Hidden Away Since 1920, A Gem That Still Applies To Chiropractic Offices Today

“Eccentric”, “non conformist”, “controversial” have been some of the nicer things said about Benjamin (“B.J.”) Palmer.     He has also been called a genius that may have personally generated more chiropractors and chiropractic patients than any one individual.

In one of his many lectures, hidden away since 1920, is a true gem.  Gems are often hidden, or at least overlooked or taken for granted.  But here is a simple recipe that if followed, builds the most profitable practices we have seen.

“The size of a chiropractor’s business depends upon:
1st – His ability to notify people who he is, what he is, and where.
2nd – His systematization to take care of it as it grows and increases in volume.”    B.J. Palmer (1920)

The First Priority
The first priority of any business is getting the goods and services exchanged in the market place.  If you don’t do that, no matter what you have to offer, there will be no business. Marketing has to be a priority.  New patients, and returning patients, are the lifeblood of your practice.

The first step in marketing is to let people know who and what you are. A subtle key to this, as Dr. Palmer states, is allowing your community to know you, as a person, first.

There are so many logo’s and limericks and tag lines that “spam” us now days, the only thing that is legitimate is a real person.  For example, when you say: “Northpoint Chiropractic”, even if you use a nice tag line, there is no person there.  Though it sounds nice and business-like, it is anonymous.  People respond to people, if not at first, then once they get into your office. So the first thing you have to do is introduce yourself: “Hi, I am Helen Smith.”

Then, tell them what you are.  Many doctors get this wrong. “I am a Doctor of Chiropractic”, or “I am a Chiropractic Physician.”  Or, in your written promotion, “Helen Smith, D.A.B.C.N., D.A.B.C.O.”  But really, who cares?

You are nothing, in the market place, if you cannot provide something of value to others. Doctors who have many different degrees and certificates may or may not be of value to the community. Degrees and certificates, by themselves, can do nothing.  Also, keep in mind that what you consider valuable might not be what your potential patients consider valuable.

You need communicate who and what you are in terms of how you can help the person you are addressing.  People really don’t care about you as a provider – they care about themselves. So, you can say something like: “Hi. I’m Helen Smith. People call me Dr. Helen because I am a doctor that can relieve your pain, make you healthier, and improve your life, without the use of drugs or surgery.”

And be sure to state how they can a get a hold of you. Make it very easy for people to reach you.

This is called “placement” in marketing terminology.  Where, and how, can the marketplace get to you – in the easiest and quickest manner? This would include geographical address, phone number, email, web site, fax number, cell phone, and special offer.

The Second Priority
The next phase of any business is systems.  These are also called policies and procedures. You as the doctor cannot do everything in your chiropractic practice, so you develop systems to ensure quality care continues, day after day, without your microscopic and urgent management.

As you grow your business, you usually change your procedures to find the ones that work best for you. This usually takes some trial and error and study. Just because a patient flow pattern worked for one doctor who now gives seminars, it may not work for you.

Some doctors keep changing their procedures out of boredom and thereby stunt their business. Others never change their procedures even though they have long outgrown them. Antiquated procedures, like bad habits, can also hold back the growth of your business.

Eventually, you reach what you consider is your maximum level of production. At this point, it is important to document all of your successful procedures, or systems. This ensures that your staff, and you, will maintain them so that you can keep on cruising at, or near, your capacity.  You can continue to cruise, clone yourself and create a group practice, or even start your own seminar company!

The above two steps actually form the basis of our consulting at Petty, Michel & Associates, by the way, and has for nearly 20 years. We help you increase your patient volume, then gradually help develop your own systems to ensure you reach and maintain your capacity, or add other doctors and providers and continue to grow.

But B.J. Palmer had this figured out a long time ago.

Focus on these two steps and your business will grow.

Ed Petty

For more info on us,
For more info on our approaching to marketing.
And for even more info. give us a call. (414) 332-4511. If we are not in, we will call you back.

Are You Trying To Run Marketing Programs Without An Operating System?

With advice from Levinson, Parsons, and Palmer.

Are you having difficulties with your marketing? Do you not have the number of new patients you want?

Let me tell you why.

If you are like most doctors, you are trying to execute marketing ideas or plans with something missing. For an example, it would like trying to drive away in a new car without any tires, or trying to run a computer program without Windows (on a PC).

There is a basic foundation, or interface, that usually gets overlooked in marketing.  And I do mean usually. This is why you work so hard at your marketing yet you do not get the results you want. Or, by now, you haven’t gotten the results you hoped for and have secretly given up.

In other words, you almost have effective marketing. You almost have the number of new patients you need, like almost having a good car when it only has its tires missing. Yet, the tires are fundamental.

