure, his volume continued to increase. This was a while back; when note taking was very simple, but I think he got up to seeing around 500 visits a week, with peak weeks over 600. We helped with marketing and associate doctors, and he continued to grow. He had all kinds of marketing programs, plenty of associates, and made a great name for chiropractic. But at the heart of his growth was a special secret he often related.
What was his secret?
Well, one of them was the way he started each case. On his initial consultation with each patient he would say:
“Before I tell you what chiropractic does, let me tell you what it doesn’t do. As doctors of chiropractic, we do not prescribe drugs. (Pause.) We also do not perform surgery. (Pause.) Lastly, we do not treat symptoms.” (Long pause.)
He would let that sink in for a few moments. He would then briefly explain what chiropractors were really after. Namely, subluxations. And while there may be other terms for this condition, from a marketing point of view, this has worked. It fixes in the mind of the patient that there is an underlying cause or a basic contributing factor that resulted in, or at least affected their current complaint(s).
Over the years of consulting, we routinely see doctors “going shallow”, treating only the superficial symptoms that patients come in with. “Hey doc., I must got a crick in my back. Can you just give me a crack here (points) and fix it?” Horror of horrors!
It is easy to focus only on the symptoms. First, it is the reason why the majority of your patients come to see you. They have pain, stiffness, or discomfort and want it fixed. Second, it is what your insurance company requires in your documentation. Third, it is the path of least resistance. Give the patient some relief and then move on. Fourth, chiropractic is usually SO effective with symptoms relatively quickly, that we often are just happy with that.
I am certainly not advocating any particularly type of treatment guideline. I am just pointing out that many successful chiropractors look for earlier traumas in their consultation and history and maybe spend just a bit more time on the general diagnostic process, if only a minute more.
This is from a marketing point of view, not from a clinical perspective. In these times of higher deductibles, you have to put the value into your service. If a patient comes to you for a pain in the “keister”, and you only address that, not only is the patient being the doctor, but also you are relegated to “therapist.”
Another doctor David and I worked with had a practice “melt down” one winter day. (By the way, we see these “melt-downs” every now and then! Too much insurance B.S., mid-life burnout, staff problems, etc. Please call us if you feel one coming on!) He was mostly a “straight” doctor, but had purchased a very inexpensive, used EMS (muscle stim.) unit for patients. One day, one of his patients came for his adjustment. He told the doctor that he didn’t want adjustments anymore, just wanted some of that electronic muscle stimulation. Our doctor blew a fuse. “Fine”, he said. “Here, take the dang machine and go home. You can have it.” And he actually gave it to him.
A bit extreme, but it was probably good to get it out of his system. The doctor was feeling that he had become only a band-aid therapist for his patients because of the therapy unit. It took a while, but we got him to see that it was not the patient’s fault. The patient simply did not understand the purpose of the doctor’s treatment program.
D.C. could be called Doctor of “Chronicity.” I was reminded of this recently by one of our clients. D.S. could be “Doctor of Symptoms.”
We suggest the following:
1. Be a D.C. Doctors who emphasize the chronic nature of the patient’s symptoms seem to have busier practices. We suggest that you should do both: definitely help patients get what they want – pain relief. But, as appropriate, work with them to get what they really need.
As a side note, some doctors can become so philosophical that they loose touch with the fact that “the Customer is King.” (In Japan, I have read they say that the “Customer is God.”) Philosophy, principles, and emphasizing the chronic nature, as indicated, is fine. So is “Wellness.” Just remember that you have to also give the patients what they want and keep them happy.
2. Integrity. Needless to say, in all things you have to call it like you see it and maintain your integrity. If there are no chronic conditions, then so be it. But at least, take the time to look. Be curious, investigate, and don’t let the insurance company or the patient’s desire for fast results compromise your clinical integrity.
3. Interest. Traumas may have occurred many years earlier, or accumulated over the years. Be genuinely interested and focused on their case. Even intense about what you discover in their exam and x-ray and how you explain it. “Would you look at this, Mrs. Jones”, pointing to a spot on the x-ray as if this was the first x-ray you had seen of this kind before. (And it is.) This will increase the patient’s confidence in you and acceptance of your treatment plan.
4. Time, Repetition, Effort. It may take time to correct the condition. It may take repetitive visits (like an orthodontist), and it will take effort on the patient’s part as well as yours.
Go over the factors of time, repetition, and effort with the patient. You can also ask the patient how long do they think it will take to correct the condition. If you have educated them on the true nature of the condition, you might be surprised to hear that they often offer a longer period of time than you were ready to present to them in your treatment program. (A very successful doctor recently reminded me of this.)
5. You Are, And Have Been, A Leader. And finally, don’t sell yourself short. As a chiropractor, you are an active member in a profession that, no doubt, has led the way in real health care over the last 100 years. Certainly, it will continue to do so in the future, provided that you stick to your guns, while always adapting to the ever-changing market.
By looking for and working to correct the long term causes of spinal related symptoms, you will inspire trust and confidence in your patients as their doctor of chiropractic, coach, and friend. As such, your patients will be loyal and refer their friends because of your care. And, as such, you will be a D.C.
