Asking Permission, Gaining Respect

By Dr. Tom Potisk

Doctors of chiropractic appreciate respect as do patients. When a doctor acknowledges and recognizes that the patient may have limited time and money, a mutual respect develops and the situation becomes win-win. For example, when making a recommendation to a patient, ask “May I explain the tests that need to be performed today?”, and then “These will take approximately ____ minutes. Do you have time today?”

After explaining the results, a good follow up is: “Are you ready to start treatment today?” Then explain the treatment.

Far too often doctors get into a routine and they begin to assume that the patient wants what you’re about to perform. Asking their permission to proceed not only relaxes the patient but lowers your liability because you’ve gotten their consent.

Never assume that permission has already been obtained by staff. Ask “Has the receptionist explained our procedures and policies?”

For gaining referrals, avoid the harsh “Bring in your spouse and child for a spinal exam.” Instead ask, “Many of my patients bring their family here for preventive check-ups. Would you be interested in how that works?” The best time to ask this is when the patient has praised your treatment. As Doctor Sid Williams says, “Breed them while they’re in heat!”

For building a wellness care practice, a great question is “If there were a way of preventing this problem from reoccurring and avoiding new problems would you be interested?”

At the end of your practice day, reflect upon it and take notice of how many times you asked questions versus issued advice and orders. The ratio should be about 50:50. Don’t be afraid to ask your staff for their perspective of your performance. They are your best source of input and will feel honored by your inquiry.

In this era of managed health care and busy lifestyles, asking for the patient’s permission goes a long way in gaining their respect and building a joy filled successful practice.

Dr. Tom Potisk has been a client of PM&A for nearly all of his 25 year multi-doctor practice. He now works with PM&A and is soon publishing a book titled Reclaim The Joy Of Practice.