There is a fundamental ingredient that ensures your marketing will eventually work; yet it just isn’t promoted.  In most cases, it is overlooked. It is not a secret, but it may as well be.

And, it is nothing new. It is common sense, yet it is consistently shoved aside. I am going to tell you briefly what it is here. If you read this and do it, your marketing efforts will be GREATLY improved.

Are you thinking: “Huh?”  Well, you will have to read this short article to understand. Here we go:


What is the most essential component to effective marketing? Let’s take a look at three.

Marketing Procedures.  Obviously, you need these. These are the “How To’s.”  These are what are usually promoted to chiropractors.

  • What gets promoted? “How to Get More New Patients Without Doing Anything And Get Rich While On Vacation.”  “14 Secret Different Surefire Ways To Get New Patients That Insurance Companies Don’t Want You To Know About.” “Who Else Wants A Waiting List Type Of Practice and Only Work 2 Days Per Week?” On and on and on!
  • The truth: These are just examples of attention getting packaging. Most of these and other procedures have been around since before Jimmy Parker began his programs back in the early 50’s. (I had chance to talk with him years ago, but that is another story!) It was B.J. Palmer that used “printers ink” and his radio station, W.O.C., to promote Chiropractic back in the Day (1924) . (By the way, did you know that W.O.C (1420 am, Iowa) is believed to be the FIRST commercial radio station west of the Mississippi River, stood for “Wonders of Chiropractic, and is where Ronnie Reagan, future U.S. President, got his start broadcasting.)

    A doctor decides to create a relationship with auto body shops in town, and makes video about it. Another likes public speaking and makes a seminar company around it.  Nothing wrong with any of this – you can always pick up tips. More importantly, it shows you what is being done by others and can help motivate you to do your own brand of marketing procedures. This leads us to… motivation.

Motivation. Absolutely essential, you need this more than anything. It doesn’t matter how many books, tapes, binders, lectures, videos, and other stuff you have. It will all just sit there unless you have the “giddyup” to apply the procedures.

  • What gets promoted? Seminars to get you “pumped up”, “fired up”, and “purposes rekindled.”  Seminars and workshops on “philosophy”, scientific validation, rope courses training, etc.
  • The truth. This is the truth. You do need to have energy to put into motion the actions needed to promote your services and from which you generate new patients.  This energy, purpose, drive, desire, and demand will get the marketing projects done.  Seminars, lectures, rope courses, church, anything that helps give you more energy is good. We recommend them.

    Except for one thing: Motivation remedies are basically symptom oriented. (Jim Beam works pretty well too, for a few hours.)  You go to the seminar, get the “passion” going again, and sometimes buy a new table or piece of equipment with high hopes. You come back to the office, change things, and for a few weeks, all is exciting.  Three months later, you find that things are mostly the same as they were before, except that now your motivation is to pay for the plane fare, hotel, and equipment you bought at the last seminar.

Marketing Management. So, what is the fundamental key to marketing?  Well, actually, it is something maybe a little boring and therefore overlooked by most doctors. It is not sexy, or even slightly charming.  It is – the management of marketing.

  • How is it promoted? This really isn’t promoted in the industry. Oh, you see something now and then about a marketing plan, or branding – some fluffy stuff written by someone who doesn’t have to pay their staff every two weeks from new patients.
  • The Truth. Who wants to manage? You went to school to treat/adjust patients. Most doctors just want something tangible for quick fix.  But the truth is that your marketing procedures need to be placed on an organizational foundation. If that organization is not there, it will be like placing a vase of roses on a two legged stool: your projects will eventually crash.  And, according to Bob Parsons,

“Anything that is not managed will deteriorate.” (Link)

A good marketing management system solves many practice problems. To name just a few, it

  • Decreases the “Practice Roller Coaster.”
  • Increases total new patients and active patients.
  • Helps select what marketing procedure to use and when.
  • Sustains your motivation over the long term.
  • Decreases overhead. Money spent on seminars, marketing materials, marketing in general is better targeted so you get more return on your investment (ROI).
  • Motivates your staff, which makes for a more pleasant, less stressful work environment for everyone.
  • Increases profit.

Do these 5 fast steps to help you with managing your marketing:

1.   Scheduling marketing activities.  Select what you want to do and schedule them. Use a calendar for all those that you do just now and then (e.g. Patient Appreciation Day), and a list for those that are recurring (Welcome Letter to all new patients).

2.   Get someone to be the marketing coordinator. As Jay Levinson, author of Guerrilla Marketing says:

“Marketing will succeed only if time and energy are regularly devoted to it by you or a person you designate.”
(Guerrilla Marketing Excellence)

This could be the doctor, spouse, therapy C.A., massage therapist, associate doctor, or anyone who is up to the job.

