Fall Chiropractic Marketing

Here are some quick ideas for you to consider for your fall marketing of your chiropractic services.

There are different approaches to these themes and projects. Please give us a call anytime for advice on how to implement them. You can also find them on your MMS computer program. For those of you on the MMS Coaching program, you can also find information on your Member’s site, which is updated often.


  • September – Kid’s Day
    i.    Spinal Care Class (New patients and their guests friends.)
    ii.   Care To Share Program (Referral drawing)
  • October – “Pinched Nerve Awareness Week” (October is national Spinal Health Month.)
    i.    Reactivation Program
  • November – “Headache Awareness Week”
  • December – Donation Drive
  • January – Weight loss and Fitness Programs

Community Services
Now is an excellent time to work on setting up your external community events. Schedule workshops and screenings in business, clubs, and organizations over the next 5 months – through January.

An important key to setting up these events is knowing what it is you are going to provide. For example: a workshop on headaches, or fitness, or a screening, or something else entirely.

We have found that there is a direct ratio between having a clear idea of what service you are going to provide and the success in scheduling the event. Here are some ideas, but again, there are many more on your MMS computer program and please call if you have any questions.

  1. “8 Healthy Home Remedies for Relieving Headaches”
  2. “How to Stay Fit When You Sit”
  3.   Company Health Fair
  4.   Employee Appreciation Luncheon

Lastly, and as always, keep yourself inspired.  One way to do this is to keep learning and working on improving your procedures.   Fall is not just a time when children get to learn. We always have the opportunity to improve if we just study.  We can analyze our new patient intake procedures, our patient education programs, our clinical protocols for different cases, etc.

If you are feeling like your practice is getting boring, just study it. Learn how it could be improved.  A professional is constantly improving.

Till next time,


Medical System Gets a “D” and What You Can Do About It

Practice Marketing Tips

U. S. Medical Care Gets a “D”
According to this article, studies show that the US health-care system is in poor shape. Of course, it is not the “health-care” system, but the “disease-care” system which dominates our country. You can find the complete study here. Link

In a roundabout way, this study is actually good news for you. Why?

Because you are the solution, or part of the solution, to the United States “health-care” system’s bad marks. You and your patients.

Natural health care methods shift the responsibility from the pharmaceutical companies to the individual health care consumer. More exercise, better nutrition, better living habits, and, of course, chiropractic, will improve true health and reduce medical and drug costs.

In short, the more people you can get into your office and follow a “chiropractic lifestyle”, the better our “health-care” system will be.

Here are some action steps: You can make copies of the article and hand them out to your patients. A few could be pinned up in your adjusting/treatment room bulletin boards for “table talk” discussions. The article can be discussed with your patients at your lay lecture, and you can definitely go over it at your next staff meeting.

As chiropractors and chiropractic staff, we can take even more of a leadership role in improving the health care of our country. And, leadership is needed.

Most of your patients will feel the same and can be encouraged to help out by bringing in family and friends for a chiropractic conference, check-up, workshop, etc.  The following projects are more actions steps you can take to have your patients help you to promote your services.

They can be leaders too.

October. The American Chiropractic Association recognizes October as National Spinal Health Month. Here is a way to use this in an effective promotion. (Link includes a free poster.)

Halloween. Turn it into a Kid’s Day. Patients can bring in their kid’s to “Trick or Treat.” Kids can get a scoliosis check, and in return, they can receive a treat. You can also offer an award to the best costume by age group. And if you don’t want to have a Kid’s Day, the staff can dress up (and doctors) and have the patients vote on the best costume. Costumes should be fun – nothing too scary and nothing gory. You can also take pictures and put them in you next newsletter.

“Office Hours”. Do you have “Office Hours”, “Business Hours”, or “Clinic Hours?” Do you have a sign that lists your “Hours of Operation?” To reinforce the concept of wellness and healing at your clinic, why not put up a sign that says: “Healing Hours”, or “Wellness Hours”, and then list the days and hours that you are open to see patients.

Christmas/Holiday Cards. Now is the time to start thinking about your Holiday Cards. How about a photo of you and your staff wishing everyone a Healthy Christmas, Healthy Holiday, & Healthy New Year?
November. November is a classic time for a donation drive of some kind. If you don’t want to go through the effort of a donation drive, you can simply have a drawing for a Turkey. Or 5 Turkey’s. Make the drawing based (baste) upon certain factors, such as: attended the lay lecture, brought in a friend for a free screening, wrote a testimonial, were on time for at least 5 of their appointments, handed out at least 4 of the doctor’s cards or “Guest Passes” , or etc. You can set up your own criteria and allow the patient to enter the drawing by receiving tickets for each activity they completed. Again, keep it fun.

Fast Tips I

  • Chiropractic Quiz. Once per quarter, promote an internal drawing for modest prizes based upon a drawing of patient quizzes.  Make up a list of eight to ten easy questions asking for the definition of “subluxation”, some questions about the office (how long has the our office been here?), history about chiropractic, and maybe referral question like “At what age should kids get a chiropractic check-up?” All the answers should be available in pamphlets, wall posters, or even from the staff. The staff then grade each quiz and all that are 100% go into the drawing for prizes donated or bought from local vendors (who are ideally also your patients). This could be a part of a special “Chiropractic Education Week.”
  • Card Quota. An “old school” program that works because it forces you to communicate, promote and network. Set a modest goal each morning of how many cards you are going to hand out, come rain or shine. Don’t be too ambitious, because you can’t go home until you have reached your goal. This is a disciplined program. This is a little bit like doing push-ups – It can seem tedious, but if you make a habit out of it, you will have a stronger practice.
  • Special Promotions Scheduled. Schedule at least two special types of promotions over the next six months, such as a special appreciation day for your local firemen, seniors, or some other group, or schedule a “Chiropractic Education Week.”  And remember, October is just around the corner, and it is as “National Spinal Health Month”.
  • Outside Sign. If you can get a marquee installed next to your outside sign, do so. Promote your upcoming events on it. Work out a monthly schedule of announcements mixed in with motivational quotes. Keep changing the marquee.