Ed Petty
Chiropractic: Organic Health Care
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Why Chiropractic Should Be Labeled: “100% Organic and Environmentally Friendly.”
Home Depot has just announced that it will be labeling nearly 3,000 products that are environmentally friendly. Walmart has introduced its line of organic products and is also pursuing issues on climate change. Whole Foods has just opened up a mega grocery store, larger than most supermarkets, here in Milwaukee, selling expensive organic foods and clothes. They actually lease the space in a medical complex owned by a hospital.
Antioch University in New England is offering the first “Green” MBA program. The Carbon Neutral (also known as carbon offsetting) movement continues to grow. Yahoo! says it will go Carbon Neutral in 2007, as have many other companies. The Blair government of England vows to have its government achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2012.
So, the Green Revolution (actually, this is the second Green Revolution) is here and we have probably seen nothing yet. Every business and group will be fighting to get out in front of this movement. The fact is the chiropractic profession has been leading the way in natural health care since it started in 1895.
As Chiropractors, you should take pride in, and even promote the fact, that your professional has always been “Green.”
Where you can, tie this concept into your advertising and promotions.
You can use a button on your web site or in your newsletters:
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You want to ensure that chiropractic is positioned in the minds of your patients, and potential patients, as the healthy type of health care, natural, free of chemicals and totally organic.
You can mention this in your care classes and in your patient newsletters. You may find it appropriate to point out that that organic products often cost more as they are not mass-produced and subsidized by the government, as are the big drug companies.
Externally, in setting up events, stress the fact that people are interested in organic and natural solutions now more than ever. They are fed up with pharmaceutical companies, according to Consumer Reports. Include this in your talks or in any networking event.
We were there when the “Wellness Revolution” started to take hold and we are right here now as the Green Revolution grows.
Include this in your marketing.
National Correct Posture Month
The national chiropractic organizations, such as the A.C.A. and I.C.A. both promote May as National Correct Posture Month.
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They have had media kits that can be ordered which include press releases that you can send in to your local paper. Aside from this, you can use it as an opportunity to promote your services directly, internally, to your patients. The fact that it is a “National” event can allow it to be perceived as more “important” and as a routine yearly screening.
Below is an example of a banner you can get printed from your local Kinko’s, or other copy store. (Some computer applications, such as Microsoft Publisher ™ can print banners easily.) The banner gives your front desk an reason to ask the patients to bring in their family for a “Posture Check-up”.
You may want to offer a consultation, and a screening examination for the “Posture Check-up.”
This is a simple promotion that helps the staff and doctors generate internal referrals by offering a “special” and “national” reason to do so.
The staff and doctor simply have to tell the patient that it is “National Correct Posture Month”, and ask the patient if they wouldn’t like to bring in their family for a no charge postural check-up.
Depending on how well the patient is known and the general rapport between the office and the patient, the staff or doctor can ask the patient to bring in a specific family member, or simply say: “Doris, I think this is a great time for you to bring in your husband. Can I schedule him for a free check-up sometime next week?”
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Posture Month Banner |
[a 3-5 foot banner]
For more information:
Patient Education Quiz and Drawing
Patient Education Quiz and Drawing
Patient education can become boring. The same old words, definitions, and scripts can lose their excitement after a while. During a report of findings you can get the feeling that even though your patients keep nodding their heads, like those of little dash board animals, they just don’t seem to get it.
One of the biggest problems in education is trying to keep things interesting. To help with this, you might try the following program. It quizzes the patients on their understanding about chiropractic and rewards them for their correct answers. It can be done once or twice a year to better educate your patients and add some extra energy into your office. As an added bonus, it will also better educate your staff.
25 questions. If you are going to run the program for a month, you need to come up with about 25 health related questions. These can be defining chiropractic terms, such as “subluxation” or “vertebra”. You can also add questions that often come up in your adjusting room. For example, “What makes the pop sound when I get adjusted?” To involve the staff, set time aside at a staff meeting and work out some of the questions. For each question, come up with a simple and obvious answer. Then, come up with two “decoy” type of answers. Don’t be too much of a perfectionist here. Again, keep it simple.
White Board. Each adjusting room and reception room should have a white erasable writing board, or a chalk board. Each morning, a designated C.A. should write down the question in each room with the three answers. Slips of paper should be nearby with a pencil for the patient to write down their answer. Large printed posters can be used if there are no white boards available.
Answer Box. A box should be placed on the front desk with a small sign saying: “Chiropractic Quiz Answers Here.”
Drawing. At the end of the week, all the correct answers are placed in a pile. From this pile, a slip is randomly selected. The patient is informed the next week that they won the drawing.
Prizes. Prizes can be nutritional supplements, pillows, free massage, or anything of a reasonable amount (less than $40.) They also could be modest gifts from local businesses that are also your patients.
Duration. The program can last one week, or an entire month. The drawings should be held weekly. December is a good time for this internal program as external promotions are less effective.
Promotion. You should promote this drawing with a poster and by word of mouth. You could call this “Chiropractic” or “Health Education Month.”