3.   Internal Monitoring and Accountability. All marketing activities should be tracked and monitored. Statistics should be kept.   Mr.  Parsons also gives the following advice, which can be applied to marketing:

“Measure everything of significance. I swear this is true. Anything that is measured and watched improves.”

4.    Regular review and planning. You have to regularly review your past activities and then select what activities you will being doing in the future and who will do them.

5.    External Accountability and Support. Seek and use outside support. We all can use help staying on a course, or on the “straight and narrow.”  This is where seminars can be useful, as can consultants, advisers, spouses, friends, colleagues and others.  Sometimes called a ‘brain trust”, it has often been noted that successful people are successfully supported by others.

Marketing management provides the operating system upon which all your marketing activities, projects, and programs will eventually succeed, or fail. Like computer software such as Windows, or DOS, to use a computer analogy, it is the link between the owner and the staff, between the plan and the application.  It forms a bridge between what you want done and what gets done.

It is the tires to your new shiny car, and it is where the rubber – meets the road.

Even with the briefest amount of management as outlined above, your marketing will improve and your practice will grow.

Ed Petty

To read more about how to manage your marketing, and the Marketing Manager System(sm) , go here.

Definition of Marketing Manager System

The Marketing Manager System is a specialized approach to managing the marketing of a small business.  It pulls together all marketing procedures and projects, and ensures that they are executed in a timely and effective manner, nearly automatically over time.

The Marketing Manager System (MMS) creates a type of operating system for marketing that can support any type of promotional program most suited for a particular small business or professional practice.

Most marketing projects concentrate on a particular type of promotion or strategy for the business. Little thought is often given to who will implement the marketing, how they will be trained, supervised, and held accountable.  Also not figured into most small business marketing is budgeting. But the most common area overlooked in marketing is its continued execution – how it will be sustained. As a result, many small businesses and professional practices ride a roller coaster of success, with new business coming in, and then not.  The MMS removes much of this up and down effect, resulting in more new business.

Developed over many years through working for chiropractic doctors and their businesses, it is applicable to all types of professional and small business operations.

For a more complete description of the Marketing Manager System: link.

The Marketing Manager System(sm) was developed by Edward W. Petty of Petty, Michel and Associates, a division of Chiro-Health Management, Inc.

Simple Valentine’s Day Promotion

For a little help in generating referrals in the month of February, you may want to offer a selected number of your patients a Valentine’s Day gift certificate/coupon.

These can be ordered from your printer. You can also produce them yourself with your photocopy machine or from your computer and printer. It simply consists of a card that you give to your patient as a gift for someone about whom they care. The card offers some kind of a complimentary or discount service.

Keep in mind that the key to the success of these gift certificates is all in how you give them to your patients. If they are just left on the top of the front desk, they are completely devalued, there is nothing special about them, and their effectiveness is minimal. On the other hand, if they are valued by the doctor and the staff as actual money, which they are, and also presented sincerely from the doctor and staff to their patients for their patient’s friend or loved one, the coupon greatly increases in value. They are also much more effective in generating referrals.

Review the example below and use it to customize your own Valentine. You can have your printer make you a bulk order and since there are no dates, you can use the gift certificate for several years in the future.

Sample Offers. You can pick one or more of the following, or add your own, depending on your circumstances.

  • Spinal Screening
  • 10 Point Screening Exam
  • Conference with the Doctor
  • Examination
  • X-rays (initial)
  • 15 (30) minutes on automatic therapeutic massage table (chair)
  • 15 (30) minutes therapeutic massage

These can be free, or sold to the patient for their Valentine for a nominal fee, such as $20. As an extra incentive, you may want to donate the money to a local charity.

Many computer programs have card templates available and there are also a number of web sites where you can make your own cards. For example.

Sample Script:
Doctor/Staff member: “Mrs. Jones, (Doctor: “the staff and I”; Staff member: “Dr. Smith”) would like you to have this Valentine’s Gift Certificate as a Valentine’s gift from us. It is for _____ (specific person that you know, e.g.: “Bob”, or “your husband”, or “your Valentine”), and is a special gift certificate that (he/she) can use for complimentary services at our office.”

Pull out envelope and physically open certificate or coupon, show it to the patient, and explain the details. If they accept the certificate, sign it, and give it to the patient. Check to see if they want more than one.

Doctor/Staff: “It is good for the entire month of February.”

Patient’s reaction. “Wonderful! Thank You”

Doctor/Staff member: “We hope you have a nice Valentine’s Day and look forward to taking great care of your Valentine(s).”

Sample Coupon

Sample Card

Note: This web site is for the purpose of disseminating information for educational purposes, free of charge, for the benefit of all visitors. We take great care to provide quality information. However, we do not guarantee, and accept no legal liability whatsoever arising from or connected to, the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any material contained on this web site or on any linked site.

Health Observances And Promotional Dates 2007 (January – June)

The following dates are listed by organizations as special times to observe a particular health related subject. Trade associations will designate a date where they can showcase their services. There may be other reasons for these “observances”, but promotion is certainly one of them.  Not all dates are specifically health related. Some are just FUN!

These dates give you many new avenues, and excuses, to promote your services. But, they won’t work by themselves. They are opportunities for creative, bright, and energetic health care promoters.

  • Give a workshop in your office on the theme. Do this workshop alone, or in conjunction with a local professional related to the subject.
  • Promote a special screening for the condition or theme.
  • Work with local related professionals or associates and schedule workshop or screenings outside of the office. You can do this with them, or for them.
  • Set up a donation program in conjunction with a particular theme.
  • Set up your own dates to observe a health condition, as many office that we work with do.
  • Set up a patient appreciation day around a special Candy Holiday!


1 – 31
Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

1 – 31
National Birth Defects Prevention Month

1 – 31
National Blood Donor Month

1 – 31
National Glaucoma Awareness Month (Prevent Blindness America)

Candy Holidays – Different ones for each month.

January 13  — Blame Someone Else Day –
Sample Flier.

January  14-20
National Slow Down Week

January 23 – National Pie Day –

1 – 28
AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month – Prevent Blindness America

1 – 28
American Heart Month

1 – 28
National Children’s Dental Health Month

Groundhog Day

National Wear Red Day 2007
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Health Information Center

February 7
National Girls and Women Sports Day

4 – 10
National Burn Awareness Week


11 – 17
Children of Alcoholics Week

Child Passenger Safety Week

16 – National Women’s Heart Day

February 12-18
Random Acts of Kindness Week

1 – 31
National Nutrition Month

1 – 31
Save Your Vision Month

1 – 31
Workplace Eye Health and Safety Month

5 – 9
National School Breakfast Week

17 St. Patrick’s Day

March 26-30
National Youth Violence Prevention Week


1 – 30
Alcohol Awareness Month

1 – 30
Foot Health Awareness Month

1 – 30
National Autism Awareness Month

1 – 30
National Child Abuse Prevention Month

1 – 30
National Youth Sports Safety Month

1 -30
National Humor Month

1 – 30
Sports Eye Safety Month

April 5
A Day To End Sexual Violence – National Sexual Violence Resource Center

World Health Day

2 – 6
National Work Zone Awareness Week

April 15-21
Cowboy Poetry Week

April 16-20, 2007
National Occupational Health Nursing Week

22 Earth Day

28 – May 6
National SAFE KIDS Week

28 – 29
2007 WalkAmerica – March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation


1-31 National Correct Posture Month

1 – 31
National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month

1 – 31
National Military Appreciation Month

1 – 31
Older Americans Month

1 – 31
Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month

1 – 31
Better Sleep Month

1 – 31
Healthy Vision Month

1 – 31
National Physical Fitness and Sports Month

1 – 31
National Bike Month

Cinco de Mayo

May 9 -National Teacher Day

May 6-12
North American Safety and Health Week

May 7-11
Teacher Appreciation Week

May 6th – 12th
National Nurses Week

6 – 13 National SAFE KIDS Week

13 Mother’s Day

14 – 19
National Women’s Health Week

14 – 19
National Running and Fitness Week

National Employee Health and Fitness Day

National Missing Children’s Day

29  Memorial Day

World No Tobacco Day


June National Outdoors Month

National Fishing Week

4 – 10
National Headache Awareness Week
National Headache Foundation (Links mostly go to drug companies.)

12 – 18
National Men’s Health Week

18 Father’s Day

National ASK Day
PAX/Real Solutions to Gun Violence

25 – July
1 Helen Keller Deaf – Blind Awareness Week

Medical System Gets a “D” and What You Can Do About It

Practice Marketing Tips

U. S. Medical Care Gets a “D”
According to this article, studies show that the US health-care system is in poor shape. Of course, it is not the “health-care” system, but the “disease-care” system which dominates our country. You can find the complete study here. Link

In a roundabout way, this study is actually good news for you. Why?

Because you are the solution, or part of the solution, to the United States “health-care” system’s bad marks. You and your patients.

Natural health care methods shift the responsibility from the pharmaceutical companies to the individual health care consumer. More exercise, better nutrition, better living habits, and, of course, chiropractic, will improve true health and reduce medical and drug costs.

In short, the more people you can get into your office and follow a “chiropractic lifestyle”, the better our “health-care” system will be.

Here are some action steps: You can make copies of the article and hand them out to your patients. A few could be pinned up in your adjusting/treatment room bulletin boards for “table talk” discussions. The article can be discussed with your patients at your lay lecture, and you can definitely go over it at your next staff meeting.

As chiropractors and chiropractic staff, we can take even more of a leadership role in improving the health care of our country. And, leadership is needed.

Most of your patients will feel the same and can be encouraged to help out by bringing in family and friends for a chiropractic conference, check-up, workshop, etc.  The following projects are more actions steps you can take to have your patients help you to promote your services.

They can be leaders too.

October. The American Chiropractic Association recognizes October as National Spinal Health Month. Here is a way to use this in an effective promotion. (Link includes a free poster.)

Halloween. Turn it into a Kid’s Day. Patients can bring in their kid’s to “Trick or Treat.” Kids can get a scoliosis check, and in return, they can receive a treat. You can also offer an award to the best costume by age group. And if you don’t want to have a Kid’s Day, the staff can dress up (and doctors) and have the patients vote on the best costume. Costumes should be fun – nothing too scary and nothing gory. You can also take pictures and put them in you next newsletter.

“Office Hours”. Do you have “Office Hours”, “Business Hours”, or “Clinic Hours?” Do you have a sign that lists your “Hours of Operation?” To reinforce the concept of wellness and healing at your clinic, why not put up a sign that says: “Healing Hours”, or “Wellness Hours”, and then list the days and hours that you are open to see patients.

Christmas/Holiday Cards. Now is the time to start thinking about your Holiday Cards. How about a photo of you and your staff wishing everyone a Healthy Christmas, Healthy Holiday, & Healthy New Year?
November. November is a classic time for a donation drive of some kind. If you don’t want to go through the effort of a donation drive, you can simply have a drawing for a Turkey. Or 5 Turkey’s. Make the drawing based (baste) upon certain factors, such as: attended the lay lecture, brought in a friend for a free screening, wrote a testimonial, were on time for at least 5 of their appointments, handed out at least 4 of the doctor’s cards or “Guest Passes” , or etc. You can set up your own criteria and allow the patient to enter the drawing by receiving tickets for each activity they completed. Again, keep it fun.

Spinal Health Awareness Week

The American Chiropractic Association recognizes October as National Chiropractic Health Month. You can use this as a springboard and tie-in to sponsor a “Low Back Awareness Week” or “Spinal Health Awareness Month.”  It can be “in conjunction with National Spinal Health Month.”

Throw up some posters around the office, get some press releases off to local newspapers, and put a notice in your statements.  Offer a free spinal screening, a trigger point workshop, or whatever you want. The more attractive the offer, the better.  Have a staff meeting and cook up something fun.  This is designed to generate referrals, but to do so, it should also generate some enthusiasm with your staff.

You can find a down-loadable poster here in pdf format. For those of you who have the Marketing Manager System CD or Binders, you may email us and we will send you two sample posters in Word format for easy customization.

Promoting Kid’s Health

Kids Health Care and Chiropractic (updated 8/10/2010)

The “Back To School” season is a great time to host a special promotion for children’s health and chiropractic care. There are many different approaches to this, which include:

  • Kid’s Health Care Awareness Week
  • Kid’s Day
  • Kid’s Health Care Workshop for Parents
  • Backpack Safety Week
  • Kid’s Health and Safety Day
  • School Supply Drive

These are internal promotions for your patients and their family and friends. (They can also be for external promotion as well.)

For those of you who have the Marketing Manager System (sm) , you can click to the “Toolkit” and, under “Special Promotions” and find more information about promotions to and for kid’s.

These events are not usually designed to generate a large number of new patients in the short term.  A few perhaps, but they can be a useful tool to create long term relationships with parents, future patients, and good will in your community.

For more information on children health care and chiropractic, look into the follow linked sources:

We have also added a sample poster which you can down load, and an extra poster that one of our clients just did. (Active clients and Marketing Management System owners: let us know and we can email you the poster on Word format, or you can find them on your MMS program or on your PMA members site.)

By the way, internal office posters do not have to be professionally done.  In fact, they are usually less effective if they are.  Internal posters are just friendly notices, between you and the patient.

As with all internal type of promotions, the effectiveness of this program depends upon the motivation level of the doctors and staff.  Do you and your doctors and staff have a real purpose for this promotion?  If so, are you going to have some fun with it?   If so, it will work well!

Good News Bad News: Using Patient Testimonials

I make my living off the evening news
Just give me something-something I can use
People love it when you lose,
They love dirty laundry
–Don Henley

We live in a world of losses and failures – of tragedy and of many serious issues for grave concern.

Or at least, it seems that way.  But is it true?

Certainly, horrible events happen. But the percentage of bad to good is probably very minor.   Mostly, there is an abundance of wonderful events that are constantly occurring. But are they news-worthy?

It seems that most people find bad and sensational news more interesting, and this is what our media gives us.  But too much bad news can lower our morale, dampen our spirits, and make it more difficult for us to reach our practice goals.

It happens in your practice all the time: your attention will stick on that one tough case you had a few days ago. Remember?

It has been said that: “You can’t let the negative Few outweigh the positive Many.”

Not only do you want to limit your exposure to negativity, you also want to accentuate the positive “Many.”  Here are some steps you can take to do this:

1. Notice your patients. If they seem to be doing better, tell them.
2. Compliment your patients for keeping their appointments.
3. Compliment them for attending your patient education programs.
4. Check to see if they are making any life style changes or doing their exercises. Compliment them for anything they are doing new to improve their health.
5. When they have shown significant improvement, ask them to fill out a Patient Success Survey.
a. Click here for a sample form
b. Click here for a actual success story.
c. Click here for a sample Doctor letter to patient about writing success stories.  (Note: this is for PM&A clients but is available now publicly for a limited time.)

6. Read these patient successes at your staff meetings, and displayed in your office and on your web site.

Promoting the successes of your patients efforts to improve their health has many benefits:
· It validates the work they put into improving their health and reinforces their desire to do so.
· It recognizes their accomplishments and helps identify your office as the major contributing factor to their success.
· They are more likely to promote their achievements to others and refer them to you.
· You can use their testimonies and successes to validate your services to your staff and doctors.
· You can use their written successes on your web site, newsletter, bulletin board, or other media to promote the services you provide.

We all can take for granted too many of our accomplishments, and those of others. If you do start to celebrate the wins you have, you will likely see more of them.

These are my health care successes:

(Directions: Please write a few sentences regarding your condition before treatment, and then a few sentences regarding your condition now after receiving the health care we provided.)
Name ________________________

1. Describe your condition. How long had you been suffering?  How did it start?
2. What previous unsuccessful steps had you taken to try to solve your problem?

3. How did you find out about Dr. _____________?

4. Describe what Dr. _______________  did to help you. ( Examination, x-ray, treatment program, etc.)

5. What did Dr. _______ tell you your problem was?

6. Describe your progress, your results , and the benefits you received.
7. How has your life been improved since coming to our office? What can you do now that you could not do before?
8. Words of encouragement for others who have similar problems.
Signature _____________________________ Date_________
I hereby give my permission to publish my success story in whole or in part: (initial) _______

Procedure for
Success Story
Questionnaire Form

When the patient is ready to write their “success story”, have her or him fill out this survey.

Then, you can re-type it and have them sign the new version. Type the following on the bottom of the newly retyped story. When you display the patient’s story, you can mention: “(Individual results vary. These accounts were obtained without remuneration and within HIPAA guidelines.)”  You may also want to check with your state association if you have any questions.

I hereby give my permission to publish my success story in whole or in part:
Signature _________________________________   Date:______________________

Actual Recent Patient Testimonial


February 2006

I have spinal stenosis, which is a narrowing of the spinal column that causes lower back pain along with some arthritis.  I also have spondylolisthesis recently diagnosed early in 2005.  This is the term for a slipped vertebrae compressing on a nerve.  This added to my lower back pain, including right leg and foot pain.  I have been dealing with the discomfort through pain management, epidural steroid injections, orthotics, massages, ibuprofen and chiropractic treatments.  This was all done in my hometown.  After moving to Smithville [name of town changed] two years ago these treatments ceased and the pain worsened.

I then saw a neurosurgeon in Smithville. The surgeon said I needed a lumbar spinal fusion which would be done in a seven hour procedure.  Recovery would take 6 months, sometimes as much as 18 months before fusion is complete.  She told me I did not have much of a choice.  Was she wrong!  I sought a second opinion and was told I did not need an invasive surgery as she suggested.

I met Dr. A at the Women’s Expo in the fall of 2005.  I told him my tale of woe.  He did a computerized spinal exam, which showed my right side from neck to lower back was unbalanced.  He was very encouraging and seemed to know exactly what was giving me back pain.  I have been receiving treatments from him ever since until January 2006.  I am now on monthly maintenance treatments which I feel is very important to maintain my road to recovery.

I can now sleep through the night.  Being fairly active senior citizen.  I can resume most of the activities I enjoy doing, which improves my mental attitude. I am looking forward to summer gardening, playing with my grandchildren, golfing, hiking and more, all with less pain than before.

Thank you Dr. A for helping to improve my lifestyle and to enjoy life to the fullest.  Yoga, meditation, healthy eating and a positive mental attitude professed by you has influenced my life.  Your friendly and professional staff, A & K are a plus to your practice.  I am always greeted with a smile and genuine concern for my well being. Chiropractic is the way to go!
J. M.

(Individual results vary. These accounts were obtained without remuneration and within HIPAA guidelines.)

Health Observance Dates

The following dates are listed by various web sites as special times to observe a particular health related subject. Trade associations will designate a date where they can showcase their services. There may be other reasons for these “observances”, but promotion is certainly one of them.

These dates give you many new avenues in which you can promote your services. But, they won’t work by themselves. They are opportunities for creative, bright, and energetic health care promoters.

  • Give a workshop in your office on the theme. Do this workshop alone, or in conjunction with a local professional related to the subject.
  • Promote a special screening for the condition or theme.
  • Work with local related professionals or associates and schedule workshop or screenings outside of the office. You can do this with them, or for them.
  • Set up a donation program in conjunction with a particular theme.
  • Set up your own dates to observe a health condition, as many office that we work with do.


1-28 Heart Month
www.americanheart.org Participate in the local “Heart Walk.” Give your patients a free cap if they participate in the walk and bring in a friend for an exam and or massage. Donate the money paid to the local Heart Foundation.
1–28 AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month
www.preventblindness.org Set up a health fair with a local optometrist.

1– 28 Kids E.N.T. (Ears, Nose, Throat) Health Month
www.entnet.org/KidsENT Give a workshop on “Kid’s Care” with a nurse or M.D.

5 – 11 National Burn Awareness Week

7 – 14 Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week


11 – 18 Cardiac Rehabilitation Week
American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation

12 – 18 Children of Alcoholics Week

17 National Women’s Heart Day

26 – March 4 National Eating Disorders Awareness Week


1 – 31 National Nutrition Month

1 – 31 Workplace Eye Health and Safety Month

1 – 31 Save Your Vision Month

1 – 31 National Brain Injury Awareness Month

1 – 31 National Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month

6 – 10 National School Breakfast Week

13 – 20 Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week

13 – 19 Brain Awareness Week

17 St. Patrick’s Day

1 – 30 National Occupational Therapy Month

1 – 30 National Humor Month

1 – 30 National Youth Sports Safety Month

1 – 30 Sports Eye Safety Month

1 – 30 National Child Abuse Prevention Month

1 – 30 Foot Health Awareness Month

3 – 7 National Youth Violence Prevention Week
National Association of Students Against Violence Everywhere

7 World Health Day

22 Earth Day
22 – 29 National Infant Immunization Week

29 – 30 2006 WalkAmerica
March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation

30 – May 6 North American Occupational Safety and Health Week


1-31 National Correct Posture Month

1 – 31 National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month

1 – 31 Older Americans Month
U.S. Administration on Aging

1 – 31 Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month

1 – 31 Better Sleep Month

1 – 31 Healthy Vision Month

1 – 31 National Physical Fitness and Sports Month

1 – 31 National Bike Month

5 Cinco de Mayo

May 1-7 Teacher Appreciation Week

6 – 13 National SAFE KIDS Week

12 Fibromyalgia Awareness Day

14 Mother’s Day
14 – 20 National Women’s Health Week

14 – 20 National Running and Fitness Week
American Running Association and American Medical Athletic Association

15 – 19 Bike to Work Week

15 National Women’s Check-up Day

17 National Employee Health and Fitness Day
National Association for Health and Fitness

25 National Missing Children’s Day

29 Memorial Day

31 World No Tobacco Day

June National Outdoors Month  http://www.greatoutdoorsmonth.org/

3-11 National Fishing Week

4 – 10 National Headache Awareness Week
National Headache Foundation

12 – 18 National Men’s Health Week

18 Father’s Day

21 National ASK Day
PAX/Real Solutions to Gun Violence

25 – July 1 Helen Keller Deaf – Blind Awareness Week
Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youth and Adults

Get Outside to Promote in the Summer

It’s Summer. Get Outside!

Summer is a great time to promote your services.

Get a list of upcoming community events from the Chamber of Commerce and schedule a screening, talk, an information booth, your own participation, or just a visit. Be neighborly.

For example, local fairs or county fairs have been very good for special health screenings.  There is often a run or walk as part of a donation program during the summer months which you and your staff can participate in it. We have seen offices proudly wear their office t-shirts, and recruit many patients to do the same.

Screenings still work, but they have to be well organized. Most importantly, the people doing the screenings have to want to be there and have fun doing them.  Whether you do a screening, or run,  or just show up with your friendly conversation and cards, there are many summer events for you to get out and do some networking.

Here are just some of the benefits:

  • Meet new people who can eventually become new patients or new referral sources.
  • Meet active patients and strengthen your relationship with them in a different setting.
  • See inactive patients and reactive them, or encourage referrals from them.
  • Get out get some sun and have some fun!

Patient Retention: Form for Determining Percent of New Patients Still Active After 3 Months

Percent of NP’s Still Active After 3 Months

Number of NPs NPs from three months ago still active Percentage
October January
November February
December March
January April
February May
March June
April July
May August
June September
July October
August November
September December
Total Total


Percentage: NPs Still Active/NPs from three months ago = x 100.
Example: March 25 NPs still active from Dec. / December there were 30 NPs = 25/30= .833.
.833x 100 = 83.3%

Percent of NPs Still Active After 3 Months

Number of NPs NPs from three months ago still active Percentage
October January
November February
December 30 March 25 83%
January April
February May
March June
April July
May August
June September
July October
August November
September December
Total Total

Spring Flower Seed Promotion

Flower Seed Promotion

A fun internal promotion is the Flower Seed Promotion used to generate patient referrals.

Spring is a happy time of year. Flowers bloom, life is renewed, and the activities of summer await.

Using this theme, you can encourage your patients to help their family and friends get in shape for summer recreation.

Attach a coupon to a package of flower seeds. You can attach the coupon with glue, a stapler, or plastic tape. Then, attach about 5 of these seed packages a poster. An example is below.

Spring Flower Seed Promotion

The coupon offers a free consultation, and exam, or screening, and or initial x-rays, and or 10 minute massage, and or flexibility testing, etc. Whatever you want to offer as a free health oriented service to the families and friends of your patients.

You may also want to place some of these posters around town, such as in laundromats, bookstores, etc. An example of the text for the coupon is below.

Valuable Coupon

To help you get healthier we are giving you a complete health examination and consultation all at NO-CHARGE!

(Please pass this offer along to a friend or family member if you are unable to use this valuable coupon.)

Please call us at (123) 456-7890 to schedule your appointment.

Offer good for anyone who hasn’t been in since 1/1/99 – Expires 5/14/99

name of office

(For active clients and member’s, a customizable version of this poster is available on  your  Member’s site.)

For more information about the Marketing Manager System interactive computer CD, click here.

(As with all promotions, be sure that you are in compliance with federal and state statutes.)

Monthly Marketing Managment Duties

Monthly Marketing Management and Coordinating Duties
[Note: This article has a special introduction from Marge, the practice marketing manager and coordinator who is featured in the Marketing Manager System Interanctive CD. For more information about this powerful marketing tool for chiropractors and their staff, click here.]

Marge, your Practice Marketing Manager

Greetings!  Good job for making it through the month! I am sure that you and the entire team accomplished a great deal.

Here are your monthly duties. They include limited planning, and mostly coordinating ongoing activities. The planning we will do will be mostly special promotions, direct marketing projects that need specific scheduling. We won’t even question the recurring activities until the 3-month meeting. So, let’s take a look at how we did.

___1. Statistics. Get month ending statistics for “new patients” and “office visits”, and any other statistics that you are using.

___2. Sources. If available, determine the source of the new patients, which should be logged in your computer, or on the “New Patient Log” and “New Patient Tracker.”

___3. Planner/Calendar. Review the marketing planner or calendar, and check how each scheduled project for the past month did. Note if it was done, and if so, how effective the project was. Get the numbers if you can.

___4. Proposal and Plan. Work out a tentative plan of future scheduled activities as a proposal in preparation to the meeting with your doctor.

___5. Coordination Meeting. Meet with the clinic director and go over with him or her: a) what you have discovered about how the past marketing has been working and b) your proposed plan for the future. Incorporate her or his ideas and add to, revise, and or continue scheduled activities on your planner/calendar.  This is a brief planning for the next 3-6 months and should last about an hour.

___6.  Next Meetings. Reconfirm your next month’s meeting and your 3-month meeting.

___7. Goals. Set monthly goals for total new patients and visits at a staff meeting or with your doctor at this meeting.

___8. Coordination. Spend time to ensure that all projects are coordinated with all areas of the office, and any outside vendors or contacts.

____9. Publish Calendar. Print the calendar and post it on a bulletin board for the rest of the staff to review.